

A normal mech geek gets reincarnated in marvel universe in the world boku no hero academia as superman with some powers of his own with some dc elements. Author: It will the timeline of year 2040 or 2060 or so to make sure the characters are present in this timeline, I will use 2XXX to rpresent year, calculations are messed up to pick an year. Stark will be born at 1998 or so captain will be in ice longer 90 years. Quirk Awakening will be at 1955 along with X-Men scenario.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


H" Raka!!!!

Jor-El shouted to his flying familiar to come to his aid, he was anxious, he was afraid, mostly he hoped that he can safely steal the codex and make on time to his precious child so precious that everything on krypton and the planet itself meant meaningless.


The flying familiar came with it's six wings and a face of a dragon but the hide and eyes are grey. Jor-El quickly jumped on it's back and made his way to the citadel where kryptons precious treasures are kept.


Everything was trembling around him, the gravitational field fluctuating making the ground make waves like the sea. He had warned the council several times and provided proofs with several earthquake readings that was happening around krypton, but the council denied his accusations telling him he has gone MAD. Him going Mad! kryptons brightest scientist! what ridiculous words, those idiots are nothing but a pack of fools! giving excuse that abandoning krypton goes against their customs of isolation set by their God Rao.

To Heck with customs and God! if they won't see krypton is dying he could only trust his close friend and his equal General Zod, they came to an agreement that krypton was dying and only to that statement they could agree but the plans Zod had was only genocide a coup and mass killing. If only he had been smart as him and not a hard liner of military doctrine he would have see the picture of new krypton free to choose their own destiny. The freedom of choice has been lost for eons, but now with the birth of his child hope has been born! and rekindled the fire of free will!.

Nothing can stop him now! even if it is heresy against his kind he will make sure kryptons legacy lives in the blood of his son!.


Geyser of magma blasted in front him trying to stop his path, it seemed fate is trying to stop him with all it's might so that he can perish along with his species. But Jor- El who is a master riser who tread dangerous jungles with his partner H" Raka this is nothing!. Fate be damned!.

He quickly made evasive maneuvers not getting hot by three geyser's that spawned suddenly, avoiding all the rocks flying with the explosions, but suddenly he lost balance and fell off. He had many ups and downs but this down is likely to kill him, he is reckless he will admit it doing crazy stunts he only hopes his son may not carry such tendency in the future. Before Jor-El hit the ground H" Raka snooped in and took him to a safe height.

Jor-El: Thank You old friend it is truly my greatest regret that my son cannot enjoy riding on your back.

Kelex: Sir we have reched the chamber.

Jor-El: How far down is it?

Kelex: Just below the chamber but sir I warn you stealing the codex is a Class B crim-

Jor-El: No one cares Kelex the world has come to an END.

Just as Jor-El said the world will come to an end within few weeks to implosion and the madness ensuing due to plan a survival for all of krypton but Zod the military leader has initiated a coup killing several members of the council while he was trying to convince them one last time to make a plan for him to take the CODEX containing genes of all the ancestors of krypton to send to a planet with good resources, amidst he will sneak it with his son on a ship he prepared to save him, he knew they will not listen so he would do it anyway .

Plasma guns flaring, airships firing at one another relentlessly without any care. It was really the end of the world now he has to go through the warzone of hundreds of ships baring their fangs at each other.

He removed his cape and suit and dived in the chamber and now with his wife Lara preparing the ship his only need is the key to that will give all his sacrifice to fruitation. There laid deep within kryptons greatest treasure the CODEX and there he snooped in and grabbed the codex.

Quickly he resurfaced with haste and made his mind set firmly to his destination. But suddenly a pelican made it's gun pointed at his back.

" Jor-El by the orders of general Zod surrender the codex"

Jor- El knew he is in a pinch but he will but he is someone who always finds a way to make his way out of it.

He looked a the edge of the cliff he was in but the pelican was not an idiot either and quickly fired a beam toward him.


Not minding the explosion behind him he jumped from the cliff, the most craziest desicion he made by far but he had trust in his long time partner H" Raka. The Flying dragon sooped him again.


Jor-El slapped the back of H" Raka to make haste as quickly as possible, there is no time, and oh how he wished there was time to spend time with his only child. He has spend these precious hours he has left before Zod kills him but before that he has to make out of the way from the gap of the exploding colliding ship in front of him.

