
Man and his Husky in the Apocalypse

This is my first creation and it's just for fun. The main character finds a strange watch just lying on the side of the road. When he puts on the watch, the space around him contorts then he finds himself in a strange looking neighborhood with no one around. https://discord.gg/GT34xvN3ku

HuskyNation · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 2

"What the hell is that?"

"Grrrr" Husky growled

Crouching behind a hovercar was John with Husky were looking at a humanoid creature that could simply be explained to be a zombie

"Is that an actual zombie?" John thought to himself if it was safe or not to approach the zombie wondering if it was dangerous or not.

"Hmm. Why is it in the middle of the road not moving?"

"let's slowly approach it and see if it will attack or not."

Climbing over the fences into the backyards allowed John and Husky to sneak past the zombie and not alert it to their presence allowing them to get behind it.

After getting within 5 yards of the zombie, it suddenly springs to life and spins to face John.

Looking into the zombie's red eyes John felt scared for his life and couldn't move

The zombie slowly approaches John and with no movement from John, Husky launches at the zombie successfully knocking it over.

Coming to his senses, John rushes over and swings the sword at the zombie wondering if it would really harm the zombie.

But to John's complete surprise, the sword kept going slicing straight through the zombie, cleaving it in two. It felt like he was cutting butter with a hot knife.

The remains of the zombie fell over with a solid thud

Thinking it was all over John notices a strange string of light slowly rises from the dead and it slowly twirls its way to John's arm, specifically John's new watch.

The watch starts to shine for a moment and about 1/10th of the watch now has a blue shade to it compared to its original light grey

"Wait, does this mean that if I destroy enough zombies, I can go back?" Surprised by his recent discovery, John sets off to destroy more zombies with Husky by his side.

After a few more minutes of walking, John notices that they were headed into town and started to see more and more zombies the further they go.

Thinking that it would be interesting to find a new weapon like a futuristic laser gun in the police station or a weapons store, John starts his journey to find a long-range weapon to deal with zombies further away.

"Who wants to fight zombies in close-range combat and risk your life when you can just shoot them from a safe distance?"

After a few minutes of walking, John feels like he is being watched from somewhere.

Looking around John doesn't see anything that might pose a threat and wonders if he is overthinking things.

After finding a small map in one of the city parks he wonders where he should raid for supplies.

He notices a shopping district that's not far from where he is and would only take about 30 minutes of walking to get to. The only problem was that there would be more zombies in that direction, but the supplies would be worth it.

Setting off he still feels like he is being watched but thinks it's Husky looking up at him when he's not looking.

After an hour John arrives at the shopping district. He had to kill 6 zombies that were in his way and that slowed him down by half an hour.

"Hmm, Husky you think it's safe enough to sneak inside and get some stuff?"

Husky nods his head.

"I still wonder if you really can understand me."

Making their way into the shopping mall, John starts to take his time checking every store making sure to clear out any zombies that might sneak up on him while looting the stores.

The First stop John made was to the clothing store

Surprisingly the clothes of the future haven't changed much compared to John's old world

John was looking for was the backpack section so he could store more of his loot that he will eventually gather.

Finding 2 zombies lingering around the store, John stealth takes down the zombie without alerting the other.

After taking down both, John found the backpacks after a few mins of roaming.

Finding a large hiking backpack, John transfers his loot from his small backpack to the large one.

"Well, this is much better. Now I can collect more loot!"