
XIX- Misunderstanding Secrets

I wake up the next morning hearing the nonstop call coming from my phone that seems to be underneath my bed.

My eyes hurt and still have trouble opening them because of too much tears I had last night and so I blindly search for my phone down until I touched it.

I take a peek with my half closed eyes to see who is calling and saw that it was from one of my colleagues, Shinjiro.

"Good morning Naoyuki, I'm sorry to bother you early in the morning but I just want to make sure that you didn't forget that you have to submit the monthly examination data today so remember to come here this afternoon."

"Oh thanks for reminding me, I almost forgotten that."

I suddenly heard him make a deep sigh "You know you should start to take this seriously because this is not something to be set aside easily. This should be your priority among any other things."

"Yes, yes I know. See you later." I ended the call immediately before he can nag more.

Shinjiro and I were from the same University and were both part of the medical department. We have different majors but we often see each other everytime we go to our minor subjects and so we ended up being friends somehow.

After that call, I become completely awake and decided to take a shower and start my day early even though I have no work today because it is Sunday.

As I step out of the bath still soaking wet, I can hear my phone ringing again and so I walk out almost naked towards the bedroom to get my phone and answer it. I immediately accepted the call when I see that it is Kazuya but to my surprise, his face pop out on the screen. I didn't notice that it was a video call and so now I am in his phone screen unprepared. His face turned red as he see me topless and wet leaving him speechless.

"Oh sorry. I didn't notice that it was a video call. I just finished taking a shower. I will put my clothes on first." I put down my phone and walk towards my closet.

"Ah sure. Sure, take your time. I'll just wait here."

"Kazuya, about our plans today, I can't go to the planetarium with you." I continued speaking as I am putting on my clothes.

"Is there any problem to your schedule?"

"Yes, actually I suddenly have an urgent appointment later this afternoon so I will be only available for a lunch together."

"About that appointment, is it an emergency call from a patient in your clinic?"

"Y-yyes something like that."

"Ok , I understand. Then see you at lunch."

I finished putting my clothes on and walk back to my phone.

"Yes see you later." I smiled at him towards the screen before the call ended.

He arrived at my place at exact noon with the meal he prepared for both of us.

We just started eating when my phone received a call from Shinjiro. I hesitated to answer him but he is so persistent and so I left Kazuya at the dining room and walked out of the veranda before answering the call.

"I can assure you that I will go there later so you don't have to call me so frequent."

"About that, my schedule suddenly got changed so can you go here now."

"What?! No I can't I am still having lunch."

"Then I'll give you half an hour. I'll be waiting."

"Why don't you just move my schedule for tomorrow then?"

"I am off to work tomorrow, and if you keep insisting on changing your appointments everytime, I will have no choice but to make Asahi-san in charge of the case.

"No. Anything but that. "

"Then hurry up and go here." and then he hang up.

What should I do? I already cancelled my plans for later and now I have to leave Kazuya in the middle of our lunch. I feel so bad doing this but I have no choice.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked me as soon as I walk back to the table.

I sigh and said, "Sorry but my appointment got adjusted and I have to go now."

"It's fine. You can leave everything to me. I'll just put the food on the fridge and clean up so you can go now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll be fine."

"Thank you. I promise I will make up to you next time." I pat his head and then changed my clothes before leaving.

I wonder if he will wait for me to come back or leave after cleaning up. I already gave him my password so he can come and go whenever he pleases but I still wish that he will be here later when I come back.


"You are 10 minutes late." Shinjiro is already waiting at the lobby of the hospital and teasingly welcomed me in.

"Sorry, I have trouble finding a taxi on the way here."

"Then why don't you just use your own car and drive here?"

"I'm not in the mood to drive right now especially if I have to drive after hearing the result of the examination." I handed a folder full of data to him.

His teasing expression changed as soon as I mention that serious topic.

"Let's go to my office now."

I sat down to the sofa nearest to his desk as he handed to me the examination results from the last appointment he forgot to give to me.

I closed my eyes and saw the probabilities then continue reading the files in silence.

"It is not too late. We still have a choice to continue the operation." Shinjiro finally speaks again.

"But there is no guarantee that the final outcome will change."

"But it is better than doing nothing. You should consider it for the sake of your little brother and your family.

I put back the files inside the envelope and stand up. "Then let's check the final examination."


"We should be thankful that the results changed but you still have to consider the operation soon."

"I'll think about it." I left his office carrying the two set of examination results.

"Wait. I'll drive you back to your place."

"No need, you told me that your have a busy schedule today right?"

"I still have an hour break so it will be fine." he insisted to drive me back until we walked out of the hospital and so I finally accepted his offer.

"You know, I feel a little lucky knowing that you are in charge of this case."

"Maybe that is the reason why I have taken this major. Maybe I.. "

"You don't have to feel so responsible for anything. I will never blame you if anything went wrong, but I still can't assure you that we will proceed with the operation."

"Why don't you just accept the operation instead of taking a risk everyday? The test results today says that doing an operation in that condition now will have a high success rate and besides, I will do my best to make it successful."

"Just give me a little more time to think with my parents."

"But you told me that excuse so many times. You don't know how much I worry about it every time."

"And we have this argument so many times and you know how this will end so let's stop this."

We both turned silent the whole way and I feel a little guilty for lashing out my frustrations towards him and so I tried to make the mood better before we part ways.


"Thanks for taking me home Shinjiro." I step out of his car and waved at him before entering the building.

"You came back early, Yuki." I was startled when I saw Kazuya in the entrance of the building.

I instinctively hide the envelopes in my back even though it only makes me suspicious and so he asked again.

"You told me that you have an appointment with a patient in your clinic but I think you didn't actually went there."

"Ahhhh about that, the kid cannot go out so I have to personally go to his house." I made an excuse trying so hard to lie.

"And that kid, is his name Shinjiro?"

My eyes widened as I realized that he actually saw me get out of the car and heard Shinjiro's name. I think he is misunderstanding something and being suspicious of me cheating and so I have to stop hiding the truth.

"I think you are misunderstanding something. It is not like what you are thinking."

"What do you mean? I am not saying anything, I'm just asking the name of the kid and now you are making an excuse. Are you guilty of something?" He looked at me with cold eyes that makes my spine chill.

"Let's talk inside." I hold his hand trying to take him in my place but I am shocked when he slapped my hand away.

"Let go. I'm not in the mood to hear your unprepared excuse." He walks away without even looking at me.

Damn it, just when I thought my day is bad enough, it eventually gotten worse.