
Make Me Back To You

Due to a wildfire in the California forest, Oliver finds himself trapped in the flames. He is a fourth-year student at the university, and unfortunately, one of his friends loses their life. After being hospitalized, Oliver wakes up with no recollection of the past three years. Olivia, also a fourth-year student, is dedicated to completing her research on assisting orphanages in the state. She initiates a project that involves collaboration with wealthy individuals from New Jersey. Olivia decides to seek approvals in New Jersey and invites Oliver to accompany her, urging him to complete his graduation and help her locate a childhood friend residing there. The reasons behind Olivia's choice, the events during the lost three years, and the true cause of the fire for which Oliver is accused are all perplexing questions haunting Oliver's mind. Among the mysteries are Olivia's identity and the reason for her consistently somber gaze towards him. This journey unravels another unexpected secret for Oliver, exposing long-buried truths from his past during the forgotten years

mustafawinged · Urban
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6 Chs

chapter 4 "Whispers of the Burning Forest"


With a firm resolve, Oliver committed to the journey, arriving at the designated meeting place with a sense of anticipation. As he scanned the surroundings, uncertainty crept in, and he hesitated momentarily, considering the possibility that he might have missed Olivia. However, a timely twist of fate revealed her on the opposite side, and relief washed over Oliver's face as he approached her with a mix of curiosity and joy.

The reunion triggered a cascade of memories from Oliver's childhood – the treehouse, its walls adorned with vibrant paintings, and a flood of nostalgic warmth. As Olivia greeted him with a radiant smile, expressing her delight at his arrival, Oliver shared his reflections. "I'm glad you're here. It stirred up some memories from my past," he confessed.

In the midst of their reunion, Olivia painted a vision for the research, emphasizing the potential impact on children in need. "I can't imagine how much children will benefit from this research if we spread awareness and convince businessmen to help orphanages in our area," she envisioned.

Echoing Olivia's enthusiasm, Oliver responded, "I hope so too," before expanding the scope of their ambitions. "There are many things we can do to enhance the quality of the graduation research. It's not limited to orphanages; we can extend it to patients who can't afford medicine, operations, and treatments. We just need to find the right investor."

The broader perspective resonated with Olivia, and their shared optimism propelled them forward. Boarding the plane, they marveled at the expansive views of the sky, sharing dreams and aspirations. Olivia, casting a glance at Oliver, whispered in her imagination, "I think my dreams are starting to come true." The horizon unfolded before them, promising a journey filled with possibilities and a united purpose.


As they disembarked from the plane and stepped out of the airport, uncertainty shrouded their next move. Olivia, her voice tinged with anticipation, queried, "Now where?"

Taking the lead, Oliver instructed her to wait as he ventured ahead, leaving Olivia at the airport, her face displaying a mix of excitement and apprehension. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, and she scanned the surroundings, anxiously awaiting Oliver's return.

The sudden approach of a small, swiftly-moving car startled Olivia, triggering a surge of panic as it appeared on the verge of running her over. "Olivia!" she exclaimed, bracing for impact. In a heartbeat, the car screeched to a halt, and as Olivia opened her eyes, relief washed over her. There, behind the wheel, was Oliver, a mischievous smile playing on his face. Shock transformed into laughter, and Olivia clapped her hands, caught between amusement and relief.

Oliver joined in her laughter, and within the echoes, a fragment of a memory from his past stirred – elusive, confusing. Children's laughter, the sound of hands clapping; it lingered at the edges of his consciousness.

"Get in," Oliver invited, and Olivia, still chuckling, remarked, "I knew you'd choose this car." Intrigued, Oliver inquired, "How did you expect that?" Olivia, wearing a mysterious smile, replied, "I just did. Now, let's go." As Oliver started the car, she added, "Drive, and let's find out what happens next."

Their banter echoed within the confines of the car, laughter bridging the gap between uncertainty and adventure as they embarked on the journey ahead.


As Oliver and Olivia settled into the car, a subtle realization dawned on Oliver – a haunting memory of a previous desire for an accident. A decision emerged within him to proceed cautiously, opting for a slow and deliberate pace. The car glided at a deliberate crawl, an anomaly in the sea of rushing vehicles. Olivia's eyes darted around as they observed the swift flow of traffic, contrasting sharply with their leisurely pace.

Curiosity led Olivia to question Oliver's deliberate approach, and with a chuckle, she asked, "Why are you driving so slowly?" Oliver, focused on the road, responded, "What if we arrive at our destination next week?" Olivia, finding amusement in the situation, suggested a remedy. "Do this," she said, playfully stomping on the gas pedal.

In an instant, the car transformed from a sluggish cruise to a swift drive, contrasting sharply with the surrounding traffic. Oliver, astonished and alarmed, pleaded with Olivia to stop. "Wait, please!" he screamed, fearing the consequences of their sudden acceleration. Olivia, reveling in the moment, laughed and continued to press on the gas. Eventually, Oliver managed to convey his unease, promising to drive faster himself.

