
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix wielder in Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

CH 14: Zhu Zhuqing

"*Pant pant*!" The sounds of hurried panting came as the young beauty ran among the giant trees. Zhu Zhuqing glanced back to see the people that have been chasing her for a while still on her tail.

As she jumped around so she wouldn't trip, she couldn't help but clench her fist with a sad and desperate look :'Why? Why is this happening to me? Why are you doing this to me, sister?'

While she was running, one of the chasers threw a knife with exponential accuracy, unfortunately hitting her leg. Zhu Zhuqing lost her balance as she fell to the ground and rolled a bit before stopping :'Is that cursed position so important to you?'

The chasers stopped several meters away from her as they panted with smiles :"Finally, this damn little bitch sure has some stamina for her age."

'Didn't I say it countless times that I don't want it?'

Another man chuckled with a look of desire on his face as he looked at Zhu Zhuqing's body, which looked like a 12 or 13 year old girl's already :"Well, since she gave us such a hard time, why don't we have some fun with her before killing her off?"

'So why?! Why are you doing this to me?!'

A few of them looked reluctant, but they eased up when another man smiled sadistically :"Yeah, it's not everyday that you can get to enjoy a princess' body."

'I already told you that I don't want it!'

"It's fine, right?" A man gulped nervously as he looked at others, feeling a little guilty and reluctant :"I mean, she's about to die, so we might as well enjoy her."

'I just want a family! The family that we were before my martial soul was awakened...' The tears left her beautiful eyes and slid down her gorgeous face as the men walked closer towards her.

'If only I was stronger...'

Zhu Zhuqing was about to accept her fate and give up, but a nonchalant voice suddenly shocked everyone :"Hey now, haven't your mothers ever taught you that forcing yourselves onto a defenseless girl is wrong?"

The men immediately got ready for action as they looked around before they noticed a boy with jet black hair and blood red eyes standing several meters away with his arms folded in front of his chest and a nonchalant smile in his face :"Or were your mothers just too busy whoring themselves around to teach you some manners?"

With all of them having released their martial souls, they were ready to fight as one of the men glared at the boy :"Damn, brat, what the fuck did you say?" Another one snorted as he glared at him :"Trying to play the hero, kid? You better piss off while we give you the chance. Otherwise, you can only blame yourself for your death."

"Hahahaha, hero?" The boy laughed, his diamond like teeth shining in the dim light as he tilted his head with a smirk :"Nah, I'm not trying to play the hero. I'm trying to play the villain. I can't just go around and kill people in the city, so you wouldn't mind if I took out my boredom on you idiots, would you?"

"Huhh? That's it, bra-" The man's words got caught in his throat when the boy released his martial soul and soul rings. A black and green watch appeared on the smirking boy's wrist as two soul rings, both decade millennium black, rose from his feet to his head and then descended to his feet.

The boy brought his hand to his chest level before pressing a button, causing the center of the watch to rise and a holographic image to appear while he didn't take his eyes off of the men :"But well, when was I ever one to care about others willing to or not?"

The boy brought his hand down and slapped the center of the watch before a blinding green light enveloped him. As the light faded, the boy was no longer in sight, however, another figure stood in his place.

It was mainly blue and black with a humanoid body, but it had black claws and a tail with a blade at the end of it. Its legs were also quite unique, with what seemed to be wheels in the middle of its feet. There was also one more thing which was pretty noticeable on its chest, the Omnitrix symbol. <A reader suggested it, so I will have the wings be retractable, like a flying squirrels>

There seemed to also be a mask on its face that rolled up and disappeared to nowhere, revealing a blue face with green eyes and spoke with a unique voice :"I hope you've said your goodbyes to your families, cause they might not even see your corpses after today."

The men were already shaken by the soul rings, but the boy didn't seem to be done yet. He extended his hand before a two handed battle axe of about 120 cm (4'0) in length appeared in his hand. And along with his second martial soul, his second set of soul rings also appeared.

Another two decade millennium black soul rings rose from his feet he smiled cruelly before his Retractable Natural Visor covered his face :"Sorry to kill ya, but you can only blame yourselves."

