
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Movies
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43 Chs

CH 8: Nasty Ali

<Guys, I've added a few more aliens, alright? I've added these aliens: Vaxasaurian (Humungousaur) , Tetramand (Four Arms), Citrakayah (Fasttrack), Arburian Pelarota (Cannonbolt), Loboan (Blitzwolfer), Transylian (Frankenstrike), Thep Khufan (Snare-oh), Vulpimancer (Wildmutt)>


But just as Ali number 2 reached the henchman's side, Ali number 3 held up his index finger :"Hold on a second, I know that "singing" is a painful way to die, but isn't it still too light for this asshole? I'm mad at him, you know?"

Ali number 1 tilted his head in curiosity with a raised eyebrow :"Then what do you propose, me? How do you want to kill him?"

A mean smile formed on Ali number 3's face as he chuckled :"How about the exploding slime? I haven't done that in a long while."

Both Ali number 1 and 2 chuckled as Ali number 2 smiled sweetly at Natasha :"Natty, you might wanna turn around. This is gonna be nasty, so you may not want to see it."

Natasha snorted with a playful roll of her beautiful emerald green eyes :"Oh please, as if I haven't seen enough nasty deaths. I'm curious as to how you're going to kill him though, so go ahead."

Ali number 3 shrugged with a smirk :"Whatever you say, Nat. But don't blame me later if it's too bad to look at, alright? You're the one who asked to see it."

The moment he finished, Ali number 3 suddenly turned into a dark blue slime on the ground! Natasha's eyes went wide in shock, but it was short lived as the slime Ali suddenly floated into the sky and rushed inside of the henchman's mouth and down his throat!

The henchman choked and tried desperately to pull out the huge slime out of his body, but the said slime suddenly started expanding.

The henchman's stomach began to grow to an impossible degree as the slime got bigger. He fell to his knees with soiled pants and tears streaming down his face.

However, that didn't cause any mercy to appear in Ali's almost nonexistent heart. Ali number 1 and 2 released their wings as they covered themselves while Ali number 2 also covered the slightly disturbed Natasha so she wouldn't get dirty in the next few seconds.

As the henchman's stomach grew bigger and bigger while he screamed in pain, his stomach finally exploded from the inside.

His ribcage was wide open as his intestines and guts flew everywhere with some parts of the dark blue slime also going with them.

But the small slime parts began to float towards each other before joining each other and Ali number 3 appeared again with a smirk on his face :"Now that's what I call killing!"

Ali number 1 gave him a thumbs up with a wink :"Awesome job, me! Leave it to me to use my imagination to make killing fun and more painful!"

Ali number 3 smirked smugly as he snorted :"Of course, it's me we're talking about here! Anyway, I can stroke my ego later, but we should take care of the business in hand first."

Ali number 2 nodded as he tilted his head at the slightly disgusted Natasha :"Natty, you alright? I told you it wasn't something nice to look at. Here, take this lollipop so it will change your mouth's taste."

Natasha nodded as she grabbed the orange flavored lollipop before ripping the cover off and putting it in her mouth :"Thanks. Yeah, I should have listened... Sigh, whatever, so that was another ability that I haven't seen before."

Ali number 2 shrugged with a smile :"Again, there hasn't been any situations where I would need to use my Polymorph (Goop) abilities and liquefy myself."

Natasha raised an eyebrow as she sucked on Ali's lollipop <ಠ‿ಠ> :"Polymorph? Is that another alien that you have the abilities of?"

That's right, Ali had told Natasha that he was a part human and part many aliens. But thankfully, she has a soft spot for him, so she promised to not tell that to anyone, not even Fury or Clint Barton.

Ali number 1 answered as he walked towards Georgi who had fallen on his ass and had soiled his pants :"That's right, Tasha, but forget about that. Now, Mes, how do you think we should kill this old bastard?"

"Miloserdiye, miloserdiye... (Mercy, mercy...)" Georgi begged with absolute fear in his eyes. Ali chuckled as he raised his right hand and cracked his fingers with his thumb Kaneki style :"Aww, you're begging for mercy now? I'm sorry, but you're not asking the right guy for mercy."

As he reached out to crush his head in his hand with a smirk, Natasha's low voice of warning came :"Ali..." Ali turned with a pout to Natasha who was staring warningly at him :"But Naaaat... C'mon, let me have my fun!"

But Natasha was unaffected by the move that he had used countless times against her, and had succeeded :"No. He needs to be alive. Let's just wrap this up and then explain to me why you're here."

Ali sighed with slumped shoulders as he pouted :"Fiiiiiine... Sigh, you got off easy, asshat. Be thankful that I listen to Tasha, otherwise, I would've turned you inside out."

He gently raised his hand and Georgi actually began to float in the air. Natasha sighed helplessly as Ali used the telekinesis of his Ectonurite (Ghostfreak) DNA to move Georgi to the hole before tying his leg with a chain and then letting him fall.

He screamed in fear, but luckily for him, the chain stopped him from falling. Ali walked towards Natasha and his duplicates as he high fived himselves :"Good job, Mes! That's a job well done!" The duplicates high fived before they returned to Ali's body and he turned to Natasha to see her staring at him.

