
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 26: Genji

Ageha and Ronin were currently working with Lala.

The two were taking notes with the engineers of Ageha's company, Kuki Robotics.

"You put this here, and you add these circuits like this. And voila!" Lala was teaching them.

But the engineers were stumped. Ageha was nodding with closed eyes and Ronin just memorized her flow.

"Umu, I learned a lot." Ronin nodded sagely and the engineers sweated at the siblings.

'How could they possibly learn anything from that?' The engineers all thought.

Ageha meanwhile quickly realized that Lala wasn't exactly a gifted teacher.

Though she could show her process quickly and efficiently.

So she learned kinesthetically and Ageha was starting to cook up a plan for a product.

"Anigimi, what do you think of robots that can act as body guards and servants?" Ageha wanted to contribute to society.

And she didn't need to look far. Japan's populace was burdened with heavy work hours.

So Ageha wanted to create a robot that will take care of chores and would also guard the house or apartment of people.

"It's a great idea Ageha. But there's a problem with it." Ronin thought of a major hurdle.

"What is it anigimi, please tell us." Ageha looked at him seriously.

"The production cost will be jacked up. And the people who need it wouldn't be able to buy it in the first place." Ronin shrugged.

"Ahhh! Then I can help with the raw materials!" Lala offered happily.

"Hmm? Really?" Ronin thought that was a pretty large contribution and he didn't want to take advantage of Lala's generosity.

She was already helping them have ideas about Ageha's potential products.

"Un! I'll just use pull pull magnet-kun to get some asteroids from the nearby asteroid belt." Lala shrugged.

She then took out a device that looked like a mini satellite dish.

Lala pointed it at the sky and it suddenly released a magnetic field that was contained by something.

They have no goddamned idea what it was, but Ronin could feel that if it wasn't then it could easily shut down entire cities due to the electromagnetic pulses it was releasing.

Everyone then waited for a second. And the Kuki siblings noticed something coming.

"Uhhh, Lala... Is that not a meteor coming here?" Ageha saw something from afar.

"That's definitely a bonafide meteor..." Ronin blinked, looking at the piece of rock that was going to hit Kanto.

"Ahhh, I forgot that it just attracts asteroids and doesn't slow them down." Lala put out her tongue.

"Hume! We've got a problem! I'll give you a boost!" Ronin cried out and the blonde man appeared.

He then looked at the sky and Hume had a rare frown on his face.

"That's going to be bad." Even Hume knew that the asteroid was going to fuck up Kanto if it hit them.

Ronin's ki was released fully. His ki might not be as much as Momoyo's or Tesshin's.

But his was denser than the former's. The ground around him cratered as arcs of lightning snaked around his body.

The air was getting ionized by his ki and an oppressive aura was being released by him.

Tesshin and Momoyo quickly arrived at the scene as well.

"Oi, oi, what the hell? You're releasing a scary amount of ki." Momoyo was in awe at his aura.

"Hoh? An asteroid? This is certainly interesting." Tesshin rubbed his beard.

"How about it Momoyo? Want to try destroying it?" Tesshin offered and Momoyo looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"Really, jiji? You're not going senile from smelling bloomers are you?" Momoyo was suspicious.

Tesshin was saying it was okay to use her most destructive techniques after all.

"You disrespectful brat! So you don't want to do it huh?" Tesshin smacked her and Momoyo immediately changed her tune.

"No! No! I want to do it!" Momoyo had a beaming smile on her face.

Tesshin and Ronin then protected Ageha, Lala, and the other engineers in the area immediately with their aura.

Momoyo rolled her shoulders and her chained down energy reserves exploded outwards.

A golden aura leaked from her body, making her look like a demigod.

"Scary brat, I still can't believe you're still in high school." Tesshin sighed.

Everything was burning around her. The overwhelming life force from her body was too much for the surroundings.

If Tesshin and Ronin didn't box themselves in, a heat wave that would make anything flammable ignite will burn everything in a mile wide radius.

Momoyo then made her ki flow into her hands. "Kawakami forbidden technique: Star destroyer!"

