
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix wielder in Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 7: Reverse chasing?

As the teacher left, Ali turned to his bed again and dropped the bedding on it while Xiao Wu stared at Tang San's. The simps (boys) of the room who wanted to impress the girl, immediately ran to their bed and brought their beddings for her.

Random student number 1 :"Boss, you can use my bedding!"

Random student number 2 :"Boss, use mine!"

Random student number 3 :"Boss, use mine instead!"

'Simps.' Ali thought as he rolled his eyes while Xiao Wu snorted and pointed at them :"Don't call me boss, just call me sister Xiao Wu." And the boys immediately nodded :"Alright, boss...! Oh, sister Xiao Wu!"

Xiao Wu looked at their used bedding with disappointment as she rolled her eyes before looking at Tang San's, who immediately hugged his bedding with furrowed eyebrows as Xiao Wu walked towards him :"Xiao San, let's discuss this matter."

"Xiao San?" Tang San raised an eyebrow at the name as Xiao Wu tried to convince him :"Your bedding is huge, it's enough to cover two people. What about this? Let's move our beds together and share the bedding together, okay?"

"Huh?!" Tang San was clearly taken aback as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow :"Together? Is it appropriate? It is improper for us to get too close." But Xiao Wu got impossibly closer, determined to get that bedding :"I'm a girl, if I don't mind, why should you mind?"

As the others watched in amusement, Xiao Wu kept poking Tang San's chest :"What are you waiting for? Hurry." In the end, Tang San gave up and put his bedding on his bed before pushing it towards Xiao Wu's while she instructed :"Move the bed near to mine. I thought you were strong?"

As Tang San sat on the ground and leaned onto his bed, Xiao Wu laid the bedding down before putting their bags in the middle of the two beds :"Put your bag here too. From now on, this will be the border. *Cracking knuckles* If you pass the border, I won't go easy on you."

Tang San sighed helplessly as Ali snickered at him before he noticed Gu Yuena staring at him. "W-what is it?" He raised an eyebrow with a bad feeling in his guts, and he found out why he had that feeling when Gu Yuena answered simply :"Let's share your bedding too."

Ali's face twitched as he sighed helplessly :"You don't have bedding, do you?" "Do I look like I have one?" Gu Yuena answered as a matter of fact way, causing Ali's face to twitch once again because of her sarcasm.

"Sigh, fine, move your bed here." Ali said as he rubbed his temples, but Gu Yuena tilted her head with a slightly confused, but calm face (kuudere style) :"Aren't you going to help me?" Causing Ali to raise an eyebrow :"You're the one asking for a favor, so you might as well help out a little too, no?"

Gu Yuena nodded and moved towards the other side of her bed. The boys wanted to scold Ali for being mean towards this pretty girl and offer to help her, but they were all shocked into silence when she just lifted her pretty leg and simply kicked the bed before it slid towards Ali face before stopping when it hit his bed and caused him to curse in his mind when it made his bed shake.

Even Tang San struggled with moving the bed, so how come such a weak and fragile looking girl was so strong??? Just as Gu Yuena was about to sit on the bed, Tang San looked like he got an idea as he got up with a smile :"I know, how about we do this? The girls, Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu will share a bedding, while me and Ali will share the other bedding! This way, it won't be weird."

'Bro, you my homie, but do you really think I wanna sleep with your lolicon ass???' Ali narrowed his eyes at him, but he also couldn't disagree that it was a good idea. Xiao Wu also thought so as she nodded happily :"Yeah, that's an awesome idea! You're smart, Xiao San!"

Tang San smiled and nodded as the three turned to look at the silver haired girl. However, she shook her head with a calm and neutral face :"No, I want to sleep with Ali." Ali sighed helplessly as Xiao Wu looked disappointed.

Ali sat up as he picked up his bag and put it in the middle of the two beds :"Fine, then we will do it like Xiao Wu suggested, there will be a borde-" however, he was interrupted by Gu Yuena sitting on the bed, grabbing his bag and throwing it on the ground beside his bed :"No need, I want to sleep with you."

The other boys looked at Ali with jealousy while he was a little taken aback :'I-is this reverse chasing??? B-but even if you're interested in me, aren't you too blunt and forward about it???'


"Wow!" Xiao Wu called out as she excitedly looked around the cafeteria of the room :"How huge!" Tang San, Ali, Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu had changed into their blue school uniforms and had come to the cafeteria with Wang Sheng leading the way.

'Heh, that's what she said.' Ali snorted with a smirk as he looked at the cafeteria. Just like Xiao Wu had said, it was quite big. It also had two floors, and the first floor was almost completely full of children.

And the moment the three had walked in, everybody had turned to look at Gu Yuena, the most beautiful girl they had ever seen in their entire lives. Boys looked at her with amazement and at Ali who she was standing right next to with jealousy, while the girls looked at Ali with amazement and at Gu Yuena standing next to him with jealousy. But the five tried to ignore them as Wang Sheng explained :"This canteen can fit three hundred students and teachers to eat at once. Of course, it's enormous."

