
Make Don Quixote Great Again

In the Holy Land Mariejois, the World Summit was held as scheduled. When Don Quixote Doflamingo set foot on this piece of red soil, a large number of reporters surrounded him enthusiastically. "Master Doflamingo, how does it feel to set foot on Mariejois again?" Doflamingo smiled coolly: "Not bad." "I heard that you were kicked out of Mariejois by the Celestial Dragons. Is this true?" "Of course not." Doflamingo shook his head. "If not, why did you leave here?" "Because I realized that with these insects, how could I ever realize my ideals?" Doflamingo said disdainfully. "Then what is your ideal?" "Make Don Quixote great again!" ======== You can read up to 50 chapters ahead on my Patreon: pat reon.com/Mr_Deadalus Note: This is one of my favorite One Piece fanfictions of all time, you can find the complete machine translated version on mtlnation under the same name - Make Don Quixote Great Again. I wanted to make it more readable and do it justice, so here I am :). I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient.

Mr_Deadalus · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 18: The End of an Era

He had been staying in Ohara for half a year. A few days ago, Dr. Clover also said that Olvia had contacted him and was about to return. The legendary Devil Fruit was also found, which made Doflamingo very pleased.

In the past six months, Doflamingo has basically been doing penance in Ohara.

Constantly polishing his basic physical skills, and at the same time trying to push forward Haki's power.

He still has the basics. He has practiced Haki for seven years. Whether it is Armament Haki or Observation Haki, his background is very solid.

Therefore, after acquiring advanced knowledge about Haki, in just half a year, Armament Haki can be advanced to form the so-called 'Emission' and enter a new realm.

For Doflamingo, this is not an incredible thing, it should be said that it is normal as it should be given his previous efforts.

But Observation Haki is a different matter.

Doflamingo's Observation Haki is actually very powerful in practice, with a large coverage. However, as for the advancement of Observation Haki, the feeling of "foreseeing the future", it has always been elusive to Doflamingo.

Actually, from the relevant knowledge about Observation Haki from Dr. Clover, it is different from Armament Haki's advancement.

Although the names are different in different places, in Wanokuni it is called Ryuo, and in the Kingdom of Flowers is called Anjin, but they are all the same in essence, and there is only one route, which is to let the originally hardened and rigid Armament Haki flow.

Achieving this effect means that you have succeeded.

But color of observation is different, there are several situations, or directions, for its Haki advancement!

Some people are gifted in certain aspects, or have acquired enhancements, so their Observation Haki will also specialize in this aspect. For example, the Red Earl Patrick Redfield, this guy's Observation Haki can listen to people's hearts.

This is the unique talent of the Red Earl, and in the original story, Enel of Sky Island can also "hear people's hearts" after receiving the blessing of Thunder Fruit.

This direction is different from foreseeing the future, but it is also classified as 'advancement of Observation Haki'.

In addition, there is another kind, which is a very exaggerated field of Observation Haki, the kind that easily covers an entire island and an entire sea area.

That's right, when the coverage of knowledge and knowledge exceeds a certain range, it is also considered to be 'advanced'.

For example, the red-haired Shanks, who is still separated from Wanokuni by a sea, can use his Observation Haki to lock on to Admiral Aramaki.

Of course, his Conqueror's Haki is even more perverted. After sweeping out and locking on with Observation Haki, he directly suppressed them with Conqueror's from such a long distance, it can be said that his Conqueror's is the strongest level.

The same is true for the blind Fujitora with a smile. This guy can easily use Observation Haki to sense a meteorite outside the atmosphere, lock it precisely, and then directly use his ability to pull the meteorite down.

Even being blind, he can still become a top expert, which shows how terrifying his Observation Haki is.

At the same time, Observation Haki also has a very broad feature, that is, it has strong inter-operability.

Except for the "listening to people's hearts" like the Red Earl, which requires talent, the advancement of observation into the super-large field and the advancement of "foreseeing the future" can be said to be interlinked!

Observation Haki often has such a large-scale range, and it also has the ability to "see the future".

(T/N: I tried to explain it as best as I could but basically what he's saying is people can have multiple kinds of advancements at once. Fujitora has an extra-large Observation field, but he can also listen to people's hearts. Same for Enel. What kind of advancements you have depend on your talent.)

