
Maken-Z (Dragon ball/Maken-ki!)

Crossover smut fic between Dragonball Z and Maken-Ki series Starring Gohan as the main lead. Features Big Breasts, Breastfeeding, Big Dick, Cunnilingus, Blowjob, Titjob, Lactation, Cowgirl, Small Breasts, Anal, Threesome, Bondage and Inflation. All characters depicted are 18 years or older first 5 chap mass released after that twice a week Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review of what you like and any complaints you might have.

Mad_man13 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 3 - Sexy girls in tracksuits and Gohan’s first date.

It was a sunny day today at Tenbi. Today wasn't a school day though, it was Saturday, which meant the students had today as well as tomorrow off to do what they pleased. Whether that be study, hanging out with friends, doing a physical workout or, if they were being lazy, still sleeping in their apartment rooms.

As for Gohan, he was currently decked out in a blue sleeveless tracksuit top and pants with white sneakers and was currently standing near the track-field along with Kengo who wore the same attire. The track-field itself was an orange 'o' shaped ring with a patch of grass in the middle. There was a starting line right at the centre of the 'o' shape where you would begin running. The track also had white lines that were meant to separate each individual into their own running lane. From what Gohan could tell, doing a single full rotation around the track would be the equivalent of running a full mile.

The reason they were here? Well, following their official welcoming into Maken-ki yesterday, they, along with Inaho, had been told to attend a track running exercise by student council president Takaki. This would be done to appraise the three of them on their physical endurance over a prolonged period of time running around the track non-stop without taking a single break. Who would be the ones appraising the three of them? Why, none other than Azuki Shinatsu and Chacha Akaza, who along with Inaho, hadn't shown up just yet.

"Man, when are they gonna get here? I'm started to sweat already under this damn heat and we haven't even started running yet!" Complained Kengo in a somewhat whiny tone as beads of sweat could be seen descending down his forehead and cheeks, his face set in an annoyed grimace from the heat of the sun constantly blaring down on him. He felt like he was in a damn furnace for crying out loud!

"I'm sure they won't be taking much longer Kengo, just be a little more patient man." Said Gohan in a calm tone as he turned his head and gaze over to his fellow man, trying, in his own way, to calm him down a bit.

"Ugh, I guess your right man… On the up-side though…" Kengo's face than turned perverted and full of life as he continued. "We'll get to see the girls in their track-suits! I hope there some sexy ones too!"

"Hehe, you bounced back quick didn't you?" Gohan couldn't help but sweat drop at Kengo's antics. One minute he was low on energy due to the heat, the next minute he was fully revitalised from thought about the girls attire. I mean really, for all they knew, the girls could show up dressed in similar gear to them.

"Hey you two! I hope you're ready because me and Chacha aren't going easy on ya!" Came the familiar shout of the red-headed tomboy Azuki as she, Chacha and Inaho approached. As Gohan turned his gaze over to greet them, he almost felt his jaw slacken as he saw what they wee dressed in. Oh, how wrong he was for thinking they would be dressed like them. The girls were currently each wearing a white top and dark blue shorts. What made them eye-popping though was how the white top hugged their upper bodies to the point of being almost skin-tight. This meant that their large breasts were almost poking through them, to the point where you could see clearly defined nipples through the fabric, which meant none of them were wearing a bra. That was accompanied by the blue shorts, which were not only completely skin-tight, but didn't even go down to their upper thighs. Gohan managed to peel his eyes away from the sight quick, because he knew if he hadn't done it fast than he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off it

Kengo on the other hand, didn't give a damn if he got caught staring at them sexually. A sight like this was glorious to him! This was only one step away from them being full on naked to him. He could easily envision each and curve on their bodies as he undressed them with his eyes, blood beginning to leak out of his nose as lewd thought invaded his thoughts as he watched them jog over. From their jiggling and swaying mighty mounds of heaven with erect nipples poking out of their tops, as if begging him to release them, to the girls incredibly tight shorts that gave an outline of their camel-toes as they came closer. It was at that moment that Kengo had decided… today, was a great day indeed…

About ten minutes later…

"I shouldn't have come here today… this is torture" Thought Kengo despondently as he wheezed and huffed from all the non-stop running they had been doing. As he looked around, he realised he was the only one in this state as the girls were doing just fine. He didn't know how they did it, he was already exhausted and ready to call it quits… but he couldn't do that. This wasn't because he wanted to continue against his odds though. No, the real reason was a certain caramel skinned, large busted beauty running behind him with a mother-fucking red shuriken that was as tall as a tractor wheel, ready and willing to throw at him for 'motivation' to keep up his speed in case he faltered.

"That damn bastard Gohan, I don't know how he does it…" Thought Kengo with a look of envy as he saw Gohan round the other end of the track and begin approaching Chacha behind him. This wasn't because Gohan had fallen behind the rest of them though, on the contrary, he was actually in the process of over-lapping all of them for the THIRD time since they began!

"Dear God… he has to be super-human, not only has he passed us multiple times… he doesn't even look like he's trying!" Kengo's last thought was incredibly accurate. As Gohan came up just behind Chacha, there wasn't a single drop of sweat on him, not a single sign to show he was fatigued in any way. The only thing that was visible about his person, was the blush on his cheeks, which was certainly not there due to the heat of the sun…

"If only I could be allowed to do this run on my own, that would make this much easier…" Thought Gohan as he quickly approached Chacha from the rear. His gaze, despite his best efforts to pull it away and focus completely on the track, it kept zoning in on Chacha's shapely hips and tantalizing derriere. "I guess I'm just going to have to learn to live with it, no matter how much I try to resist it, there is a growing part of me that enjoys the sight of cute girls, especially in clothes like those." Gohan's thoughts continued to wander in directions he would rather not have them go as the sight of Chacha's sexy ass along with her wonderful thighs was becoming more entrancing to him every time he had laid eyes on it since this run began. "On the up-side though, I am getting better at handling this new side of me, its difficult, but so long as that side doesn't take complete control and I end up making a fool of myself, things should be fine."

