
Tragic ending!

——— <Evil Spirit Summoning>.

Luo Zhen is one of the three types of magic that can summon mid-level familiars.

As the name suggests, this magic can summon an evil spirit.

This evil spirit is an owl.

In ancient times, owls, which only appeared at night, were often regarded as unlucky birds, symbolizing bad omens.

It is generally believed that the owl is the incarnation of the god of death who can travel back and forth between the underworld and the present world, and is responsible for bringing the spirits wandering in the present world back to the underworld.

And the owl summoned by "Summoning of Evil Spirits" is exactly this kind of evil spirit that symbolizes bad omen.

The ability of evil spirits is just as recorded in legends. It can bring spirit bodies back to the underworld in this world.

In other words, it can restrain the spirit body, strip the spirit body from the present world by devouring it, and dispel its existing power in the present world.

At the beginning, after Luo Zhen learned of this, he almost did not hesitate to set it as one of the magic tricks that must be learned. Finally, after spending about half a year, he finally mastered it thoroughly and symbolized it. The evil owl spirit with ominous omens was summoned and engraved in the <seat> of the soul, completely for his own use.

With this kind of evil spirit, Luo Zhen has the means to deal with the followers.

After all, a follower is essentially a spirit body.

If he could rely on the evil spirits to strip and devour the servants from the present world, then Luo Zhen would have the strength to fight against the servants.

Unfortunately, this idea is not realistic.

Because, the summoned evil spirits are at best mid-level familiars, but the servants are almost all high-level familiars, and some of them are particularly outstanding enough to be ranked as the highest-level familiars. Under the gods, it is impossible for mere mid-level familiars to swallow them.

With Luo Zhen's mind, he naturally understood this point, and would not naively think that only one mid-level familiar could defeat all the servants.

However, even so, Luo Zhen still regards <Evil Spirit Summoning> as his trump card.

"Even if the servant cannot be stripped and devoured, it can at least cause a certain degree of influence, right?"

Anyway, evil spirits specialize in restraining spirit bodies. Even if they cannot swallow a follower, there should be a way to affect them.

At this time, this conjecture was confirmed.


In Berserker's body, the owl, which only Luo Zhen could see visually, was like a woodpecker. Its sharp beak pierced Berserker's spirit core forcefully, making the spirit core vibrate as if cracking.


There seemed to be a hint of pain in Berserker's roar.

Although the restraint of the evil spirits couldn't strip Berserker, a terrifying servant, from this world, it dealt a slight blow to him.

Every time the owl in his body stabbed its mouth hard at the spiritual core, Berserker would feel a pain from the soul, which made the figure and movements of this top servant stagnate from time to time.

The stagnation time is very short, and even a servant of the level of a superior familiar may not be able to grasp this short and extremely short loophole.

Including Matthew.

However, Matthew couldn't grasp this flaw, but Luo Zhen could.

It was Luo Zhen who manipulated the evil spirits to attack. Naturally, Luo Zhen could calculate the timing of the opening and gave Mashup the instruction to attack.


Under Rozen's instruction, Matthew swung up the huge shield and slammed it on Berserker's body.


Amidst the heavy impact, Berserker's incomparably strong body retreated frequently.


Berserker was beyond furious.

To put it bluntly, this servant can definitely be ranked at the highest level of familiar.

On the other hand, Mash has not fully mastered the power of a servant after he obtained it. He has very little combat experience, and his strength is at best the level of a superior familiar. Only when his defense reaches the ranks of the highest-level familiar can he be able to confront Berserker.

But it's just a confrontation, and it's still difficult to defeat Berserker.

But now, with the support of Luo Zhen's three majors, Matthew has the upper hand.

How could Berserker not be angry?

Even if he loses his mind, only this violent anger cannot be eliminated.

The beast-like servant roared like this, launching a desperate counterattack regardless of the severe pain from the spiritual core in his body.


With the sound of the ax and sword hitting the shield heavily, sparks began to fly in all directions.

That strength was actually a bit stronger than before.


Matthew only felt a huge force coming from the shield, causing her to be knocked back several steps involuntarily.


Berserker immediately rushed out like a cannonball, and rushed forward. The ax and sword in his hand turned into a storm, and he kept greeting Matthew.

