

Amidst the ear-piercing sound of piercing through the sky, meteor-like arrows pierced the sky and fell towards the servant standing in the center of the ruins, blocking Luo Zhen.

But, before that, a huge shield was raised like a rampart to catch the incoming fire.


With a heavy ringing like a bell, the arrow landed on the solid shield.

Immediately afterwards, as if causing a chain reaction, the shots that turned into a meteor shower hit the shield one after another.


The heavy arrows collided with the solid shield, causing an endless sound.

And the force formed by those bursts of collisions caused the impact to set off strong winds, which turned into strong winds, strong winds set off gray waves, and gray waves turned into curtains, causing the pitch-black smoke and dust to scatter in all directions. Fly around the sea of fire.


Under the blowing of that choking smoke wave, Luo Zhen couldn't help raising his hands to block in front of him, and tried his best to stabilize his figure to avoid being blown away by the strong wind that was close at hand.

Just the arrow falling on the shield has already caused such a huge aftermath?

This made Luo Zhenxin shaken a lot.

Of course, this wavering is not just because of this, but also because of the changes presented before Luo Zhen's eyes.

To be more precise, it is the change of Matthew.

"Senior! Are you okay!?"

Holding up the shield, Matthew, who completely blocked the terrifying shot, stared at the front tightly, not daring to relax at all, while shouting at Luo Zhen behind him.

Regarding this, Luo Zhen was not only not at ease, but even more shaken.

"Matthew...you...how could you..."

Luo Zhen couldn't even organize his words completely.

Taking a closer look, the white Chaldean uniform that he was used to in the past has completely disappeared on Mashu standing in front of Rozen, replaced by a set of purple armor like a tight skirt.

The purple armor was tightly wrapped around Matthew's body, outlining Matthew's unexpectedly protruding figure very attractively, while firmly protecting Matthew, it also covered his shoulders The front half of the waist and the upper half of the thigh are boldly exposed, giving people an awe-inspiring and lustful texture.

Knowing Ma Xiu for two years, Luo Zhen has never seen Ma Xiu wearing such armor so far, and his figure is more protruding than imagined, which not only makes Luo Zhenxin shaken, but also completely panicked.

What made Luo Zhen even more shaken was...

"Actually... blocked such a shot...?"

It surpasses the continuous fire of the superior familiar.

If this kind of continuous shooting appeared in a simulated battle, Na Luo really dared to say that the hundreds of lizardmen of the intermediate level that he faced back then would definitely be eliminated within tens of seconds.

This is simply not something that ordinary magicians can resist.

And although Matthew has not weak magic aptitude, his combat effectiveness is not necessarily higher than Luo Zhen.

Now, even Luo Zhen was helpless, he could only use the command spell to summon his own servants to deal with the attack, but Matthew blocked it head-on.

The astonishing defensive power, the never-before-seen attire, the frightening fluctuations of magic power surging on his body, and the fact that he was summoned with Command Spells are all telling Luo Zhen.

Mash is the servant who made a contract with him.

"Mash...is a follower...?"

How can it be?

Mash is obviously a real human being.

Why become a follower?


Not impossible.

"Could it be


Luo Zhen remembered an extremely important matter, the wavering on his face tightened instantly, and he even gritted his teeth.

I don't know that Luo Zhen's emotions have changed many times in this short few seconds. While Matthew raised the heavy and huge shield that can hide the whole person, and resisted the amazing incoming shots, he was shocked by the shock wave. Zhong once again shouted at Luo Zhen.

"Senior...! No! Master! Please tell me what to do next...!?"

——— "Master".

The brand-new title that appeared from the mouth of the junior finally made Luo Zhen realize the current situation.

That's right.

In any case, the current self is already a Master.

Moreover, an unknown enemy also launched an attack on him, trying to put him to death.

If you don't want to solve this crisis, then no matter how many things that mess you up, you won't have a chance to get to the bottom of it.

Only by breaking away from the current situation can one calm down and resolve all doubts.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen took a deep breath and let his brain work again.

Then, in response to this situation, Luo Zhen gave instructions without hesitation.

"Find a place to hide first!"

After calming down, Luo Zhen's first instruction was something like this, which was extremely humble.

However, this is the most appropriate instruction.

"When faced with long-distance attacks such as shooting and shelling, the first thing you should do is to find cover!"

Luo Zhen raised his hand to block the incoming smoke waves, and shouted loudly at Matthew.

"You can't meet the archers in the open! Let's hide behind the surrounding buildings!"

This instruction naturally brought an answer.


Mash put down the shield without hesitation, turned around sharply, and hugged Luo Zhen. At the same time that Luo Zhen had no time to react, at an astonishing speed comparable to bullets, he carried Luo Zhen and the shield, which weighed much more than himself. , rushed to the rear of a building on the side.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

With the sound of piercing the air, the arrow that had lost its hold fell directly on the ground where Luo Zhen and Mashup were standing a second ago, smashing the concrete road surface, and piercing through the hard rock plate , Like an explosion, the asphalt road was blown away, and the asphalt road became torn apart.

All of a sudden, there was a blast of wind, blowing away the waves of smoke.

"Cough...cough cough...!"

Behind the collapsed building, Luo Zhen, who was put down by Matthew, couldn't help coughing on the spot.

It seems that Luo Zhen still seems to have sucked a lot of dust raised by the impact just now.

"Are you okay? Senior!"

Matthew held the shield in one hand, and patted Luo Zhen's back with the other.

The voice full of worry, the gentle movements and the clear eyes staring straight at Luo Zhen made Luo Zhen realize that no matter what changes happened, Matthew is still Matthew.

"I'm fine."

Luo Zhen shook his head immediately, and looked at Matthew.


It was only then that Mash realized that her attire had become very revealing, she patted Luo Zhen's back and turned to block in front of her, with a shy face on her pretty face.

Looking at Mash who was shyly blocking his body, Luo Zhen almost let his tense face relax.

At this time, a shooting star that was more dazzling than any previous shooting shot across the sky and landed on the building where the two were hiding.