As his thoughts finished for now, Gohan managed to break his gaze away from Chacha's asset as he ran by her for a third time, making sure to keep his eyes locked forward so they wouldn't land their vision on Chacha's other 'assets' which he could still see jiggling and bouncing from the corner of his eye. As Gohan passed her by, Chacha gave Gohan a playful smile as she watched him pass her again. "I have to admit, you're really impressive Gohan. You'll definitely be a great addition to Maken-ki" Chacha snickered to herself as she finished her thoughts while looking at Gohan's broad shoulders and muscles under his track-suit "Plus, I have to admit, you've got some great muscles to look at hehe." She, of course, also being oblivious to the fact that Gohan had also been giving her own body some looks of his own.

Gohan continued forward as he passed Kengo once more and gave him a quick nod as he did so. Kengo despite his fatigue and envy towards Gohan's fitness, couldn't help but give a small nod back to Gohan. Say what you will about him, but he did know how to show politeness, he was not going to let something as petty as him being jealous over Gohan's physical prowess stop him from being friendly with him. After all, from what he had seen of Gohan, other than their first greeting which was admittedly his fault for trying to grope Haruko, he was a decent person. "Maybe I should ask him if he'll help me to get fitter, because I could really use the help right about now." Thought Kengo as he felt his legs starting to give way from the strain of running this much.

However, before Kengo could let himself fall over and relax, Azuki had turned her head a little and noticed, other than Gohan gaining on her and Inaho again, that he was about to call it quits. She would not allow him to do that on her watch. That boy would only stop when she said he could stop!

"Hey! Pick up the pace Kengo. You call yourself a man! This is pathetic." Said Azuki with a harsh tone.

It looked as though he had heard her tone, as he got a little hysterical. "That's easy for you to say! I can barely feel my legs right now!" Whined Kengo as he felt completely spent. When she heard his response, Azuki started to get a little mad. "Are you kidding me!? Quit whining you spineless crybaby! we haven't even finished the third mile yet and there's two more after that." Azuki spotted how Kengo's face morphed into a look of horror at her words as he tried to look for a way to escape, having forgotten about Chacha behind him.

Gohan, who at this point had closed the distance between himself, Azuki and Inaho to complete his final lap, noticed how Azuki looked directly at Chacha in that moment with a devilish look in her eyes. He knew that look meant trouble as he managed to ignore the almost instinctive hormonal urge in him to look at Azuki's and Inaho's plump asses as they shook from side to side in an enticing rhythm and instead turned his attention over to Kengo and Chacha behind him. His eyes confirmed what his gut had been telling him as he witnessed Chacha pull the arm with the massive red shuriken in hand over her shoulder and prepared to throw it.

"KENGO!.." came a shout from Gohan which got him Kengo's attention as he gave him a look. "YOU MIGHT WANNA RUN BUDDY!" Kengo looked confused for a second as he heard Gohan's shout, that is, until his eyes widened in realization as he turned his head to see Chacha with her shuriken at the ready. "Oh, fuck me…" muttered Kengo in fear as he saw Chacha launch the large spinning blade of death right at him. With strength he didn't even know he had, Kengo immediately went into survival mode as he picked up speed quick, his sneakers kicking up dust as he literally BOLTED past Gohan, Azuki and Inaho, shuriken following close behind.

"GOD HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!" was the bellow heard by everyone fading into the distance as Kengo attempted to outrun what could only be described as a cutting edge experience with certain death.

"Wow look at him go! He's like a cheetah with how fast he is now. Never knew he had it in him!" Spoke up Inaho rather innocently as Azuki gave her a chuckle for what she said. "Yeah, I know right Inaho? He was holding out on us this whole time. All he needed was a little… motivation." Finished Azuki with a smirk. Gohan couldn't help but sweat drop nervously at Azuki with the way she was acting. "Note to self, never get on Azuki's bad side…" Thought Gohan as he had slowed his pace to that of Azuki's, now running shoulder to shoulder with her.

Azuki turned her head as she noticed Gohan was running along side her now, from what she counted, was his final lap. A smile coming to her lips as a thought entered her mind. "Hey you, Gohan was it?" Gohan met her gaze as he responded with a questioning look over his face. "Yeah? What is it Azuki?" Azuki gave him a challenging look through her eyes as she gave a confident inquisition. "I've got an idea… how about you and me, have a little spar Monday afternoon?"

This question surprised gohan as his eyes widened from Azuki's request. She definitely wasn't joking around as he could tell from the sound of her tone that she was serious. Given her attitude as well, she didn't come across as the type of girl to take no for an answer. Gohan made up his mind quick as he turned his attention back to Azuki, doing his best job not to let his eyes wander to her bouncing breasts with erect nipples.

"Sure, if that's what you want, one question though, will this 'spar' turn into one of those duels? Like the one I saw you in two days ago?"

Azuki's smile enlarged as she heard Gohan's question, a competitive glow in her eyes. "You know what, that's a great idea. Instead of a spar, we'll have ourselves a duel, to make things more interesting." Responded Azuki with a new flare to her as she started to move even faster than before, her massive breasts bouncing up and down even more through her top, her erect nipples grazing up and down the cloth as they did so. "I'll see you then big boy."

Awhile later… with Gohan and Inaho… near their apartment…

"Gohan-sama, are you really going to duel Azuki?" Asked Inaho in a curious tone as she walked side by side with Gohan towards their apartment room. Gohan turned his head to look at Inaho with a somewhat bashful look on his face as he rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess I am Inaho. Hopefully things don't get too crazy when it happens." Inaho nodded her head in agreement with that, from what she had seen of Gohan already, she knew he would be quite the adversary. She smiled at him as she knew, somehow, that Gohan could beat Azuki, even with her Maken.

"Well then, I wish you luck Gohan-sama." Said Inaho as she leaned in and surprised Gohan by giving him a peck on the cheek. A light blush coloured Gohan's cheeks as he responded. "Thanks for that Inaho, I appreciate it." Inaho beamed brightly at Gohan's cute reaction as they reached the door to their room. "You're welcome, Gohan-sama."

