
Make Me Back To You

Due to a wildfire in the California forest, Oliver finds himself trapped in the flames. He is a fourth-year student at the university, and unfortunately, one of his friends loses their life. After being hospitalized, Oliver wakes up with no recollection of the past three years. Olivia, also a fourth-year student, is dedicated to completing her research on assisting orphanages in the state. She initiates a project that involves collaboration with wealthy individuals from New Jersey. Olivia decides to seek approvals in New Jersey and invites Oliver to accompany her, urging him to complete his graduation and help her locate a childhood friend residing there. The reasons behind Olivia's choice, the events during the lost three years, and the true cause of the fire for which Oliver is accused are all perplexing questions haunting Oliver's mind. Among the mysteries are Olivia's identity and the reason for her consistently somber gaze towards him. This journey unravels another unexpected secret for Oliver, exposing long-buried truths from his past during the forgotten years

mustafawinged · Urban
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6 Chs

chapter 3 "In Pursuit of Lost Moments"


Oliver, shrouded in the heavy cloak of Lewis' accusations, propelled his bike forward with an unrestrained fury, the forest's greenery extending a reluctant invitation. Its soft branches, once a source of solace, now seemed to caress his face in a manner both soothing and sinister.

Deeper into the woods he rode, guided by an unspoken force. The once-vibrant scene of the fire lay ahead, a haunting tableau of charred remnants. The forest, a canvas of natural beauty, had transformed into a haunting landscape of blackened branches. A sense of dread enveloped Oliver as he sped through this altered reality, the weight of fear and despair gnawing at him.

Oliver's eyes snapped open to witness the ominous metamorphosis around him. His clothes, once colorful, now mirrored the obsidian hue of the surroundings. The forest, a silent witness to his turmoil, cast a foreboding spell upon him. Panic took hold, and Olivia, who had sought refuge in the woods, fled in terror, unaware that her path was about to intertwine with Oliver's in an unforeseen collision.

In the heart of this chaotic pursuit, Olivia, gripped by fear, decided to make a swift return home. Little did she know that fate had orchestrated a cruel convergence of paths with Oliver. The forest bore witness to their parallel journeys — Oliver driving recklessly, Olivia running in desperate haste.

In a twist of destiny, Oliver's bike collided with Olivia. The collision, inevitable and disastrous, unfolded in a cascade of unexpected events. Olivar, unable to alter his course in time, struck Olivia with the bike. The impact launched them both into a relentless sequence of calamities.

As Olivar attempted to evade Olivia, the unpredictable terrain led him crashing into a tree with brutal force. Olivia, propelled by the collision, tumbled into a hole carved by torrents, the ground meeting her with unforgiving force. In that moment of chaos, the forest bore witness to a collision that would reverberate through the intertwined destinies of Oliver and Olivia, altering the course of their lives forever.


Olivar, jolted by the impact and consumed by concern, sprinted towards Olivia's crumpled form. Fear tightened its grip as he descended into the valley, urgently seeking to reach her side. As he drew near, he found Olivia laboring to breathe, her tired eyes struggling to focus on her surroundings.

A peculiar blend of reality and disorienting recollection clouded Oliver's mind. Fragments of memories, locks of hair, and the rhythmic sound of labored breathing created an enigmatic tapestry. It was a puzzle that eluded immediate understanding, leaving Oliver grappling with an elusive sense of déjà vu.

Emerging from the haze, Oliver's attention refocused on Olivia. In that moment, he noticed an oxygen bottle, displaced from her bag. Instinctively, he seized it and presented it to Olivia. As she inhaled the life-saving oxygen, relief washed over both of them. The difficult rhythm of her breaths steadied, and the color returned to her cheeks.

Now on the path to recovery, Olivia looked at Oliver with gratitude and a hint of something unspoken. However, before she could articulate her thoughts, Oliver, his voice laden with confusion and concern, questioned, "Who are you?"

A profound silence lingered, thick with unanswered queries. Undeterred, Oliver pressed further, his words cutting through the charged air, "And why are you running in the burning forest?"

The stillness held a complex interplay of emotions, captured in the exchange of glances between Oliver and Olivia. Without uttering a single word, Olivia turned away, tears streaming down her face. With measured steps, she walked away from the scene, leaving Oliver standing amidst the echoes of an encounter fraught with mystery and unspoken pain.


