


KREE the noble race of the universe who believes they were blessed by the celestials providing them with gifts, by which they used to built empires, Advanced technology and also achieve space travel.

For millions of years they flourished expanding their influence throughout the universe fighting invaders, waging wars and conquering planets. But all good things must come to an end.

Like Thanos said " The Hardest choices require the strongest will" the words that echoed toward the universe haunting people and species with centuries to come " A prophecy".

Population had became too much for one empire to bear and without proper insight and prediction it became uncontrollable. Yes they have developed at a fascinating rate born in a planet and galaxy with vast resources, their arrogance and pride blinded them thinking their empire will last forever. If unlike Nova corps they did not think as other species as lesser and mixed blood of species as Impure, chaos in their empire would not have ensued weakening them.

Unlike Nova Empire who preaches diversity and sharing of ideas and friendly competition. The KREE believe in Nobility and supremacy above all, they despise diverse species soo much! that they refuse to take advice from them.

Even though the KREE empire was done with the labor and help of various species hired as workers or as slaves, maybe that is why their arrogance shadowed them from what is viable and Right.

Civil unrest ensued and then a civil war that reduced the population at a drastic rate. Within this chaos they chose to cut of protection of fleet and supplies to other colonies hording everything for themselves " As selfish and arrogant they can be". Later this decision has made them regret in the future.

Galactic Pirates became a huge rise with Saakar providing them with parts of ships to fix and weapons and salvaging parts and treasures to survive had provided a way for living. But it won't last them that much.

With weapons of unknown origin from various ancient races and planets, several mass genocide had happened that made the idiots of politicians awake from their arrogance.

They created the STAR FORCE with their relations to the ideas of Nova Corps they have witnessed. With several planets decimated due to the rampage of abandoned citizens and pirates, they dropped the hammer of so called justice. Obliterating the very citizens that made the empire flourish releasing the planet destroying missiles. Though they have committed this sins that cannot be repented.

" There will be no one to complain if there is no one to complain".

And thus with all their sins covered and buried well and history twisted to show their righteousness of dealing with invaders and treason, the STARFORCE became renowned unaware of sneering giving by Nova Corps and other Civilization and thus another war happened due to a petty reason of insult against the Empire.

With KREE weakened with all the civil strife and pirates it was not even a war to be won by them. Nova corps who has preached diversity and companionship of different species has obtained various technologies with far more uses that created a gap in the knowledge sector of kree.

Then came their dreaded nightmare for both Nova Corps and KREE that was forgotten as an ancient race that perished within the conflict with celestials. If only they knew the civilization was even with the celestials.

" The Kryptonians"

Their weaponry and ships where at their standards barely but that is not what is fearful of them. But the most concerning thing was their unexplained speed, strength and endurance which to their surprise has baffled them again and again .

They can tank lasers like it was nothing, Speed and Strength like those valiant Asgardians with muscles in their head.

Nova Corps and Kree reached a Conesus to work together to find their weakness. They were like demons in the battlefield. Even though they were damaged to some extent but they healed at a fast rate!.

They thought they were the greatest creation by celestials or from the Universe that existed before. With their origin unknown they were a force to reckon with.

Kree thought they can swat them like flies like they always done shaking the hornets nest but never expected to receive a blow to the heart.

Though it seemed a new force would rule the universe! they suddenly retreated and disappeared!. Their intentions to withdraw was unknown thinking it was a strategic retreat. Kree can give a sigh of relief with them gone or their prestige would go down the drain with them blessed by celestials. If only they knew they were failures created by celestials with information buried or destroyed just like they did to their society, the irony would hit them hard if the truth was revealed or even denied to their arrogance.

With their threat looping over them has passed they can only relax and forget about their embarrassment. With the might of kryptonians forgotten with politicians saying it was a hoax they let their guard down again. Foolish as they can get instead of developing their civilization in fear of mutiny they became still. Now with one mishaps of information the demos has risen once again to haunt them like a nightmare.

!!!!! At the certain dark corner of the galaxy!!!!

With Krypton exploding an energy signature was detected by the kree empire outpost who patrols the corner of galaxy.

The border soldiers can do nothing but play cards and games on their console. They still cannot wrap their head over at why Elite soldiers were here guarding the corner of and unknown civilization that seemed to be forgotten and be weary to shoot them down.

They could just conquer their planet and be done with it just like they did over their history of battles. Why is this civilization so special? do they have the power to take on the universe?.

!!????!! : Commander we have detected a strange energy signal from the planet of the civilization we are spying on. Should we send a scout ship to see what has happened?.

Commander: Yes Haa! Uff! send one pelican with AI to see if a ship has been launched from there or using special space technology to make a light speed travel.

!!!???!!!: Yes Commander.

The soldier saluted and exited the office of the golden skin porty fat commander. They commander again going back to sleep.