Gohan than opened the door and said "We're back" as they both walked in. Once the door had been closed behind them, they both heard footsteps as Haruko came into sight from the living room area to greet them. "Welcome back you two, how did the endurance exercise with Azuki and Chacha go?" Gohan gave Haruko a sheepish smile at her question as he rubbed the back of his head, eyes quickly roaming over her form sub-consciously. Haruko was currently wearing a pink top with an open window around the chest area which showed off some of her cleavage and tight emerald green short shorts that went down to her upper thighs. It was also apparent that she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples could be seen poking out through the top a good bit.

"Oh, it went ok for the most part, I didn't have a problem with it at all, Kengo on the other hand…" Haruko noticed how Gohan trailed off when mentioning Kengo, which got her curious. "What happened with him?" Instead of Gohan answering Haruko's question, Inaho chimed in instead. "He didn't do very well at first, but once Chacha sent her shuriken after him he went off like a bullet, you should've seen it Haruko, he was going so fast!" Haruko merely sweat-dropped at the cheerful explanation Inaho gave her. He was really doing that bad that Azuki and Chacha saw it fit to give him THAT kind of motivation? She couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Kengo, that had to have been rough. On the bright side though, it would be good motivation for him, so he could improve even if it was a bit extreme.

"That sounds… interesting. Did anything else happen, or was that it?" Gohan gave a small chuckle at this as he dropped the news on Haruko about him and Azuki. "Yeah actually, I kinda got challenged to a duel by Azuki…" As soon as the words left his lips, Haruko's eyes widened in surprise. "A-Azuki challenged you… to a duel?" Haruko stuttered a bit in shock. She was quite surprised by this, why would Azuki challenge Gohan? She had nothing to gain from that as far as she was aware.

"Yeah, she did. Don't know why she did, but I accepted because I could tell she wouldn't take no for an answer." Haruko just sighed at this. "I hope you know what you're doing Gohan, Azuki's no pushover you know, even without her Maken she's pretty skilled in martial arts like muai thai and wrestling." Gohan simply nodded his head at this information. While he knew with his strength he could easily defeat someone like Azuki if he used just even a small amount of his power, but that wasn't what he was going to do. He'd give her an actual fight as respect for being a fellow martial artist, even if he himself didn't like fighting all that much. He would make sure to lower his power level to around that of Azuki's and take her on in a contest of skill rather than the tests of power he used to do against other opponents back in the day when he had no choice but to fight. He was pretty sure that since he hadn't properly trained his technique in years that he would be quite rusty at it, which would make it a little more interesting.

"I know, I'll make sure not to underestimate her, for sure." Haruko just nodded herself at this. A small smile worked its way on to her face as she looked Gohan in the eyes. "I guess I'll just put my trust in you that you know what you're doing, Gohan." Thought Haruko as she walked back into the living room, both Gohan and Inaho following behind her.

Meanwhile… on the rooftop of the apartment complex… at early night-time

Himegami was currently sitting down on the rooftop with one knee propped up and her hands clasped around it. She was currently dressed in a white dress that had a black skirt attached to it that was white like the rest of the dress on the inside along with a pink ribbon attached to the dress around the chest area. She was also not wearing any footwear, opting to simply wear thin black stockings that went up past her knees and almost to her upper thighs with white frills on the end. She had a look of patience on her face as she waited for her shikigami to return.

This didn't take that much longer as she spotted her shikigami flying towards her about a minute later. "My lady, we have returned!" Said the three shikigami in unison as they descended near her. Fire god and thunder god were joined this time by a new spirit who was a woman with long flowing princess style hair and a green yukata. Himegami greeted them by first patting the girl spirits head and then speaking. "Thanks for the hard work, fire god, earth god and thunder god, what's the situation?" The earth spirit responded politely by saying that there are no more intruders. This gave Himegami pause. "The guys from Kamigari seem to have given up their attacks from the outside, the principal sure is skilled alright." Thought Himegami while being rather impressed by their principal's dedication to keep out unwanted visitors from Kamigari.

"Hmm, if that's the case…" Said Himegami as she got into a thinking pose about this situation. It didn't take long for her to come to a realization, they could have snuck in somehow and already infiltrated the school! If that was true though, then it would have to have been through the new intakes as it would be the best way to hide their identities. "First, I shall start investigating those around me…" Said Himegami as an image of Gohan popped into her mind and her heart sped up a bit. "I have to confirm whether he's truly a friend… or foe."

Meanwhile… back in the apartment… in the living room

Haruko and Inaho were sitting at the table while Gohan was lying down on a futon front first on the floor. He was currently just relaxing and enjoying some rest and relaxation while Inaho hummed to herself and Haruko wrote down some notes for the student council into her copy book. Gohan's relaxation didn't last long though, as he heard light footsteps approaching him from the side before the familiar voice of Himegami reached his ears. "Hey, Gohan." Gohan heard her stop next to the side of his head before replying with a simple "hmm" as he looked up, only to be met with an up-close look at Himegami's pearly white panties under her skirt. If Himegami had noticed that he saw them, then she didn't make any indication of this.

"You're going out with me." Said Himegami with a serious expression on her face. Her statement surprising both Inaho and Haruko at the table who sported light blushes from Himegami's blunt demand of Gohan to go on a date with her. The only thing that managed to come to the lips of the other three in the room being a surprised yet confused sound. "EH?"

