
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix wielder in Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

CH 18: {S} Ali x Zhuqing {1st S}

<Guys, I've decided that Ali has a third martial soul, called Majestic Incubus. Mostly because of sex, since Incubuses are the male versions of Succubuses.

But he can also use it for fighting. It's proficient in illusions only, but his illusions are like Pesky Dust's, which are not something that anybody in Douluo Dalu can break since he can even put Celestial Sapiens into sleep at full strength.

Meaning Tang San's Purple Demon Eye technique won't do anything. But it would be boring if it was god class from the get go, so it will slowly get stronger with each form. Here's how it is:



01-39: Incubus

40-59: Evolved Incubus

60-79: Superior Incubus

80-99: Ultimate Incubus

100-∞: Majestic Incubus


(Innate Abilities)

Marking: his mark, a black heart with dark purple wings, will appear above the crotch of anybody who has taken in his bodily fluids. It won't appear if he doesn't want it too. The person with Ali's mark can't feel pleasure from any other beings but Ali if he wants to, not even themselves. He can also put them in a state of heat at any given moment.

Charm: anybody who looks at him will feel an uncontrollable lust and attraction towards him.

Controllable Pregnancy: Ali can control his sperm so they won't be able to get anybody pregnant.

Desire Manipulation: Ali can control the "evil" desires of other people, such as rage and envy, to an extent. The control will be raised as he gets stronger.

Lust Manipulation: Ali can control the list of other creatures. He can even turn other beings impotent if he wants to. The control will be raised as he gets stronger.

Infinite Libido: Ali has infinite stamina when it comes to sex or any sexual act.

Expandable Penis: he can increase the size of his penis, with the base already being more than 12 inches long and 4 inches wide.

Aphrodisiac Bodily Fluids: Ali's saliva, sweat, tears, blood, sperm and any other bodily fluids can put other beings into heat and make their bodies more sensitive.


(1st soul ring)

Majestic Illusion: Ali can put beings under such advanced illusions where they won't even be able to notice that they're in an illusion.


(2nd soul ring)

Majestic Dreams: Ali can forcibly put others into sleep where he can control everything in their dreams.


(3rd soul ring)

Majestic Vision: like Huo Yuhao's first soul skill, gives a 360-degree Stereoscopic Vision where everything in the range can be seen, from any angle desired, even if one's eyes are closed. He can also mentally share this image with others. The distance that this soul skill covers is 1/100 of the age of the soul ring (100 years = 1 meter | 10,000 years = 100 meters).


Hope y'all like it. Also, this isn't a normal martial soul. It's like Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon King, so it's his actual body and physical body. And to add soul rings to it, he needs to stimulate his bloodline.

Now enjoy the smut. Yes, "S" stands for "smut", baby!>


Warnings: dom Ali, sub Yuena, sub Zhuqing, dirty talk, kinky, vaginal sex.

Ali, who was laying down with his hands behind his head, raised his head and looked at him speechlessly :'... Bro, I get that you didn't have any romantic experience in your past life, but isn't it common knowledge that most girls like flowers?'

It seemed like Xiao Wu thought the same as she sighed and swung the rose in front of Tang San's face while she walked closer towards him, making him walk back :"Brother, how stupid are you?!

There isn't any girl who dislikes roses. Haven't you seen how many times Ali has given roses and other flowers to sister Yuena and Zhuqing? If you keep doing this, how can you get yourself a wife then?"

As Tang San fell on a chair, Ali and his lovers smirked knowingly as they exchanged glances with amusement in their eyes. "It's still too early to talk about this now." Tang San made an excuse and Xiao Wu rolled her eyes in amusement.

Yuena walked towards Ali who glanced up at her :"What's up?" She signaled for him to get up :"Raise your head so I can sit." He raised an eyebrow with a smirk :"Why? Whatcha wanna do?"

Yuena snorted and smirked in amusement :"Get up for a moment, or I wouldn't mind sitting on your face instead." Ali pursed his lips with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips :'And who said I would mind? Wouldn't be the first time anyway.'