"Let's go in, I'm starving." Xiao Wu said as she patted her small stomach. But just as they were about to walk, the mocking voice of a boy from the second floor came :"Well, aren't these Wang Sheng and his poor gang? Heh, if you're poor, you're forever poor! It will be impossible for them to go to the second floor to eat!"

'Motherfuckers be acting like the second floor of a simple canteen is the goddamn God Realm or something...' Ali frowned at their idiocy before he scratched the inside of his ear with a smirk and looked around :"Huh? Gu Yuena is it just me, or did you also hear a dog barking?"

"What did you say?!" The boy shouted as Gu Yuena snorted and looked at the boy as if looking at a touch :"Yeah, and from the sound of it, it seems to be a rabid dog." Hearing how she wasn't afraid of ridiculing others, Ali's smirk grew slightly.

The boy and his buddies on the second floor glared at them as the first boy smirked in mockery :"What a pretty girl, too bad you're just an apprentice. Hey, how about you become my pet? Hahahaha, I promise to take care of you!"

The boys next to him started laughing as well before Gu Yuena snorted :"Be careful of how loudly you bark, dog. Otherwise, someone might cut off your testicles."PFT-" Ali was seriously taken aback but how sudden and intense her offense was as he burst into laughter :"HAHAHAHA!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Poor Ali had to put his hand on Tang San, who looked really shocked, so he wouldn't fall to the ground as he held his stomach while laughing his ass off while the boys glared at her and gritted their teeth.

They seemed to want to shout at her, but when they noticed the cold look in her beautiful eyes, that even sent a shiver down Tang San's back, they trembled before the first boy tried to act tough by snorting :"Hmph, you're lucky I'm hungry!" And walked away like a little bitch while Ali was still busy laughing. While he tried to slowly calm down his wheezing, Xiao Wu looked at Wang Sheng :"What's so great about the second floor? Why were they so smug about it?"

And Wang Sheng explained it to all of them :"The second floor is a place where you can order and have your meals personally. The price is high, we can't afford it." Xiao Wu snorted with her head held high :"Let's eat first, we'll teach them and lesson soon."

As she, Tang San and Wang Sheng walked towards one of the tables, Ali finally calmed down, but he was still chuckling a bit as he wiped the tear off his eye as he looked at Gu Yuena who was looking at him :"Huuuh, that was a good comeback, Gu Yuena. I like you more now."

And surprisingly, Gu Yuena smiled at him as she tilted her head a bit :"Really? I'm glad to hear that." Ali curled his lips at her cuteness and couldn't help but pat the doll like beauty who didn't back away from his touch.

The two walked towards where Xiao Wu was looking at the food with shining eyes when Tang San turned around and smiled before jogging back. As Ali turned around, he saw that Yu Xiaogang had also entered the canteen.

When Yu Xiaogang looked at him, Ali waved his hand and bowed down his head in gratitude for the bedding, and Yu Xiaogang waved slightly as well with a small smile. Yu Xiaogang asked how Tang San was doing and invited him to eat on the second floor, but Tang San refused politely and said that he wanted to eat with his dorm mates instead.

After he walked away after telling Tang San where to meet him, Wang Sheng walked towards Tang San and Xiao Wu followed after him. Ali wasn't that far away from them either, so they also walked towards them, and Gu Yuena followed him.

Wang Sheng :"Do you know the Master?"

Tang San :"*Nod* Mhm, he is my teacher."

Wang Sheng :"*Taken aback* What?! Oh no, you've acknowledged Master as your teacher? Sigh, his ability is just average. It is rumored that he's on good terms with the principal, so he stays here as a guest teacher. In other words, he's a freeloader. I heard that Master's almost 50, yet he's stuck in the soul grandmaster level. He's only level 29. He probably can't go higher than this anymore."

'Nah, he's definitely below average.' Ali curled his lips, but Tang San got a little mad when Wang Sheng ridiculed his master as he glared at him :"This is the first time, and I hope it's the last too. If you don't want to fight me again, don't bluntly comment on my teacher. Thank you for your kind intentions, I think, there's no need for you to pay for my meal."

He turned around to walk away, but Ali side hugged him homie style and patted his shoulder :"Geez, calm down, Xiao San. I get that Wang Sheng was being a little bit of an asshole, but no need to get so upset about it. No need to let him treat you to food, but I'm planning on eating on the second floor, so let's all go together!"

Hearing his long-time and first friend trying to calm him down, Tang San sighed and nodded with a small smile before he raised an eyebrow :"But didn't Wang Sheng say that the food up there is really expensive?"

Ali smiled smugly as he put his hand inside his pocket before he took out a gold handful of gold soul coins from the Storage of his Omnitrix (he doesn't need to release his martial soul to use the Storage or Library) before taking his hand out and showing it up, causing the others except Gu Yuena to go wide eyed :"Do you think that would be a problem now?"