

You have read thousands of stories about a player playing the VR MMORPG game about that player's life and how he soared high in his life and in the end we found that the game is just a tutorial or a product of some outer space species. but have you ever thought about what the life of a game maker will be? what if the game made is not a product of outer space species but of a simple man of our planet? what are the effects of the game on the world how many changes it can bring and how does one develop this game? this is a story about a young entrepreneur who had a dream of making a game that will leave such a long impact on history that many generations after him will know him as the father of the first and the last R MMORPG games. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the game will be completely new and will take inspiration from many other games, myths, and lore of many different cultures and religions. I have always dreamed of this whole thing and now I am just writing my dreams on this page. hope you will love it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS, I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE CONTEST SO IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU SUPPORT IT AND VOTE FOR IT. AT LEAST LEAVE A REVIEW SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND MY FAULTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- follow me on Inst*gram if you want : Wlesh_0207

Lordwlesh · Games
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50 Chs


"yes sir, now the second option is to fight in the leagues, if the players don't want to grind themselves in the continuous process of quests then they can adopt the second option and that is via battles.

For a player to get one star they have to fulfill these conditions

1} for the one bronze star : 500 victories against the bronze rank holders (10 battles are allowed in a day)

2} For one silver Star : 2000 victories against the silver cardholder (10 battles are allowed in a day)

3} for one golden Star : 4000 victories against the golden cardholder (30 battles are allowed in a day)

4} for one diamond star : 6000 victories against the diamond card holder (40 battles are allowed in a day)

5} for one platinum star : 10,000 victories against the platinum cardholder (50 battles are allowed in a day)

6} for champion card holder: 20,000 victories against champion card holder ( no battle day limit)

7} for the world champion card holder: 40,000 victories against the world card holder (no battle day limit)

8} for the origin cardholder: it will be the same as option 1 it can be obtained

By defeating 20 origin card characters and weapons holders." Priya said.

"Now that we had discussed, how a player can upgrade their star rank let's discuss the leagues. The league in our game will be divided into four formats first will be the old-school pvp players vs players, the second format will be the guild battles and the third format will be team battles, and the last will be the most important event of the entire game which is a faction war". Rama said as he then being to explain the formats of the league in detail.

" the PVP battle will be a world-class player vs players battlefield where we will get our ultimate champion, this will not be allowed for the players below the champion card rank only the player of champion and world card rank participate we had done this to reduce the overcrowding and also to give more entertainment," Rama said and then Kashyap then said "yeah, the people will get more entertainment by watching the world-class rank holder fight rather than a bronze class rank holder".

Everyone then nods at his analysis and then Rama continued "Yes, the next format will be the guild battles which can be played between the guild the guild ranking will not be in the form of cards but in the form of numbers which they get from the world guild league".

"the next format will be the team battles this is just an attachment and we will add more such leagues in the future after the public interest on the fields now comes on to the main event which will be the faction war we will conduct this event in every three years every player of the main faction will compete with each other and the winning faction will get the most coveted rewards".

"perfecto, haha I like this sweet simple, and amazing" Karna then clap his hands and he then gets joined by Kashyap and Arjun. After an appreciation Karna continued "Now that leagues are decided, the ranks are decided, the quests points and victories points are also decided and the phases are decided so let's focus on the main topic which is the name of our game".

The phases are the sections decided by them to introduce the game parts the first phase included only one gaming village and battle stadium. After the launch of this game, they will then slowly start increasing the number of villages and then introduce the main story mode quests.

"name, oh didn't we decide on that," Shaurya asked as he then remembers that yes they didn't give the name to their project. "how come we forget about such important things," Priya says as one by one Rama and Kashyap to express their shocked faces.

"Okay then everyone, let's give a name worthy for our game" and with that, the discussion on the game name started.

Various ideas were given one by one but no one liked the ideas of others and majority didn't agree the day passed and yet it remains undecided. The next day they all sat together and then again the discussions started this time Kashyap gave a name and when everyone heard the reasons and explanation behind the name chosen they all love it.

"that's it, that would be the perfect name for our game haha, now that everything is completed and now only the launch event is remaining let me throw a party today to celebrate our achievement," Karna says, and everyone then cheers.

