

2018 AD.

This is the last era when <Magic> was established.

Society is built by human hands, but it is a special group that is not active in society——— <Magician> who grasps the truth of the world.

They are a group of scholars who are always looking for progress.

They are a group of human beings secretly studying the mystery.

Through the power called "magic", things that science takes a lot of time to complete are reconstructed, constructed, and reproduced in the form of "miracles", doing things like magic in fairy tales.

People with this kind of power and technology are so-called magicians.

Of course, magic and magic are two completely different concepts, and this so-called miracle is also not as beautiful as it is recorded in fairy tales.

Today, with the continuous development of science, the power of magic has become weaker and weaker.

The mystery is gradually fading.

Miracles are also slowly disappearing.

And all of this is due to the development of science, which makes the things that magic can do less and less, and also weaker and weaker.

Therefore, magic and science are two completely opposite paths. The development of one represents the decline of the other. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are completely incompatible.

However, whether it is a magician who has mastered the technology of the past that science cannot explain, or a scientist who has accumulated the technology of the future that cannot be achieved by magic, there is only one point between the two incompatible knowledge. It is like-minded.

That is, whether it is magic or science, it is all for the purpose of bringing longer-term prosperity to the human beings who study it.

In other words, no matter what kind of technology it is, it is to protect the history of mankind itself.

So, here came into being.

Human rights continuation guarantee organization --- <Chaldea>.

This is a research institute and observatory established in order to make the history of mankind longer and stronger.

Regardless of magic and science, this facility gathers researchers from various fields. It is built on a snow-capped mountain with an altitude of more than 6,000 meters. A secret agency that comprehensively observes the world of human history that cannot be seen only by magic and cannot be measured by science alone, and prevents events that will lead to the decisive extinction of human beings.

That is Chaldea.

In this facility called Chaldea, regardless of magic and science, prioritizing the continuation of human history is the highest idea here.

At the same time, there are also researchers and magicians from various fields gathered here.

Luo Zhen and Mash are exactly two magicians who lived in Chaldea and took office in Chaldea in order to protect human rights.

In the modern white corridor, Luo Zhen yawned while walking forward.

"Very sleepy…"

Rubbing his tearful eyes, Luo Zhen walked listlessly in the corridor.

"Please cheer up, senior." Matthew looked at Rozen like this, stopped teasing Fufu who was standing on his shoulder, and said with a frown: "If the director sees this If you look listless, it will definitely be..."

"I'm bound to be furious, right?" Luo Zhen took the words that Matthew was going to say first, curled his lips and said: "That aunt who has advanced menopause is angry and swearing every day, even if I cheer up, she will still look at me Displeased."

"Who made senior not care about the director's instructions all the time?" Matthew didn't refute, but said like this: "Senior, don't make the director angry occasionally, treat the director well."

Facing Matthew's proposal, Luo Zhen only responded with one sentence.

"That's impossible." Luo Zhen said without hesitation: "I have a natural conflict with that woman, and it's not like you don't know it."

Hearing this,

Matthew was also a little helpless.

Just like what Luo Zhen said, from before to now, these two people have always been incompatible.

Luo Zhen is a rather laid-back person, and always spends his time playing games and browsing websites.

On the other hand, the director of this facility is completely the opposite. Since he was born in a famous magic family and is the top manager of Chaldea, he maintains the most lofty sense of mission and self-esteem for the protection of human rights, and he cannot tolerate it halfway. Silk's mistake.

In this way, the two naturally had a disagreement.

In the director's eyes, Luo Zhen's life attitude and loose personality are a complete waste of time.

And in Luo Zhen's eyes, the director who gets angry at him every now and then is like a long-winded aunt.

The two almost quarreled as soon as they met.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Zhen specially set the director's communication to mute, so that he cannot receive the director's contact.

So, the two are indeed at odds.

Matthew was often in the middle of these two people, and often didn't know what to do.

(Is there no way to make seniors and the director live in harmony?)

The girl with a kind personality was thinking about such things.

After a while, Matthew stopped in her tracks.


Fufu, who stood on Matthew's shoulder and groomed her hair, made a confused voice.


Luo Zhen also stopped, and looked in Matthew's direction with some surprise.

In the next second, Luo Zhen understood what was going on, and turned to look aside.

There, one wall was decorated with tempered glass, showing the scene outside the facility.

It's just that it's not a beautiful scene.

The cold wind was blowing, causing the white snow to sweep the ground and cover the mountain peaks, as well as this piece of heaven and earth.

The sky was vast and gray, and it was frighteningly gloomy.

Matthew stood in the corridor, staring blankly at such a scene.

No, to be more precise, it should be said to be looking in the direction of the sky.

His delicate and pretty face carried a trace of emotion that outsiders couldn't see clearly.

That emotion is called loneliness.

"Mashu." Luo Zhen stretched out his hand and put it on Matthew's shoulder. Wiping off his listlessness before, he said softly, "Are you okay?"

"Hmm..." Matthew nodded, but instead of looking in Luo Zhen's direction, he continued to stare at the sky and asked, "I heard that the real sky is blue, senior."

That is a scene that cannot be seen at all in Chaldea.

At the same time, it is also a sight that Matthew has never seen before.

To this, Luo Zhen could only respond in this way.

"Yes." Luo Zhen also stared at the sky, with inexplicable emotion in his eyes for a moment, and then he returned to a loose state, shrugged, and said: "It's very blue, Mash will have a chance to see it later. ."

These words completely awakened Matthew in a trance.

"Ah..." Matthew covered her mouth as if she had been awakened, and said with a guilty expression, "Yes... I'm sorry, senior, obviously senior..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Luo Zhen.

"Okay, don't think too much, I don't care." Luo Zhen said to Matthew with a smile: "Let's go to the control room quickly, or we will really be scolded."

"En." Matthew could only nod her head.

The two raised their steps again and walked forward.

It's as if the conversation just now didn't happen at all.