Amidst the clashing sound of metal and iron, the giant man turned into a meat grinder and the girl struggling to support the shield were still fighting fiercely.

"Sure enough...isn't it that easy...?"

In the rear, Luo Zhen's body became even more precarious, as if he might fall down at any time.

It is true that with the assistance of <Evil Spirit Summoning>, Luo Zhen was able to interfere and influence the invincible servants of human beings to a certain extent, but that was not without cost.

The price of summoning this kind of familiar, which is specially used to restrain spirit bodies, is that it consumes a lot of magic power.

In addition, Luo Zhen also provided a large amount of magic power to Matthew, which strengthened Matthew's power. The superposition of the two phases made the originally considerable magic power in Luo Zhen's body consumed like flowing water.

This caused Mash's enhancement to begin to decline, and the summoned evil spirits had less and less influence on Berserker.

"The chance of winning against Berserker was less than 10%. Even with the support of the evil spirits, the chance of winning was increased by 10%, and the blessing of the command spell increased the chance of winning by 10%. Then the chance of winning was less than 30%. That's all."

That is to say, Luo Zhen is very clear that even if he goes all out and cooperates with Matthew's power, the chance of winning is less than half.


"The rest of the odds can only be found from other places."

If there is no chance of winning, then just create a chance of winning.

"Berserker is strong, but its weaknesses are also obvious."

That is, there is no sense at all.

In this case…

"Some small tricks may come in handy."

Luo Zhen tried his best to squeeze out the remaining magic power in his body.

The battle situation changed instantly.


Just when Berserker arrived at a certain position and was about to strike Matthew with a powerful blow, the lifeless gray wolf suddenly opened its eyes, and with a roar, jumped up from the ground and pounced. In the direction of Berserker.

That was the wolf familiar that Luo Zhen had used as a backing before and had long been ignored by everyone.

So, before the ax and sword in Berserker's hand, who was about to strike Matthew with a powerful blow, had no time to slash, the gray wolf rushed forward and bit Berserker's thick arm.

Of course, this wolf is just a low-level familiar, and it is impossible to bite Berserker's hard flesh.

But the familiars controlled by Luo Zhen are not only wolves.


The ground under Berserker's feet suddenly collapsed.

I saw that several magic ants sneaked into the ground without knowing when, drilled through the ground, dug through the place where Berserker was standing, and hugged Berserker's lower body firmly with their pointed feet that possessed terrifying strange power. .

Berserker was dragged into the ground abruptly by the magic ants one by one, and fell into it along with the rock plate.


Berserker's roar seemed to come from hell, rising continuously from the collapsed ground, making one feel chills down the spine.

"It's now!"

Luo Zhen was so unreasonable, he gritted his teeth, no longer kept the magic power in his body, and volatilized it all.

"<Magic Ant Call>!"

The exquisite magic circle unfolded under its feet, causing the magic ants to come out of it.

This time, there were almost hundreds of magic ants that were summoned.

Immediately, amidst the sound of rubbing their mouthparts, the densely packed magic ants poured into the collapsed burrow like a herd of galloping beasts.

"Roar! Roar!"

Berserker kept roaring.

Looking carefully, at the bottom of the dug deep hole, densely packed demon ants, like tarsus worms, rushed to Berserker's body and entangled him.

Berserker struggled desperately, the ax and sword in his hand were like heavy meat saws, crushing, crushing, and cutting off the magic ants clinging to his body one by one, causing the flesh and blood to splash, staining The bottom of the burrow was red.

But at this time, the number advantage of the magic ants came into play.

A single magic ant is naturally impossible to entangle a monster like Berserker.

However, hundreds of demon ants densely climbed onto Berserker's body, coupled with the strange power that was comparable to that of a superior familiar, even a follower like Berserker was entangled tightly at this moment. Struggling like hell.

If he wanted to get rid of the entanglement of these magic ants, then Berserker had to kill them all.

However, Luo Zhen would not give Berserker such an opportunity.


With a pale face, Luo Zhen gave the last instruction to Matthew while supporting his body with exhausted mana.

"Bury that monster alive!"

After hearing this sentence, Matthew carried it out without hesitation.


Amidst the cries of struggling to strike, Matthew leaped into the air with a huge shield in his hand, and let the tail of the shield fall heavily on the ground like a meteorite.


