
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Poison Queens

Takumi fell asleep in the hall at the Investigation Committee headquarters.

"Good morning, sleepy Committee member," Haruki woke Takumi up.

"Hi, there.

— We received information from the special patrol, everyone is already coming here, including those with whom you will see for the first time. Haruki gave the information briefly and quickly.

Takumi quickly woke up after washing his face with cold water and prepared to wait in the hall for those who would arrive. The elevator doors opened and two people who Takumi didn't understand got out. One of them is Takao Hiroshi, an Investigative Committee hacker. And the second is Emily Yamaguchi, a crime expert for the Committee of Inquiry.

"The bitch is back at headquarters!" - Emily screamed as soon

as she entered the hall— - What are you still ignorant, horror-the first thing Takao said when he entered the hall.

Two days no see, a long time ago, how did life change? Has your blood type changed yet? Haruki asked them with a smile and a strange face.

"Everything's fine, Comrade Haruki," Emily replied.

"Life hasn't shaken you, don't worry," Takao said.

At the same moment, the other members of the Investigative Committee stepped out of the elevator.

- Macao will be absent today for the meeting of the Committee member, well, in principle, this often happens, it doesn't matter, we received information from the special patrol about an imminent terrorist attack at a chemical industrial plant, at one of the largest in our city, at the CheMexpert plant. - said Yukio.

- Who is preparing a terrorist attack? Haruki asked — " Who benefits from blowing up a chemical plant?"

— We know them very well. These are the poison queens. They plan to blow it up and ruin the health of the population. Yukio replied.

— And who are the poison queens?" Takumi asked.

— A terrorist organization consisting only of women and girls. Haruki replied while scratching his head.

- yes. They constantly use toxic substances and chemical weapons in their plans. - shared Yukio.

— The last activity of this organization was two months ago, when they tried to blow up an airliner with a chemical bomb, and we prevented this terrorist attack. It's strange that they reappeared so quickly. Ryouma said.

- Their level of training could have increased several times in two months. Don't underestimate them. Haruki said.

— And why are they trying to poison the population? Takumi asked.

"For the sake of death. These are terrorists. They have no such motives. Yukio replied while looking at the documents from the special Patrol and information about the poison queens.

"How soon will the special patrol arrive for the meeting, otherwise I already want to go to tu-a-le-t for the big he-he-he," Haruki asked in a strange voice.

"Within the next minute," Yukio replied.

A young man with a beautiful hat got out of the elevator and sat down on a chair in the hall.

"Yukio, the information I sent you, did you read it?" - the first question he asked.


— Then let's get started, according to my information, they are planning to commit this terrorist attack tomorrow night, we need to prepare with all our strength, otherwise quite a few people will die and suffer. the man's voice was low and clear.

— What's your name?" Takumi asked.

Calm, seemingly lifeless eyes popped out from under the hat and looked at Takumi.

— Why on earth are you guys making new Committee members? — What is it? " he asked the entire audience.

— Why can't we do that?" Haruki asked a counter-question.

"Never mind. My name is Hiroki Kato. I'm the head of the special patrol.

- Nice to meet you! My name is Takumi.

"Boy, how old are you?"

— 14 years old. And what?

- no. Nothing. Just interest.

"Hiroki, what are we going to do?" - asked Yukio-tomorrow night there will be a major terrorist attack, how do we prevent it?

— It's possible. But it won't be easy. I really hope that you are able to cope with a terrorist attack of this scale. Otherwise, the poison queens, as you know, are capable of more than that.

"Hiroki, are you saying that we should handle this alone?" - Haruki expressed his dissatisfaction — this situation does not suit the Committee.

- no. Of course, I'll give you a hundred members of our special forces as support.

"I wish I could have done it right away! We are taking on this case! Haruki said positively.

— great. If anything, call us. I'm always in touch. Hiroki said before leaving.

- so. Colleagues. We have taken up a dangerous and interesting case about a terrorist attack, the terrorists with magic will start implementing their plan tomorrow. Any ideas? Yukio was saying nervously.

— M-e-n-I have a little idea!" How about waiting for them there at night? Haruki suggested.

— Does anyone have any better ideas? Colleagues? Yukio asked

*Silence in the Committee room*

- Once there. We're using Haruka's tactics. I'll come up with a plan before tomorrow night. You have free time.

Each member of the Committee went to the elevator. Only Yukio remained at the headquarters to work on the plan against terrorists.

"Wooh! It was so crowded in the elevator. Takumi said as he stepped out of the elevator.

Takumi saw Haruki walking away to the back of the parking lot.

"Haruki, wait! Takumi shouted.

"What's wrong, Takumi?"

"Haruki, I want to talk to you, you know.

— Get in the car, I'm in a hurry for a meeting."

- And good! - Takumi got in the car and he and Haruki drove off in an unknown direction.

— Where are you going in a hurry?" Takumi asked.

"For an important meeting for me, that's not the point," after saying that, Haruki slightly smiled in a villainous way.

"What did you want to talk about, Takumi?"

"About the special patrol, why didn't you put me in their hands?" Why do you need me? My magic is useless compared to the same Yukio.

— Why are you whining?" We saved your life. The special patrol has no methods of normal communication. There's a lot you don't know yet. Special patula is used to communicating in the language of torture.

— How do you know that, Haruki?"

— I worked there.

