
Magical Girl Sidekick

An otaku magical action romantic comedy for the new generation. Andy, an ordinary high school student, finds himself caught up in a hidden world of magical powers and cosmic adventure when he inherits the legendary Star Gauntlets. With the help of Marla, a cool magical girl who is his childhood friend, Andy sets off on a quest to uncover the truth behind his newfound abilities and save his best friend, Ian, who has become entangled in the dangerous world of a charismatic cult leader named Andrew Jordan Paul. As Andy and Marla grow closer, their relationship is tested by the challenges they face, the secrets they uncover, and the temptations of those around them, including Paris, Andy's alluring and heartbroken maid. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of the Star Gauntlets and the ancient order of the Runi, the lines between good and evil blur, and Andy must navigate the perils of love, power, and destiny to save his friends and protect the world from the malevolent forces at play. TAGS:Comedy, Magic, School Life, Romance, Ecchi Art by Escape Sequence 1x per day at 12 Singapore Time

Escape_Sequence · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Give Me Libertyland - D

I couldn't believe how we had ended up in this situation. Marla, Betsy, Veronica, and I were stuck at a table with the volatile and dangerous Sheikh Amir. I was still dressed up as a girl and it was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable by the minute.


Amir kept ordering more and more drinks and food, and his mood was swinging wildly. One moment he would be laughing and joking, and the next he would be hurling insults and throwing things. I was starting to feel like we were never going to be able to leave.


I looked over at Marla and she seemed just as uneasy as I was. We both knew that one wrong move could set him off again. Betsy and Veronica were trying to keep the conversation light, but it was hard with Amir's unpredictable behavior.


Suddenly, Amir slammed his fist on the table, causing all of us to jump. "I have an idea," he said, a sly grin spreading across his face. "I'm going to take you all to my private island."