
Make Of: The Crystal Mage

Pa_St · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Forge

Amara was hard at work on his latest research project assigned by Professor Lilth - using rune magic to enchant a piece of armor.

Rune magic was difficult to master, as inscribing the intricate symbols and glyphs required great precision and control over one's mana. But Amara's small reserves actually gave him an advantage, allowing more delicate manipulation compared to mages who wielded more sheer power.

To complete the enchantment, Amara first needed to acquire a suit of armor. He went to Professor Lilth's office to inquire where he could find the necessary equipment.

"Speak with the school blacksmith," Lilth advised. "I've informed him you'll be coming. If you're respectful, he may even teach you some of his techniques."

Excited by this opportunity, Amara hurried to the smithy, a sweltering stone building where the ring of hammers filled the air.

"You must be Amara. Name's Wilhelm, master blacksmith here," he said in a gravelly voice. "Lilth told me you're working on rune enchanting. I've got some spare chainmail and plate greaves you can use."

Amara thanked him and eagerly began practicing. Meticulously chiseling each rune tested his patience. The glyphs - swirls, jagged lines, dots - had to be perfect to channel magical energy.

After hours of squinting at the armor, Amara's back ached, but the engraved symbols slowly began glowing with power. Wilhelm inspected Amara's work and gave tips on improving the rune shapes.

A week later, Amara's armor was complete - fortifying glyphs engraved along it to enhance the wearer's endurance and toughness. Amara proudly presented it to Professor Lilth.

She examined the fine grooves and precise glowing runes. "Excellent work, Amara. Your runecraft shows real dedication and skill. Keep training and you could become a master enchanter."

Amara was filled with pride. He thanked Wilhelm profusely for the opportunity. This was just his first enchantment, but Amara felt eager to keep learning metalcraft and magic from the gruff but kindly blacksmith.

just in case you were wondering I am studying to be a Software engineer

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