

You have read thousands of stories about a player playing the VR MMORPG game about that player's life and how he soared high in his life and in the end we found that the game is just a tutorial or a product of some outer space species. but have you ever thought about what the life of a game maker will be? what if the game made is not a product of outer space species but of a simple man of our planet? what are the effects of the game on the world how many changes it can bring and how does one develop this game? this is a story about a young entrepreneur who had a dream of making a game that will leave such a long impact on history that many generations after him will know him as the father of the first and the last R MMORPG games. ----------------------------------------------------------------- the game will be completely new and will take inspiration from many other games, myths, and lore of many different cultures and religions. I have always dreamed of this whole thing and now I am just writing my dreams on this page. hope you will love it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GUYS, I AM PARTICIPATING IN THE CONTEST SO IT WOULD BE LOVELY IF YOU SUPPORT IT AND VOTE FOR IT. AT LEAST LEAVE A REVIEW SO THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND MY FAULTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- follow me on Inst*gram if you want : Wlesh_0207

Lordwlesh · Games
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50 Chs


Inside the office room, everyone is present Shaurya seats in front of Priya on the other side Rama sits beside Priya And Kashyap sits beside Shaurya.

Kashyap does feel some tension between Priya and Shaurya but decided to keep his mouth closed and wait for Karna and Arjun. Rama is very worried as he had not completed the given task and the animosity between Priya and Shaurya is still not finished.

After a while Karna and Arjun enter the room everybody wishes them and then they all take their place. Karna then says "Okay guys now that we had completed all the hard work let's focus on some other work, so Kashyap show us the design of the cards".

Kashyap then nods and then he connect his laptop to the office computer screens and then presented the card designs to everyone in the room.

"Sir, I made the starting card as a simple-looking black rectangular piece it will have the player's name, and the star under the name. The stars will decide the rank of the player behind the card all other information about the players will be included with the help of the barcode".

"one bronze star meant the players are at bronze rank, and each rank will be divided into five levels and then after bronze, we have a silver Star, golden Star, diamond star, platinum star, then after this stage, there would be no levels only rank and they are the champion card ".

As he said that he presented a small holographic image of the champions card. The card is made up of pure black metal and has golden linings on its border it looks plain simple and elegant After that the image changed and a white card appeared it looks so white that even the white light will fails to look this much white it then have a diamond lining on its borders and the names were written on it with bold diamonds.

"This is the world card, and last but not least this is the last card called the origin card," Kashyap says as he then put the image of the origin cards, and lo and behold a magnificent piece of art appeared in front of them.

A black metal card that look as black as a black hole it had a platinum lining and diamond dragons colling around the border of the card. " wow",

"amazing ", " haha man you know your field".

All of them praise him for his work even Karna is impressed with the work "Good job, sir Kashyap I had expected this kind of result from you anyway now that we had decided on the rank, let's hear the league format from our creative team".

As soon as he said that Rama look away when Karna's eyes fell on him Shaurya and Priya put their heads down as they don't know what to present as they had not made anything.

Karna and Arjun both saw this and asked one more time but again they get the same response. Arjun sighs as he knew this kind of situation he had handled a lot of infighting among the employees and the team members.

Karna on the other hand did not read the room and were oblivious to the situation as every time it was Arjun who handles this kind of affair in the office so he again asked this time Arjun decided to interrupt him and he then look at Rama and said " tell us everything, why did they had a fight between them".

Rama and others were surprised as to how come Arjun knows about this but then seeing that it would be best to say everything he tell them the whole story.

Karna became angry as he didn't like this kind of childish behavior from the team that he had selected but he kept his emotions under control as he knew Arjun had a way to deal with this so trusting his friend he shut his mouth.

Arjun appreciate this move of Karna and then he looks at the others and said "Can you all please leave except for Shaurya and Priya stay I want to talk with you guys and Karna let's give them three days more I promise you that they will give us some brilliant ideas".