Scene change… the next morning…

Gohan was currently sitting down on the circular bench underneath the clock tower in the park a good distance away from his apartment. He was dressed in a sleeveless white shirt, black pants and brown shoes. He was, at this moment, waiting for Himegami to show up. Apparently, he was going to be her errand boy today while she shopped. He honestly didn't mind it, it gave him a reason to get out of the apartment on Sunday at the very least. He was curious though… Why did Himegami ask him to go with her? Surely, she had friends she could do this sort of thing with? It made him wonder just exactly what was going on in her mind. Was she doing this to be friendlier with him? Or was it that he had done something to annoy her somehow? Because, if the second one was the case, then he couldn't really think of a single time where he had annoyed her. Well, except for that one time where he had just arrived at the school and had accidently stolen her first kiss, and she his. He could've sworn she got over that though, as she hadn't mentioned it since the first day and wasn't trying to duel him like she was before. So, what was it then?

Although, it would seem Gohan wasn't alone in his thoughts about his outing with Himegami as the three familiar faces of Haruko, Inaho and even Kengo, could be seen within the bushes near the bench. Kengo looked over at Haruko as he gave her a nervous look. "Are we seriously going to do this? It's a little embarrassing" Whispered Kengo, with Inaho having similar feelings as well. Haruko on the other hand, just asked the question that she knew would get them on her side with following Gohan and Himegami. "Aren't you concerned about those two on a date?"

It didn't even take three seconds before the looks on Kengo and Inaho's faces changed to worried looks. "Very concerned" Said both at the same time. "See" responded Haruko havingknown she had gotten her point across. Kengo however still had one more question. "Even still… do we really have to be dressed like this?" What Kengo referred to as the fact that he was wearing a detective style suit with a fedora on his head whilst Haruko and Inaho were dressed in a white shirt and pants with running shoes on along with baseball caps on.

He wouldn't get a proper answer however as they then, along with Gohan, heard the sound of Himegami's voice as she finally arrived and stood near Gohan. "Sorry to keep you waiting" As Gohan turned to greet her, he found himself lost for words once again as he saw Himegami's attire. Unknown to him, the three people that were tailing him were also in a similar predicament.

Himegami was wearing a gothic Lolita style dress that went just down to her upper thighs that was black in colour on either side of the top of her dress while having a pink layer in the middle. She also wore a pink sash around her waist with a black section at the centre, likely to hug the dress to her body. The cuffs of her dress had white frills to them. To top it all off, she had black heels on with black stockings that reached just below her knees that had pink frills on the end of them with a black tiara with white accessories on the side on top of her head and a black handbag in hand to finish her ensemble.

"Hmm, fine weather indeed, a perfect day for shopping." Said Himegami with a smile. Her posture being one of elegance as she there confidently with one arm by her side holding her bag and the other arm in the shape of a teapot handle as the back of her hand went up against her side rather nonchalantly.

Himegami noticed the look Gohan had on his face then as he stood up. "Hmm? What's wrong?" Gohan blinked as he heard this and snapped out of his reverie before responding without thinking. "It's just that… those clothes fit you really well Himegami, you look pretty cute in them."

This comment actually caught Himegami off guard a little as she actually blushed at his compliment, particularly the part where he called her cute. She even felt her heart begin to beat faster inside her chest.

"Hmph, why of course! Still, even with your compliments you won't get away from being my errand boy… that's the punishment you get for taking my first kiss." Said Himegami as a somewhat stern look came over her face.

So, it was the kiss huh? Well, at least that answered that question. Gohan just nodded his head to show his compliance as he stepped to the side and motioned his hands over in the direction they would be going in a gentlemanly way. "Ladies first." Said Gohan with a small smile, one that Himegami mimicked right back as she heard the chivalrous phrase.

Scene change… inside the shopping mall at Tenbi…

As Himegami and Gohan walked around the incredibly large and varied mall, Gohan couldn't help but be impressed at the shear size of this place. From what he could see, there was dozens of stores lined across each side, each one holding its own unique brand of either food and drinks, clothes or other miscellaneous items. What really got to Gohan though were the prices of the items that he saw as they walked by these stores. They were, for lack of a better description, dirt cheap. If only his mom was here, oh boy, she'd have a field day buying as much stuff as she could possibly carry, especially food given she had to cook for two half saiyans in him and his younger brother Goten. He honestly couldn't help but voice his curiosity on such a place.

"there's such a place like this in tenbi? Man, I can't believe how cheap all these things are!" Himegami turned her head a bit to look in Gohan's direction as she chimed in. "You didn't know? Tenbi is a special district recognised by the country. Be it pricing or the way of ruling… laws and such are different from this country… It's like a small country of its own…hmm" Stated Himegami as she spotted a limited addition teddy bear.

Meanwhile, Gohan began to mull over the new information he had been given as he stopped himself for a second. Tenbi really had that much privilege to where it could function and perform independently from the country it was in? Now that was impressive, he had to admit. That being the case though, it did make Gohan wonder how exactly they managed to do something like that, because it certainly didn't sound like something that was done over night.

"This… isn't this…!?" Gohan was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Himegami right beside him sounding quite shocked about something. "Kumaaru's limited edition Hazuki-chan which will be on sale next week!!" Himegami at this point had bent over and put her hands on the glass separating her from the teddy bear for support and balance as she peered through the glass wall right at the teddy bear with a look of glee. However, do to the length of her skirt only reaching down to her upper thighs, her bending over like this meant that she was giving a full view of her tight red panties to anyone near her who was looking. Unfortunately for young Gohan, he was the only one near her t that point and was right behind her, so sufficed to say he got quite the eyeful of them as noticed how they fir her cute ass perfectly

Gohan quickly turned his vision away from this sight however as he felt that his little head was beginning to overtake his big head and didn't need that to happen. He found this significantly harder to do then he expected. Perhaps it was the way Himegami was bent over, because his little head refused to back down and, as if it were a motivational speaker, did its best to convince Gohan to turn back and stare at Himegami's cute little red panty wearing ass, as it put it. His big head managed to win though as he calmed his little head down in time for Himegami to grab him by the hand and pull him into the store so she could buy the bear.

Following this, Gohan was then subjected to a Himegami style shopping spree as after she got the bear, she wasted no time in dragging him to other stores and buying all sorts of clothes and other miscellaneous items. He didn't complain though as he genuinely didn't mind it all that much, even if he at this point was carrying about twenty different boxes, each varying in size and at this pont was standing over a head taller than Gohan even if he wasn't carrying it.