Just like the orders given by commander they launched a stealth pelican operated by AI to scout the Area of the center of the enemy planet. It took a few days to reach with no intrusion to the multiple ships send by them.

Behold they saw the planet exploded and collapsed on their unstable core. With the message sent with images the upper echelon can only silently rejoice of their greatest enemies demise, but the second news has caused dread and concern with a supposed space drive initiated to escape. The upper echelon of KREE ordered them with haste to find survivors and kill them immediately!. Later did they know a huge storm was approaching toward them.

With Zod and his crew still finding Food, Survivors and Ships to scrounge. With their phantom drive with no tracing signature has provided enough time to reach a place! a place with a yellow sun!.

They crew of Zod made haste to quickly find anything they could use. A world Engine, Some Water and food and mostly a lone planet to land and sort his thoughts of what to do but his thoughts were quickly broken by the warning of Van-Ek with warning of approaching ships.

Van-Ek: Sir it seems to have after several years like you predicted! the kree has discovered our tail and destruction of our planet!. They seems to have send battle ships to capture or Eradicate us!.

Zod: Of course! they would! we have given them beatings after beatings with all the pointless war they raged because of their worthless glorious empire!, Unlike our krypton who possessed disipline and purpose!. Foara! prepare everyone for a battle to the death!, if we fall we will do so with glory!.

Foara-Ul: Yes General!, everyone! to your battle stations!.

The Soldiers and Crew quickly prepped their rifles and gears preparing for one last battle for their General. They knew after Krypton got destroyed and their work to retrofit the phantom drive to escape from their misery, they will attract attention but not a good one. After all the battle and carnage they have done some people would be bound to seek revenge. But like always they protected krypton which was lost they will now protect Zod their General who has shed blood and sweat treating them like family!. Now they were give a new purpose when all seems lost to them. It seems Joe-El who their general painfully murdered the head of the house of El has give his son the codex and a crib to survive the explosion of krypton yo leave in an another planet. Like their general whose views were different wanted to save krypton! which they will respect all their lives. Now they must live LIVE! to fulfil the sacrifices made for this!.

Zod: I don't know if we will live or die, It mat seem all is lost. But never forget we have a purpose! a purpose to revive krypton! and establish it to it's glory! and serve it with all our might!. Now my Brothers and Sisters! live!. As long as one of us survives and finds Kal-El! we will be able to revive krypton!. Scream! your lungs out! and preach the glory of krypton! when you die valiantly!. LIVE!.

The ship reached a proper altitude to face the upcoming heavy fire from the Kree armada with one ship of krypton with it's full capacity operating to evade and return fire. But with full force of an empire's armada this will only continue as long as it takes for to finish a cup of tea.

Zods Black Zero under heavy fire and Damage accumulating with one an two armada ship destroyed which entered the atmosphere crash landed on the lone planet, the planet with the yellow sun!.

It was not even a battle the commander sips his tea looking at the weak civilization with advanced technology. It will be over before he takes the last sip.

But unbeknownst to them the ray of light has shined towards Zod in the pits of despair seeing half of his men dying out of 22 total cadres. He got out of the ship with pods ejecting with Foara in tow.

He readied his arms and opened his helped with his senses jumbled up and finally putting the filter to stop the loud noise that his hampering his senses with the strange atmosphere of planet. With the rest of the soldiers followers suit who survived he made up his mind to hijack one op the ship and escape with all the pelicans landing with kree soldiers armed to the teeth.

With all the pelicans landing showing the green skinned people walking with swagger like it will be a piece of cake has opened fire and made contact. Cross fire happened and several men fell from both sides but the strange thing is the side of the Kryptons soldiers seemed to get faster?. Maybe an advanced technology?. With all the armour blown away from each kryptonian with weapons all out of ammunition they charged toward the army of soldiers of kree with each step breaking the ground.

Nam-Ek Charged towards the soldiers of Kree empire tanking heavy fire which he knew will lead to his death but it seemed not o scratch him to his surprise. He knew under some sun when he did some missions he became stronger but tanking lasers? ,he does not know the limit of his unknown powers. All the information was classified of the interactions of the sun and kryptonian physiology. Maybe general can shed light to their questions at why they wear their armor and mask to filter solar radiation ordered by the council. Little did he knew that the council was afraid they would rebel with their powers that was said in history and the armor was to suppress them.

All armor gone and he was now at full embrace of the small yellow star which is young filling him with strength he never tasted!. With the similar situation occurring to all other kryptonians to kree it seemed like a nightmare!. If they shoot one and injure them they get up fully healed?, what kind of power is this?. Now they are tanking their attacks? and are useless?.

Now it was kree backing away from the surprise contacting their commander.

!!!????!!!: Commander!! the kryptonians seems to have unknown power that we have not been debriefed about!, please send proper information and weaknesses to us!.