She held her arm and a golden beam of light was released from her palm.

The whole Kanto region was lit alight by golden luminescence.

Ageha and Lala were blinded by it as everything around them turned white.

The air rippled as Momoyo's god-like energy was released like a broken dam.

Hurricane winds were uprooting trees and the ground below Momoyo exploded. A deep crater forming.

And when the beam hit the asteroid, it was swallowed up completely.

"Hah, hah, did I get it?" Momoyo wondered. The surroundings that turned dark for a quick second due to the second sun appearing returned to normal.

They then looked at the sky and the asteroid was no more.

"Cool... That's like as strong as Papa's strongest attack!" Lala clapped like a seal.

"Momoyo, it seems you are holding back far more than I thought." Ageha went wide eyed at her attack.

"Whew, for a brat. You are pretty strong." Hume acknowledged her and she was one of the only people he didn't call a baby.

"Good work, Momoyo." Tesshin nodded at her and Momoyo caught her breath.

"Lala... Next time, how about you use that thing in a deserted island?" Ronin deadpanned at him.

"Tehe~ I would've just used pew pew laser-kun at it. But I guess Momoyo's beam works too!" Lala wasn't worried at all.

They all sweated at the thought of Lala taking out a genuine weapon.

If her other inventions could already cause mass destruction, then her weapons must be fucking wild.

"We know just the place for you to use that." Ageha thought that the Kukis have a deserted island for Lala to go wild.

"Ronin, your fiance is wilding bro." Momoyo deadpanned at him. Lala just summoned a meteor after all. And she could do that an infinite amount of times.

With a fucking handheld device at that. "You don't need to tell me." Ronin rolled his eyes.

People all over the world didn't know that they just evaded a major crisis. Ignorance truly was bliss.

After that, Lala cranked something on her invention. "Ahhh, it was set for wumbo. When it was supposed to be mini."

"Wumbo?" Ageha was confused as hell. "You know, wumbo! I wumbo, you wumbo, the study of wumbology." Lala spouted out random crap.

But they believed her, who wouldn't? When she could cause planetary devastation with inventions she makes in her spare time?

They then farmed the hell out of asteroids. Gaining trillions of dollars worth of precious metals.

And for their help, Ronin donated a small amount of a million dollars to the Kawakami temple.

Momoyo also received a nice 100k yen for her troubles. And she was over the moon.

__Kuki Lab__

Due to the group of islands that the Kukis own being relatively close with each other.

Ronin decided to visit the cloning lab again after they mined a shit ton of rare metals from Lala basically summoning metallic asteroids.

And he was meeting up with the new batch of clones. "Hmm, Yoshitsune, Yoichi, and Benkei? Those are pretty good choices."

Mikado knew how to pick the genetic donors well. It was already proven with Xiang Yu being the first one.

Though they couldn't control her and they had to call for him to basically do therapy.

And while the trio were hanging out, Ronin entered the recreation room.

They immediately looked at him and he raised his hand.

"Hey, what's up?" Ronin greeted nonchalantly and they eyed him curiously.

"Hmm, who are you?" The guy asked him with a raised brow.

"Asking people for their names without introducing yourself is rude Yoichi." The young woman who had shaggy hair bonked him with her staff.

"Anego! Why do you have to hit me with that?" Yoichi rubbed his head.

"Sorry about him, he's a bit slow. I'm Musashibou, Benkei. What's your name?" She gave a relaxed smile, but she was vigilant. (Pic)

'Is that Kawakami water?' Ronin could smell the sweet scent of sake.

"I'm Kuki Ronin, and she's right. I'm basically like your boss." Ronin was firm, he's in charge of them now.

And being timid or overly friendly would give them the impression that he is easy pickings.

"Hello! I am Minamoto Yoshitsune. Seiso-senpai talks a lot about you!" Yoshitsune was quite friendly. (Pic)

"A watchful eye that guards my master over yonder." Yoichi put a hand over his face and Benkei whacked him again.

"He's Yoichi, and he says that he's an archer that fights long range." Benkei smiled wryly.