Meanwhile, Himegami found herself looking back at Gohan with a look of curiosity. She honestly was a little surprised that he hadn't even whined or complained even once throughout the day so far. She had believed that at this point with having dragged him through over a dozen different stores a and had him carry every single thing that she bought over the last few hours that he would've at least voiced some bit of displeasure. But no, not a single word of complaint had been uttered.

Then again… the day was still young. There was still plenty of time left in this day out with him for her to enjoy, even if the shopping portion was about to come to an end with her last shopping destination in mind. Speaking of which…

"Gohan, this shop here will be our last stop for the day, so come with me." Said Himegami as she proceeded to lead Gohan into a store named Ten's style.

Meanwhile… with Haruko, Inaho and Kengo…

Across the pathway from Gohan and Himegami, the three tag-alongs currently had a mixture of embarrassed and flustered expressions on their faces, especially Haruko. "Hi-Himegami… That's…" Stuttered Haruko with an embarrassed blush on her face as she realized the kind of shop Himegami had led Gohan into…

Back with Gohan and Himegami…

As the two walked into the store, Gohan for the second time during this day out started to feel rather awkward. The reason for this being that it had just now donned on him what sort of shop Himegami had brought him into as he stood in the middle of the shop while Himegami walked off. Other than a few extra trinkets like sunglasses here and there, the shop mainly specialized in one thing…. Women's lingerie.

"Why exactly did she bring me in here? It really doesn't feel right for me to be here…" Thought Gohan as nervousness started to creep into his psyche. A few beads of nervous sweat beginning to appear on his face as no matter where he looked, all he saw were Women's bras and panties of all length, widths, shapes, sizes and types lined across every shelf or clothes rack around him.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here Himegami?" Asked Gohan, clearly directing a silent plea at Himegami to give him an answer to put him at ease.

His concern, unfortunately for him, went ignored by Himegami as she perused the aisles for some panties that she thought would suit her best. "Hey Gohan" Gohan turned his vision over to Himegami as he heard her calling him. He blushed a bit as he saw her pick up two sets of bra and panties, one set being a white colour with blue accents around the top and the other a light shade of purple with strokes of black. "Which one do you think is better, this one…" Said Himegami while holding up the white one. "Or this one?" Finished Himegami as she pulled the first one away and pulled up the pink and black pair.

Okay, now Gohan was really flustered. How in the world was he supposed to answer that? How would he know, he wasn't an expert on lingerie, or women's clothing in general. He didn't even want to try and entertain the idea of which was better, because he knew his mind would only end up wandering to a lewd place. He hoped she wasn't serious, but it looked as if she was as she stood there waiting for him to give her an answer, and she was started to lose her patience a little. That meant only one thing, he had to give her an answer quick, but he just couldn't think of anything. He was completely out of his element here…

"Uhh, the purple one?" Said Gohan, feeling incredibly unsure of himself right now.

"Hmm…" Himegami mulled over Gohan's answer for a second as she looked at the set he picked, not totally convinced that it was better. Well, as they say, if you weren't sure if something was right for you, try it on and see if you like it.

Himegami decided to try on the lingerie first before making a decision and led Gohan over to the changing area, the purple curtains being the only thing that would separate the two of them. Gohan had no clue as to why he had to be this close while she was changing, but for some reason Himegami had decided to bring him over there.

"Stay there while I change, once I've made my decision we'll leave." Gohan just nodded in agreement as Himegami went inside the changing area and closed the purple curtains around her. Himegami then hung the bra and panty set on the surface behind her as she started to undress, starting with her dress first as it fell to the floor before reaching up behind her back and unclasping her bra before dropping it on the ground next to her dress. To end it off, she snaked her thumbs into the sides of her red panties before pulling them down as well and kicking them to the side for now. This left her as naked as the day she was born, her small but perky breasts and small pink nipples standing at attention, her cute little rear and nether regions also now exposed and free from constraint.

As she turned over and grabbed the lingerie on the wall, Gohan could be seen just outside looking visibly uncomfortable. This was a time in which he cursed the fact of having better senses due to being half Saiyan. Particularly, his hearing. He could hear it all vividly, from Himegami taking off her dress to pulling down her panties. Gohan did his best to snuff out any unwanted thoughts that would come from the hormonal side of his brain, but it was beginning to be a losing battle. He could feel his 'motivational speaker' downstairs come to life once again as it tried to coerce him into taking a peek inside the curtains.

Whereas, back in the changing area, Himegami had just slipped on her new bra and panties. As she wore them out for a new few seconds and felt how they hugged her petite form quite nicely, she nodded her a little in satisfaction. "This doesn't feel too bad. I'll take it." Said Himegami in a low tone. She then took off the new lingerie and put her own clothes back on before opening the curtains to move out.

Gohan quickly snapped out of his subconscious battle against his own body when he heard the curtain snap open. He looked over and saw Himegami back in her gothic Lolita dress with a smile on her face as she walked over to the till and paid for the new lingerie before moving towards the exit. She turned her head to the side as she spoke to Gohan, who by this point had reigned in his little head and inclinations once again.

"Next up, we're going for lunch" Gohan nodded his head as he followed Himegami out of the store and towards the stairs. Once they walked up the steps, Gohan found himself in front of a café that promoted itself as a 'maid café'. Once they walked in, Gohan found out quick why exactly it was called that as before him and Himegami stood four admittedly cute girls in maid outfits. There were two on each side infront of where Gohan stood.

"Welcome back master-sama, mistress-sama." Said the four maid girls in unison with bright smiles on their faces as they welcomed them both as warmly as possible.

As the two walked by the maid girls and sat down at a table, Gohan couldn't help but ask about this place. "What, you've never been to a maid café before?" Asked Himegami as she picked up her menu. Gohan just shook his head in the negative, while he had been to a café once before with his mom, it definitely wasn't like this…

Gohan shrugged his shoulders at this though, this was all new to him, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Before Gohan could pick up his own menu however…

"Master-sama, Mistress-sama." Came the familiar voice of a girl that Gohan recognised as another maid walked towards them.