However, it is a little embarrassing that people who have mastered the power of "foreseeing the future" by virtue of their talents may not necessarily have the coverage of Observation Haki at the pervert level, such as Katakuri.

Currently, Doflamingo is completely confused about the matter of "foreseeing the future", and can't find any good direction. According to his knowledge, special advancement requires a special talent. It is estimated that Doflamingo does not have this sort of talent, at least in terms of Observation Haki.

However, his Observation Haki is not unchanged, that is, after mastering some new knowledge points, Doflamingo has obviously broken the limit of his own accumulation of Observation Haki.

His Observation Haki coverage is slowly growing!

No longer be stuck by the previous bottleneck!

So Doflamingo changed his mind. Since I can't foresee the future now, I should first expand and expand my Observation Haki. I don't know how far I can reach if I keep expanding for a few years?

At the same time, Doflamingo also has expectations for his Devil Fruit.

Although it is the ability of the Vampire Mythical Zoan, there is no doubt that this ability was born out of "Bat Fruit". The Bat Fruit series basically has a basic ability, that is, ultrasonic echolocation.

This is the same as Thunder Fruit enhanced Enel's talent on Observation Haki. Doflamingo thinks that this ability should also have a great possibility to enhance his talent in knowledge, maybe it can bring him a surprise?

After the sparring, Doflamingo pulled Vergo up, and the two sat under the tree to rest.

"I pulled back in the end, so I didn't hurt any bones, right?" Doflamingo asked.

Vergo moved his shoulders, then shook his head and said, "No, it's just a little bruising, and it will recover in two or three days."

Doflamingo nodded, and then said: "Speaking of which, I always feel that this Armament Haki... seems to have some mysterious blind spot."

"Really?" Vergo was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Why don't I feel this way?"

"Maybe it's because..." Doflamingo smiled and joked, "Because you don't have enough vision?"

Compared with Vergo, Doflamingo is more aware of the expressiveness of those Haki masters, which is far from being explained by just "flowing".

If he fixes these blind spots, he might be on his way to achieve conqueror's entanglement, but now Doflamingo has no way to touch these blind spots.

Presumably, this is also information that Dr. Clover has no access to.

Teacher Kaido's phrase "Only Haki is above everything" is not that simple when you think about it.

While Doflamingo was chatting with Vergo about these matters of practice, a young man with a prickly hair came running over from a distance in a hurry, holding a newspaper in his hand.

"My lord, my lord!!!" After seeing Doflamingo, the hedgehog-haired boy hurriedly called out twice.

Doflamingo followed the voice, and then said with a gentle smile, "Gladius, I've told you many times, don't make such a fuss and panic."

After hearing Doflamingo's words, Gladius quickly stopped his running steps and nervous expression.

Gladius, a member of the Donquixote Family, is only ten years old this year, and he is still a kid. The Donquixote Family has a complete training system, which includes searching for some potential orphans from all over North Blue and training them.

This is the case for Gladius, and when he was discovered and adopted by the Donquixote Family, he was already a Demon fruit power, and his ability was the puncture fruit of Paramecia.

Any Devil Fruit ability has more or less side effects. The side effect of this explosive fruit is that when Gladius's emotions fluctuate greatly, he is likely to puncture himself.

So Doflamingo taught him early on not to make a fuss when things happen, but to calm down.

And Gladius also worships Doflamingo very much, and will never allow anyone to disobey Doflamingo. In fact, this is also a common situation in the Donquixote Family, many cadres are like this, and will never allow anyone to disobey Doflamingo.

"Sorry, my lord." Gladius said after calming down his emotions.

Doflamingo smiled and said: "Fufufu, just pay more attention, okay, tell me now, what happened to make you panic?"

"My lord, a big event, a super big event, the pirate overlord of New World, the main fleet of the Golden Lion Pirates led by Shiki, had a fierce battle with the Roger Pirates in the Edd War sea area, during which a big storm came up, and Shiki's fleet was almost wiped out! His whereabouts are also missing, the Golden Lion Pirates seem to be finished!" Gladius hurriedly held up the newspaper and said.

(T/N: The author keeps referring to them as the Flying Pirates but the wiki said they were the Golden Lion Pirates, so I'm going with the wiki.)

After Doflamingo heard the news, there was a touch of surprise in his eyes, but soon, he murmured softly: "Edd War naval battle... the beginning of the fall of a generation of overlords."