With a roar, Matthew's hard blow smashed the ground smoothly, causing cracks to spread around the hole, and finally collapsed again.

Obviously, when Matthew was fighting, Rozen had already manipulated the magic ants to dig through the ground.

Countless gravel and rocks rolled down immediately.


Amidst the trembling sound of the ground, gravel and rock blocks gradually buried the Berserker and the dense army of magic ants at the bottom of the cave.

Dust rose like smoke.

I don't know how long it took, the gravel and rocks completely buried the cave, and a large pit filled with rubble appeared in Fuyuki City.

After the sound of the last falling gravel ended, everything seemed to have settled down, and the silence returned.

"Win... did you win?"

Olga Marie, who was hiding in a building, looked at the situation and poked her head out in fear.

Luo Zhen, as if relieved, fell to the side.


Seeing this, Matthew hurried over and successfully caught Luo Zhen before he fell to the ground.


Luo Zhen leaned on Matthew's body, panting with exhaustion.

Looking at his extremely pale face, everyone knows that Luo Zhen's magic power has been exhausted.

It provided Matthew with a large amount of magic power, and summoned evil spirits that consume a lot of magic power. In the end, he even summoned hundreds of magic ants.

If the magic power is not exhausted, then there will be ghosts.

Now, Luo Zhen felt that his body had become extremely empty, and the magic circuit had stopped functioning, like a flame-out electric circuit, gradually dimming.

At the same time, the soaring power on Matthew's body gradually disappeared, and even the strengthening of the Command Seal reached its limit.

"Senior, are you alright?"

Matthew asked Luo Zhen with a worried face regardless of the power that was lost from her body.


Luo Zhen shook his head, but his tone seemed extremely weak.

"Please wait, I will let you rest immediately."

Matthew helped Luo Zhen up, as if he was going to help Luo Zhen to rest.

Regarding this, Luo Zhen shook his head again.

"Now is not the time to do this kind of thing." Luo Zhen said in a hurry: "It is impossible to defeat Berserker by this method, at most it is just delaying time, we should leave quickly before he comes out of the ground Bar."

If the servants would die because they were buried alive, then the so-called heroic spirits would be too cheap.

It is impossible for Matthew to not understand this point.

"Understood, we will retreat now."

Matthew helped Luo Zhen up, and Dang even planned to leave.

In the end, the two underestimated Berserker, a follower.


When such a cracking sound came from the ground behind Rozen and Matthew, causing the ground to crack open, the bodies of the two who were about to leave completely froze.

The eyes gradually enlarged in the eyes of the man and the woman at the same time.


Fufu, who was running from the front and was about to rush into Matthew's arms, stopped and let out a cry of grief.


Olga Marie, who was about to come out of the building, also screamed.

But Luo Zhen and Matthew didn't have time to react.

The next moment...


With the sound of explosions, the ground behind the two shattered.

A giant man with a terrifying aura came out from there.


Letting out a roar like an announcement of death, Berserker, covered with magic ants, crawled out from the ground, and raised the ax and sword in his hand high, facing Rozen and Mashu whose backs were facing him.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for the two of them to escape in time.

Especially Ma Xiu, faced with this sudden situation, it seemed that she had turned back into that powerless girl again, and she couldn't turn her head around smoothly at all.

In the end, there was only one person who moved.

That is Luo Zhen.

And the last action Luo Zhen made was also very simple.

It was to mercilessly push Matthew who was supporting her away.


Matthew let out a cry of surprise, her body was pushed away fiercely, and she fell to the side.

This fall made Matthew out of the attack range of the ax and sword.

The ax and sword slashed down heavily.

Immediately, with astonishing vigor, it landed on Luo



The crashing sound that stopped the beating of the heart echoed in the sky.

A blow that was enough to shatter the rock plate sent Luo Zhen flying, like a bullet, shot into the distance and smashed into a piece of ruins.

This scene almost made Matthew's mind go blank.

When I react...


Mash let out a terrifying cry that had never been seen before. While tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, she recklessly raised her shield and slammed into Berserker's body.

Shock, blooming like an explosion.

Under this impact, the ground shattered again.

The two servants fell into it at the same time, and together with countless rubble, they fell into the bottomless crypt.