When Gohan turned his attention over to the approaching maid, he felt his eyes nearly bug out of his skull as he saw who the maid was…

"Welcome to our residence-'meipuru'." Said the red-headed maid as she struck a pose that caused her maid skirt to lift up a bit, giving a glance at her frilly white panties.

"Today, allow me, Azukin the maid to serve delicious gourmets, which will get rid of fatigue from… YOUR WORK!!?" exclaimed 'Azukin' in shock as she realized who she was serving.

"Uh-huh, is that so?" Said Himegami with a mischievous glint in her eye as she noticed Gohan looked just as shocked as Azuki did.

Azuki began to tremble as the only sound she could muster up was a mumble that was completely unintelligible as she was still processing the fact that HE was one of her customers…

Himegami, being the only one of the three not being gob-smacked right now, just continued to order for her and Gohan as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Fine then, I will have my usual order 'Love's Cabonara' and…" She paused as she looked over at Gohan before she smirked as an idea of what to order for him crossed her mind. Oh, this would be good…

"For this guy over here, 'The love letter omelette rice', thank you."

Azuki turned her head to Himegami as she finished ordering, a comical look of anger on her face accompanied by a forced smile. "You… you, you, YOU" Started Azuki, her voice beginning to rise with every utterance of the word 'you'. "What do you think you're trying to do, Himegami!!" Azuki had balled her left hand into a fist as she glared comically at Himegami before pointing at Gohan with her other hand. "Why did you bring him here!!"

"Ohoh, are you sure this should be the right way to talk to your custom-… Masters? A-zu-kin." Responded Himegami with a cheeky smile on her face, tone filled with condescension.

"KUH!!" sounded Azuki in annoyance before turning her attention over to Gohan, who still had not come back to reality entirely after seeing Azuki of all people being a maid.

"Ok, I understand…" Started Azuki in a low tone. "Your meal will be served, please wait for a while…" Continued Azuki through grit teeth as she bent the plate she was holding in two with her anger.

The sound of the plate being bent along with a feeling of killing intent next to him was enough to snap Gohan out of his stupor completely as he looked at Azuki right as she gave him a look that read 'if you dare to tell the others about me I will kill you right away.'

"Please, take your time and relax…" Finished Azuki in a strained voice as she walked off to get their orders, leaving Gohan a little nervous as he realized that Azuki was REALLY PISSED OFF right now.

Meanwhile… back with Haruko and co…

"What a daring outfit Azuki-san's wearing." Said Haruko with a blush on her face she tried to remain inconspicuous.

"I think it's kind of cute, I'm a little jealous." Said Inaho with a humoured smile. She wasn't kidding though, that maid outfit Azuki wore was something she was a bit envious of to have herself.

"You think so?" Said Kengo rhetorically as he took a closer look at Azuki and the other maid girls as they walked along and smiled perversely to himself. A café that had cute and sexy maid girls waiting on you with enthusiasm and incredibly short skirts? He knew where he would be going to eat from now on that's for sure.

Haruko then noticed something as she spotted others in the café. "Hmm? there are other customers huh… Tenbi doesn't have a lot of people…" Thought Haruko with a little bit of suspicion. She didn't know why, but her gut was telling her that something was off…

Back with Gohan and Himegami…

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Said Azuki as she came with their orders and placed them on the table. As soon as Gohan's sight fell on his omelette and he smelt it's aroma through the air, he could swear he almost drooled.

Himegami picked up on how Gohan just stared at his meal, looking as if he was in a trance. "Uh, what's the matter?" Gohan turned his attention back to Himegami real quick as he answered with enthusiasm that surprised Himegami. "It's nothing to be concerned about, it's just that this omelette looks really good! I can't wait to eat it."

"Master-sama, it looks as if I've forgotten something for your meal, hold on let me fix that." Said Azuki as she poured ketchup on to the omelette.

Once she was done pouring, Gohan looked down and couldn't help but sweat drop as he saw the word 'DEATH' written in sauce on top of his omelette.

"Well then, please enjoy your meal." Said Azuki as she walked off with a 'hmph' while Himegami giggled at Azuki's rather childish threat to Gohan.

"Well, guess I know the kind of mood she'll be in for the duel… great… just great…" Thought Gohan with a sigh as he just shrugged his shoulders before beginning to eat the omelette, his previous excitement for it now greatly diminished.

Whilst Gohan started his meal, Azuki had already walked over towards the other three and had noticed them almost immediately. "What the heck are you doing here vice-president… And what's with those outfits?" Questioned Azuki with a sweat drop. With the way they had their heads down when she was coming over, she couldn't help but think hey were trying to be some wannabe detectives or something.

Haruko, Inaho and Kengo just sweat dropped as they realized they had been caught. Yeah, this was going to take some explaining…

About a half hour later… on a bench in front of a lakeside…

"Hup-mmm" Himegami stretched her arms up over her head as she found herself sitting down on a bench with Gohan, overlooking a pretty looking lake of water that reflected the powerful rays of the sun.

Gohan, who had laid the boxes full of shopping down next to him on the bench, just sighed as he looked over the water the lake.

Himegami looked over at Gohan, a genuine smile on her face as she thought about their 'date' together. "How was it Gohan? It was a pretty exciting lunch right?" Said Himegami as she stretched her arms out once again, this time in front of her.

Gohan looked over at her and let a small smile grace his face. "Yeah, I guess it was…" Said Gohan as he trailed off, knowing that it would've been better had he not angered Azuki somehow…

While Gohan distracted himself with that, the fire spirit chose that moment to appear before Himegami, and he didn't look amused…

"Oi, mistress!" Spoke the fire spirit as he caught Himegami's attention. "Sorry for interrupting your fun time but… aren't you forgetting something important?" Said the fire spirit with a look of annoyance.

