
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix wielder in Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

CH 15: Suo Tuo City

(Ali's looks:)

(Yuena's looks:)

(Zhuqing's looks:)

(6 years after martial soul awakening day)

(Tian Dou Empire, Barak kingdom, Suo Tuo City)

In the grand and lively city of Suo Tuo located in the Barak kingdom, 5 teenagers stepped into the city, two boys and three girls. The boys were both handsome, but one far more handsome than the other.

He has jet black hair that was neither long nor short, reaching his chin, but it was combed backwards messily. His eyes were rather unique even in this world, blood red and cat-like, looking beautiful enough to steal someone's soul away.

He was wearing a black jacket with a tight black shirt under it while wearing black pants. His clothes weren't tight, but they couldn't hide his lean muscles. His muscles weren't too big, but they were composed and explosive. When he clenched his fist a bit, his muscles and veins could easily be seen. He had a nonchalant and playful feeling around him, but he also looked to be the serious type when he wanted to.

The other boy also had black hair, however, it wasn't as dark as the other boy's. He was wearing a blue crop top jacket with a white shirt under it. He had black eyes, and he was also wearing blue pants, with a white belt that had 24 gem-like spots on it. There was a calm, collected and serious feeling around him.

The girls with them had extraordinary looks as well. The girl that was walking on the right end of their line, next to the boy wearing blue clothes, was a beautiful girl with browned hair tied in a scorpion braid and with light red eyes.

<Honestly, Xiao Wu didn't look that cute at the start. They did a redesign after some episodes and completely changed her face. I didn't notice the first time I watched>

She was a cute girl with a rosy face, fair skin and a soft appearance that resembled a completely ripe honey peach. She was somewhat lacking in the chest area, but her waist was extremely tight and had long, beautiful legs.

She was wearing a pink dress that left her shoulders and arms exposed while a bit of skin on her waist could be seen. She had a white rabbit themed bag on her waist, while wearing sport shorts under her short skirt and light pink leggings. Even though she looked bored, she had a playful and mischievous feeling around her.

To the left of the red eyed handsome boy, stood a young girl the same age as them who was so beautiful that even women were amazed by her beauty.

She was simply too beautiful, a beauty that is indescribable to the point that all the vocabulary in the dictionary is insufficient to describe her appearance. She had gorgeous silver hair that came down all the way to her ankles.

She had mesmerizing purple eyes that radiated knowledge and nonchalance off of them. She was wearing a white jacket and white jeans that didn't hide her amazing figure at all.

She was tall, about 5'11 (180 cm), nearly as tall as her lover, the boy next to her. She had an amazing figure, breasts with each of them nearly as big as her head, a tight waist that wouldn't lose to the previous girl, a big ass with plump hips and long legs. She looked like a literal goddess, one that even goddesses would be jealous of.

And the final girl, who was walking on the other end of the line, didn't lose to the second girl at all. Her beauty could be compared to the silver haired girl next to her. She also looked somewhat cold like the girl next to her, sending a chill down the spine of anybody who looked at her. <Let's say that Ali has made her more beautiful with the Omnitrix. I'll explain, I don't wanna give out spoilers>

She had black hair, a lighter shade than the handsome boy's, that came down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were black as well, looking healthy and nonchalant, but also smart and cruel.

Her figure was also something that pulled the attention of all men and the jealousy of all women that saw them. She was as tall as the silver haired girl, who was her sister since they were both dating the red eyed boy, 5'11 (180 cm).

Breasts that were as big as the silver haired girl and maybe even a little bigger, waist just as small as hers, a big ass, plump hips and long legs. The right parts of her and her sister's figure were so plump that they would jiggle when they walked.

Yup, these five were from (their) right to left, Xiao Wu, Tang San, Ashborne Ali, Gu Yuena, and Zhu Zhuqing. Zhuqing was rescued by Ali from a few assassins some years ago. And from then, she had lived with him and Yuena.

Obviously, the rescued girl fell in love with her hero in the time they had spent together, and she and Yuena had become Ali's lovers. Yuena wasn't really okay with the idea at all, but after Ali tried his best to convince her and make the two get along, she finally agreed. She had also joined their little family. <Let me explain.

I know some of you may not like this, but it would be stupid if he hadn't taken them after so many years, right? You would probably have a physical problem if you didn't tap those asses. Also, yes, they have fucked. Again, the same reason>

Anyway, ignoring the details, they had now come to the Suo Tuo City because of Yu Xiaogang's words to enter Shrek school. Ali was looking forward to it. He interlocked his fingers and stretched, cracking them with a nonchalant smirk :"We're finally here, bitches. I was getting tired as fuck of waiting so long."

Yuena looked at him, but the cold light instantly disappeared as she raised an amused eyebrow :"As foul mouthed as always, huh, Ali?" Ali chuckled as he walked and stood between her and Zhuqing before holding their hands :"This is how you love me anyway, so why are you complaining?"

Zhuqing looked at him as she smirked lightly in amusement :"And who said that we're complaining? We find it rather interesting how you can be so shameless without a care in the world."

