
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 25: Newcomers

At the school everyone was talking about something new. "Hey, do you think that the new transfer students are girls?" Gakuto asked the guys.

"Who cares about that, I wonder if they're interesting?" Capt didn't care about their gender at all.

"As expected of Capt, of course he won't care about frivolities like that." Yamato nodded at him.

"Well, I do hope they're cute girls. It'll be a breath of fresh air." Moro was hoping.

"Yeah, I mean. Lala-san's with the Kuki famiglia. But she's his fiance. And kuu! Damn him, he also bagged the twin goddesses!" Gakuto almost cried tears of blood.

"Ohh, that. Lala-san was extremely supportive of them too. Which was weird." Yamato rubbed his chin.

"Well, she sure is a bit different." Moro wondered if aliens were like that everywhere.

"Ohh! Now I want to see other aliens." Capt thought that kind of adventure would blow everything out of the water.

"Heh, I wonder if there are alien babes out there. I should ask Lala-san to introduce me!" Gakuto was drooling.

"Anyways, want to make a quick buck Capt?" Yamato had a plan.

"Ohh, I'm down. Gotta save as much as you can for a rainy day." Capt grinned.

"Let's investigate on who the transfer students are and then we'll let the others bet on the right gender." Yamato rubbed his chin.

"Ohh, what a scheme. Come on then, information warfare is going to make us rich!" Capt started announcing that he's open for bets.

And with his charisma, the other students who were curious started to bet as well.

"Then, how about I ask some people that are really competent about information?" Yamato went to the building for sophomores.

"Yo, lil bro. You looking for you nee-san?" Momoyo gave him a noogie.

"Ahh, I'm looking for Aka and Miyo-senpai." Yamato answered and Momoyo huffed.

"Is my lil bro also going to prefer them?" Momoyo had a frown on her face.

"Nee-san? You alright?" Yamato could feel that she suddenly went into a bad mood.

"Whatever, they're at the rooftop." Momoyo was in a foul mood and Yamato immediately backed off.

"What's wrong with her?" Yamato then went to the rooftop and he saw the Kuki famiglia eating lunch.

"Yo, senpais." Yamato greeted them and they nodded at him.

"Ohh? The Kazama family's brains." Aka greeted him.

"Ehh, they call me tactician... But being called brains is a bit embarrassing." Yamato scratched his head sheepishly.

"So? Yamato, what's your purpose here?" Miyo asked him and Yamato quickly straightened himself up.

'Damn, talking to them alone is like having an audience with a mafia boss...' Yamato sweated a bit.

They didn't want to waste any time at all. "Ohh, I want to know if you have any idea about the new transfer students?"

"Why?" Aka raised a brow at him immediately and they got suspicious.

"Eh? Ahh, I was just curious?" He laughed, but it was strained.

"Hmm... I can see Shouichi trying to rile up your classmates. So you're going to use this information for a profit huh?" Miyo went to the rails and observed the surroundings for a quick second.

'Damn, are thet going to be mad at me?' Yamato started sweating bullets.

'Fuck, calling me a tactician in front of them is like comparing a pig that could paint and Michaelangelo.' Yamato was getting paranoid.

"Umu, you have come to the right place. And it's commendable that you could think of a business on the spot." Ronin nodded at him.

"They're all females, people wouldn't care who they are. So they must be curious about their gender, right?" Aka revealed.

They liked how he rolled and Yamato nodded at them in surprise.

"Thanks senpais! Want a cut?" Yamato offered.

"No thank you, Yamato. Buy yourselves a good meal after you manipulate information." Ronin gestured for him to go.

Yamato then said thanks and he ran all over the school to spread false rumors that the transferees would be boys.

"Lala would really enjoy this place." Ronin chuckled as they watched Shouichi hype everyone in the other building.

"What about Angel and Tatsuko? Those two are delinquents you know?" Miyo sighed.

Angel would definitely be a troublemaker. Tatsuko will just sleep everywhere while bringing a pillow or something.

"Well, it would make things interesting." Ronin shrugged.

