
slowly burning city

"Bang... bang bang..."

As the fire gradually grew stronger, more and more stones fell from the ceiling, as if they were about to collapse, making the entire control room precarious, causing bursts of explosions.

Both Luo Zhen and Ma Xiu stared blankly at the completely closed door in front of them, and fell silent.

Luo really understood.

Neither he nor Mash can leave here.

The gate of the control room is specially made, and the measures for magic are also well done. Even the highest magician can't break it by brute force. Even if it is by physical means, it is stronger than steel if you want to break it. How many of these gates, the difficulty can be imagined.

Unless you can summon a superior familiar, it's worth a try.

Otherwise, relying on the current Luo Zhen's words, there is no way to escape here.

And if you can't escape here, you don't need to talk about your fate.

Not only is Matthew unable to be saved, even Luo Zhen himself will be swallowed by the fire, losing this hard-won life.

This is the situation now.

For a while, Luo Zhen didn't know how to react.

As for Matthew, his voice sounded slightly.

"I'm sorry...Senior...it's all because of me..."

The fragile voice that seemed to disappear at any time and the guilt contained in the voice made people feel distressed.

However, for some reason, upon hearing this voice, Luo Zhen felt peaceful.

Obviously they were about to die, but their mood was unbelievably calm.

And the feeling is more straightforward.

"Well, this is also impossible."

Luo Zhen's voice returned to the looseness of the past, and he smiled in a relaxed manner.

This made the thousands of words in Matthew's heart dissipate, and turned into a weak but extremely beautiful smile.

"Senior... as expected, he is still a senior..."

Mash was left with such a mood.

The raging fire grew stronger again, engulfing Luo Zhen and Matthew's retreat.

Luo Zhen hugged Matthew and sat in front of the blocked gate, looking at the sea of fire in front of him.


After an unknown amount of time, Mash's weak voice sounded again.

"Remember when we first met...?"

With these words, Luo Zhen's memory was immediately pulled back to the past.

That was two years ago now.

At that time, Luo Zhen had been in Chaldea for a year.

As the existence with the best master qualifications in the current records, although Luo Zhen was welcomed by many people when he came to Chaldea, in that year, Luo Zhen had a great deal of respect for Chaldea. All kinds of lack of cooperation have gradually worn away Chaldea's patience, and brought her interpersonal relationship in Chaldea to its lowest point.

To put it bluntly, apart from Roman, at that time Luo Zhen couldn't see anyone approaching him at all.

For Luo Zhen at that time, it was something he could only wish for.

"Instead of wasting time with these guys who don't know what inhuman magic experiments are going on behind the scenes, I might as well play games."

Luo Zhen sincerely held these thoughts, and at the same time held his resistance to Chaldea, living a life alone.

Sometimes I practice magic in a place where others don't know.

Sometimes I play games alone in my room.

Except for Luo Man coming in person and asking Luo Zhen to go out to cooperate with some inspections, Luo Zhen never stepped out of the room.

This was Luo Zhen's life in Chaldea two years ago.

Totally lonely life.

until one day…

"Her name is Matthew Kyrielight, and she will live in Chaldea like you in the future. You have to get along well."

Just like that, Roman suddenly brought a girl who was about the same age as Luo Zhen to come to him, and introduced the girl standing beside him to Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen still remembers Matthew at that time.

Time, back to the second before being engulfed by the fire.

Tightly holding the hand of Matthew who was seriously injured in his arms, Luo Zhenxin was filled with determination.

(As of now, this is the only way...)

Luo Zhen couldn't help but clenched the hand wearing "Miracle".

Luo Zhen actually has a way to get out of the current crisis.

That is to use the power of <Miracle> to open the door to another world and leave from the current time and space, thereby avoiding the immediate crisis.


(This power is not something that can be used casually...)

As I said before, if you want to open the door to another world other than "soul", you need to pay some price.

In addition, there is no way for people other than Luo Zhen to pass through the opened <door>.

That is to say, relying on this method, even if he can be saved, it is only Luo Zhen alone, and Matthew cannot pass through the <Gate> alone.

Even if it is possible to go to another world through the <Gate>, how to rescue the seriously injured Mash is also a problem.

After all, the injury on Matthew's body could not be delayed any longer.

And on the other side of the <Gate>, there happened to be something that could restore Matthew's injury. No matter how optimistic he was, Luo Zhen couldn't think so.

(But this is the only way now!)

If you don't use this method, there is only a dead end.

If you use this method, there is still a glimmer of life.

So, besides using it, does Luo Zhen have a second choice?

As for how to let Mash through the "door" of another world that is theoretically only open to him, Luo Zhen also has no way.

(Although I don't really want to use this method...)

But this is not a choice.

At this moment when Luo Zhen made up his mind...

"Spirit transfer, start."

As Chaldea's system sound fell, Luo Zhen only felt that his own existence had turned into a burst of particles, and entered a passage amidst a burst of dazzling rotating brilliance.

That is a passage to another time and space.

"Spirit transfer...!?"

Luo Zhen only came to take a deep breath, and then he was robbed of consciousness by a sense of dizziness.

By the time the consciousness returned to the head and the dizziness disappeared, it would be an unknown time.

When the field of vision was completely restored and the scene in front of him entered Luo Zhen's eyes, Luo Zhen froze there.

What appeared in front of him were ruins no different from the control room of Chaldea.

Flame-like red light enveloped the collapsed buildings.

Roads like deserted streets stand in all directions.

In front of him is a town that has been turned into ruins and is still burning.

"here it is…?"

Luo Zhen worked hard to prepare to grasp the current situation.

At this time, Luo Zhen suddenly felt a tingling pain on the back of his right hand, which attracted Luo Zhen's attention.

And when Luo Zhen saw the scene on the back of his right hand, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

I saw that on the back of Luo Zhen's right hand, a striking red pattern was imprinted there.

There are three lines in total, like three rings interlocking to form a pattern.

From this pattern, Luo Zhen could feel a huge surge of magical power.

This allowed Luo Zhen to determine what the lines on the back of his hand were.

"Command Spell..."

——— <Command Spell>.

This is an extremely precious command right, a proof that belongs exclusively to the Master.

It will be connected to the magician's magic circuit, as long as you give an order to it, you can use it as a magic resource,