Commander: Calm down Captain! they will fall soon and be exhausted when they run out of fuel! so take it easy and fire ordinance towards them.

!!!???!!!: Yes Commander!. Fire Ordinance now!.

Unbeknownst to them the chaos is just only beginning.

With every hour passed and soldiers sent they were all tore down with bare hands of kryptonians. With every fist strike blowing away the tanks and mechs firing at them. The jumbled senses of kryptonians being mastered at a certain extent due to the adrenaline rush and speed and strength increasing with each battle dodging all life threatening hits from a cannon and surviving several missile strikes thinking it was their end and falling to despair. But NO! nothing could scratch them! and they were not even tired but feeling refreshed with each battle and breathing of air. Their confidence rising and surprised with their new found powers . It was a bloody massacred with limbs and body skewed over the battlefield and machines now nothing but toys destroyed in the battle field. They hid and hijacked a pelican to escape with the troops who were panicking along with their commander. Threatening the people onboard of looming death.

Commander: What the Fuck! all thousands of troops decimated!. Make a strategic retreat! we must know more information from the Elders. The information given by the Intelligence Department was false!, they will have a piece of my mind. Quickly make a report captain when you reach the ship!.

!!!!!????!!!: Yes commander!.

Unknown to everyone to the foolish commander who is out of touch with combat, forgot the trojan horse method that enemy could use out of panic! dur to sensors blaring several deceased soldiers. He thought there were more kryptonians hidden or another unknown civiliztion, but no! it was only 11 people!. The Optical satellite on the outer orbit confirmed it!.

Now with the pelican docked! another chaos ensued with them underestimating the opponent. All the crew slaughtered with only the commander and some staffs to run the ship remained. The skills of kryptonians is not be underestimated and they quickly silenced the whole ship with skillful technique to assassinate of Foara-El. Other ships where panicked with the main ship hijacked as the have the planet destroying ordiance. With successful take over the flag ship Zod fired to the remaining ship in orbit with the help of advanced cannons mounted on the flag ship. A ruthless bloody battle occurred in space with few damage occurred to the flag ship. The rest of the crew tried to warn the Kree empire but with Kryptons advanced Information's technology their system was shut down through the pelican. Now they made their way toward the central kree empire.

!!!! Back to the Central Kree Empire!!!

There was fire everywhere! with land and building burning!. The shitty luck of kree having a huge yellow sun on top of it's empire. Whole planet with the ordinance rinsed broken in half. Billions of life lost!. Lava exploding from the planet of the kree central emipre.

Yonn Rogg the one who trained Captain Marvel can only despair at the sight of his planet burning.

The very weapon of mass destruction they made to end the fight in one swoop has came to bite them in the rear.

Mission Cleanse with the ship Oblivion carried those to end the last of the dangerous kryptonian race. What a horrifying race to commit genocide with such ease! all the women and children!.

He can only fall on his knees in despair and cry out to the sky!.

His heart empty and his eyes hollow and the only thing rose from it was wrath! and vengeance against them!. They have caused chaos and stolen a huge ship and hangers with machinery to fix and hold ships!. Though fortunately they have taken a Bunker but not the one with holding ships with more of the planet destroying weapons. As it was guarded closely the kryptonians can only take the bunker! those damn thieves!. With only a few ships gone with bunker he can at least have a peace of mind that his enemy does not have the capability anymore to launch doomsday weapons.

Unbeknownst to him a person has made his way behind his back, a hooded figure holding a hammer and gripped his shoulder.

!!!???!!: Do you want revenge?, If you do grasp my hand to avenge you companions who was torn to pieces. Clever they used the stolen ship to camouflage saying that they encountered loses fighting kryptonians. This is not the first time they have used the trick to sneak in a territory with this plan so what do you say?. Are you ready to sell you soul to me?.

Yonn Rogg looks up with hate filled eyes and says yes without hesitation.

!!!???!!: Find me the orb of eson the searcher and you will have you vengeance!.

[ The hooded man can only spit on the easy minded kree and their arrogance!. Once he was like that but now he has woken up to reality!. The kryptonians and the Nova Corps will pay for their deeds they have done in the past!].

!!!! Meanwhile on Earth!!!!

Clark or Kal-El was sipping on an orange juice in Hawaii with Melissa playing with Guinevere on the beach. Unknown to him that his peaceful life in My Hero Academia and Marvel added will always bring chaos and trouble in his doorstep and he has to deal with this Clusterfuck!. With no one to rely on in the battle but slowly he will realize that he has people that care for him and will support him even if he is different. Even though he does not believe in them in the slightest as he is an Alien and with insecurities of people showing fear and hate after Chitahuri invasion not trusting him and throwing him to zod to save themselves . Will he be a savior or a King? that he has to see in the future.

Now Loki is going to arrive with all his glory in tow.