
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Movies
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43 Chs

CH 1: Origin

The sun had set, but the city of New York wasn't peaceful at all. In a certain part of New York City, where the tall skyscrapers were, a family lived in one of the apartments.

Although the apartments were huge as hell like most buildings in New York, it was normal for the citizens of the city.

However, the person that lived inside the house wasn't normal at all. A young couple and a young, but extraordinary being lived in the house.

However, even though it was just the evening, the said being seemed to have been asleep for quite a while on his bed.

He was splashed all over the bed. Sleeping on his chest, one hand under the pillow, one hand hanging off the bed, one leg out of sight and the other on a whole nother dimension.

The being looked like a very young human, about 15 years old. He was simply gorgeous, if he wanted to be a model, he could become one of the most famous ones in the world in a few months at most with his jet black hair and handsome face.

The teenage boy looked like he was in a very comfortable sleep as he breathed softly and snored quietly in his slumber.

However, his eyes suddenly shot open, revealing blood red eyes that seemed as if they could steal one's soul away.

His eyes were very unique, the outer parts were jet black like his hair, but the center was blood red. The pupils were also vertical instead of dots, like a snake's eyes!

However, even though his eyes had opened, he didn't move. It seemed like he was processing some information.

After a few moments, the boy blinked and gently sat up with a groan. He raised his hand to his face and rubbed his face and eyes to wake himself up.

He put his left elbow on his muscular thigh and put his cheek in his left hand before he started to chuckle.

The chuckle was low, but it seemed dark as the boy smiled gently :'so it was true. I've actually died and have had my wishes granted.'

Yup, this boy was a reincarnated soul named Ali Ashborne. He was a normal teenager of about 17 years old in his previous life, but unfortunately died and met a R.O.B.

But he didn't remember how he had died, and the R.O.B told him that he had erased that memory so that his nonchalant personality won't be affected by it.

The R.O.B said that it was incredibly bored and decided to just randomly reincarnate a dead soul with a few wishes.

He also said that the reason why he chose Ali was completely random and all that bullshit about someone being reincarnated because of good karma and shit were just bullshit.

After all, among the infinite number of people in the infinite number of universes in the infinite number of multiverses, do you really think that good people are unique???

The only reason why the R.O.B decided to reincarnate someone is for his pure fun and amusement, nothing less, nothing more.

Anyway, Ali decided that since he had hit the jackpot, he would make the most of it. So he made some ridiculous ass wishes.

Which the omniversal being agreed to actually grant, if the omniverse itself agreed to it since Ali's wishes were a little over the top.

What were his wishes? Well, mainly three. That's low, right? Just three, how over the top can they be?

Well, the first was that Ali wanted his soul to be turned into many, MANY pieces so that each piece could go to different multiverses!

Meaning that with just a single wish, he was able to travel to whichever multiverse he wanted to!

But these soul pieces weren't really separated. They could sense each other, and could fuse again.

The second wish was, being a living paradox... In case you don't know what that is, it's basically you won't be affected by anything time related.

Being a living paradox means that the present Ali is completely separated from the Ali from 1 second ago Ali or just the past Ali, and the future Ali!

So if a strong guy was like :"oh, I will just kill his past self so could never even be here now!" He wouldn't succeed.

And the third one, is that every soul piece can make his own wishes... That was the part where it was mostly fucked up.

Anyway, won't enter too many details. Omniverse agreed and granted all of Ali's soul pieces' wishes! And this soul piece of Ali was one that wished to get reincarnated in MCU as a Necrofriggian!

But he didn't want to wait for who knows how many years till he sees his future lover in this universe, Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow aka mommy, so he wished for him to be born normally but have his consciousness put inside the body many years later.

Think of it like his body was controlled by a very advanced A.I that had copied Ali's personality and had controlled his body till his consciousness was put in place.

But well, there aren't any other Necrofriggians in Marvel, so he had to wish to be an orphan. He lived in an orphanage till his teen years, then got adopted by a family that had lost their son in an accident.

The trauma of losing their son who had just become a teenager was too much, and the mother had become depressed.

The father wasn't that much better either, but he did everything to help his wife. After some time, a coworker of the husband suggested that adopting a child might somehow help.

Seeing a ray of hope, the husband immediately took the chance and told his wife! She wasn't so sure, but they decided to visit an orphan and try at least.

They visited a well known orphanage at first. But unfortunately, every orphan the age of their son had already been adopted already. Except one, Ali.

It's not that no family didn't want him, a lot of rich families wanted him when they saw his looks and beauty.

