
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Dear failure

- Ha ha ha! - Sakura laughed wickedly.

  - So you've been putting on an act from the beginning," Haruki tensed up slightly and got angry.

  - Exactly! Haha! Stupid! - Yuka said.

  - You bitches! - Takumi shouted with anger. - Magic: Cletogynez: Porcupine! - Takumi turned into a porcupine and attacked with spikes from his back.

  - Wow, wow! - Sakura dodged the blow. - Not bad! - Sakura praised him.

  - Stop it, Takumi. Magic: Aura Suppression. - Takumi turned back into a human.

  - I'm very curious to know how you were able to fake the information for the special patrol. - Haruki asked.

  - We don't reveal our secrets, freak. - shouted Yuka.

  - I see. So in a couple of minutes, all of Yukisaka will be covered with top level chemotherapy? - Haruki was puzzled.

Yeah. Whoo! I can't wait for this moment! I can't wait to see people die! - Sakura said sadistically.

  - Nice job fooling us like that. - Haruki admired the work of the Poison Queens.

  - Don't get cocky, Haruki. - Sakura responded scornfully.

  - Okay, then. Bye-bye! You miserable cockroaches! We'll kill you next time! - Yuka said and she and Sakura ran out of the chemical plant.

  - Here, bitches. - Takumi fell to his knees and sobbed.

  - It happens. - Haruki patted Takumi's shoulder.


- Kazuto, get up! We have to find Haruki and Takumi." said Ryoma trying to wake Kazuto up.

  - I'm awake, asshole! - Kazuto hit Ryoma with his fist.

  - You!!! - Ryouma was angry.

  Abruptly the ground began to shake, Ryoma and Kazuto saw ashes and fire at the end of the city, they saw the panic of the residents running away in different directions.

  - A strong wind and the smell of fuel followed. Ryoma and Kazuto saw a cloud of smoke and heard the deafening noise of an explosion.

  - Kazuto, what is that? - A surprised Ryouma asked.

  - An explosion at the end of the city. - replied a very angry Kazuto.

  - You saw it, didn't you? We've been fooled, pack up, we're going to the headquarters. - said a fit Haruki.

  - Can't be, they blew up another chemical plant? - Ryoma wondered.

  - Where is Takumi? - Asked Kazuto.

  - 'Takumi is already at headquarters,' replied Haruki.

  - Let's go to the cars, we have to hurry," Haruki said, anger and irritation in his voice.

  - Where are you going, Haruki? - Kazuto saw Haruki walking in the other direction.

  - I'll come to the headquarters later. I need to meet someone. An important matter has come up. - Haruki said in a completely calm and cold voice with a hint of villainy and anger.

- Hurry to headquarters! - Haruki ordered.

  Ryoma and Kazuto, sitting on their sleek cars, traveled to the headquarters. When they arrived, they were greatly surprised to notice Yukio locked in the room. They asked him what happened, and Yukio told them a surprising story: someone was trying to steal important documents from the headquarters library. Ryoma and Kazuto initially didn't believe Yukio and doubted his words, but they still decided to listen to him. They sat down at the table, took cups of hot tea, and Yukio took out a box of flavored cookies. Everyone around them began to discuss what was happening. The mind was filled with excitement and bewilderment: how could the Poison Queens pull off such a terrorist attack, why was there an explosion on the other side of the city, how could they trick the Special Patrol? After all, it always seemed impossible to deceive such a powerful and organized organization. Yukio began to clarify the whole situation in his thoughts. He assumed that the Poison Queens had originally thought of organizing a terrorist attack at the ChemExpert chemical plant. However, about a week ago, they changed their plans and decided to blow up another chemical plant. As a result, the Special Patrol and the Committee failed to stop the terrorist attack because of an intelligence error made by the Special Patrol. This may have been deliberately planned to infiltrate the Special Patrol and the Committee. However, we won't be able to find out really.Ryoma asked a question:

- Did we suffer much damage from this terrorist attack?

Yukio sat for a moment and thought about it for a while, then answered:

- The Committee didn't lose much, but the economy of Yukisaku was definitely hit, so the Blood Carnival suffered It's also a huge blow to public health.

*An underground casino in Yukisaku, 4 am*

- Hi, Haruki. Good to see you," greeted Keigo Honda, an experienced assassin mercenary and member of the Void Angels.

