
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Movies
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43 Chs

CH 20: Suit up

<Yo, so I've actually thought of a line up if I ever write a Ben 10 fanfic. What do you think? Personally, I actually think it's a little weak *Leonardo DiCaprio smug face*

0) Alien X (Ben 10): Majesty

‌1) Prehistoric Kryptonian (DC): Doomsday

‌2) Queen Mother Xenomorph (Alien): Crisis

‌3) Lobo (DC): Superior

‌4) Boros (One-Punch Man): Conquest

‌5) Burning Martian (DC): Inferno

‌6) Surtur (Marvel): Cataclysm

‌7) Nephilim (Darksiders): Apocalypse

‌8) Queen White Spike (Tomorrow War): Havoc

‌9) Malware (Ben 10): Technovolution

‌10) Vilgax (Ben 10): Odyssey

‌11) Battle Beast (Invincible): Goliath

‌12) Pesky Dust (Ben 10): Paracosm

‌13) Echo Echo (Ben 10): Reverb/Omnisonic

‌14) Klyntar (Marvel): Nemesis

‌15) Broly (DBZ): Everrage

Ben 10 has 13 aliens in Alien Force, the timeline that I will probably place MC on, but 5 is my lucky number, so I had to do that>


There was a moment of silence as Natasha looked at Ali's tired face before she continued massaging his head :"I get what you're saying, Ali. I will be honest, I was a little shaken when you suddenly turned into that, but I wasn't afraid of you.

I am the person who knows you best. Heck, I may even know you better than your own family, so I know just how much you care about the people dear to you.

Even though I was a little scared because of instincts, I knew at heart that you wouldn't hurt me. And besides, it seems like you have some control over that state, no?"

A small smile appeared on Ali's face as he nuzzled into Natasha's hand and thighs, causing her to smile gently as well :"Yeah, I do. Actually, my transformation isn't like Bruce's.

As you saw, it's like Hulk is a totally different personality, but I'm not like that. In that state, which I call Doomsday or The Ultimate, I'm still me, but just incredibly angry. You know, like when you're so angry that you don't care about who you're cussing at and may even beat them, but well, a lot more intense."

Natasha chuckled as she pinched Ali's cheek :"Da, ya ponimayu, o chem ty govorish', ya sam dovol'no chasto byvayu v takom sostoyanii iz-za tebya (Yeah, I get what you're saying, I'm in that kind of state myself rather frequently because of you)."

"You don't need to be that honest." Ali rolled his eyes with a smile as the two enjoyed each other's silence before another voice was heard :"This power of Invisibility will be seriously handy in future missions..."

Both Ali and Natasha looked at Clint who was looking at them with a raised eyebrow and an unimpressed look as Ali smirked :"What up, birdbrain?"

"Kaw kaw, bitch." Clint let out with a smirk as he looked at the teenager with interest :"So you're weird ass can now even turn into something like Hulk? And it seems like you're either as strong as him or even stronger... than... him...? Why are you looking at me like that?"

As Clint was talking, he noticed Ali looking at him with *You serious, bitch?* face. Ali rolled his eyes as he snorted disdainfully :"Bitch, as strong as him? Do you have any idea how much you're underestimating me? If not for the fact that I didn't want to kill him, he would've turned into meat paste on the first punch that he took."

Natasha raised an eyebrow as she looked at him with curiosity :"Are you being serious right now, or are you just exaggerating it?"

Ali hugged in annoyance as he shook his head :"No, you know that I don't exaggerate things when it comes to power. There's a reason why I call that state of my "The Ultimate". Forget about killing him with no effort, I can destroy the Earth with a single punch in that state!"

The two best friends looked at each other in concern as Clint curled his lips :"Okay, you've got to be joking at this point... There's no way that you can destroy a planet..."

Ali shrugged with a smug smirk :"Believe it, or don't. I don't really care. I just wanted to let you know that I am a LOT more dangerous than that overgrown green bean."

The two best friends shared a look before Clint shrugged and got up :"Fine, whatever. Why am I trying to use common sense when you're involved anyway? I'mma wash my face to wake up."

As he walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind, Natasha looked down at Ali with a serious face :"Ali, were you being actually serious about your "The Ultimate" form?"

Ali nodded with a smug smirk :"Yup, you know that I don't lie when it comes to my powers. I may hide them, but I won't lie about them. Hmm... You know what? After this whole bullshit is over, I will write a tier list of all alien DNAs that I have so that you can get a rough idea of how powerful they are."

<I've actually already written it. I will update it after this chapter. It has 4 Tiers, 0 to 4: Omni and Nigh-Omni, Multiversal Level Ones, Planet Destroyers, Country Destroyers, Ones That Can Be Used Casually. I've also added a few other aliens from series other than Ben 10. I will also update an "Abilities" chapter, but it will be a single chapter and will contain the information of ALL of the aliens, so look forward to them>

You're seriously too much sometimes. Fine, I guess the stronger the better. " Natasha sighed as she nodded with a shrug before she asked after a moment of silence :"... What do you think of this situation?"