He gripped tightly as it was now or never!, evading the crossfire from the shots that was blaring in the air and the warning bells chiming due to the alarm going of with the codex stolen he has to make it or there will be no krypton!.

He was close very close to be burnt to crisp if he gets caught in the aftermath, but with his H" Raka the trusted friends speed he made through.

He was no going farther away from the citadel toward his house away from the chaos in the sky and the ground. He made it but paid a price.

Jor-El: Easy Boy, Easy.

H" Raka was bleeding and looks like a metal shard from the explosion has made his way into the creatures lungs. But the loyal creature did not falter as his master seems to be anxious to reach his destination, so without any distractions it gave it's all to reach his masters expectation and it knew after this he will be dead but at least it had fulfilled his masters expectation and had one crazy journey with it's master .

H" Raka reached the platform of the House of El and fell immediately on it's landing with it's face on it's floor. Purple blood gushing out of it's wound and with one final breathe it feel to the embrace of death.

Jor-El patted his long friend and made his way toward to see his lovely son who was born just yesterday.

!!!!!Meanwhile with Alphonose!!!

When Alphonose opened his eyes he saw the most lovely women he has seen in his life.

[So this is Lara-Zor-El now my mother and she is beautiful, I wonder if Kara survived she will have a comparable beauty to mommy or not , maybe I will check the sun if I am on it with the training].

Lara was crying tears falling through her eyes seemed like a river.

Her son was born yesterday but before she could spoil him or play with him she has to send him away god knows where. Jor-El was crazy but not a Madman and certainly not a liar!, she knew at the first sight she saw him she fell madly in love. With all the years of marriage her husband's righteousness and honor did not falter nor his truthfulness.

She had felt the first tremor of krypton and from her intuition as a priestess of Rao she knew something was wrong. Kryptons destruction was imminent and only she believed in Jor but not anyone step forward to support him.

She agreed to his plans half- heartedly praying it was just a hoax just as everyone was saying but to her disappointment the time of reckoning came to pass and the core is now unstable, with the gravity fluctuating several earthquakes devastated the citadel and now she has to do no mother should ever go through.

Sending away her son to an unknown planet and God knows what they will do to them, will they kill him, Eat him like savages or worship him?. She does not know as she will be not there to hold this tiny little hands that still need mothers care to nourish and grow to help depend on himself in a lonely world.

Amidst her thinking the doors of the House of El opened gracing her with the presence of her husband.

Jor-El: Is everything ready?

Lara: Sniff Yes as you said per instructions.

Jor-El: Good and now the final process, so have you chosen a planet?.

Lara quickly swipes his hand to the screen and shows Jor.

Kelua :Orbiting a main sequence yellow star, just as you said it would.

Jor-EL: A young star his cells will drink it's radiation. A planet with a seemingly intelligent population and an evolution I cannot identify at the moment.

Lara: He'll be an outcast, a freak, they"ll kill him

Jor: How he'll be a God to them.

{If only Jod knew how right he was, but much more}

Lara: What if the ship doesn't make it, He'll die out there "Alone", I can't do, it! I thought I could.

Jor: Lara.

Lara: Now that he is here!.

Jor: Krypton is doomed, it's his only chance now, it's our peoples hope!.

Beep! Beep!

Jor: What is it kelex!.

Kelex: There are five attack ships converging from the east, citadel's defences are being scanned and evaluated.

Jor: I'll upload the codex.

But before that Lara graps Jor.

Lara: No.. wait..

Jor: Lara.

Lara: Just let me look at him. We'll never get to see him walk. Never hear him say our names.

Jor: Out there amongst the stars, he will live.

They both kiss Kal-El now Alphonose and set him to the crib, amongst this Alphonose knew a few seconds before the planet goes boom! and he could do nothing to stop it.

Jor-El under the gaze of Lara and Alphonose uploaded the codex. A white beam enters him and the child cries out.

All this time Jor and Lara keeps soothing him caressing gently with their hands for they shall never see him again.

Jor: Goodbye my son our hopes and dreams travel with you.

Lara cries one list time as Jor finally puts the kryptons AI in the crib of Kal.

Then with one last push the crib floats and enters the ship with it's hatch closing.

Five Ships came charging in towards the House of El firing their guns hot on gate.

Jor-El wearing his armour and Lara synchronizing the phantom drive to make the ship online.

Kealua: Phantom drive online.

Jor grabs the Rifle heading to his demise but he will make sure to give his life to take down Zod.