"Ohhh." Ronin almost snorted, Yamato would definitely get along with Yoichi. He used to be like that after all.

"So, what're you here for boss?" Benkei asked him, probing for information.

"Nothing really, just to meet up with you. I also did this with Seiso." Ronin shrugged and they nodded.

"I'm also the one responsible for the bushido plan now." Ronin almost grumbled.

"Here, a little something for you guys." Ronin took out his d-dial and some gifts appeared for them.

Benkei received a nice bottle of Kawakami water that came directly from the main temple.

"Oh, ohhh! Boss... I have a nice feeling about you." Benkei hugged the bottle tightly.

For Yoshitsune, it was an uchigatana and she admired the make of the blade.

"This is such a well made blade! Thank you very much Ronin-san." Yoshitsune bowed at him.

"Hoh? Nietzsche's books?" Yoichi started checking them out. And it was perfect for a pessimistic chuuni.

"Well, it's a little gift for our first time meeting." Ronin shrugged and they were distracted by his gifts.

"Ronin, when we first met. You didn't give me a gift." Seiso pouted at him and Ronin smiled wryly.

"I gave you a beating that you badly needed. And now, you're pretty calm." Ronin reminded her.

"Ahh, I can still remember my chin and neck hurting from your elbow..." Seiso chuckled.

"Seiso-senpai~ what are you doing here?" Benkei saw her.

They used to meet up from time to time, especially when they were still small.

But the trio were inseparable and Seiso just felt that she shouldn't intrude on their group.

"Hi, your education is finished here everyone. So we'll be taking you to the Kuki estate back on Kanto." Seiso smiled at them.

"Finally, I will now walk through the valley of the shadow of death." Yoichi was saying something confusing again.

"He means that he will be out there in the world." Benkei whacked him with her staff.

"Talk normally Yoichi, or I'll whack you again." Benkei warned him.

Seiso chuckled and she smiled warmly at them. She then felt Ronin's hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be sad anymore, you've got us after all. You're quite jealous of their bond right?" Ronin smiled at her.

"Yeah, these three were always together even back then. And they knew who they were cloned from." Seiso sighed.

"Ahh, and you can't relate at all. Because Marple was witholding information from you." Ronin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, so thanks for being there for me Ronin. You're my first." Seiso beamed at him.

"Eh? He's your first? Senpai?" Yoshitsune looked at her with a blush.

"Ohhh? Senpai, you're an adult now huh?" Benkei looked at them curiously.

"Yeah, her first friend." Ronin looked at Seiso with a deadpan expression.

"Ohh, yeah. I forgot to add that." Seiso chuckled with a teasing smile.

"Hmph, you're not our friend, you're our rival that has the mandate of heaven. That's how you beat us." Xiang Yu suddenly appeared.

The trio got tense immediately as they felt her hostile, crimson aura.

But she wasn't really going for a fight, her aggressiveness was just her normal state.

"This is Xiang Yu, everyone. Say hi." Ronin looked at her with squinted eyes.

"H-hello, I remember you all. But you do not remember me. I am Xiang Wang, the hegemon king of Chu." She introduced herself with a proud smirk.

"Don't think badly of her, she just doesn't have many friends. And she's a tsundere." Ronin patted her head.

"Ey! Shut up you!" Xiang Yu punched him lightly on his side.

But the genji trio heard a loud thud and they winced.

"Yu-er, nobody likes violent women. They'll think you're troublesome." Ronin pointed at the genji trio.

"Y-Yu-er!?" She blushed like a tomato. "Even lady Yu has never called me so casually!" She hid her face with her hands.

"Are they flirting right now?" Benkei deadpanned at them.

"I... I think so?" Yoshitsune smiled wryly at the duo who looked like were having a lover's quarrel.

"Hmph, a woman will just be in my way towards the world's end." Yoichi snorted.

"Ha? You saying we're troublesome?" Benkei put him in a guillotine.

"Ahh! I didn't mean it like that anego!" Yoichi struggled and Yoshitsune tried to break them off.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.