Ali sighed as curled his lips :"Fucked up. The situation got messed up just when everyone got dramatic, so we were caught off guard... And well, agent Coulson... Sigh, may he rest in peace." 'Even though I know that he will be brought back to life because of Project T.A.H.I.T.I, it still stings a little to see someone you know a bit die.'

Natasha nodded, but didn't say a thing as the silence took over. Ali was used to Natasha being quiet, but he didn't like the current atmosphere. So he sighed before getting up and sitting beside her, causing her to raise an eyebrow :"What are you doing?"

"Giving you a few gifts." Ali smirked as he shook his hand a bit as Natasha looked at his Storage Bracelets :"They didn't get destroyed when you transformed?"

Ali chuckled as he shook his head :"Nat, these babies are tough as fuck. They wouldn't get destroyed from something like that. And besides, have you forgotten that I can change their size to make them smaller or bigger?"

"Yeah, yeah, now I remember." A look of realization appeared on her face as she nodded before smirking :"So what are these "gifts" you want to give me?"

A tooth smirk appeared on Ali's face as his left Storage Bracelet flashed before two new Storage Bracelets appeared in his hand :"You're own Storage Bracelets, and a few things inside of them that I know you will love."

Natasha's eyebrows rose as she smiled while Ali put the Storage Bracelets on her wrists :"Oh? Really now? I'm curious as to what it's in them... How do I use these anyways?"

Ali chuckled as he shook his head in amusement :"There's an extremely advanced A.I in these bracelets and basically any tech that I make named N.A.X.

Just tell her what you need, and she will answer or do whatever you want. Also, you can even talk to her telepathically, so you don't need to talk out loud for her to hear you."

Natasha raised an eyebrow with a puzzled look as she looked at him :"And how exactly did you make an A.I that can communicate telepathically?"

Ali smirked as he shrugged :"Science Magic, that's all you need to know. Anyways, just call out to her in your mind, then tell her to show images of the content inside of the Storage Bracelets and give their information to you."

<If you see these "()", it means that the conversation is telepathically. Also, don't worry about N.A.X becoming evil, nothing like that will happen>

Natasha nodded slowly before looking at her own new Storage Bracelets:"(Uhh, N.A.X...? You there?)" And the moment she thought, the voice of an English-accented woman sounded in her mind :"(Yes, Mrs Romanoff? How may I be of assistance?)"

Natasha curled her lips a little as her eyebrows rose :"Well isn't this interesting?" Causing Ali to chuckle as she got back to it :"(N.A.X, tell me what is in the Storage Bracelets and their information please.)"

"(Yes, Mrs Romanoff. Master Ali used his free times in the lab to create a number of weapons for you to use, such as a set of Semi-Automatic Pistols called Ebony & Ivory...)" And so, there was silence as Natasha listened to N.A.X give her the info about her new equipment with an amazed look sometimes appearing on her face.

After a little while, Natasha looked at Ali with a smirk :"Guns with infinite bullets? Seriously? Let me guess, Science Magic again?" Causing Ali to chuckle :"You're getting the gist of it. Go wild with those babies."

"Oh, I will, believe me." Natasha let out with a smirk before the door to the room opened and Steve looked at them :"Time to go."

"Go where?" Natasha raised an eyebrow as the both looked at the old fella who answered :"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?"

"I can." Clint said as he opened that bathroom's door while cleaning his hands with a towel as Steve looked at Natasha who nodded :"You got a suit?" And once Clint answered with a :"Yeah." He nodded before walking away :"Then suit up."


After a while of preparing, Steve, Clint, Ali who had dressed up again, and Natasha walked towards a quinjet as they entered it, causing the agent working in it to get up and hold up his hand to stop them :"Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here-"

"Son, just don't." But Captain America tilted his a little bit as he interrupted the young man. And thankfully, the young man didn't argue when Ali gave one of his killer smiles.

As Tony flew away with his barely working suit, the four flew in a quinjet towards New York City, towards Stark Tower, where the portal was going to open.


"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." Loki let out with a smirk as he looked at Tony who had gotten out of his suit. As Tony walked down the stairs with his hands behind his back, he tilted his head a bit :"Uh actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

With the scepter in his hand, Loki chuckled mockingly as he pointed at the armor some distance away :"Heh, you should have left your armor on for that."

"Yeah... It's seen a bit of mileage, and you've got the uhh... glow stick of destiny." Tony let out nonchalantly as he walked to his bar :"Would you like a drink?"

Loki :"*Smug smirk* Haha, stalling me won't change anything."

Tony :"No, no. Threatening. No drink? Are you sure? I'm having one."

Loki :"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?"

Tony :"*Pouring himself a drink* The Avengers."

Loki :"*Furrowing eyebrows in confusion*"

Tony :"*Shrugging* That's what we call ourselves. We're sort of like a team. "Earth's mightiest heroes" type thing."

Loki :"*Smug smirk* <just look at his smirk XD! I can't hahaha XD!> Yes, I've met them."

Tony :"Yeah. It takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But let's do a head count here...

Your brother, the demigod... *Putting on a pair of bracelets* A super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend... A man with breathtaking and management issues... A couple of master assassins, and a kid with SHIT TON of cards up his sleeves, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them."