
Make Don Quixote Great Again

In the Holy Land Mariejois, the World Summit was held as scheduled. When Don Quixote Doflamingo set foot on this piece of red soil, a large number of reporters surrounded him enthusiastically. "Master Doflamingo, how does it feel to set foot on Mariejois again?" Doflamingo smiled coolly: "Not bad." "I heard that you were kicked out of Mariejois by the Celestial Dragons. Is this true?" "Of course not." Doflamingo shook his head. "If not, why did you leave here?" "Because I realized that with these insects, how could I ever realize my ideals?" Doflamingo said disdainfully. "Then what is your ideal?" "Make Don Quixote great again!" ======== You can read up to 50 chapters ahead on my Patreon: pat reon.com/Mr_Deadalus Note: This is one of my favorite One Piece fanfictions of all time, you can find the complete machine translated version on mtlnation under the same name - Make Don Quixote Great Again. I wanted to make it more readable and do it justice, so here I am :). I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient.

Mr_Deadalus · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 36: Toilet Paper Also Has Its Uses

Doflamingo's strange speech made Trebol silent for a long time.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with what he said?

"Understood, then I will start to organize the manpower now, first send a group of Neko to dig in Flevance for a few years, get familiar with the situation, and then it will be easy to operate." Trebol replied.

"Well, I won't worry about your work." Doflamingo said with a smile.

It was supposed to end here, but after a moment of silence, Doflamingo hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Pica is with you in Flevance, right?"

"Pica? Yes, that guy ate Paramecia's Stone fruit two days ago, and he has been experimenting with his abilities, but thanks to his abilities, at least our Amber Lead production has increased a lot these days. If it weren't for the Amber Lead syndrome problem in Flevance, I really want to arrange for him to stay in Flevance for mining all year round." Trebol said with a smile.

Doflamingo: ? ? ? ?

Huh? This Stone fruit is so useful?

Thinking of this, Doflamingo even felt that the impression of Pica as a 'little waste' in his heart suddenly changed 180 degrees!

The Donquixote Family itself has a mining business in North Blue, but it is not a big one. Among their assets, there are three small and medium-sized gold mines, several iron mines, copper mines, and some Amber Lead mines in Flevance.

In the eyes of a North Blue mining giant, they can only be regarded as a small fish.

After all, the Donquixote Family does not have deep background in the mining industry, and it has only been developing for a few years.

However, the high profit of the mining industry really makes Doflamingo attach great importance to it. Therefore, Doflamingo has repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to deepen the investment in the mining industry and strive to continuously expand the business of the Donquixote Family in this area and become a global mining giant.

Of course, what he values ​​more is the influence brought by being a mining industry giant!

The operation of the world is inseparable from these humble minerals!

If Pica is the core and a Donquixote Family mining team is formed, as long as Pica can develop his abilities to the extent he showed in Dressrosa later, it will be very good or business.

Because at that level, the mining efficiency of Pica alone can catch up with tens of thousands of people.

In particular, he can also change the geological conditions, transform the deep mines that were not easy to dig into open-pit mines directly!

What does this mean? It means that you can sit around and pick up leeks!

As we all know, the mines that are easy to dig, especially the kind of open-pit mines that simply have ore lying around waiting to be picked up, are quite expensive to buy rights for.

Relatively speaking, North Blue's easy mining sources are basically in the hands of North Blue's mining giants.

If the Donquixote Family wants to overtake them, then they can only make good use of Pica's ability to purchase some difficult-to-develop mineral sources and transform them into open-pit mines. The feasibility is extremely high!

Doflamingo had been thinking about Pica before, and what role he would play in the Donquixote Family in the future.

After all, he just looks tall and strong, but in fact his strength is not outstanding.

The rest of the business talents are almost zero. Originally, Doflamingo planned to arrange for him to be the captain of the guard in the future, and just keep him as a 'pretend guard'. After all, this guy looks tall and muscular. As long as you don't speak, superficial skills are fine.

Looking at it now, sure enough, how should I put it, even a piece of toilet paper has its own value, this is absolutely true.

Arranging for Pica to mine, it is frightening to think about how many Beli can be earned for the Donquixote Family every year!

"Good ability. Before, I always regarded the Stone fruit as a combat ability. I really am too superficial..." Doflamingo commented.

After a slight pause, he said again: "Tell Pica to think about his abilities and develop them. They will definitely come in use later!"

"Pica will be very happy to hear this." Trebol said with a smile.

No one is a fool, and the cadres of the family can also feel that in the past two years, their young master has been constantly trying to change positions for them, to explore the possibility of other directions they can take in the family.

Many people have found their own direction, such as Aunt Giolla's art smuggling business, and the status of a chief executive like Trebol.

But there are also some people, like Pica, who can't find the right direction, so they will naturally hesitate in their hearts, for fear that they will be left in a corner by the young master one day, and will never be remembered again.

But they can only despair, because they really can't find some way to be useful to the young master!

But now it's different, Pica's value has jumped to the forefront of Donquixote Family members, and he will definitely be reused in the future. Can he be unhappy if he knows? Impossible!

But the reason Doflamingo asked about Pica this time wasn't for business, but for some other matters....

Soon, Doflamingo withdrew his thoughts and got back to business: "Since Pica is free and has nothing else to do, help me find someone in Flevance and bring their family to Cervantes... "

"Who are you looking for?" Trebol never asked too much, he knew that it was enough for him to execute what the young lord ordered.

"A doctor named Trafalgar, if I remember correctly, he should be the number one doctor in Flevance, and his medical skills are very superb." Doflamingo said immediately.

There is no doubt that this Doctor Trafalgar refers to the father of Trafalgar Law.

Trafalgar Law's parents are actually doctors, especially his father. According to Law's childhood memories, he told his sick sister that his father was the best doctor in Flevance, ranked first, and he would definitely be able to cure her Amber Lead syndrome.

It can be seen that Dr. Trafalgar's medical skills must be very powerful, even in North Blue, he is considered one of the best.

The reason is also very simple. For hundreds of years, because of Amber Lead, Flevance has been a very wealthy country in North Blue. Generally speaking, their education and medical car level should be the best in the region.

Because a large number of rich people will take the initiative to cultivate outstanding talents in these fields, so as to avoid problems in the education of their offspring in the future, and prevent them from dying of illness before they spend all their money in the future.

Therefore, Dr. Trafalgar is probably one of the strongest doctors in North Blue if he can rank first in a rich country like Flevance.

He is completely a high-end talent and worth saving.

At the same time, Doflamingo is also mainly considering the kid Trafalgar Law.

In fact, if left unattended, with the Trafalgar Law family dying out following the tragedy of Flevance, this kid will also embark on the road of destroying the world and come to look for the Donquixote Family on his own initiative.

But this kind of vengeful Trafalgar Law... Doflamingo is really not very reassured taking him in. After all, a person who wants to destroy the world and take revenge on society, how much loyalty do you expect him to have?

Secondly, Rosinante, his worrying younger brother, might come back in the future to influence that kid. Who can say for sure about fate?

No one can fully control the future and life, and Doflamingo also hopes that nothing will go wrong like in the original, and Law will grow up to be a good seedling for the Donquixote Family's next generation

Therefore, it is better to pull their family out of the big whirlpool in Flevance in advance, and wait until they have the opportunity to get Op-Op Fruit in the future, and then cure the whole family. It is very easy to gain their loyalty this way. Why go for the complicated route when the answer is so simple?


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