But unfortunately, since other people were here, he couldn't say what was on his mind. He just sat up a bit and gave Yuena space to sit down. After she sat down, he brought his head to her lap and started massaging his head while running her fingers through his hair.

Ali closed his eyes comfortably as he hummed in satisfaction and pleasure. As he was enjoying the head massage, he felt someone gently slap his foot. He opened one eye and glanced to see it was Zhuqing smiling down at him :"Raise your legs for a second too."

Ali did so and she sat before placing his legs on her lap before her storage ring flashed and a plate, knife and a few fruits like apples and oranges appeared in her hand.

She peeled the skin of the fruits before feeding them to Ali and Yuena. Ali couldn't help but groan in satisfaction as he smiled comfortably :"Thanks, my loves."

Zhuqing hummed gently with a fond smile as she put a slice of orange in his mouth :"Well, this isn't anything weird between us. You've taken care of me and sister Yuena a lot yourself, so we're just returning the favor."

"Hmph, acting all lovey dovey..." Xiao Wu pouted as they shamelessly flirted before she walked to the room where the bed was with Tang San. And just when she saw the heart shaped bed with rose petals on it, she immediately jumped on it and started playing with the petals.

Tang San sighed helplessly as he shook his head :"Xiao Wu, I think it was a mistake to listen to you and come here... You, sister Yuena and Zhuqing rest here. Me and Ali will rest on the sofas together.

Ali's laughter was heard as he spoke mischievously :"I'm flattered, San'ge (brother San), but I'm very much taken." Tang San looked back with a speechless face at Ali who was smiling smugly.


"Alright, we'll be going now." Tang San said as he opened the door and Xiao Wu turned to the girls :"Are you sure you guys don't want to come with us? C'mon, let's go shopping and have fun!"

Zhuqing smiled apologetically as she stood in front of them :"Sorry, Xiao Wu, but Ali says he wants to rest and we're a little tired too. You two go have fun, we'll just stay here or might go out later."

Xiao Wu nodded with a sigh and then smiled :"Alright then, we'll be going to have fun! Bye bye!" And they left after closing the door behind them.

When she made sure that those two were gone, Zhuqing put her thumbs under the waistband of her pants before pulling them down to her thighs.

It's not like she was just horny, but it was kinda like a rule that Ali had established because of his kinky and horny nature. When they were alone, pants could stay on, but ass had to be exposed.

He didn't know why, but slightly revealing and not completely naked really turned him on. Especially when it came to ass. He was an ass guy after all.

Looking at her ass which was only covered by a black thong. Zhuqing looked back over her shoulder with a seductive smirk :"Like what you see, baby?"

He didn't even need to answer. The giant bulge in his pants pretty much gave the clear answer. Zhuqing bit her plump lip as she looked at his crotch which looked like it would be ripped any second :"I'll take that as a yes then."

As she walked over to him with her ass out in the open, Yuena raised her ass to pull her pants and panties down as well, causing Ali's head which was still on her lap to raise as well.

As she sat down again, Ali immediately turned his head and buried his face in her crotch, taking in the delicious smell of her pussy. Yuena moaned gently at the sensation of his nose right in front of her pussy :"You fucking pervert. Aren't you embarrassed about making us walk with our fat asses out in the open so you can do whatever you want, whenever you want?"

Between his two lovers, Yuena was obviously the more shameless and unrestrained one. She didn't care about image or anything, she did whatever she wanted when it was about Ali.

In the 6 years that they've known each other and the few years where they've been lovers, she had obviously learned quite a few things about him. Among the many things, his kinks, which dirty talk was included in.

So knowing how much he enjoyed dirty talk, she wouldn't hold back when talking dirty with him. The dirtier and sluttier she talked, the more it turned him on. She had obviously learned them from her perverted lover.

Ali bit his lip with a hungry smile as he palmed Yuena's and Zhuqing's ass when she sat on his lap :"Well, is it my fault that you two have such big and slutty asses? It would be a sin if I wasn't acting perverted. And don't talk as if you don't love it."

