
Man's Journey

The world's war against dragons has been going on for generations, but no one knows why they fought. After years of fighting a new species emerged, shapeshifters. They were able to shift between a dragon and human form, making them impossible to find. Everyone referred to them as halflings, half dragon and half human. They were said to have wondrous abilities ranging from armor like pelt to healing powers. These abilities made them prized creatures and wanted across all lands. Those that were discovered usually ended up as pets or fighters in arenas. After five years of their existence they all went into hiding, fearing what the humans did to those that had been captured. They were taught at a young age to never show what they could do to a human, as it would lead to being caught and possibly killed. There were small sanctuaries in each town, though they appeared to be normal hotels or orphanages. And this is when our story takes place….

EmilySchneider0995 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five

-Kirishima's POV-

I opened my eyes to find my angel of a husband next to me with our child between us. I heard a chirp from the egg, looking at it slightly puzzled. There was another chirp making me respond with a gentle chirp in return, it was quiet after that. I couldn't believe that I actually heard our child, I could feel tears in my eyes. I nuzzled the egg, purring softly and hoping they could hear me.

"The fuck you purring at, shut up while people are sleeping." Kat grumbled, rolling over with the egg.

"Kat, it chirped at me." I stated, seeing him sit up quickly and look at me.

"You heard it too? I guess I wasn't hearing things then." he muttered, looking at our egg.

"We need to get back as soon as possible, let's go get ready." I said, seeing him nod as he set the egg next to me.

I watched him stand and stretch a bit before he moved to get dressed, he recently had been going to bed shirtless despite the fall chill. I wasn't complaining about this, but it did concern me that he might get sick one of these days. It was a concern that will probably never settle, because he was perfect and one of the two people I could ever really care for. The other being the small child I held in my lap, having yet to be born.

"Your turn, give me the baby." Kat said, holding his arms out.

I smiled and handed over our child, watching him sit with it and mumble to it quietly. Getting off the bed I walked over to the bag of clothes that I had and picked out some simple traveling clothes that would let me fight if the need arose. I was quick to change, wanting to be close to my kid again. Kat gave me a pouty look when I took the egg from him and started wrapping it in a protective blanket.

"Alright, let's go eat and head out." he huffed, taking it from me again.

Downstairs, the little dragons were all sitting around the fireplace and surrounding area with bowls of oatmeal that the Kaminari's must have made. Kat and I dropped our bags by the door, seeing Denki's there as well. He still hadn't woken up yet, which could be a problem if Shinsou found out. The purple haired librarian seemed to have a protective fondness for the blonde.

"Eat up boys, you'll need your strength for the trip." Mrs. Kaminari stated, sliding two bowls our way.

"Thank you ma'am, we'll be out of your hair soon. We'll be taking Denki with us, so that he can get looked at by a physician if that's ok with you." I said, trying to be polite.

"That would be wonderful, with all these little ones here we can't risk more people knowing then necessary. Just send a letter to tell us how he's doing." she said, a kind smile on her face.

I nod as Kat and I carefully eat while watching the egg that was sitting on the couch in it's blanket. One of the little dragons seemed to be sniffing it, confused as to what it was. I was on edge as they kept getting closer and nearly jumped when Kat got onto the kid.

"Oi, don't touch that. I've got no problems being mean if you wanna threaten my kid like that." he said, pointing at the little dragon as they put their hands up and backed away.

After the outburst he had the other kids all give the couch some space, not wanting to get remotely close to hurting the egg. I chuckled softly and got a glare from Kat before going back to my oatmeal. I was happy that my mate was protective of our kid, and kinda proud as well, but it still didn't mean he needed to threaten the small child for being curious.

Finally we finished our food, saying goodbye to everyone as Kat and I headed outside. I had to carry Denki because for a fairy of his size he seemed to weigh a lot more than normal. Kat had our egg carefully tucked into a backpack that he had in his arms. I laid Denki over the back of a horse, tying it's reins to my saddle so that I could lead it easier. After making sure he was secured, I held the back pack so that Kat could mount his horse. I handed it up to him when he was ready and mounted my own horse, carefully following Kat's easy pace on our way back home.

-Time Skip: Two months later-

We were currently at war with Todoroki's oldest sibling, his own kingdom not supporting him as he ran with bandits. I was placed in charge of guarding the castle and our egg as Kat went out and led troops and small groups of trackers. Today was when he would be arriving home again, resting a bit after getting a slight burn from what I heard.

Denki was back up and moving, having spent almost a month in what the physician called a coma. Apparently he had used too much energy helping get our kid and the other dragons out of that place. When Shinsou found out he cursed Kat out for a while, yelling about how we shouldn't have pushed him like that. I'd never seen him that angry before, but it was my idea to free the little dragons.