But well, he didn't accept any of them since if he was going to have a family, he was going to have a loving one.

The couple decided to adopt Ali after hearing what kind of family he wanted and promised that they would love him with all their hearts.

Ali wasn't so sure about becoming their son, but after hearing their story and how desperate the wife was, he decided to give it a chance.

He would live with them for a few months to see what kind of family it was, and if he was satisfied, he would become their son.

And well, the wife treated Ali like her own lost son. She would spoil him and spend time with him with an ever present smile on her face.

The husband was satisfied as well with how happy his wife was, and came to love Ali just like the son that he had lost.

As the memories came to his brain, Ali couldn't help but smile at the fond memories that he had created with his new family. But well, he had always kept his powers a secret from them.

He got up and stretched his body with a groan before he ran his fingers through his hair and pushed his hair back.

He walked out of his room and to the bathroom to wash his face before he looked at the mirror with amazement :'well damn, aren't I a handsome bastard?'

As he smirked, he focused on something else. He sighed gently, and a cold air exited his mouth!

He might have just awakened his consciousness, but he could still remember everything from the past years. Including how to use his powers and his superhero identity.

As he dried his hands off with a smirk before running his fingers through his hair once again, he tilted his head backwards and shook his head a little to fix his hair.

He opened the door and walked towards the living room, but on his way, someone suddenly hugged him from behind :"brother!"

Ali chuckled before he glanced back to see the owner of the childish and feminine voice, his little sister :"hey, Gwen, what's up?"

Gwen was his little sister, a smart and cheerful nine year old with blond hair, the biological daughter of his adoptive parents.

Gwen looked up at him and giggled cutely :"well you, apparently! Why did you sleep for so long? I was bored, you know!"

Ali chuckled sleepily as he shrugged :"Well, I was sleepy and a little tired, so it can't be helped." And Gwen raised an eyebrow at him as she stood beside him and held his hand as they walked towards the living room :"and why were you so tired?"

Ali sighed with playfully slumped shoulders :"you will know how tiring school is when you are as old as me, lil sis."

Gwen looked at him with confusion :"what are you talking about? I have seen your books and homeworks, they're so easy!"

Ali rolled his eyes as he gently flicked her forehead :"Well, not everybody is a super genius like you, alright? Give me a break, I'm just a normal intelligent person..."

Gwen chuckled as she smiled teasingly :"nope, you're not even that. You're just silly!" Ali had a mock offended look as he pouted at her :"heyyyy! What does that mean?!"

Gwen couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter as she let go of his hand and ran towards the living room :"it means that you're silly, you silly!"

Ali laughed mock menacingly as he ran after her :"oh you're gonna get it now, you little brat! I will show you why no one makes fun of me!"

Gwen laughed as she ran towards the living room and tried to hide as Ali reached the living room as well :"dad, help me hide!"

As Ali walked into the living room, he smiled at his adoptive father who was sitting on a couch and reading the newspaper :"hey dad."

His father smiled back as he nodded :"well good to see you're finally awake, Ali. Good evening to you as well. Hey, Helen, Ali is awake!"

Ali chuckled as a shout came from the kitchen :"oh? Is my dear son finally awake, George? Just in time, dinner is ready!"

George and Helen, those were the names of his parents. His father was actually the captain of the New York Police Department.

Ali was actually surprised at first when he saw them and heard their surname, George and Helen Stacy!

The people who adopted him were the Stacy family! He thought that it just might be a very interesting coincidence, but after meeting his little sister, Gwen Stacy, he was sure that they were the real Stacy family.

However, he was also sure that this wasn't The Amazing Spider Man timeline. Because Iron Man was there, Gwen was too young, Captain America was there, and instead of having 4 children, 3 sons and 1 daughter, there were only George, Helen and Gwen in the Stacy family.

Their dead son was Philip Stacy, but he's... Well, dead, and no longer with them. Instead, Ali had taken his place and had joined the Stacy family.

However, he asked George and Helen not to have his surname changed. He wanted to stay as Ali Ashborne. And well, they were kind enough to agree.

Ali looked around playfully as he hummed with a smile :"well well well, I wonder where did my dear little sister go? Hmm... Dad, do you perhaps know where she's hiding?"

George chuckled as he raised an eyebrow at him :"why? Did she play a prank on you or something?" Ali chuckled mock menacingly :"she called me silly, so I must show her that when someone makes fun of me, they go through... tickle torture."

George couldn't help but chuckle as Ali wiggled his fingers and Gwen who was hiding behind his couch giggled.