It took all of about five seconds for Himegami to recall what he was talking about, before a look of recognition flashed across her face. She tried to play it off with him that she hadn't forgotten but it was clear that she had. That got her a little annoyed with herself. She was supposed to have been surveying Gohan to confirm one hundred percent whether or not he was an enemy in disguise. Instead? She had ended up throwing away the entire day getting wrapped up in her activities with him and had ended up making it into an actual date in her mind when she shouldn't have. However, there was still time to make this right! And she had just the plan to use.

"Just you wait fire god, I will show you how it's done. Using my sex appeal!" Thought Himegami. This would do the trick alright. Once she seduced him with her natural charm, she'd find out from him then and there if he was her ally or enemy.

"Gohan…" Said Himegami as seductively as she could as she bent over towards him with both her hands propping her up on the bench with one of her knees on the end of the bench to make herself as appealing to the eye as possible.

"H-Himegami-san?" Said Gohan in surprise as he saw the kind of pose she was in. Himegami crawled towards him with the objective in mind to arouse him as she placed her hands on his shoulders as she drew her own body ever closer to his own.

"W-What are you-" Gohan didn't get to finish as he was silenced by Himegami who placed her index finger on his lips as a way to tell him to stop talking. Seeing that this worked, she proceeded to place her free hand back on his other shoulder as she swung her other leg to the other side of the bench and sat herself in a kneeling position on top of Gohan's lap. She blushed as she felt something under her begin to poke at her inner thigh. Gohan blushed up a storm himself as he felt his member rise to attention of its own volition and poke dangerously close to Himegami's sex as she began straddling him.

"This is it, I have him right where I want him. Now, I can get him to reveal his true colours!" Thought Himegami as she leaned in on Gohan, looking like she was about to kiss him as her heart rate began to sky-rocket.

Gohan, had he been in a right sate of mind, would've asked Himegami what she was trying to do. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you looked at it, Gohan's brain had ceased to function properly as he found himself rooted in place, unable to move as Himegami advanced.

This was the scene that Haruko, Inaho and Kengo bore witness to as they spotted them from a distance. However, whatever Himegami had been going for, was cut short just there…

"JUST HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Came the shout of three voices in unison that sounded distinctly male. This caught Himegami's attention as she tore her focus away from Gohan whilst still perched on his lap to look over at the intrusion.

Her gaze was met with four teenage boys popping out of some bushes. One of them had blond hair spiked up at the front and held a flag that read 'We love Himegami', the guy next o him had black hair in a bowl cut with glasses, the third guy had short brown hair and quite chubby in appearance, and the last guy wore a cap over his head to conceal his face.

From Himegami's perspective, the blondie punk, the black-haired nerd and the fatso introduced themselves along with their new 'cohort' as the fatso put it. She didn't pay any attention to what their names were as she could tell remembering them would be a waste of her time.

The newly revealed boys, with the exclusion of the cap wearing guy, loudly and passionately professed how they were Himegami's fan club and how they had fallen for her beauty. Himegami could only sweat-drop as she heard their proclamation. It didn't stop there though as the glasses wearing boy clenched his fist before commenting how she was their idol and they couldn't allow her to have her heart stolen by a good for nothing stupid fellow.

Gohan, who had heard what the guy in glasses said found himself getting a little offended. "Good for nothing stupid fellow? Is this guy serious?" Thought Gohan in annoyance as he regained some control over his body and turned his head in the 'Himegami fan club's direction.

"Even if we have to use force, we will do whatever we can to stop that!!" exclaimed three of the boys in unison as they began charging at Gohan, hell bent on dealing with him first.

As Gohan saw them charging, he was about to get up and do something about this until Himegami beat him to the punch. "I see, I suppose the entrance exam of Tenbi is way too simple, that even idiots like you get enrolled to this school huh?" Said himegami rhetorically as she hopped off of Gohan and the bench before sending the three nuisances flying over into the lake unconscious with some magic rather casually.

"JUST COOL YOUR HEADS IN THERE, INSOLENT FOOLS!" Shouted Himegami at the three fanboys who crashed into the water before turning her attention over to the last one remaining from their little group with a smile. "And what about you?"

"Kukuku, my motive is slightly different." Said the young man as he pulled his cap off revealing spiky mane of jet black hair.

"Maken 'Suneeku'" He exclaimed as his Maken materialised on his wrists in the form of scythe blades.

"I won't accept this challenge…" Said Himegami in a dismissive tone, not being in the mood to humour his obvious challenge. The man didn't seem to care though as he launched an attack at Himegami by cutting with his scythe blade in a downwards swipe, sending out an arc of energy directly at her that cut right through the ground as it moved forward. "You wouldn't think of that would you!!!" Exclaimed the man as he did this, believing that he had caught Himegami off guard and nailed her.

"Hmn" Voiced the man in confusion as he felt a draft of air above him. He then looked up, his eyes widening in shock as he caught an eyeful of a certain pair of purple and black panties.

"I see, I get it now. However, to attack someone without going through a proper ceremony…. Isn't something an honourable warrior would do…" Said Himegami as she stood one of her feet on the man's outstretched arm and planted the other on his face in a show of superiority over him, having not even been scratched from his attack due to dodging it easily.

"You foul being" Finished Himegami with a scowl on her face.

Sufficed to say, the man didn't take her treatment of him as an opponent too well…

"SHUT UP BITCH!!" Shouted the man in anger as he swung the arm Himegami was standing on in an arc, causing a wave of energy to appear again which Himegami had to jump away in order to avoid losing a foot.

The man smirked at this, knowing that had her right where he wanted her.

"Just like what you see of my 'Suneeku', it will be following you forever until it tears you apart!!" Exclaimed the man again in glee as he swiped both his arms down, sending two arcs of energy directly at Himegami from both sides while she was still in the air, which meant she wouldn't be able to dodge them.

Himegami, who by this point had realized her mistake all too late, saw the arcs of energy close in on her and knew, once she landed, they would cut her in three.