'I do wonder, Momoyo's aura spiked earlier. She might beat someone up later.' Ronin felt it.

And every decent ki user would be able to for miles away. Her ki is even larger than his. And he has been training it for the past several years.

'I guess I should look around for her later.' Ronin didn't want her to cause trouble for the temple.

It will be a chain reaction and his shadow guards will also have bad business if she beats up some random sap.

They could just manipulate the media, but it would still paint Momoyo and the temple in a bad light.

So he took out a phone, a d-dial just like Lala's. She gave it to him as a gift for introducing many friends to her.

"You're going to console Momoyo with some peach juice? Truly, you are a bleeding heart." Miyo sighed at him.

"Well, she might go on a rampage." Ronin shrugged.

"Go stop her then, that would be bad." Aka gestured for him to go.

"Hah, he's already starting. And he doesn't even know it yet." Miyo sighed.

"We know what we signed up for. This is just the start, he's been doing this for years now." Aka shrugged.

__Tama River__

At the bank of the Tama river, Momoyo was just looking at the flow of it.

She was skipping school, which wasn't that rare. But she does it to gamble away her money or pick up some cute girls due to boredom.

"Hey, what's got you so deep in thought?" Ronin pushed a can of peach juice at her cheek.

"Wah! You scared the shit out of me..." Momoyo was shocked.

"You rely too much on sensing someone's ki. I have a tight hold over it." Ronin shrugged and he sat down beside her.

"What? Skipping school too?" Momoyo raised a brow at him.

"Yeah, we don't need it anyway. It's honestly just a massive waste of time." Ronin shrugged.

"Then why don't you just take the exams and graduate early?" Momoyo's ki spiked again.

"Hmm, I wonder why?" Ronin opened his can and he started drinking it.

"Won't you have more time?" Momoyo raised a brow. 'With Aka and Miyo that is.'

"Yeah I will, but I don't." Ronin pointed at her peach juice and she started to drink it.

It improved her mood immediately, the can of juice is like drinking the essence of peach after all.

"Why though?" Momoyo would rather not go to school if she could help it.

"Because you guys are there. I hate to admit it, but you guys grew on me." Ronin smiled a little.

Momoyo was speechless and she just stared at him. Her ki was leaking from time to time.

"Is that so?" Momoyo looked down at the river again and she had a subconscious smile on her face.

"Yeah, I gotta ask though. Why were you upset?" Ronin got a good look on her.

She wasn't angry or anything, she was more gloomy than irritated.

"I just realized some things." Momoyo sighed and she didn't want to elaborate.

She knew that he could piece the puzzle with just a bit of thinking. 'Smart bastards and their brains.' Momoyo clicked her tongue inside of her mind.

"Hmm, you sick or something?" Ronin put his hand on her forehead. He never expected her to say something like that, ever.

Momoyo just stared at him blankly and he thought that she must be really thinking about her problem hard.

"Hmm, if I do this. Do you get better?" Ronin cycled his ki and it flowed smoothly into her forehead.

"Ohhh~ it's like a tingly, minty patch for fevers." Momoyo thought it was soothing.

She then cycled her ki into his hand and he felt like it was a warm fire. Though come too close, it would burn you badly.

"Well, I did promise that I'll do this with you. But isn't this useless besides practicing Ki's flow? You can do this on your own." Ronin took her hand and he sat on a lotus position in front of her.

"Well, I don't have good control over mine. And the jiji who became senile due to sniffing bloomers told me you're really good at this." Momoyo lied through her teeth.

But she covered it by leaking her ki a bit too much so he would get distracted.

"I see, then cycle your energy into me and I'll enter you slowly so yours won't react violently." Ronin noticed that he worded that weirdly.

But Momoyo didn't react to it like usual and she just concentrated.

'Uwaaah did he really have to say it like that?' Momoyo was imagining things. She's a red blooded girl after all.

Ronin just continued with it and his energy entered through her hands. Momoyo then let it through.

She fidgeted around as her ki mixed with his. Her golden ki that signified her massive life force was being pacified by his cold, yet pleasant one.