As Olivia relinquished control, Oliver, still bewildered, questioned her actions. Olivia's response struck a chord, revealing a newfound concern. "I didn't care before, but now you are with me, and I am afraid that something will happen to you," Oliver confessed with a touch of sadness. Olivia, moved by his sincerity, fell silent, her gaze fixated on his somber expression.

Oliver sought reassurance, prompting Olivia to share her thoughts. "Don't you want to say something?" he asked. Olivia, after a moment's reflection, spoke softly, "I just wanted to say… I mean, I wanted to say that before we went to our destination, I wanted to visit somewhere. Will you take me to it?" Oliver, understanding the significance of her request, reassured her with a warm smile. "Yes, of course. I will take you wherever you want."

The car seamlessly navigated the transition from a leisurely drive to the hustle and bustle of the city. Amidst the towering buildings, Oliver and Olivia embarked on a journey not only through the urban landscape but also into the uncharted territories of their connection. In that moment, they disappeared into the city's intricate maze, bound by shared laughter, newfound care, and the promise of destinations yet to unfold.


As the car eased into an ancient district, Oliver and Olivia found themselves enveloped in a tapestry of time, each thread woven with the whispers of days gone by. The landscape unfolded with the solemn grace of history, revealing dilapidated schools, buildings bearing silent narratives, and once-majestic gardens now reclaimed by the unruly embrace of nature. It was a tableau of abandonment turned into a haven of nostalgic beauty.

Olivia's gaze, laden with silent anticipation, sought Oliver's understanding of this place. Yielding to the unspoken inquiry, Oliver voiced the question lingering in the air, "What is this place?" A pall of melancholy descended upon Olivia, and after a brief pause, she revealed, "It's my childhood place. A tapestry of joyous moments interwoven with the poignant. Even now, its memories persist, indelible. This is where my childhood friend and I used to play."

The air seemed to echo with the laughter and secrets shared amidst the now overgrown spaces, transformed into sanctuaries of untamed beauty. Olivia's voice, tinted with nostalgia, continued, "I miss him immensely." Intrigued, Oliver pressed for more details, "Where is your childhood friend now?" Olivia, a wistful smile softening the sadness in her eyes, replied, "He is lost. I don't know where he is. Perhaps he is near us, or maybe we crossed paths with him along the way. Time may have veiled our recognition, leaving him unaware of our presence."

A poignant silence settled, the abandoned gardens standing as witnesses to the stories etched in Olivia's past. Nature's reclamation and human reminiscence intermingled, creating an ethereal tableau that invited contemplation on the relentless march of time. Oliver, despite the sense of loss in the air, felt a connection to Olivia's shared history—a thread weaving their present with echoes from moments long gone.

The car paused, suspended in time amidst the vestiges of memories. Olivia, her gaze returning to the verdant surroundings, carried the weight of her past. Oliver contemplated the timeless beauty born from the union of abandonment and nature's renaissance. As they absorbed the poignancy of the place, the road ahead beckoned, promising more chapters in their shared journey—a journey now marked by the bittersweet imprints of Olivia's cherished yesteryears.


Amidst the whispering foliage of the ancient park, Oliver and Olivia stepped into a realm where memories intertwined with the present. A swing, suspended from the sturdy limbs of a towering tree, swayed gently in the breeze. Olivia, with a wistful gaze, pointed towards the nostalgic relic, inviting Oliver to share in the echoes of her past.

"Look at that swing," she murmured, her voice carrying the weight of cherished memories. Oliver's eyes followed the trajectory of her gesture, acknowledging the timeless beauty encapsulated in the simple apparatus. "It is beautiful," he remarked, his words a tacit acknowledgment of the delicate dance between nostalgia and the present.

"This was our favorite place," Olivia confessed, her eyes fixed on the swing that held the imprints of countless moments. With a tender vulnerability, she unraveled the story of her childhood, painted against the backdrop of this enchanted swing. "My childhood friend and I used to play here. He would let me take more turns on the swing than him. When his chance came, he'd play a little and then say, 'Now it's your turn.' He was always the more playful one."

The swing, a silent witness to the laughter and camaraderie of yesteryears, stood as a testament to the enduring nature of shared memories. Oliver, offering a quiet wish for Olivia's reunion with her long-lost friend, acknowledged the profound impact of childhood recollections. "There are moments in our childhood that stay with us, even as we grow older," he reflected. "They accompany us wherever we go, and sometimes, we forget them. But they resurface at certain moments—perhaps during a rainfall, in solitude, when a cool breeze blows, or when we hear a particular piece of music that ties us to the past. Then, memories come to our eyes, vivid as if they happened yesterday."

Olivia, touched by the sincerity and depth of Oliver's words, responded with a heartfelt acknowledgment. "Your words are real and very deep," she admitted. The park, a sanctuary of stories whispered by rustling leaves, cradled their shared sentiments beneath the sheltering boughs of the ancient tree.

Continuing their leisurely stroll through the park, the swing swayed gently . Together, Oliver and Olivia navigated the intersecting paths of their personal histories, discovering connections that transcended the boundaries of time, weaving a tapestry of shared reflections amidst the evergreen foliage.