

A normal mech geek gets reincarnated in marvel universe in the world boku no hero academia as superman with some powers of his own with some dc elements. Author: It will the timeline of year 2040 or 2060 or so to make sure the characters are present in this timeline, I will use 2XXX to rpresent year, calculations are messed up to pick an year. Stark will be born at 1998 or so captain will be in ice longer 90 years. Quirk Awakening will be at 1955 along with X-Men scenario.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


My inventions exploding in my face is not uncommon for me or sending me to hospital, but killing me straight is! damn it! yeah I sure messed up. My wife must be crying right now grasping my dead body. But I am glad making enough money to give a normal life for my children and my family, haa creating the thermonuclear reactor is my greatest achievement if only people gave attention to tesla and his inventions. Making a cold fusion reactor became easy after that with the palladium reactor I wished to make from Full Metal Panic!.

Damn it! only if I could watch the last season of it but alas the reaper took my life before watching the show. I was always a mech and technology geek with the ideas fascinating me on a whole another level. If only I could built a mech but the government banned me the technology saying it was dangerous.

My ass! that is dangerous! what about the flying ship you made haa! and the pelicans whoo! let bygones be bygones.

So umm old man how long are you going to sleep there are you not going to judge me or something?.

!!!!???!!!!: Hmm sorry child I was just gazing at the all my creation so have you done with your inner turmoil.

Alphonose: Umm! ok so will I go to heaven or hell?, why am I on a chair with an ice tea on my hand, am I dead or kidnapped in a virtual reality. I am pretty sure I was bleeding profusely with both of my hand exploding.

God: Yup! you are in after life or a place called limbo where time does not flow.

Alphonose: Cool how does it work?, Is time suspended here? or is it dilated?.

God: Ho Ho quiet the curiosity even after death no wonder you became the brightest star in your world, a scientist who revolutionized his era to space travel. Well that is an amazing feat for a human such as you so I called you here for a JOB.

Alphonose: Job? What Job? am I not dead?. If I was alive and you came in my dream I could do it, but now I am sipping on this holy Ice tea.

God: Well nothing much just reincarnate as Kal-El in Boku no Hero academia world in marvel universe.

Alphonose: WAIT!, WAIT! WAIT! you want me to become SUPERMAN in my hero academia world?, Like those shitty reincarnation story of fantasy?. Also you are GOD or the ONE ABOVE ALL?.

God: Well I am known by many names but by ONE ABOVE ALL that name is dominating for you to call me like that.

Alphonose: Umm yeah you created all of us why would you not?.

God: Enough of that child now! about the Job you will accept it as I know you are expecting something in return, I can read you mind from Millennium of years away.

Alphonose: Yeah! of course I can fulfil my long lost dream!.

God: Fine only three requests and use them carefully as you know marvel is dangerous.

Alphonose: okay it's like those reincarnation with wishes so okay but first which universe of marvel will I be in?.

God: The Movie one with the loki and the snappy purple aubergine but my hero academia added with maybe only some dc characters.

Alphonose: Okay so the movie but different with elements added, and I expect to go the same?. Will lex luthor and justice league be there in marvel?.

God: No!.

Alphonose: Oh man so I am with the Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four with no sony interfering with the character ownership. Haa! so let get this rolling I already have my requests in mind as I am put to work again.

God: All right as I am your creator for pulling you out of heavens door this three would do.

Alphonose: My First request.

1st request: I want a powerful esper and psychic ability which is vector control and kether crown for calculation and power of saiki K, with this I would be able to resist any mental attack and high calculation power.

Now the second request: Give me Gauds energy control ability from legendary mechanic and adaptability of doomsday also please remove all kryptonite weaknesses from me and help me use true magic without Raos restriction also make sure no one can copy my DNA.

Third and the last: Give me legendary mechanics technology, gundam 00 and other gundams technology, Over watch technology and the DC counterparts and marvels knowledge of metal synthesis and technology.

God: Are you going to war child?

Alphonose: Is the marvel world not gonna have an infinity war? and all other headaches like kang the conqueror?.

God: Yup! war it is then.

Now listen you will be born as Kal-El of krypton who will be sent to earth as usual for your new parents love you, remember your are the Man of Steel not the last son of krypton or man of tommorow.

Alphonose: Aww man now I have to deal with Zod just come on! give me a break will you!.

God: You did ask for a war did you not?.

Alphonose: ...

God: Now! Now! don't be discouraged here have a Pepsi!, now as I was saying you are the Man of steel to make sure you train your powers I will send you to Rao first in his dimension and then Gu yie the sorcerer supreme who will re route your flight to your perfect home. You will meet her to learn magic and I am sure you will ask for a specific spell which you will owe a favour to her. Now chop chop finish your pepsi.

Alphonose: Gulp! I am shocked! you are sending me to a crazy old man!, you know supermans counterpart beat him up.

God: No worries he will not go against me so be sure to work hard!, you are going to face battles wether you like it or not and have to make decisions which will irk you so teele your nerves.

Alphonose: Just don't scam me will you I want those wishes you know!.

God: Right now since you finished your drinks off you go!.

With that the Man of Steele made his journey the symbol of hope of mankind. For he will be the greatest hero there ever is.