
Man's Journey

The world's war against dragons has been going on for generations, but no one knows why they fought. After years of fighting a new species emerged, shapeshifters. They were able to shift between a dragon and human form, making them impossible to find. Everyone referred to them as halflings, half dragon and half human. They were said to have wondrous abilities ranging from armor like pelt to healing powers. These abilities made them prized creatures and wanted across all lands. Those that were discovered usually ended up as pets or fighters in arenas. After five years of their existence they all went into hiding, fearing what the humans did to those that had been captured. They were taught at a young age to never show what they could do to a human, as it would lead to being caught and possibly killed. There were small sanctuaries in each town, though they appeared to be normal hotels or orphanages. And this is when our story takes place….

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two

-Bakugou's POV-

I woke up in Kiri's arms, still in the closet corner from the day before. I had come in here to get away from everyone since I needed some time to myself. I guess I wasn't very quiet because about two minutes after I started to cry Kiri came in and started quietly comforting me. I looked up at the man that was still holding me, he was sleeping with his head back against the wall with me cradled in his lap. Nuzzling into him I heard someone running in the hall, heading towards the door.

I jumped when I heard them run into the door with an 'oof' and the sound of someone falling. I chuckled, Kiri had locked the door when he came in. I carefully got up and left the closet, making sure to silently close the door behind me. Walking over to the door I unlocked it and opened it to find Dunce on the ground holding his nose.

"What do you want pixie fuck?" I asked, glaring at him.

"We found something in the girls room that might interest you." he said with a pout while dabbing at his nose.

"You're not bleeding idiot, now what did you find?" I asked, crossing my arms as he got up.

"There was a box of letters and she seemed to be getting orders from someone in the Todoroki household." he answered, making me narrow my eyes.

"So half-n-half might have something to do with this?" I asked angrily.

"Shinsou is questioning him now, but we shouldn't jump to conclusions." he stated.

"Sure, I'll inform Kiri about this when he wakes up. You can go back to whatever you do during the day." I grumbled, turning and closing the door.

"Who was that?" Kiri asked, just behind the door and making me jump.

"Jesus, dumbass I could kill you for that. It was Dunceface, there was something in the fake maids room." I said, hitting his shoulder gently.

"Oh really, what was this something?" he asked, pulling me closer by the hips.

"Apparently someone in the Todoroki household was sending her orders. Half-n-half is getting questioned now, we can interrogate the others later." I said, placing a kiss on his jawline.

"I've met all of them at least once. If any one of them were to do this it would be the oldest, Touya. He's very temperamental and sick like his father." he stated, a heavy coating of disgust in his voice when saying the name.

"So I guess we need to go and meet this sicko and get our kid back, before the end of next week. It won't be easy." I stated, knowing it'd be full of challenges.

"Has that ever stopped you before Kat, besides, we haven't been on our last two adventures before your coronation so this is our chance." he said, making me smile up at him.

"Sounds like a large hunting trip, should I inform Dunce and Smiley to get ready?" I asked, seeing him smile down at me with determination burning in his eyes.

-Time Skip: Two days later-

We were waiting on Dunce to finish saying goodbye to Sleepy so that we could leave. After what seemed like hours he finally came out, with a noticeable limp. I smirked at him and Smiley chuckled, getting a glare from the limping idiot. Kiri was more focused on talking to the blonde dumbass from the truce meeting, though when Dunce was finally on his horse we all started to head out.

As we were getting onto the path we'd be taking a large shadow covering the area for a moment. We all looked up to find a gold and a purple dragon flying over and heading towards the dragonlands. Kiri almost looked jealous for a second when I turned to talk to him, he was watching after the two dragons for a bit. Finally he turned and we started off again, leaving the safety of the castle behind us.

"So Bakugou, do you know the best way into their castle?" Smiley asked.

"We're gonna walk right in, if that doesn't work then Dunce can just blind everyone." I stated, hearing said blonde sigh.