Two of his soul rings, the first and second soul ring of his watch martial soul, shone before the boy disappeared from his place and a black and blue blur suddenly started running around the men, creating a self made vortex as the men looked around desperately :"W-what the fuck is goi-"

How, he was silenced. All of them were silenced when the first soul ring of the boy's axe martial soul shone. In just a split second, all they could see was the cold light that was reflected on the axe's blade before they were all sliced and diced into pieces.


2nd alien) XLR8 (Kineceleran), Jetray (Aerophibian), (Citrakayah) {Ben 10}: Godspeed

1st soul ring)

Super Speed: Ali's speed will increase by 200%. For every 10 levels, an extra 200% attack will be added.

Can control the amount of increase.

‌Upon being used, Ali's speed will become faster by the age of the soul ring in % (100 years = 100%) for a duration of 1/100 of the age of the soul ring (100 years = 1 minute).

2nd soul ring)

Tornado Vortex: will move at an speed so fast that will create a tornado which he can keep up for 1 second each 100 years of the age of his soul ring (100 years = 1 second | 1,000 years = 10 seconds), dealing heavy damage to whoever he chooses. The distance that this soul skill covers is 1/100 of the age of the soul ring (100 years = 1 meter).

Upon being used, Ali's speed will become faster by the age of the soul ring in % (100 years = 100%) for a duration of 1/100 of the age of the soul ring (100 years = 1 minute).


Majestic Tyrant Axe:

1st soul ring)

Majestic Tyrant Slash: A slash carrying 200% of its normal strength. For every 10 levels, an extra 200% attack will be added.

Can control the amount of increase


The boy stopped running as he came to a stop. As he looked at his handiwork, he chuckled before swinging his axe with no difficulty to get rid of the blood :"That's called karma, bitches. But that was pretty boring..."

Catching the sight of the girl shaking on the ground, the boy took back both of his martial souls before walking over to her. The girl gulped in fear and jolted once the boy squatted down :"Hey, so who're you?"

Zhu Zhuqing was too afraid to answer. First time seeing someone die and someone do it so effortlessly. Especially someone who looked to be the same age as her.

However, she jolted again when the boy snapped his fingers in front of her face as he tilted his own head with a raised eyebrow :"Hey, didn't you hear what I said? Did you hurt your ears or something?"

The black haired beauty gulped as she answered when she saw no malicious intentions in the boy's blood red eyes :"M-my name is Zhu Zhuqing."

The boy put his elbow on his knee and rested his cheek in his palm as he hummed :"Zhu Zhuqing, huh? Why were those guys chasing you?" Having calmed down a bit, Zhu Zhuqing narrowed her eyes slightly nervously :"W-why should I tell you?"

The boy snorted in amusement as he smirked nonchalantly :"Well, I've already gone through the trouble of saving you, I would be disappointed if I found out that you were killed a little later."

Zhu Zhuqing looked down with a sad voice before she whispered :"They were sent to assassinate me..." Causing the boy's eyebrow to rise even higher :"Those bunch of trashy idiots?

Either the person wanting you dead is poor as hell to send those trashes, or that person doesn't think much of you. So who wants to kill you anyway? Is it someone you know?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked even sadder as she whispered so lowly that the boy barely heard her :"My sister..." The boy looked a little surprised before he sighed and scratched his head :"Ah, so it's like that, huh? Well, alright, I will be going now since I've satisfied my curiosity. Take care."

"Y-you're just going to leave me here?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at the boy with surprise and desperation as he rose to his feet before raising an eyebrow :"Well, I've already saved you, that's already out of character for me. So yeah, I will be leaving now."

Zhu Zhuqing looked even more desperate as she gulped :"W-won't you please help me?" Causing the boy to tilt his head with an amused smirk :"How exactly? By killing your sister? Or convincing her to not kill you?"

"N-no..." The young beauty shook her head, causing the boy to chuckle in amusement :"Then what do you want me to do?" Zhu Zhuqing looked down with sadness as she whispered :"I don't know..."

The smile left the boy's face as he sighed before squatting down again :"If you return home, will she try to kill you again?" Zhu Zhuqing nodded with a sad face :"This wasn't the first time that she tried to kill me, and it definitely won't be the last time..."

