
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix wielder in Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Fantasy
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21 Chs

CH 17: Ali VS Dai Mubai

<I've changed something. Frenzy is a combination of Wildmutt (Vulpimancer), Fourarms (Tetramand), Cannonbolt (Arburian Pelarota), Blitzwolfer (Loboan), Spidermonkey (Arachnichimp) Rath (Appoplexian), Kickin Hawk (Unknown) from now on. And this is his appearance

Appearance: looks like Rath, has Fourarms' body and color, has Blitzwolfer's tail and mane and claws, has Wildmutt's three gill-like nostrils on each side of his neck, has Cannonbolt's spots but in black and they are retractable, has small holes under his wrists where he can shoot Spidermonkey's webs from.

And this is his third soul ring: King's Webs: Ali can shoot webs from his wrists like Spider Man.

I just wanted to fuse the "animal" like aliens there. I know, Fourarms doesn't fit, but I didn't want to let go of him having four arms. Also, Godspeed is the combination of XLR8 (Kineceleran), Cannonbolt (Arburian Pelarota), Jetray (Aerophibian), Fasttrack (Citrakayah) from now on. And this is his appearance:

Appearance: Fasttrack's body with claws, has XLR8's color and legs and a tail with a blade at the end and his retractable visor, has Jetray's wings under his arms but they're retractable, has Cannonbolt's yellow spots spots but in red and they're retractable>


Having leveled up his soul power so much, Ali had figured out some things. Everytime that he acquired a new soul ring, the maximum age till the next 10 levels would double. Basically something like this:

01-10 = 6,250 years old

625 years each level

10-20 = 12,500 years old

625 years each level

20-30 = 25,000 years old

1,250 years each level

30-40 = 50,000 years old

2,500 years each level

That realization had made him extremely happy. After all, the age of soul rings can't be increased unless a god does something about it. And even then, there are still some limits to which those gods will increase the age of the soul rings.

However, not only did he not need the help of a god, the age of his soul rings would increase each time his level increased. And every 10 levels, the maximum age of those soul rings would double. That was just outright crazy.

"Decade millennium soul rings?!" Dai Mubai called out in pure shock as he and everybody else but Ali's friends looked with surprise :"How is that even possible...? And what is that martial soul...?"

Ali chuckled as he pushed the button on the Omnitrix and got ready to slam his hand on it like he meant it :"Don't know about you, but in my dictionary, the word "impossible" doesn't exist."

The moment he slammed his hand on the watch, his first soul ring shone a black color before a green, blinding light enveloped him. However, it was only for a second or two before the light went away.

And in Ali's place, stood a 9'0 (274 cm) tall humanoid, red tiger with black stripes, four eyes and four arms with a dagger-like claw coming out of the back of each hand.

He had a had black mane and a black, wolf-like tail, the same color as his stripes. He had the Omnitrix symbol on his chest, and was wearing black pants and fingerless gloves.

"Frenzy!" He shouted with an excited and battle thirsty smile while the spectators watched in shock. Frenzy clenched his fist while holding it up for Dai Mubai to see, but shockingly, his deadly, sharp claws didn't pierce his own skin :"Let me tell you something, Dai Mubai the blondy that I find rather interesting!

Just because Frenzy finds you interesting doesn't mean that he's gonna go easy on you! Frenzy is gonna bitch yo ass and show you who the real tiger is here!

But I feel like being nice! So I'm not gonna impale you with any of my claws! So I'm just gonna punch the dog shit out of you! Now get over here and get your ass beat!"

He lifted his hands and all of his claws retracted into his body <You knew that Rath's claws are retractable, right?> before he jumped towards Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai immediately got serious as he threw a punch when he saw one of Frenzy's fists coming at him. However, how could he match Frenzy's overwhelming strength when he could barely match Ali's?

When their punches met, he immediately had to take a few steps back before barely dodging another punch, just to have another fist punch his stomach. He was once again pushed back, and just when Frenzy rushed at him, his first soul ring shone :"First soul skill, White Tiger Shield Body Barrier!"

A white light appeared around Dai Mubai, acting like a shield that blocked Frenzy's punches. "Huh, you think this will stop Frenzy?! Sorry to burst your bubble in advance!" <Pun intended...?>

He started punching the shield repeatedly, causing cracks to appear on it before Dai Mubai's second soul ring shone. He put his hands around his mouth in a shouting motion as he activated his second soul ring :"Second soul skill, White Tiger Intense Light Wave!"

An intense light was unleashed from Dai Mubai's mouth and hit Ali straight in the face, sending him sliding back on the slightly slippery ground. But after stopping, he just snorted with a smirk as spoke rose from his face :"That tickled."

Dai Mubai looked at him seriously as he clenched his fists :"I guess I need to go all out if I want to win. Fine, let me show you the power of my third soul ring!

Third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation!" His thousand year third soul ring shone before his muscles grew a size bigger and his muscles expanded while the light around him went from white to golden white.

An intense soul wave was released from him, knocking the couches and the tables in the store down, breaking a few decorations. He got into a fighting stance again as he looked at Frenzy seriously :"Round two."