Just as they were about to reach her though, Himegami found herself being whisked away from harm as she noticed she had been moved to the side, a good distance away from the impact zone as the two arcs of energy met and dispersed upon contact. Himegami also noticed as she looked up that she was being held bridle style in the strong arms of Gohan, which had her blushing a little.

The rest of the onlookers, including Himegami's would-be assailant had also noticed this, and had looks of shock written all over their faces as one thought was shared by all of them. "How did he do that?"

Gohan looked down at Himegami as their eyes met, He put a charming smile on his face knowing that she was safe. Unknown to him, this had made Himegami's heart start beating almost out of her chest. The way he looked at her, the kindness and care that she could see deep in his black pools, the warmth she felt as she was in his arms, it reminded her of Aniue…

"Himegami…" The sound of Gohan saying her name in a gentle tone caught Himegami by surprise. "I'm glad you're safe." Gohan then let Himegami out of his arms as he placed her on her feet back on the ground. Himegami almost found herself protesting this as she didn't want that warmth to go. "Let me handle this guy." Said gohan with a tone that left absolutely no room for argument. Himegami just nodded her head dumbly as Gohan turned his back to her and began walking towards the dual scythe wearing man, all traces of care and warmth vanishing from his eyes as he gave the man a cold look.

The man, having gotten over his shock, glared right back at Gohan as he saw him advance towards him. "Huh, looks like I got a Casanova over here… What are you gonna do big guy?"

Gohan stopped his advance just two short feet away from the man as he gave him a response, his tone sounding dead serious as he held in his anger. "I'll only give you one chance buddy… Walk away now, and no one will get hurt."

The man narrowed his eyes incredulously as he glared at Gohan, more pissed off than ever before. Was this little shit serious? HE was telling HIM to back OFF!? Just who in the hell did this guy think he was to talk down to him like that, huh!? Ohoh, he was going to get it now, he'd show him alright…

What the man did next shocked everyone watching as he SPAT right in Gohan's face! "Tch, fat chance of that asshole, TAKE THIS!" Bellowed the man as he swiped both of his arms down one last time in an 'x' shape as an 'x' shape energy attack hit Gohan dead on, practically point blank. Everyone who was watching had stunned faces after what they had just witnessed as the force of the attack that hit Gohan kicked up a cloud of smoke that obscured him from vision.

The man smirked victoriously as he saw this, believing he had dealt with the bastard handily, only for his eyes, along with everyone elses to widen in shock as the smoke cleared to reveal Gohan standing in the same place he had been before without a single scratch on his person. The only way to tell the attack had actually hit him, was the 'x' shaped tear in his shirt that showed a little bit of his toned chest. He looked even more furious than he had before.

"I gave you a chance to walk away and what do you do? You spit in my face and attack me…" Said Gohan in a terse tone as he cracked his knuckles. "If that's how you want to do this…" Gohan then gave him a deadly glare that had the man gulp in fear. "Then it's my turn now."

As soon as those words left his lips, Gohan wasted no time in winding his arm back before stepping forward and delivering a hard, straight punch right to the man's face, eliciting a cry of pain from the man as he heard a crunch sound upon contact. He had definitely broken the man's nose at the vey least as he was launched back from the force of Gohan's blow, skidding on the ground back first and creating a trench in it as he ploughed into it before slowing to a stop about a thousand yards away from he had been standing.

Silence, that's all there was for the next few seconds, silence. Following this, Haruko was the first to come out of her surprise as she ran over towards Gohan. Inaho and Kengo snapped out of it as well as they saw her move forward, following her towards Gohan.

"Ar-are you alright Gohan?" Said Haruko as she ran forward, catching Gohan's attention along with knocking Himegami out of her own stupor. "Haruko… Inaho and Kengo? What are you guys doing here?" Spoke Gohan in confusion as the three stopped right in front of him with worried looks on their faces.

As Gohan began conversing with the three, himegami had moved herself over to the location she had seen Gohan punch her assailant. Once she got there, she saw the pitiful state the man was in as he laid inside the trench within the ground, his nose completely shattered with a number of his teeth missing and a glazed over look in his eyes as if he was seeing stars and moons above him.

Himegami stood over him as she thought to herself. "Well I'm certainly not gonna get anything out of him now that Gohan's knocked him into next week. Still though, I'm certain that he's a part of, or at least affiliated with Kamigari, otherwise he wouldn't have attacked me with such reckless abandon." Himegami then looked back in Gohan's direction as a radiant smile came on her face. "I do know one thing though, Gohan is not an enemy, he is an ally." As she walked towards him, She changed her mind on that last part. "No, he isn't just an ally to me, he's so much more than that…"

As Himegami came out of the clearing, her gaze met Gohan's as she walked towards him, Gohan doing the same with her as the other three watched on, curious about what was about to happen between the two. "Gohan" Said Himegami as she got up close to Gohan. "Yeah Himegami?" responded Gohan with a smile. She gave him her ownsmile right back as she said. "This is to show you my gratitude."

Before Gohan could ask what she meant, Himegami placed her hands around his cheeks as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Gohan, while surprised at first, just gave into his instincts for once as he found himself leaning into the kiss as he kissed her right back before wrapping his arms around her waist. Himegami felt as if electricity shot through her body as she felt Gohan kiss her back and embrace her to bring her closer to him. She blushed as she kissed him back even more, with some real passion as she circled her arms around his head to bring him closer and deepen the kiss as much as she could. Whilst the other three stood in stunned shock at the out of nowhere make-out session between Gohan and Himegami, they failed to notice due to Gohan's back being to them that Gohan had become aroused enough to where his member was poking out of his pants and into Himegami's skirt where it touched her panty-clad lower regions. Gohan wasn't the only one aroused though, as Himegami could feel a fire burning between her loins as a wet patch began to develop on her panties as she became wet from arousal.

As they finally broke away from the kiss though, Himegami smiled lustfully at Gohan as only one thought came to mind as she gazed at him with desire. "We need to do this more often…"


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