
Man and his Husky in the Apocalypse

This is my first creation and it's just for fun. The main character finds a strange watch just lying on the side of the road. When he puts on the watch, the space around him contorts then he finds himself in a strange looking neighborhood with no one around. https://discord.gg/GT34xvN3ku

HuskyNation · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1


John's alarm was going off with no sign of movement from the bed.

"Shut up." A young man with pitch-black hair slowly rolls over hits the alarm button.

It is 7:30 on a Saturday morning in a small apartment on the second floor.

"Ugh. I forgot to turn that damn thing off."

"Might as well get up.'

John slowly gets up from his comfortable warm bed with a groan.

His morning routine starts with 10 jumping jacks to get his blood flowing then heads to the bathroom to take shower and brush his teeth.

John starts to think of what he needs to do on his day off.

"Should I clean my apartment?" Looking at his room, it was a bit of a mess with clothes on the floor and trash sitting around.

After an hour of cleaning John's phone rings


John while pulling out his phone wondering who was calling him so early in the morning. Looking at the caller ID, it was his best friend William


"Hey John, I need a favor from you."

"What would that be."

"I need you to come over and help me finish this project."

"Why should I use my free day helping you?"

"It's not going to take the whole day, besides it's not like you have anything planned anyway."

"True, but Alice has to make lunch."


William was John's best friend from childhood and Alice was William's sister. Both were the classical blond duo. He grew up with them and he was considered part of the family. Even now that they graduated, they are still close.

Even though he hates doing work on his day off he enjoys his time with William and Alice.

After finishing cleaning John heads out the door.

John wanted to live independently from his parents, so he rented an apartment that's a few blocks away, so he has to walk a few minutes to get to William's house.

After a bit of walking, he notices this oval-shaped object sitting in a bush.

Wondering what it was John picks it up. It was solid yet soft with an extremely smooth texture. It looked like a watch, but it wasn't.

After a bit of examination, John slips it on his arm thinking it was interesting.

The next thing he sees is the world rotating in a clockwise rotation until he blacks out.

When he comes to, he looks around and finds the buildings had a different look to them.

"What happened to me? What happened to all the buildings?"

The surrounding area was completely silent with no sounds whatsoever except the occasional wisp of wind blowing by.

Feeling a chill run down his back, John starts to hurry to William's house and see what's going on.

Even running down the road John notices lots of different things like futuristic floating streetlights and even floating benches.

"Have I traveled into the future? If so, where is everyone?"

After arriving at William's address, what greeted him was an empty house that didn't even look like Williams.

Thinking something is terribly wrong, John decides to head into the house and find anything that might tell him what happened.

After entering the building, he finds all sorts of futuristic things. He found a hologram television that is projecting from this small orb on the floor. The chair to the desk floating. The desk had another orb that projected a holographic computer.

The Irie thing was that everything was on like everyone just up and left in a hurry with things scattered about like a suitcase spilled out next to the staircase with clothes all over.

After searching around the house, he found a katana-type sword in the middle of an office-looking room.

The room had at least 4 different types of swords too, but the katana was the most interesting to John.

"Interesting, the previous resident really liked his swords."

Thinking that he might need it, John picked it up but was surprised by its weight resulting in John almost dropping it on his foot.

Picking it up again, he draws the sword and reveals a masterpiece of art on the blade. There was a dog-type creature that resembles a husky that was sitting but it had this aura of power.

"I don't have any experience in swords, but I know that this sword is worth a fortune."

Deciding to take a couple of swings, John slashes the air reminding him of those animes where the MC would fight monsters with a sword.

Returning the sword to its sheath, John attached it to his belt, he continues to search the house but doesn't find anything of great importance.

He ended up taking the sword and headed outside through the back door to see if there would be anything in the backyard interesting.

As soon as he closed the door, he saw in the corner of his eye something move.

"What was that? Who's out there?"

Pulling out the newly acquired sword from its sheath he slowly approached this miniature house in the corner.

"Ah-ha!" Jumping in front of the small house all John saw was this white blur spring at him like a bullet.

With no training with any type of weapon in his life, he had no chance to swing the sword and ended up falling over.

Thinking that his life was over and expecting the creature to tear his throat out was surprised to find something warm and wet hitting his face.

Opening his eyes, he finds a dog constantly licking his face.

Pushing the dog off him wondering who leaves their dog tied outside and takes off and not take it.

Taking a good look at the happy dog, John notices it looks familiar and realizes it looks like the dog that is engraved on the katana.

The husky was sitting there looking at John with a tiled head wondering what this human was thinking.

"Where did your owners go little guy?"


"Um ok, I still don't understand what you are saying, but would you like to come with me?"

"Woof" The husky responds jumping up and down.

"Ok then, I take that as a yes."

John then unleashes the dog from the doghouse starts petting the cute dog.

"Ok, what should I name you?"

Taking a look at his collar, John doesn't find any information on it.

"Um, for now, let's just call you Husky."

"Woof?" Husky tilts his head.

"What? I'm not good at naming ok, besides it's not bad, Husky the husky."

Husky ends up licking John's hand.

"Ok let's go find some food for you and me."

After a bit of searching, John found 10 or so cans of dog food on the top shelf and then stuffed them into the newly acquired backpack he found in the closet.

"Ok, now that we have some food, you want to go on an adventure?"