The boy looked away before sighing and tilting his head :"Sigh, since you have nowhere to go beside this "home" that you will be killed in, how about you come with me? I've already saved you, I would find it disappointing if you died so soon."

Zhu Zhuqing looked up at the boy with a light of hope in her beautiful and big black eyes :"Y-you will help me like that?" And the boy shrugged :"Only if you agree. I don't have any other ways to help you, and assassinating someone is too annoying. So, what do you think?"

Zhu Zhuqing lowered her head as she thought about it. Should she go with this unknown but strong boy? Or should she return to that cold place where family members see killing each other as something normal, and something that they praise?

If she went home, her sister would definitely try to kill her again, and the chances of her escaping alive would be very low. Someone like this boy won't always appear out of nowhere.

If she went with the boy, she didn't know what would happen. She knew nothing about this boy other than the fact that he has twin martial souls, is over level 20 at such a young age, and is so strong. But if she did, the chances of dying were still lower than at "home".

After a few moments of thinking and scaling her options, she finally looked up at the boy with a firm look and nodded :"I will come with you then. Please help me and take me with you."

The boy smiled gently and nonchalantly before he looked at her leg :"But first, we should take care of that wound. If we leave it for long, you will die of blood loss."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded before Ali sat down on the ground and took out a knife out of nowhere. He threw the knife up before grabbing it by the blade and putting the handle in front of Zhu Zhuqing's face.

She looked at him in confusion before he explained calmly :"I will try to make this as painless as possible, but it's still going to hurt. Bite onto the handle to ease yourself."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded with a deep breath before biting on the handle and closing her eyes. The boy smiled gently before he grabbed her leg gently but firmly.

As he placed his fingers around the handle of the knife but didn't grab it to cause any pain, he spoke calmly :"I will pull it out on the count of three, alright?" She nodded as she squeezed her eyes tighter :"Alright, here I go. Ready? 3!"

Zhu Zhuqing jolted and tears left her eyes when the boy suddenly pulled out the knife immediately after saying three. Immediately after throwing the knife away, the boy tapped a few spots on her leg, which stopped the bleeding.

"You okay? Sorry for doing it so suddenly. You wouldn't have focused on the pain so much if I just did it suddenly." Zhu Zhuqing nodded as she took in a deep breath after taking the knife out of her mouth :"Thank you."

The boy nodded before taking out a water bag out of what she assumed was his storage device :"You're welcome. I'm gonna clean the wound now and bandage it, alright?"

After she nodded, he began to gently and calmly clean her wound so he wouldn't cause her any more pain. With the fear mostly gone, Zhu Zhuqing finally looked at the boy calmly.

His hair was black, even a darker shade of her hair. His beautiful, cat-like blood red eyes looked to be able to steal one's soul away. His face was also extremely handsome, more beautiful than any boy she had ever seen. The fear and nervousness from before hadn't let her notice how beautiful he was, especially with that little smile on his rosy lips.

"What's your name?" Zhu Zhuqing asked and the boy glanced at her in confusion :"I told you my name already, won't you tell me your name as well?"

"Ali." The boy smiled nonchalantly as he winked at her :"Ashborne Ali. But most, if not, everybody calls me Ali, so you do the same." Zhu Zhuqing nodded as Ali tied the bandage gently, making it a little ribbon before he reached out to her with both hands.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at him in confusion before he explained :"You can't walk right with that leg, and this place isn't exactly famous to play around in. Ah, let me transform first so we can get back faster."

Ali released his martial soul, causing her to gulp because of his soul rings before he picked her up bridal style :"Alright, hang on tightly, okay? In case you didn't notice, I'm very fast."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and hugged his neck before Ali started running. At that moment, Zhu Zhuqing had a guess that her life might change because of this decision, but she had no idea just how much it would change just because of a simple choice.

Ali also didn't have any idea how the former 1st Class God Silver Dragon King back at school would react when she saw Ali bringing another girl and caring so much about her...

<As I have said, the schedule is daily update every 2 weeks. So since this week is finished, I will be updating my other Douluo Dalu fanfic this week. See you all next week>