Ali shrugged as he playfully swung his hands around, dragging their hands as well :"Why should I care anyway? There's no point in that. I would keep it in moderation if you two didn't like it, but since you said that you find it interesting, I'm not gonna stop."

Xiao Wu leaned forward as she smiled teasingly :"You call him shameless, but aren't you all shameless since you're flirting so shamelessly in public?" Causing Ali to smirk as he threateningly raised his head.

He also raised his hand in a slapping motion as he smirked mischievously :"Xiao Wu, do you perhaps want to taste my thunder (hand (aka get spanked)? I've gotten even more skillful at it, you know? Since I've had "practice" lately~."

Zhuqing blushed as she hit Ali while still holding hands. While Xiao Wu quickly took Tang San who smiled helplessly as her guard, Yuena looked at Ali in a scolding manner :"Love, stop that. You know that Zhuqing gets embarrassed easily."

"Sister Yuena..." Zhuqing looked down with an even intenser blush. Yuena wasn't really one to get embarrassed, in fact, she was proud of their private times and subjects. A dragon like her really wasn't one to get embarrassed.

But Zhuqing was rather quick to get shy and embarrassed when those kinds of subjects came up in public. She was still shy in private, but it was still a lot better. She couldn't really keep her innocence since Ali of all people was her lover.

As they walked while people looked at Ali with jealousy, while he was feeling smug as hell, Xiao Wu sighed :"Sigh, I don't know what Master is thinking. Many medium level schools want to recruit us without condition, especially Ali, sister Yuena and Zhuqing who are all over level 30, but he insists that you should enroll in Shrek school, which has no rank at all."

<Seriously, they changed her face a LOT>

Tang San :"My teacher told me to enroll here, not you guys. Who told you to come along? Fortunately, Barak kingdom is border to Fassnor Province. Or else Xiao Wu would whine more."

Ali snorted as he leaned forward slightly and looked at Tang San :"Hey, don't put us together with this nagger. <... That's way too close to another word for comfort...> We haven't whined or complained... Not that much at least. And besides, we're all family here. Would I let you go somewhere by yourself? Who would look after your ass if I didn't come?"

Xiao Wu snorted with a pout :"I'm not a nagger! Hmph, such heartless brothers. Aren't you two supposed to spoil your little sister? And Xiao San, I did this for you, because you're my brother. Since the exam is in 2 days, you have to play with me in Suo Tuo City for 2 days, to make up for the trauma of my tiny soul."

"The boss of Nuoding school has a tiny soul?" Tang San raised an eyebrow with a smirk before Ali laughed :"Hahahahaha, I bet it's as small as her boobs!" <... Emotional damage...>

Xiao Wu immediately glared at him with a pout as she stomped her foot on the ground :"Ali, I've told you to stop making fun of my chest! And I've told that I do have breasts!"

But Ali's smile didn't falter. He put his hand on his forehead to block the sun as he searched the ground :"Oh really?! Where did you drop them?!" <... My man a savage...>

Xiao Wu looked away with a scoff and her pout still on her cute <not really at the moment> face :"I'm tired, let's find a place to stay."

"Alright." Tang San helped her change the subject as Ali playfully rolled his eyes :"Fine, you're spared from teasing for now. Where should we stay though?"

Xiao Wu looked around before she stopped and pointed at a building :"What about there? Rose Hotel." Ali smirked at the rather pink building :'So this is where the tiger boy is, huh? Well, I guess I will get to have some fun with the girls too while Xiao San and Xiao Wu are out.'

"Then let's go inside already." 'I'm horny here, you know?' And they all walked inside. And just as Ali had expected, it was a love hotel. There was a lot of pink nearly everywhere to give it a romantic feeling, while roses were decorated in multiple places.

It was rather spacious too, with multiple couples sitting or standing in some places. But the moment the teenagers walked in, every man in the place turned to look at Yuena and Zhuqing.

They couldn't help but look at the goddess like beauties. Their partners would probably hit them and scold them at normal times, however, they themselves were too busy looking at Ali.

Even though he was only about 12 or 13, because of cultivation making the growth faster, he and the others already looked like they were in their late teens. And well, these adult women couldn't help but want to get a taste of this fresh and young meat.

The men were jealous of Ali's looks and the fact that he was sandwiched between such beauties, while the women were jealous of said beauties' looks and the fact that Ali was holding their hands so gently and lovingly.

The five of them walked towards the receptionist desk to ask for a room. However, just as they were talking with the receptionist, a blond boy about the same height as Ali, wearing white and light purple clothes while hugging two rather beautiful girls with good figures, walked towards the desk.

When Ali saw them, he smirked to himself :'So he's Dai Mubai, huh? Pretty handsome, but still nothing to yours truly. Those girls aren't bad either, but they can't even compare to Yuena and Zhuqing's nails.

Also, he's inferior to me as a man. Why? Because he's holding the girls by their waists! Real chads hold the girls' hands! Hmph, this guy is clearly inferior to me who does unprotected hand holding.' <*Gasp*, so shameless! So perverted! Aren't you afraid of getting pregnant so early?!>