
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix wielder in Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 6: An unexpected appearance

<Guys, I've changed something, Omnitrix can put all the information of the Library inside Ali's head for instant mastery. So he can master any martial arts and knowledge, but for techniques that have stages, like Purple Demon Eye, he still has to practice to achieve each stage>

"Yo." Ali held up a peace sign with a nonchalant and neutral face before Tang San smiled softly at Xiao Wu :"May I ask about your martial soul?" Xiao Wu held up a finger with a cute smile, but Ali didn't find it too cute since he wasn't a lolicon :"My martial soul is a rabbit, a very cute little white rabbit. What about you two?"

'Well aren't you one to flatter yourself...' Ali curled his rosy lips as Xiao Wu leaned forward towards them, causing them to lean back a bit as Ali shrugged :"Mine's a bracelet." And Tang San had an awkward expression :"Yours restrains mine perfectly... My martial soul is your martial soul's food, Blue Silver Grass."

"That's interesting, can I come in?" Xiao Wu giggled as she tilted her head, causing Ali to raise an eyebrow :"Aren't you already inside???" But he was ignored because of the awkward Tang San who Wang Sheng was hurrying :"Here is the thing. Dorm seven has a rule. The new apprentices must show their martial souls' ability. So, I want to have a friendly fight with you."

"Are you sure?" Xiao Wu asked with a smirk and Tang San nodded :"Yes." Xiao Wu nodded before raising her bag towards one of the boys without even looking :"Okay. Come on." The boy took her bag after a moment before they all backed off to give the two time to fight.

While the two were preparing to fight, Ali chose a bed that he liked and laid down on it as he watched the two fight while eating some fruits that he had taken out of Omnitrix's Storage. The fight went just like the original, with Xiao Wu having the upper hand and attacking using her flexible body and acrobatic techniques and martial arts, which Ali had already scanned and had mastered.

In the end, Tang San got manhandled by Xiao Wu's Rou skill and was defeated because he underestimated Xiao Wu. As he laid down on the ground with a helpless look, Xiao Wu smiled down at him :"Tang San, are you alright?"

Tang San stood up with a slightly gloomy and sad face as he looked at Xiao Wu :"I have lost. Can you tell me what skill you used just now?" And Xiao Wu answered with a smug smirk :"I used Rou skill! It's a skill which utilizes the softness and flexibility of our body."

After a moment of thinking, Tang San picked up his bag as did Xiao Wu before he calmly looked at Xiao Wu :"According to the dorm's rules, you win. You'll be the dorm leader from now on, which is our boss."

"That's right, that's right." The other boys except Ali, who was lying comfortably on his bed and eating another apple, agreed as Xiao Wu smiled with some excitement :"Boss, sounds interesting. Okay, then I'll be your boss from now on."

The boys made a line again, but this time for Xiao Wu, as she walked between them. Tang San just awkwardly scratched his head before Wang Sheng grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the line before making him bow.

She walked smugly, but when she saw Ali laying down nonchalantly, she pointed at him with a pout :"Why aren't you bowing like the others? I'm your boss, aren't I?" Causing Ali to snort as he threw the eaten apple at a trash can several meters behind him without even glancing, impressing the others slightly :"You might be their boss, but nobody is my boss."

Xiao Wu smirked provokingly as she gently threw her bag aside and got into a fighting stance :"Then you have to fight and defeat me if you don't want me to be your boss." Ali sighed and was about to say something sarcastic, but the door suddenly opened and someone walked in.

When everybody looked to see who it was, all of them were surprised, even Ali! It was an extremely cute girl, but Ali wasn't shocked because of her looks, but how he felt like he knew her from the Douluo Dalu series, even though he was sure that this girl wasn't in this era. The girl was about the same age and height as Xiao Wu. She had long silver hair that was even longer than Xiao Wu's, reaching her calves. She had a pair of clear purple eyes that shone with intelligence.

She was incredibly adorable and beautiful, worlds higher than Xiao Wu. Her skin wasn't as clear as Ali's, which would make any woman and goddess jealous, but it was the clearest that he had seen on any woman. However, despite her beauty that had left everyone in the room speechless, she had an aloof aura that forced everyone to stay away from her.

'Who the hell...? Why does she seem so familiar...?' Xiao Wu smiled as she hopped to stand in front of the new girl, wanting to be friends with her :"Hello, I'm Xiao Wu, the "Wu" from dance! Who are you?"

The new girl didn't seem to share the same excitement as Xiao Wu, something that was normal for girls their age :"Gu Yuena." And Ali's mind exploded :'Wut?' Xiao Wu felt a little awkward since the new girl, now known as Gu Yuena, shot down the conversation like that.

But she still tried to talk with her :"Nice to meet you, Gu Yuena! By the way, what is your martial soul? Mine is a rabbit, a very cute little white rabbit!" And Gu Yuena still had that calm and neutral face as she answered simply :"Silver Dragon King." Causing Ali's mind to turn into a void :'Wut?'

The boys, who were completely dumbstruck by Gu Yuena's, had their mouths go wide open the moment they heard what her martial soul was. Dragon type martial souls were always the most powerful of martial souls after all.