Ali raised an eyebrow with a small blush at being stared at so hard by his crush :"W-what? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow with her arms folded under her big breasts :"Telekinesis, duplication or temporary cloning, and possession. You have quite a few abilities that I didn't know. Are you sure you're not a ghost?"

Ali shrugged with a helpless chuckle :"Yes, I'm sure. Well, Ectonurites (Ghostfreak) aren't exactly ghosts... Uhh... Well, they are ghosts... Alien ghosts... But they're actually alive... Does that even make any sense?"

Natasha chuckled lightly with a light smirk :"Ali, I just ignore common sense when it comes to you. So whatever, I get that you're alive, but have the abilities of a ghost, right?"

Ali nodded a few times with a smile :"Yup! By the way, duplication isn't the ability of my Ectonurite (Ghostfreak) DNA, but the ability of my Sonorosian (Echo Echo) DNA."

Natasha raised an eyebrow at him :"Sonorosian (Echo Echo)? The same alien DNA that gives you the Sonic Scream ability?" Ali's smile grew bigger at the fact that she actually bothered to remember them :"Yup, It is! And it's hella useful!"

The moment he finished talking, his phone rang out. He took his phone out and looked at who was calling him :"It's agent Coulson." He answered the call :"Hello~. What's up, agent Coulson?"

"Hey, Ashborne." Agent Coulson answered from the other side :"Is it taken care of? Is agent Romanoff there?"

"Mhm. Yup." Ali hummed as Natasha bent down to pick up her high heels, causing Ali to gulp and lick his lips at the gorgeous ass before they began to walk away :"Should I pass the phone to her?"

"Yes, please. I should explain the situation to her." Agent Coulson answered and Ali passed the phone to Natasha :"He says he wants to talk to you."

Natasha took the phone as they walked :"Hey, Coulson. Can you explain why you had Ali interrupt my mission? I was in the middle of an interrogation and that moron was giving me everything."

Agent Coulson :"We need you to come in... Barton's been compromised."

Natasha froze for a moment before she questioned :"Where's Barton now?"

Agent Coulson :"We don't know."

Natasha :"But he's alive?"

Agent Coulson :"We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy."

Natasha smirked as they continued walking :"Coulson, you know that Stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me."

Coulson :"Oh, I've got Stark. You get the big guy."

There was clicking noise from behind as Georgi fell down to his death while Natasha talked to agent Coulson :"Are you serious?"

Coulson :"Yes, that's why we had Ali come to you. You would've been in danger if you went to him by yourself, but that's different when Ashborne is there. We don't know if he can beat Hulk, but with the feats that he has done, he can sure as hell at least put up a fight."

Ali smirked as he leaned down to Natasha's ear :"You honor me, agent Coulson. But you're underestimating me at the same time. I would own Hulk if I went all out." <The strength and abilities of all aliens is combined, so Ali is stronger than MCU Hulk even without evolving yet>

Natasha smirked as she winked at Ali :"Well, since my prince charming will be keeping me safe, I guess there aren't any problems." Ali chuckled as he shook his head in amusement with a light blush on his face :"Dork."


"I haven't seen you for a little while now, Ali, so what have you been up to?" Natasha asked as she stood beside a table while Ali was sitting on a chair next to her in an old house at the edge of the city of Kolkata.

Natasha was wearing Indian clothes which Alli honestly thought looked cute on her while he was wearing his trusty trench coat like always.

One of Ali's favorite things to do was to mess with Natasha and pull some kinds of reactions out of her. And his favorite reaction, was the jealous and possessive Natasha.

Even though they weren't dating, Ali had accidentally found out that Natasha is quite possessive when it comes to him! He didn't know if she had any romantic feelings towards him, but he was patient. One day, they would definitely become lovers.

Anyways, even though making Natasha jealous was one Ali's favorite activities, he wasn't able to do it for a while because of her being away on a mission.

So he was itching to see her dominant and possessive side. He smiled nonchalantly as he shrugged :"Nothing much, just the usual.

Been fighting bad guys left and right, spending time with family, gaming with Gwen, and getting invited to a few parties by MJ."

Ali knew what he was doing. Natasha was nodding along with a small smile at first as Ali talked about his family and little sister, but when she heard the name MJ, her eyebrows immediately furrowed.

The smile disappeared from her face as her eyes narrowed down slightly as she looked at Ali who was using all his willpower to not smirk :"Mary Jane?

You're still hanging out with that girl? Didn't you say that you don't like her? And since when did you two get so close that you call her MJ?"

Ali shrugged with a playfully helpless smile :"I can't help it, she's like a gum in your hair. She is so stubborn that she just doesn't leave me alone.

And about me calling her MJ. When she got drunk at a party one time, she said that she had taken a photo of me while I was naked in the shower.

She said I should either start calling her MJ, or she will spread the photo to the whole school. She was really drunk, cause she even said that she would frequently masterbate to the pictur-"

But just as he was talking, Natasha's hand appeared under his chin as she grabbed it and made him look up at her.

With eyes that looked like they could, Natasha glared down at him while gritting her teeth :"Ali, you're walking on thin ice here."