"Bakugou, I may be a light fairy but that doesn't mean I can produce that much on my own." he said in a whiny voice.

"Who said you're doing it alone? Why else would we be going this direction?" I asked.

"What do you mean? Please tell me you didn't ask my mom to join us?" he whined even more.

"Shut up, we're gonna need her help. What's so bad about her coming with us?" I questioned.

"Everyone always says things about her that make me uncomfortable." he replied.

"What's so uncomfortable about calling your mom hot? Your dad is honestly the luckiest man alive for marrying your mother." Smiley said, getting a groan from Dunce.

"Because like Bakugou and the queen, my mom and I are practically identical." he said.

They continued to bicker but I turned my attention to the redhead that was riding next to me. He didn't seem to be paying attention until I kicked his foot. He looked over at me, giving me a small smile. I could tell this would be hard on him, but he'd been preparing for it alongside everyone else. I couldn't just tell him to stay home when our child is in great danger.

-Time Skip: One day later-

-Kirishima's POV-

We had reached the cottage that Denki's mother and father lived in; it was a lovely place. It reminded me a bit of the cabin Kat and I had stayed in after our wedding. We tied up the horses, grabbing our packs and going up onto the porch. Kaminari knocked on the door, all of us hearing a shuffling on the other side. The door opened a bit after, a beautiful woman standing there with pale gold hair and a similar black streak like Denki. In all honesty, if I wasn't gay and married she'd be someone to fantasize over.

"Kami? What brings you guys here?" she asked, a very motherly tone.

"My friends and I wanted to ask you for some help regarding an issue." Denki stated, looking nervous.

"Ok, what's the issue? You didn't go looting again did you Kami, how many times must I go over how bad that is?" she asked in a stern tone with her arms crossed.

"Oi, before you go lecturing him, maybe listen to what he has to say." Kat snapped, making her look over.

"The issue we're here about is the kidnapping of two of my friends' kids." Denki said, his mother immediately looking shocked.

"Oh dear, of course I'll help. Let me get a bag together." she stated, letting us into the cabin.

We set out bags and shoes by the door as Denki's mother goes down the hall to a room. Looking around it was clear that fairies lived here, there wasn't a speck of darkness that didn't compliment the light beams that came from the windows. There were quite a few plants that were all around the open space, as well as no meat visible in the entire house. There was a hammering sound from outside in the backyard area.

I walked over to a window, looking out to find a man out there chopping wood and building something. Denki's mother came back down the hall with a travel bag before going out back and talking to the guy out there, probably Denki's dad. The two of them started to come back inside as the other three took seats in the living room. I walked in and sat next to Kat before pulling him into my lap.

He tried to squirm away only to stop and pout when I whimpered softly. He just sat there as Denki's parents came back inside. His mother looked overjoyed to see her son while his dad looked more content.

"Hey there kiddo, I see you didn't wither in the capital." his dad stated, chuckling afterwards.

"Ya, I even met someone that I love dearly." Denki responded, a nervous smile on his face.

"Oh when do we get to meet her?" his mom asked, making me look up from Kat at her.

"They're a bit shy so I don't want to bring them home right away." he answered anxiously.

"Aw, ok. But we gotta meet her eventually, I'm sure she's absolutely beautiful." his mother exclaimed with a smile.

Sero, Bakugou, and I all glanced at each other after watching the interaction. Denki wasn't with a girl, he was with Shinsou, the son of the Zawa empire. Shinsou was the farthest thing from a girl, which was strange that Denki never told his parents. Though we wouldn't say anything, he could see the questions we all asked.

"Anyways, what is my darling wife going to have to do to help you four gentlemen?" the man asked, making Kat perk up.

"We are storming Todoroki castle to get the child back, we need someone that could help Denki blind everyone." he said, making the man look contemplative.

"So long as she is returned safely I will allow this if she wants to help." he stated, looking at his wife.

"If it means another parent gets their child back I would love to help." she said with a smile, Kat smiling slightly as well.