  Haruki showed up at the underground casino to meet Keigo, an experienced mercenary assassin, for his advice. They sat down at a table and Haruki began to recount the details of the terrorist attack on the chemical plant. The fervor and his desire to catch and destroy each and every one of the Poison King terrorists was obvious. During the conversation, Haruki and Keigo played dumb for thousands of dollars, as if this was just a small detail in their serious conversation. Listening to Haruki, Keigo smiled miserably and laughed, comparing everything that was happening to futile attempts to fight cancer. He felt that the whole thing was like a kindergarten and that their chances of success were minimal. With his valuable knowledge of the Poison Queens, Keigo began to share many details with Haruki. He had met with the head of this terrorist organization on numerous occasions and executed the assassination orders that came from it. Haruki, not getting any concrete answer or advice from Keigo, decided to change the topic of conversation and asked what news he had in the Void Angels. Keigo told him that things were going steady in their organization. Assassination orders continued to come in regularly, they even got a pay raise. Everything was going according to plan, and he was even planning to start a family soon. Haruki, upon hearing of this desire of Keigo's, experienced some bewilderment and could not contain his laughter. It was strange to see an experienced assassin and mercenary thinking about starting a family. However, Keigo didn't take Haruka's mockery seriously. It was a personal choice for him and did not stop him from pursuing happiness in his life. Keigo soon returned to discussing the terrorist attack at the chemical plant that Haruki was so concerned about. He gave Haruki some valuable advice: if Haruki wanted to defeat his enemies, he'd better do it without papers. Keigo knew how the Committee kept its documents and was careful to record all related details. In his opinion, keeping any documentation of their actions meant giving the enemy an easy opportunity to find and use it against Haruki. Keigo had expressed his negativity about this way of operating the Committee, since the organization was at the state level and had access to a vast amount of information. This advice from Keigo ruminated in Haruki's mind, he realized that sometimes a no-documentation strategy could be the safest and most effective. It made Haruki think about his actions and the path he would take in fighting the Poison Queens. Haruki strongly emphasized that if the Committee went beyond the public sphere, it would lead to failure in the long run. He emphasized the need to stay connected to the Special Patrol and cooperate at the statehood level. But Keigo suddenly started laughing out loud, he looked at Haruka with a sneer and said that of course the Committee would collapse under the pressure of the Special Patrol. He accused the head of the Committee of making his own organization dependent on other organizations in the city, and now Haruki was going to him for advice. It was Keigo's words that confused Haruki, and he fell silent, losing the thread of his thoughts. Keigo, ignoring Haruki's astonishment, continued to laugh, confident in his point of view. Suddenly, he suggested that Haruki play another game of cards. However, Haruki declined the game, got up from his chair, and headed for the exit. Keigo looked at Haruki with a kind of alienation with pitying eyes and said one last time:

- Don't keep the papers, asshole!

  Haruki walked out of the underground casino, feeling the intense pain in his teeth as if someone was clamping them in the sand, realizing that something wrong was going on inside him. Stinging blood gushed from his gums like a river of carmine flowing, bursting through his lips and falling naughtily onto the cold asphalt. But the pain in his mouth was far deeper than physical discomfort. It touched his soul. The recent events inside the underground casino still hung in the air, filling his mind with unrelenting memories. Haruki remembered every word spoken by Keigo the assassin. He remembered that last game of cards when Haruki had been forced to lose. In the back of his mind, he knew it was all an artfully woven web of deceit and misery. On the verge of emotional exhaustion, Haruki decided enough was enough. He folded his fingers into a fist and forcefully pounded the button on his phone to call Hiroki, the head of the Special Patrol.Anger and despair were evident in his voice as he uttered each word:

- Don't ever call here again, you creep! I won't put up with this nasty fucking shit anymore!

  Calming down a bit after that statement, Haruki took a deep breath in and exhaled, venting his resentment into the air. His exhalation was filled with a discharge of irritation and anger, like a fiery arrow piercing the heavens. He felt something change inside him, as if this mental exhalation was releasing him from negativity and dark emotions, allowing him to take control of his life again. Putting the phone back down, Haruki settled back into his car, enveloped in silence and calm. The long drive to Committee Headquarters seemed to be immersed in a whirlwind of thoughts and introspection.

  *Basement.Former Military Facility*

In the basement, shrouded in the secret atmosphere of a former military facility, Kohei Ichimura, a council member and special fighter of the Blood Carnival, stood at the window, hunched over and smoking a cigarette. Thoughts ran through his head, recalling the fight he had gone through with Haruki. He was waiting for Kotaro who had been sent to committee headquarters on a mission to steal compromising documents on the organization. After standing smoking for a few more minutes, Kohei abruptly heard footsteps and Kotaro finally appeared.Although somewhat annoyed at his delay, Kohei tried to remain calm and said with a little fury:

- You've been walking for a long time. Meetings need to go faster. Next time, if you make me wait so long, I'll punch your head in.

  Kotaro apologized for his tardiness and immediately handed over the documents he had managed to steal from the committee headquarters. Kohei, determined to check them out right now, opened one of the documents and saw the startling contents in it. The first words that caught his attention were "Hello. Blood Carnival. This is Haruki writing." It was a clear provocation. Haruki knew about the organization's attempt to infiltrate their headquarters and steal documents, so he had hidden all the documents related to them in a secret vault in advance. This letter was a kind of mockery and challenge. Anger began to build up in the depths of Kohei's soul. He was offended that they had fallen into such a trap and that Haruki had used their own endeavors against them. He immediately decided that he would express his rage at Kotaro, who had been complicit in the situation. In the heat of anger, Kohei suddenly punched Kotaro with his fist right in the face. Anger and frustration overwhelmed him, and he was unable to contain his rage. This discharge of aggression allowed Kohei to release his accumulated tension and express his resentment towards what was happening. While Kotaro was hobbling with blood but still trying to maintain his pride and integrity in front of Kohei, Kohei continued to speak with a sarcastic sneer and frustration in his voice. He expressed his disappointment in Kotaro and advised him to be careful about checking IDs before taking them prisoner. Kotaro, truly regretting his mistake, apologized to Kohei, promising to be more careful in the future. With blood pouring into his mouth, he whispered his apology while the reality of the blow was still lingering in his mind. However, despite all the difficulties and misunderstandings, Kohei still managed to find the strength to praise Kotaro for the job he had done. He realized that even in the most unpleasant of circumstances, it was important to notice the accomplishments and efforts of others. As he left Kotaro, Kohei wished him good luck and headed off somewhere in the distance, leaving a towering trail behind him.