Momoyo has never felt that calm in her life. And Tesshin who could feel their massive signatures combine panicked.

"Ahhh! Are they doing it out in the open!? Dual cultivating at the Tama river? Where did I go wrong?" Tesshin immediately disappeared.

But he found out that they were just cycling their energy harmlessly.

'I feel... So relaxed and at peace.' Momoyo was almost dozing off at the feeling of serenity.

Meanwhile, Ronin could feel his body get stronger due to Momoyo's godlike life force, it was insane.

"Hmm, it seems that Ronin's cold and calm energy is mixing well with Momoyo's." Tesshin thought that it must have a therapeutic effect.

After about an hour, Momoyo suddenly slumped towards him and Ronin chuckled.

"She's asleep? I guess Momoyo gets bored easily." But when he stopped cycling his ki to her.

Momoyo's ki lashed out, encroaching on him like it was possessive.

So he quickly put her on his lap and controlled her energy or it would accumulate and explode like a bomb.

"You sure don't like to do things simple, Momoyo." Ronin sighed.

He was then stuck there for some time and he kept on exchanging energy with her.

Ronin didn't mind as he was getting tons of benefits for it.

Her golden life force was nourishing him, giving his body a stronger form.

And Momoyo was calmer as a result. Though he was having more benefits than her.

"Hmm? Wanko, did I fall asleep at the Tama river?" Momoyo rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah, you did." Ronin's voice surprised her and she immediately stood up.

"R-Ronin... Ahhh, I forgot. We were cycling our energy together." Momoyo looked a bit sheepish.

"So? What was the benefit of it to you?" Ronin asked and Momoyo was about to say nothing.

But then, she felt it. Her mind was clear, her body wasn't itching for a fight.

She was refreshed as hell. And she has never felt this good, ever.

"i feel nice, Ronin... Say, can we do this again?' Momoyo asked and he nodded.

"Sure, it's not like it doesn't do anything for me." Ronin accepted.

"Heh, then you better keep that promise." Momoyo raised her pinky finger.

"Are you a kid?' Ronin deadpanned at her and she got a bit embarrassed.

"Shut up, are you going to promise or not?" Momoyo pouted at him.

"Then, it's a promise I guess." Ronin did the pinky swear with her and she had a soft smile on her face.

"I haven't seen Momoyo look like that ever since Kazuko started to grow on her." Tesshin could see that she was as relaxed as still water.

And Momoyo who could be that calm in battle would be one of the most effective combatants that Tesshin could imagine.

__Kawakami Academy__

There were three new people that entered the gates the next day.

And they were Itagaki Angel who will be going to 1-F.

Itagaki Tatsuko who will be in 2-S due to Ronin motivating her with food.

And Lala who of course just read the whole curriculum and memorized it with a glance.

So Lala just perfected the entrance exam, even correcting some inconsistencies with the questions. She was an academic monster.

"I'm Itagaki Angel, nice to meetcha, nerds." Angel greeted flippantly.

"It's a girl! You were wrong, Yamato!" The pervert Ikurou bet on 4 thousand yen on a boy. Thinking it was easy money.

"Oops, I've gotten some wrong intel then." Yamato shrugged.

In 2-S, everyone was watching Lala and Tatsuko with curiosity.

Thinking if they would compete with the rankings. Because only the top 50 students can be inside the S class.

"Hi! I'm Kuki Ronin's fiance! Let's get along." Lala greeted cheerily.

"Itagaki Tatsuko, nice... To meet... You... zzzzz." Tatsuko fell asleep while introducing herself. (Pic)

"Why do you even let Angel and Tatsuko go to school?" Miyo was curious.

Tatsuko only got to 2-S due to her motivation. While Angel would definitely be a flunky yhat would go to the arcade instead of classes.

"Angel needs more positive influences. While Tatsuko just needs more friends in general." Ronin shrugged.

The Itagaki siblings only knew Shakadou and them. So they're pretty isolated.

Ryuhei though, they don't care about that guy all that much.

"She's asleep?" The 2-S students sweated at Tatsuko. Thinking she has narcolepsy or something.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.