

Chaldea gathers mysteries from all over the world, as well as technologies from all over the world, which makes the whole facility present a mechanical sense of future technology. The same feeling in the base passage of technology.

In such a facility, there are access mechanisms and authority mechanisms everywhere.

According to different status and authority, the areas that each person is allowed to pass through are also different.

Luo Zhen and Matthew's status in Chaldea are not high. They can be regarded as "magicians hired by Chaldea". Just grassroots.

Therefore, there are not many areas that Rozen and Mash are allowed to pass through in Chaldea.

Even so, after passing through several automatic doors and elevators that were automatically identified and opened, Luo Zhen and Matthew arrived at the central control room smoothly.

This is the center, command room, and heart facility of Chaldea. For Chaldea, it can be said to be one of the most important facilities.

The "simulated battle" that Matthew mentioned needs to start here before it can be officially announced.

That is to say, this is a passable area for Luo Zhen and Matthew. As long as they are half a meter away from the gate, the gate will automatically recognize their identities and open here.


Just when Luo Zhen and Matthew were about to enter the central control room, Fufu, who was standing on Matthew's shoulder, jumped down suddenly, and in the sound of cute footsteps like a rabbit, she walked towards another He ran away in the direction and quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Seeing Fufu like this, although Luo Zhen and Matthew stopped again, they were not surprised.

"Run away again?"

Luo Zhen muttered to himself.

Regarding this, Matthew also opened her mouth and said this.

"Fufu is still the same as before, never appearing in front of others."

As Matthew said, Fufu has never appeared in the eyes of outsiders.

In Chaldea, almost everyone knows that there is an incredible creature here, but there are only a handful of people who are lucky enough to see Fufu. Even the current director is only aware of its existence. Have you ever seen it? Fufu, that's still an unknown.

In view of this, basically, Fufu has been avoiding the eyeliner of outsiders, playing and running freely and casually in every corner of Chaldea.

It is such a mysterious creature, but for some reason, it has a special liking for Rozen and Matthew, and it will appear in front of Rozen and Matthew almost every day.

Sometimes when Luo Zhen was playing games, he didn't know when he would appear, lying down in the corner of the room and sleeping.

Sometimes when Matthew came to look for Rozen, she would appear in front of her in the form of facing her, jump on her shoulders, and act together with her.

At the beginning, Luo Zhen was also very interested in Fufu, and tried to conclude a "contract" with her several times, but failed in the end.

Over time, knowing that Fufu did not want to "contract" with him, Luo Zhen also gave up this idea, just like raising a pet, playing with it when he is in the mood, and simply ignoring it when he is not in the mood. The staff in Chaldea treated her as Fufu's owner.

"Let's go in, senior."


Under Matthew's greeting, Luo Zhen casually responded, and then stepped forward, and entered the central control room with the automatic door opened.

In the next second, a futuristic space that looks like a battle conference room with a blue futuristic feel appears in front of Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen was almost immediately attracted by the thing located in the middle of the central control room.

It was a huge globe suspended in mid-air, and its azure surface was shining with light.

"Earth environment model --- <Chaldeas>..."

That is to regard the "planet" itself as a living body,

After defining it as a "being with a soul", copy the small model of the earth made by its soul.

This model can be matched with the near-future observation lens—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Chaldea's protection of human principles, all actions are based on this.

With the cooperation of <Chaldeas> and <Sheba>, people can always monitor the future of the earth, and can confirm the state of the planet a hundred years later.

The light shining on <Chaldeas> is the flame of civilization.

As long as it keeps flashing, it means that human beings are still living on the earth, human history is still going on after a hundred years, and humanism itself is still on the right track without any problems.

Conversely, if one day the light on <Chaldeas> disappears, it means that human civilization will be wiped out, human history itself will be wiped out, and human beings will usher in the "doomsday" within a hundred years.

This Chaldea exists for this purpose.

Monitor the future of the planet to ensure the continuation of human history. Once there is an abnormality in human history, the cause will be confirmed immediately, and the cause of the abnormality will be eliminated, so that human beings can return to normal and continue to survive.

This is the meaning of existence of Chaldea.

Of course, the events that lead to the extinction of humanity and the disappearance of human history may not be in the current era.

In order to ensure the existence of humanity, a device was created.

The spiritual calculation device --- <Trismegistus>.

A technology that can transform human beings into spiritual sons and send them to the era that <Sheba> can observe, and carry out the task of continuing human nature.

This technique is called——— <Spirit Transfer>.

Through this technology, the "adaptive individuals" in this facility will be sent to various eras when there are abnormalities in human history, so as to eliminate the causes of abnormalities in human history and ensure the existence of humanity.

Luo Zhen is an adaptive person in Chaldea, that is, an individual with the ability to transfer spirits.

And a person who can possess this kind of adaptability also means that this person has a kind of "qualification".

This "qualification" is...


At this time, Matthew, who was standing beside Luo Zhen, secretly pulled his sleeve, and made a somewhat anxious sound, which brought Luo Zhen, who was staring at <Chaldeas>, back to his senses.

Then, Luo Zhen understood why Matthew had to secretly remind himself in such a hurry.

"too slow!"

As an angry voice came to his ears, Luo Zhen's face showed emotions very clearly.

That's a feeling of boredom.

Like meeting someone who was afraid to avoid him, Luo Zhen slowly turned his head and looked at the source of the sound.

Immediately afterwards, as if wanting to vent his anger on the floor, the person striding forward vigorously entered Luo Zhen's field of vision and walked towards Luo Zhen.