
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: The Orphan's Resolve

Amara had been at the Magic Academy for a week now. He shared a large dormitory room with his roommate Berly, son of the famous berserker Burl.

Berly was training to be a knight. He possessed immense physical strength and ample mana reserves thanks to his dark elf mother. Amara was impressed by Berly's skills, but the boy tended to party wildly through the night and sleep late into the day.

The biggest challenge Amara faced was bullying from many of his fellow students. They looked down on him as an orphan who did not deserve to study alongside nobles and prospective heroes. Even some teachers questioned if he was tarnishing the academy's prestige.

But Amara did not let the cruel words and sneers deter him. He immersed himself in the magical research and training programs developed specially for him after the entrance exams.

He chose to focus his studies on crafting enchanted items and ruin magic, used to etch powerful wards into armor and weapons. He had only one scheduled class with Professor Lilth, who gave him projects to complete each week and tasks to report back on. The rest of Amara's time was spent freely learning and experimenting.

When he could, Amara also applied to join the combat training classes like Knight Physical Conditioning and Sword Mastery. He knew honing his body and blade skills would complement his magical talents. But prejudiced instructors always found excuses to reject him.

Amara did not complain. He simply woke early each morning to run the castle ramparts and practice his swordsmanship drills alone. Thanks to lessons from his roommate Berly, he was quickly gaining proficiency with the blade. Berly often gave Amara basic training after classes, recognizing his determination. Amara was grateful

On the seventh morning, Amara arrived at the ramparts before dawn only to find another student already there - a young girl swinging a wooden training sword fluidly through the stances of the Royal Guardsmen.

Amara watched her movements closely. "Your footwork is solid, but you overextend on your thrusts," he offered.

The girl paused and turned to face him. Amara was surprised to see it was Lady Amelia, one of the most talented young noble mages enrolled at the academy.

"You know swordplay?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Amara nodded. "I've had some training."

To his astonishment, Amelia tossed him a spare wooden blade. "Then show me what you've got, commoner."

Amara caught the blade and settled into a ready stance with a grin. Finally, someone was willing test him on his own merits.

The two apprentice mages crossed wooden swords as the sun rose over the academy towers. Amara's journey was slowly changing course

I should really focus on My studies...

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