When Zhuqing unlocked Ali's belt and pulled it down along with his boxers, she couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped her lips when his huge member sprung out.

As it stood tall and proud while the girls looked at it with hunger, it looked to be around the same length as Ali's forearm, about 12 inches (30 cm) and 15 inches (38 cm) with a width of 4 inches (10 cm). <Behold, the GUT REARRANGER XD! I'm wheezing over here lmfao! Big dicked bastard, bet its name is Heaven Piercing Spear or something XD!>

Zhuqing reached out with lust completely visible in her eyes as she gently grabbed his cock before sliding her hand up and down. But Ali gently grabbed her wrist and stopped her :"Let's forget about foreplay this time. Those two won't be out for that long, so let's go for at least a round before they come back."

He sat up, put his hands on her beautiful and plump ass before standing up with her legs over his arms. While holding her up effortlessly, they started kissing without hesitation as he lowered her thong down as well.

As he rubbed his dick against her bottom lips, he immediately noticed how wet she was already. He broke the kiss and smirked when Zhuqing followed his lips :"And you call me the pervert, my beautiful whore?

You're already soaking wet. We don't even need that much foreplay with how wet you are. Were you looking forward to it or something? Were you seriously this wet while Xiao San and Xiao Wu were here?"

Zhuqing looked away with a blush as she moaned gently at the feeling of his dick rubbing against her entrance and clit :"I-I just knew that you would try to have sex when brother San and Xiao Wu went away, so I couldn't help but feel excited... We didn't manage to have that much sex on the way, so I'm really horny now."

Ali gave a toothy smirk as he kissed her before gently biting her bottom lip and pulling it as he broke the kiss again :"Don't worry them, because I'm planning to fill you up to the brim. I won't even have mercy on your womb, my dear bitch of a lover~."

As he gripped her squishy ass cheeks, he put some distance between their lower halves so he could line up his tip with her entrance. Zhuqing moaned gently into the kiss as Ali pushed the head of his cock inside of her.

However, he smiled mischievously as he gripped her ass harder and suddenly pushed all of it inside, knocking the wind out of her as he stopped kissing her so she could breathe easier.

Having been lovers and slept with each other for about a year or two, Ali had made sure that the ship of dick was engraved into their cunts. So after countless fucks, it wasn't that much hard work to push his entire length inside them.

Also, since he was using his Lust Manipulation, which he could use without even releasing his martial soul, that even Yuena couldn't detect, they could easily get used to his size.

As Zhuqing hugged him, he gently pulled her away and he himself backed his waist away before gently pushing it inside again. As he continued his actions, she got more and more used to his monstrosity inside of him.

Seeing that she was better, Ali began to speed things up. While holding her up by her ass, he spread her ass cheeks as he began to ram his dick into her nonstop.

As he kept fucking her, her legs began to shake violently as her velvety walls quivered uncontrollably. With a final push, she came as she squirted on his cock on waist with a loud scream.

However, Ali didn't stop. He just kept fucking her pussy with no mercy. Even after she came down from her high, she was quickly nearing her second orgasm because of Ali's paste.

After making her cum a few more times, Ali was finally nearing his own orgasm. He gritted his teeth as he panted while his pace got more and more sloppy. With a final thrust, which pushed her womb up who knows how far, he finally came deep inside of her.

They already knew that because of the Innate Abilities of his Majestic Incubus, he can control his cum so they wouldn't get pregnant. So there weren't any worries.

Having cum and squirted so many times without rest, Zhuqing was barely conscious as he panted with her head on Ali's shoulder. Ali gently planted kisses on her beautiful neck for comfort as he sat her on the couch.

After making her comfortable, he smirked and turned to Yuena who had kept herself busy with her fingers in her pussy :"Ready for your turn, baby?"


<I swear, smut chapters are the most annoying to write for no reason. It's exciting at first, but it gets annoying as you write. Why? Because you need to keep yourself horny to write a good one.

But staying horny for at least an hour is really fucking annoying. I've been on this for around 3 or 4 hours now. Why? Because I had to spare around an hour or two just to jerk off and relieve my poor dick>