Even the weakest of dragon type martial souls were always at least higher mid tier, nearly high tier. And now, Gu Yuena said that her martial soul wasn't just a dragon, but a dragon "king"! It was definitely a very strong martial soul!

Hearing the whispers of the boys among themselves, Ali's mind finally recovered as his eyes went wide :'WHAT?!!?! Gu Yuena?! THAT Gu Yuena?! The Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena?! She said that her martial soul is the Silver Dragon King, so it must be her!

But what the hell is she doing here?! She is supposed to be dormant either in or below the Lake Of Life in Douluo Dalu 1 and 2, so why the fuck is she here?! Is it because of me? But there's no way! How the hell is it supposed to have anything to do with me?! I asked to be just a normal, abandoned child who was picked up! So why is she here...?'

Xiao Wu wasn't going to give up, so she tilted her head, trying to appear cute, as she asked again :"Really? Since your martial soul is a dragon, it must be really strong and powerful! Are you also going to live in dorm seven?"

"Mhm." Gu Yuena answered with a simple nod and hum. Xiao Wu felt like her back was going to break from how hard she was trying to carry this conversation. Gu Yuena seemed to have lost interest in Xiao Wu as she pointed at Ali with a look that somehow felt gentler from when she looked at Xiao Wu and others :"What's your name?"

Ali was a little surprised and taken aback as he pointed at himself :"Me?" And Gu Yuena just nodded, so he answered :"Ashborne Ali, but everyone calls me Ali. Feel free to do the same." Gu Yuena's gaze became even softer and gentler as she whispered the name to herself :"Ali. What is your martial soul?"

Ali was even more confused as he answered :"A normal, unknown bracelet..." But that didn't seem to be the answer that Gu Yuena wanted to hear, it was obvious from how her beautiful eyebrow furrowed :"What? It's not a dragon?"

'What?' Ali finally figured it out, but didn't show it :'Wait, is she here because she thinks that I have a dragon martial soul, or specifically, the Golden Dragon King? But I'm definitely sure I don't have it.' he shook his head in denial :"No, my martial soul is a bracelet."

Gu Yuena's eyebrow furrowed even more as she stared at Ali :"Are you sure that your martial soul isn't a dragon?" And Ali nodded his head :"Yes, I'm sure. My martial soul is a bracelet?" 'Even if it was like Tang Wulin's, which appeared when he was angry, then it would've appeared by now.

I'm an easy-to-anger and short-tempered person, it would've definitely appeared after the martial soul awakening. However, it hasn't appeared, and I definitely can't and haven't sensed a dragon martial soul in me. And I definitely haven't sensed the Golden Dragon King of all things inside of me.'

However, Gu Yuena didn't seem to believe her since she kept staring at Ali with narrowed eyes. "Hmph, fine." She let out softly before she looked at the bed behind Ali. Ali glanced over his shoulder at it as well as he curled his lips when she walked towards it and threw her bag on it.

Seeing that the drama was done, Tang San walked towards the empty bed on Ali's other side as he put his bag on it. While he was going through it, Xiao Wu glanced at the bed beside Tang San's, which unfortunately, was already occupied.

However, when the owner of the bed saw Xiao Wu looking at his bed, he immediately jumped away :"Boss, have a seat, have a seat." So in order from the right side of the door, it was Xiao Wu on the 2nd bed, Tang San on the 3rd, Ali on the 4th, and Gu Yuena on the 5th. While the unrelated boys walked away, Xiao Wu looked at Tang San :"Tang San, what level is your soul power? When we fought just now, I felt that you're quite strong."

Tang San didn't look up as he kept going through his stuff :"I'm born with full soul power, that's why I'm more powerful. Ali is born with full soul power as well." And all of the boys along with Xiao Wu were surprised :"Born with full soul power?!"

Just as everyone calmed down from their surprise, the door was opened again, giving Ali a mini heart attack :'Don't you fucking dare say another god level being or a century millennium soul beast is gonna walk in!'

However, when he saw that it was just a young teacher, he sighed in relief. "Who are Tang San and Ashborne Ali?" The teacher asked as he walked over after Tang San answered :"I'm Tang San." And Ali reluctantly got up :"And I'm Ashborne Ali." The teacher walked towards the two with two beddings in his hands as he held them out for the two to take :"I'm Mr Mo. These beddings are from Master."

"Thank you, Mr Mo." The two thanked as they took one bedding each before the teacher spoke :"Tang San, Ashborne Ali, Xiao Wu and Gu Yuena are year one apprentices. You'll be in charge of the south side of the garden beside the field. You'll get 10 copper soul coins daily. If you slack, you'll be expelled."

"Okay/Got it." The two answered. But it seems like Xiao Wu didn't like the idea of working, because she was making all sorts of faces from over her bed. But when the teacher turned around and noticed her, she immediately turned around to hide her face as he continued explaining :"Tomorrow is the school opening ceremony.

You'll start working after the classes start on the day after tomorrow. I'll check on you randomly. If you have questions, ask Wang Sheng." "Okay." They all, including Xiao Wu, said before the teacher walked towards the door and walked out of the dorm.