"Gutsy! That's how I like it!" Frenzy smirked before they rushed towards each other again. Even though Dai Mubai still wasn't Frenzy's equal, with an increase of 100% in his strength, attack and defense, he could at least put up a fight.

But unfortunately, he had two arms too few. Whenever he threw a punch or blocked one, Frenzy would just use another one to hit him. As Dai Mubai brought his fists down in a hammering motion, Frenzy grabbed both of his hands with his upper hands before punching him away with his lower hands.

Frenzy immediately rushed towards him before right hooked him in the face, but not hard enough to harm it as he left hooked him with his other hand and then he punched him flying away.

Dai Mubai fell on the ground before immediately rolling and getting on one knee while panting. Feeling the wet feeling on his lip, he rubbed his hand on his mouth to see that his lip was bleeding.

Seeing that he couldn't defeat him even though he hadn't used his second and third soul rings, he decided to give up with a sigh. <In case you didn't know, nobody would imagine that each of Ali's transformations have their own soul skills. Any normal person there would flip if they heard him. You know why? Because that's equal to having multiple martial souls>

He rose to his feet with a slight wince :"Sigh, alright, I admit defeat. You win." Frenzy snorted with a toothy, smug smirk :"That's a given!" And he transformed back to Ali :"That was a good fight."

Dai Mubai chuckled as he nodded :"Yeah, it was. But I honestly couldn't have guessed that you would be a level 30 soul elder. You look to be around 12 or 13, yet your soul power level is even higher than mine."

Ali shrugged with a smirk :"Well, I guess it's a combination of talent and hard work. You're not bad at all either. You are quite young, yet you're already level 37. You're also quite strong."

Dai Mubai smiled in appreciation as he nodded :"Thanks, you're really strong too. And thanks for not hurting me. It was obvious that you were holding back."

He turned around and started to walk away as the girls that were with him came to his sides again :"Anyway, I think that we will meet again soon. If there is someone who troubles you in Shrek school, you can tell them my name, Evil Eyes White Tiger Dai Mubai."

"Haha, will do." Ali chuckled before Xiao Wu called out to Dai Mubai :"How did you know we're going to Shrek school?" Causing Dai Mubai to laugh as he walked out :"I'll wait for you all in Shrek."

Ali smiled in amusement as Zhuqing gently held his hand :"Are you alright?" And he nodded with a gentle smile as Yuena came to his side as well :"Yeah, I'm alright. It was just a friendly match anyway."

But it seemed like Xiao Wu wasn't satisfied with the results :"Huh! This person is inexplicable! Ali, why didn't you beat him up?! He's not a good guy. Hmph, when we get into Shrek school, we don't mingle with him."

Ali sighed as he raised an eyebrow :"And why is that? I find him rather interesting. It's not everyday that I see someone who could at least compare to me in handsomeness."

Xiao Wu snorted as she folded her arms under... In front of her boo... Chest as she smirked :"Don't forget that I was the boss of Nuoding school. Also, how is he a good person when he hugs two girls... Like... That...?"

Mid sentence, her eyes caught onto Yuena and Zhuqing who Ali was hugging on each side. Ali looked at the girls on his sides eyes who also looked at him and each other before they all turned to Xiao Wu.

"Are you saying I'm not a good person either?" Ali raised an eyebrow, leaving Xiao Wu flustered before she snorted and looked away with a pout :"You three are different! You three are lovers who have known each other for years, but he is definitely just a playboy!"

Ali rolled his eyes in annoyance :"Yeah, yeah, whatever. How can you blame a handsome guy for wanting to have girls? If I didn't have Yuena and Zhuqing, I may have been like him too."

"Hmph, you're already like that..." Xiao Wu whispered to herself, causing Ali to Ali glared at her :"What was that, you little punk?" Xiao Wu quickly waved her hands before hiding behind Tang San :"Nothing, nothing!"

Tang San sighed helplessly as he knocked on the desk and the receptionist gave him the key :"I agree with Ali, it's not right to judge a book by its cover. He showed his intentions on taking care of us before he left."

Before they could continue the conversation, Ali walked towards the stairs :"Let's go already. I wanna lay down and rest a little." And they all followed him.

When they unlocked the door of the room and walked in, they all looked at the well decorated room as Ali smirked :"Yup, definitely a love hotel."

Zhuqing blushed and Tang San curled his lips when Xiao Wu looked at Ali in confusion :"Love hotel? What's that?" Ali raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smirk :"Xiao Wu, you don't know what a love hotel is?"

Xiao Wu shook her head in denial, and just as Ali was about to explain with fine details what it is and why people come here, Yuena glared at him before going inside with Zhuqing and Xiao Wu :"Ali, don't teach her strange things."

Ali chuckled as he shook his head in amusement and walked towards a couch before slumping on it without hesitation. As he took his shoes off and laid on the bed, something caught Xiao Wu's attention.

She walked towards the decorations in the middle of the room, a heart made out of just roses. As she smelled it with a smile and took one rose out, Tang San walked towards her :"Xiao Wu, if you don't like it, why don't you ask the waiter to take away these flowers?"