Olivar followed Olivia through the dense woods, his footsteps echoing the urgency of his concern. "Wait, you can't be alone here. I'll come with you," he offered, his voice carrying a genuine worry that sought to bridge the gap between them.

Olivia, her nerves palpable, questioned his intentions. "And what does anyone know about loneliness?" she replied, her tone revealing a vulnerability she sought to conceal.

"I just want to come with you and get you to the end of the road. I know loneliness well," Oliver reassured her, his words tinged with empathy, a genuine attempt to understand the complexities of her solitude.

Yet, Olivia, with a nervous edge to her response, countered, "Yes, I don't think you know her."

Puzzled, Oliver probed further, "What do you mean?"

Olivia hesitated, attempting to shield her thoughts, and finally stated, "I mean you drive your bike quickly." With those words, Olivia cast a fleeting glance around and swiftly departed from the scene, leaving Oliver grappling with the enigmatic encounter.

As she disappeared into the shadows of the forest, Oliver couldn't shake the strange feeling that lingered. "Who is this, and why does she visit the scene of the accident?" he wondered aloud, his questions left hanging in the air like echoes of an unanswered mystery, casting a veil of uncertainty over the enigmatic figure he had encountered in the depths of the woods.


Oliver traversed the familiar corridors of his home in solitude, the weight of the encounter with Olivia still lingering in his thoughts. As he greeted his father, he chose to keep the peculiar events of the day shrouded in silence.

"I'll be sleeping in the treehouse tonight. Can't bear to be in my room," he mentioned vaguely, offering a partial explanation that concealed the complexities of his emotions.

Throughout the night, Oliver grappled with a swirl of thoughts, drifting in and out of sleep until the first light of morning painted the sky. With the dawn, a message on his phone brought a surprising revelation – the university had selected him to collaborate on a research project with a girl named Olivia.

Descending from the treehouse, Oliver was taken aback to find unfamiliar guests in his home. The reception room revealed Olivia, the very girl he had collided with in the woods. Startled, he questioned her presence, "What brings you here?"

Olivia calmly explained, "The university has chosen us to complete the research together. It's my project, and I want you to be my partner."

Oliver, unaware of this development, expressed his surprise. "I didn't know about this," he stated.

Olivia, her gaze shifting to Oliver's father, sadly admitted, "Yes, he doesn't know me, but I saw the house on the internet and came here."

Feeling a mix of confusion and frustration, Oliver distanced himself from the unexpected situation, leaving Olivia behind as he sought solace in the nearby park. The twists of fate and the mysterious connection with the girl from the woods unfolded before him, leaving Oliver to navigate a path that seemed to be entwined with unforeseen turns.


Olivia, driven by determination, trailed Oliver in an attempt to persuade him to reconsider their research collaboration. The weight of the project's potential failure without him pressed heavily on her. Oliver, however, stood firm in his decision, citing personal constraints that prevented him from relocating to another state for the project. Apologetic, he conveyed his inability to proceed, leaving Olivia in a state of disappointment.

Tears streamed down Olivia's cheeks as she turned away, the weight of dashed hopes and aspirations palpable. Observing her from a distance, Oliver couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. Despite the emotional turmoil, he maintained his resolve and retreated into the house.

Inside, Oliver encountered his parents, George and Anna, who, perceiving his internal struggle, attempted to sway him toward reconsideration. They highlighted the potential opportunities and benefits that completing the research could bring. After a challenging internal deliberation, Oliver reluctantly relented, acknowledging the wisdom in moving forward.

Meanwhile, Olivia, overwhelmed by sorrow, sought solace in her room. The forceful closing of the door and the scattering of books on the floor were symbolic releases of her frustration. Leaning against the wall, she succumbed to tears, grappling with the disappointment.

Emily, Olivia's mother, sensing her daughter's distress, approached with concern. Upon inquiry, Emily revealed that Oliver had called and agreed to resume their research collaboration. The unexpected news brought a surge of joy to Olivia, dispelling the shadows of disappointment.

Eager to share her newfound excitement, Olivia promptly called her friend Lily. Her voice echoed with elation as she communicated the prospect of venturing to the northern states to explore the old villages for their research. The complexities of their collaboration unfolded against a backdrop of shifting emotions, paving the way for a journey marked by both challenges and unforeseen connections.