"Then may we stay for the night and leave at dawn?" Denki asked, getting a nod from his parents.

"Of course, though we only have two empty rooms. You wouldn't mind sharing would you?" she asked, slightly concerned.

"Denks can have a room and those two can have a room. I'll sleep on the couch." Sero stated, Mrs. Kaminari nodded and went into the hallway again.

We all made our way to the rooms we'd be staying in, settling in for the evening. Kat and I were snuggling in bed as the night went on, comforting each other every so often before finally falling asleep. It had started to rain so we had some ambient noise for us to listen to other than the sounds of the other's heartbeat. It wasn't really unwelcome, just unfamiliar until now. I was the last of us two to fall asleep, watching the ceiling as I fell into the embrace of sleep.


"Kiri!" Kat yelled, causing me to jolt up.

I looked around frantically, not spotting Kat anywhere. I was still in the room at Denki's parents, though I didn't stay long as I ran out. Everything creaked slightly, distorting as I walked towards the front door. I glanced onto the couch, seeing Sero with five long and wide cuts across his body. I stumbled out of the living room, feeling sick as I went.

"Ahhh!" Kat screamed, making me hurry to the front of the house.

I yanked on the door even though it didn't budge. Running shoulder first into it a few times and I was able to break it down, though freezing at what I saw. Out in the pouring rain and lightning was a large red dragon staring right at me. What made me stop though wasn't the dragon, but the body under it. All I could see from the flashes of light was a pale blonde tuft, stained red against the near black puddle it lay in.

Looking back up to the dragon with tears in my eyes, I noticed someone on top. Touya was sitting there laughing as the lightning increased in frequency. Upon closer look I could see his practically glowing teal eyes stare down at me in glee. With a harsh gust of wind the dragon and Touya disappeared, a small child in their place in front of the blonde. The child had black hair with a pale blonde streak in the front, red eyes, and a sharp smile.

"Daddy, won't you come play with mommy and I? We'd have so much fun." she stated in a sweet little voice.

Walking closer I could feel the cold wind, see the red on her hands, and hear the thunder grow with rage. I was only a few feet away when she screamed in immense pain, disappearing with a flash of lightning. I took a step forward only to get struck, a burning heat covering every inch of my body.


I flinched as a bucket of cold water splashed on me, sitting up with a snarl. I stayed there panting as the people in the room watched. Denki was guarding Sero, his mother holding the bucket, and his father in front of her. I jumped slightly at a hand on my arm, holding my wrist gently yet inescapably.

"Dude, are you alright?" Sero asked, still hiding from me.

I didn't answer, not knowing the answer to that question. I finally managed to catch my breath as Kat pushed my shoulder, making me lay against the now cold mattress.

"Everyone out, I'll handle him." Kat said, authority heavy in his voice.

Once everyone left he laid next to me, prying my hands out of the fists they were in. His head was on my shoulder, his eyes watching me closely as he laid there. After a little bit I felt him put his hand on my cheek, wiping something off. He smiled at me when I looked down, confused by his actions.

"Such a crybaby…wanna tell me about it?" he said, joking at first before moving to a gentle tone.

"Just a bad dream, I'm fine." I answered, hoping he'd leave it, but he didn't."

"I didn't ask how you were, I asked you if you needed to talk about it. Based on your answer you do so spill." he stated, irritated.

"...I found you dead, with our child standing over you at Touya's side. She was beautiful and looked nearly identical to you with very few changes." I said, seeing him listening closely to every word.

"First, I wouldn't let that fuck wad kill me. Second, we'll get our child back from him. Third…was she really just like me?" he asked, an almost sad look in his eyes.

"She was, but like I said it was just a bad dream so I doubt those things would come to pass." I stated, smiling down at him as he nodded.

"Good, now go to sleep. It's like one in the morning and I'm tired." he huffed, snuggling me and closing his eyes.

"Alright darling, see you in the morning." I said, going back to sleep slowly.