Now Jor stand facing Zod to stop him so that his son can forge his own destiny.

Zod: I know you stole the Codex Jor-El. Surrender it and I will let you live.

Jor: This is a second chance of all of krypton, not just the blood lines you deem worthy.

Zod: .....

Zod: What have you done?.

Jor: We have had a child zod, a boy child, kryptons first natural birth in centuries, he will be free, free to forge his own destiny.


Before Zod's soldier could do it Jor fired two shot downing both man due to them caught off guard of the surprise.

Zod grabbed the rifle and drove a straight fist to Jor's face and then used it to slam his head to knock him out, but Jor El was not a pushover and he reclaimed the gun due to the grip of zod's hand loosening to hit him and rammed it with it's edge to cut his face.

Zod pushed the rifle that Jor El is using to counter his attackand rammed him to the wall, he used Troaqusm Rao Martial art to quickly counter the blunt blows from zod and keep hammering him to the wall with the rifle misfiring.

Amidst this Lara was making haste to set the coordinates to the planet.

Jod let the rifles grip falter to let Zod off balance so that he puts more force to disarm him, with this little gap in concentration he quickly switched places giving quick jabs to his face. Zod Throws in some punches but Jor quickly swatts it away and with his bio mechanical armour his perpormance is doubled. Jor blocks a kick from zod and throws multiple jabs to disorient him and uses the power of this suit to overpower him kicking his ass.

Amidst this Alphonose was thinking of a imaginary l fist fight against one of the Great Commanders of Kryptons greatest scientist. Brain beats brawn bitches but he cannot bear to imagine what happens after this.

Jor brings Zod to his knees and picks the rifle and puts it on Zods head.


Jor and Lara make eye contact not knowing it is their last stand off, she looks down nothing the approval of her husbands eyes and pushes the button and then the pahantom drive roars to existence.


Zod brings out his hidden weapon, meanwhile Jor getting distracted seeing his sons departure one last time. Zod stabs Jor to his heart giving a fatal wound to his best friend and with this Jor's legacy comes to an end and a new legacy starts tying both his son's and Zod's destiny.

He gives one last look to Zod's face and falls over to the floor.

Lara quickly rushes to Jor to see his face one last time.

Zod: Your son Lara where have you send it , WHERE?.

Lara: His name is Kal son of El, and he is beyond your reach!.

Zod scrunched his face fearing the worst and quickly made his way toward his ships.

He looks at Faora outside and commands her.

Zod: Bring that ship down.

The pelican quickly makes it way upward and prepares to aim and fire at it, but before the piolet could set it on site BOOOM! it gets shot down.

A warship mades it's way towards Zods position.

" Lay down your weapons and surrender, your forces are surrounded".

Zod knowing he lost he laid it down, he would have continued the battle if he had the codex, but with Jor -El taking the codex and sending the ship god knows where he has truly lost. But he gives one last look to the ship with the crest of House of El and thinks as long he moves forward, there is still hope. With this his fate set in stone he will have his fateful reunion, but this union will anything but friendly.

!!!!! Few days later!!!!!

Head of Council: General Zod with the crimes of murder and high treason, the council has sentenced you and your fellow insurgents to three hundred cycles of somatic reconditioning. Do you have any last words.



ZOD: Jor-El was right your are a pack of fools, every last one of you!.

ZOS: And you! , you believe your son is safe!. I will find him!, I WILL RECLAIM WHAT YOU HAVE TAKEN FROM US!.

" I will find him, I will find him Lara, I WILL FIND HIM!"

With those words thrown out as a reckoning zod and his man were put in a egg of ice and then covering them in liquid metal he was shot off to black zero. With one last parting he was truly damned to eternity in the phantom zone.

!!!! With the last days of krypton!!!!

Lara put her hands on her husbands suit one last time and put it in the capsule and made her way to the balcony, with now lave geysers coming out of earth signaling the end of the world.

Kealua: Lady Lara should we not find refuge?

Lara: There is no refuge Kealua, Jor - El was right this is the end.

She looks at the sky one last time.

Lara: Make a better world than ours Kal.

With those parting worlds she got engulfed in the flames of her planet.

Cracks appeared on the planet and with the planet taking a breath one last time it imploded with several cllusters shooting throughout the cosmos.

Alphonose was feeling depressed so to show that depression physically his child self was crying.

This is just the beginning of the end.

With this he got sent to his destination.