As promised we had sent replacement supplies and wagons to get the little dragons from the Kaminari's, all of them making it safely in the early winter season. Denki's mother had visited him the day he woke up and the happy tears that she cried had everyone relieved. I had been working with my mother-in-law to find homes for all of the kids, some even ending up with Tamaki and his mate.

Kota had been taken in by Kat and I, no one else willing to take him due to his temper. He was a great kid, learning to read and write while making a few friends. He was already able to find his ability as a dragon, healing others with water and moving it around. When it came to flying he understood that I couldn't teach him so he met with Tamaki in order to learn that part.

"Kirishima! The egg, come quick!" Mina shouted, running down the hall from Kat and I's office.

I ran after her, fear and adrenaline coursing through me. I had left our egg securely locked in our room, sitting in a nest that we had made only a few days ago. Iida sat in there with it, that way no one could sneak in and take it. Even then someone close was always supposed to peak in to check on things.

As I reached the door I nearly yanked it down trying to open it, going in quickly despite the loud groan and thud of one corner of the door hitting the ground. I looked around and everything was right where I had left it, though Iida and Mina were peeking into the nest. I made my way over, still scared of what might have happened until I heard it. The soft cracking and chirps.

"Kiri, look, there's a small chip missing already." Mina said as I knelt down next to the nest.

The egg was wiggling slightly, small cracks getting larger until a chunk of the shell fell off. Under the shell was a little baby with black hair, save for the small section of ash blonde in the front. Their skin was a beautiful gentle tan with no flaws. There was a small sprinkling of freckles across their nose as they wiggle around more.

"Should we help, I don't know if they can do it on their own." Mina said, snapping me from my staring.

I heard another frantic sounding chirp from the small child in front of me, drawing a chirp from me as well. At the sound the tiny dragon in front of me wiggled more as the shell continued to fall from around it. I reached forwards to peel off what I could to help them out a bit, picking them out of the bottom of the shell gently.

"Aw, Kiri. Looks like you've got a baby girl there. What are you going to name her?" Mina asked, Iida also leaning to look at her.

"Emica, it'd be perfect for her." I answered, rocking her gently as she cooed softly before clutching my loose shirt.

I spent the next few hours just cleaning her up and getting her dressed. The maids that had been cleared from the last incident came in and cleaned up the shell and nest a bit, under very close supervision. Once they had finished I remade the nest one-handed, which wasn't easy, and laid down with Emica to keep her warm.

"Oi! I get home and don't see my husband there to greet me, only to find him up here relaxing. The fuck Kiri?" Kat said, making me jump slightly and shush him.

I had just gotten her to sleep, I didn't want his yelling to wake her. He looked kinda offended at me shushing him and even more confused than when he walked in. I quietly motioned for him to come closer and he did warily, though without a word of protest. When he was just inside the nest he looked around for a moment, panic taking its place on his face.

"Where's the egg? Kiri, where are they? They'll be hatching anytime now. We can't risk someone else having them." he said frantically.

"Kat calm down and lower your voice, she's just fine." I said.

"Calm down? How can I be calm when- Did you say she?" he asked, looking me in the eye.

"Yes, now, can you calm down a bit. I just got her to sleep." I stated, nearly laughing when he covered his mouth entirely.

I gently pulled the blanket over Emica down so he could see her, watching him tear up at the sight of her. He still hadn't moved his hands from his mouth so after putting the blanket down I moved them for him. He ran a finger along her cheek, tears running down his own cheeks.

"She's so beautiful, and I missed her hatching." he said sadly.

"Kat, I think she'll forgive you. After all, you're back safe for her." I stated, trying to cheer him up.

We both got silent when she started to fuss next to me, huffing a bit before she began to cry. She waved her tiny fists around as she cried, making Kat chuckle a bit and pick her up. As soon as she was in his arms and he was rocking her against his chest she started to calm down again. I couldn't help but to watch with a smile as she clung to his weak excuse of a shirt.

"She's so tiny and beautiful." he stated in a hushed voice, making my heart melt.

"That is what her name means, beautiful. Little Emica Haru Bakugou." I said, seeing him smile with tears still going down his cheeks.

"It's a very fitting name. Though she's gonna need to get bigger if she wants to be tough like us." he said, trying to hide how proud he was of her.

"Katsuki, just enjoy your time with her. Eventually she'll have to get married, y'know." I said, seeing both offense and anger cross his face.

"No, she's my little girl. She's not allowed to get married." he said, holding her away from me.

"Ok honey bear, let's get some rest so your injury will get better." I said with my arms open.

He seemed to think it over for a moment before turning with his back to me and fell back into my arms, still holding little 'Mica in his arms. I pulled them both closer, humming softly until I could hear two sets of soft snores. I guess she takes after him in that sense, both adorable when they sleep with a slight snore that makes them absolutely perfect. My little family, my home, and my safety for life.