Karna nodded and with that, he, Rama, and Kashyap leave the room inside the room Arjun looks at both of them and said "Well after hearing from him I can say that both of you were right on your views but...hmm...okay let's understand it in this way I will ask you both a question and you both have to give me the answer okay after I ask you a question you then write your answer on this paper. Write whatever you think okay".

They both nodded and then Arjun ask the question "Tell me, there is a person who is a criminal he had done a lot of crimes like all the crimes imaginable then there is another person who one day finds this person and kills him after killing that person he went to atone for his crime of killing that person. So now tell me is there a need for self atonement or that person should be happy that he had killed such a big criminal? Tell me your views".

After thinking for a while both Priya and Shaurya write their answers on the paper and then Arjun asked them he first asked Priya who says "Sir, he should not atone for something which is not wrong he had killed a criminal doing a great job for society, and the victims of his crimes so doing this self - atonement is just plain stupidity and nothing else".

"fair enough, what are your views on this shaurya," Arjun asked to which he says "I agree with Priya on the first part that he had done a good job for the society but I do not agree with her latter part. Even though he had done a good job he had still taken a life. The life which he had not given to that person and also he's motives are good but you can't take laws into your hands for that his self-atonement make him different from that criminal. For that criminal life is nothing but a bunch of stacked money it is this self-atonement quality that differentiate a sane person and an insane person".

"Good, now that we had both of your views then let's find the mistakes in your views common both of you point out the mistakes in each other views," Arjun said and then they realized that both of their views were right as though they had some differentiation but overall there is nothing wrong in each person views.

Arjun seeing the realization on their faces says "Did you both realize, having different views is not wrong but thinking that only your view matters and is perfect is stupidity who knows maybe someone must have had a better view of that situation than you. Priya you are now young and have a bright future ahead I can understand the mistakes that you want to point out in others' works but remembers sometimes perfection can be achieved after having some imperfections and sometimes imperfections can be perfect without having any perfections. Unless the mistake is not big enough to destroy something then it is acceptable".

"And as for you Shaurya copying is bad yes but if something is good and it can help others in a positive way then copying that good thing is not a sin but a good deed, I want both of you to think about this and then present your idea in the coming three days. I will be waiting for the good news " Arjun, after saying that he leaves the room.

Three days passed and now again everyone is sitting in the office room Karna then look at Shaurya and said "so, I hope both of you had solve those little mistakes among yourself and are ready with a plan".

Hearing that Shaurya, Rama, and Priya smiled, and Rama said "Yes sir, we are ready with the league format and how we will assign the value of the stars".

"Ohh, good I am all ears," Karna said after that Shaurya started explaining the stuff "Sir before we tell you about the league format let me tell you about the values of the stars".

" to achieve one star the players will have two options

Option number one: is to complete the number of quests which will be given according to the star rank

1} For one bronze Star : 50 missions points of bronze grade quest

(No same missions can be repeated in a day)

2} For one silver star : 200 missions points of sliver grade quest (No same missions can be repeated in a day )

3} for one golden Star : 400 missions points of golden grade quests (No same missions can be repeated in a day )

4} for one diamond star : 600 mission points of diamond grades quest ( missions can be repeated in a day )

5} for one platinum star : 1000 missions points of platinum grade quests (missions can be repeated in a day )

6} for champion card holder: 20,000 missions points of champion grade quests ( again mission can be repeated)

7} for world champion card holder: 40,000 mission points of world-class quests ( again mission can be repeated)

And the last is

8} the origin card holder :

By defeating 20 origin card characters and weapons holders" he said all of this by pointing towards the screen which shows the information.

"so, a bronze card holder will require a total of 2500 mission points to become a silver card holder and the silver card holder require a sum total of 10,000 mission points to rank up as a golden card holder and so on and so forth" arjun says.

And karna continue his idea " the champions and world class card holder has to do many quests of such difficulty to rank up which is good as they don't have stars but what I like the most is the origin card holder requirement as it will force those world class holder to find each and every origin chip haha, I like it you can continue".

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