They then organized a huge fest for everyone present there the workers and the army officers, as they throw a huge party for a full day they celebrated.

Now, at night inside the office building two men were seated and were looking at the sky Karna who had an expression of enjoyment on his face says "Finally Arjun, we had completed our dream project, and now we only have had to present it to the world so that everyone can enjoy it".

Arjun nods and smiles as he then says "Now we just have a last meeting tomorrow with the government officials to discuss the opening ceremony and also about the other stuff".

"yawn, we will talk about that letter first let me present you a gift that I had made for you and our team members," Karna said as he then takes a small glass box and gives it to him.

Arjun then takes the glass box before saying "Man, are you trying to propose me dude I don't swing on that way".

"Ohh, come on don't ruin the mood man just open it" Karna says while making some faces Arjun after teasing him denied to open the glass case to see two chips lined down in a neatly placed row.

"Karna, when did you make all of this," Arjun asked to which he said, "These two chips are of unique rank, the only one piece there are no other chips like them I had made one chip for each team member".

Before he could finish his line Arjun says "Ohh, am I too special for you to give me two of them" to which Karna says "Ohh shut up" With that he leaves the room with a smile on his face.

The night went away and the day comes to the meeting with the government officials set in the night as they were busy in the daytime now everyone is standing in front of a huge battle arena.

"when, did you ask them to make this" Arjun asked as he and others look at the arena and huge cables coming out of the ground, and were attached to a power supply signifying them that creation platforms were placed inside the ground.

"heh, I have my ways anyways aren't you guys excited to try it and also wanting to know how the battles in real life would feel like" Karna says as he then opens a suitcase that had the armbands inside along with the card that had their names on them.

"Are you sure sir," Rama asked in excitement as he knew what will be coming next. he will finally be going to get a chance to battle like the real trainer.

Not only he but others were too excited to try out the product that they had made with their hands they all pick their armbands and cards "Common, guys don't just keep staring at it scan the card and here install this in your armband" Karna while saying give everyone a glass box which had one unique chip.

"This is my gift to you, thank you guys for making this dream of mine a reality," he says with some little tears in his eyes. Others too become emotional as they to have poured there hardwork and passion into this after giving a nod they all scan the card with the armband and then insert the chip.

Karna then runs from the place and stands on one side of the arena he then looks at everyone and says "Well, who wants to have a battle with the god ".

"ha, god man you had some ridiculous dreams okay, oh dear god let this mortal teach you a lesson," Arjun said and then stand at another side of the arena.

Others while laughing sit on the seats as they want to experience the feeling of watching the battles between superheroes and deckomons which they had seen only on t.v in real life.

"ha, you will regret your words mortal," Karna says as he then lifts his right hand in the air, and then suddenly three white wings and three black wings appeared behind his back with the wings a bright light appeared on the palm of his right hand, and then he brings the hand and presses the center button of his armband which he had were on his left hand.

"oh, mortals kneel and pray to worship the Lord that has chosen to come and see you behold mortals welcome the arrival of the lord of all origins, parbrahma".

As he is saying that lines Arjun injerjects "What cliches lines are you reciting" but Karna ignores his words and focuses on the action he is making.

As he complete his little dramatic introduction a bright light then shoot out from his armband and landed in front of him slowly the white light materialized in the form of a person who had half a body of a man and half a body of a woman its body can be seen but it has no face just pure darkness on the part where it's should have a face.

The men's side of the body had worn a white robe with golden linings and the women's side wears a bright red robe with diamond linings. As soon as that being came out the man side ground turned into ashes and the right women's side turn into a garden of fresh and various flowers. The left side of the air turns chilly and ominous and the right side air turn into warm and serene.

Seeing this everyone stands up from there place as they had never seen this kind of being though they can not feel these changes outside of the arena as no creation platform was fixed there its effect can be felt if you are standing on the creation platform.

"This feeling it's beyond my expectations, even though knowing that it can't hurt me I am still feeling scared," Priya said to which everyone nods as they had completely forgotten about the seven wings behind him and the cliches lines spoken before.

Now his whole attention is on the divine being who is floating in the air in front of him Arjun then looks at Karna who had a beaming smile on his face. He then nervously laughs and says "Man, you did bring the god itself haha".

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