— Why did you leave?" Fired?

- no. Not fired. Haruki lowered his head to look at his shoes.

"Don't change the subject! Takumi shouted — " Why were you fired?"

— I left myself.

* Special Patrol Ammunition Depot. Battle with the priests.*

- Rune, open fire to kill! Haruki shouted.

- *Bang-bang, bang-pav* - sounds of a gunshot from a submachine gun.

- Haruki, pssh, support required-sound from the walkie-talkie.

"I'm coming, Runa!"

Our life with Runa was filled with light and joy. We fought side by side, protecting each other, and each time our unity on the battlefield only strengthened our feelings. We made plans for the future, full of happiness and love, and promised each other thatwe would never let fate take away this incredible connection, that our story would continue forever. But fate had its own vision of our fairy tale. One battle in the warehouse turned everything upside down, leaving only pain and bitterness in my soul. Runa was injured, and even the wise doctors couldn't bring her back to life. My heartfelt pleas failed to reachbeyond this dark world, and I witnessed my beloved, whom I had so unconditionally protected, leave me forever. My heart broke into a thousand pieces, and a void filled my entire soul. Nothing else mattered, nothing could heal this wound that was running through me. I had lost the meaning of life, and now it seemed only an empty cloud of grief and suffering. Allour plans, all our happy dreams collapsed, and only a silent pain remained, which only intensified over time.

The anger that surrounds my heart cannot be described in words. I'm in a whirlwind of passion and vengeance. That damned freak, Kondo Rensiko of the Paladins of the Law, dodged responsibility by stealing Runa's life right in front of me. He gave meinfinite grief, and I will never spare him now. My mind is filled with one desire – to destroy this sinner who stole from me the one I loved so dearly. I've been traveling around the city for so long, and I'm lost in a maze of suspicion and destruction. But I know that I will find him and one day end his life without any regrets. When I stand before him, I will not care about the truth or the limits of my cruelty. My heart and soul became a blunt instrument of revenge, charged with hatred and an unquenchable burning desire to take his head. I want himto experience the same pain I feel right now. His life should be our hourglass, and every second of it should be counted by his suffering. And when my weapon pierces through his body, I will explode with rage and rage, freeing myself from the light of my past. The rune can rest in the otherworld, knowing that I was able to deliver a special just retribution to this world.

Tears streamed down Haruka's cheeks.

— You don't feel emotional!" Stop! Takumi, who didn't understand anything, said.

— You still didn't understand, I'm a liar, I lied to you. - Haruki choked on his own tears — I'm a living person, with emotions.

"Damn out! Why did Haruki need to be deceived?

"Shut up already. Takumi.

They were both silent for the rest of the ride. Haruki occasionally spoke up. In his tears and eyes, you could see the grief he was feeling.

*Meanwhile, Investigation Committee headquarters*

" Yukio, I'm back, so have you come up with a plan yet?" Ryouma asked, peeking out from the side of the door.

— Not quite ready yet." Unfortunately.

- Chegooo? Great Yukio, couldn't come up with a plan in a minute? I don't believe it."

Shut up, please. You're in the way. If I miscalculate even for a second, we might die.

"Don't worry, I'll make good traps, we'll catch them.

"Ryouma! CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR!" Yukio shouted.

"All right, all right. Not angry. Ryouma closed the door and lay down on the sofa.

"Hi, Yukio, I brought you some coffee." How's the plan?


"You." You-y-y DON'T EVEN FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE THAT ANYMORE? I'M GOING TO STICK A SMOKE GRENADE IN YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW!" Kazuto grabbed Yukio by the hood and lifted him up.

Kazuto I've confused you!

— If you say that to me again, I'll shoot you."

* Unknown location. A gathering of poison queens.*

- Well, girls, I bought myself a pomegranate lipstick for tomorrow night. I think it will be fun. Yuka Ikeda said in an intrigued voiceЮка Икеда.

— I don't care. I'll just kill them all. A 9-year-old little girl, Miyuka Takahashi, said.

— Miyuka, and you don't change, still the same whimsy-Sakura Nakamura shouted from above the balcony.

"The girl. You need to prepare yourself. I can always handle everyone. Miyuka added.

"Huh, stop lying to yourself, little thing. Yuka said mockingly.

— I killed 10 people yesterday. What do you say, bitch?" Miyuka laughed.

"Oh, you! Bitchy 9 year old mop!

"Yuka and Miyuka stop, don't piss me off from morning till early. Sakura jumped off the balcony.

"Good, Sakura! Yuka and Miyuka said at the same time.

- so. Tomorrow's terrorist attack will probably be discovered by the special patrol and the pathetic creatures from the committee. But what they don't know yet is that the explosives are already in the chemical plant. And that in an explosion of such power, a lot of chemical elements dangerous to human life will break out on the gun. Toxic substances will eat away at the lungs of pathetic humans.

"Sakura, why does the explosion have to be tomorrow night?" Yuka asked.

"That's what Rin wants.

" Is that what Mrs. Rin wants?"

"Yes, Yuka, that's what he wants.

— Well, let's say, is it really logical? Sakura, I think the plan is a failure.

— Nope." You're wrong. We had to lure the committee and a special patrol to this chemical plant. The committee, the special patrol, and the plant's employees will die there. And then hundreds of thousands more people will suffer from the substances that broke out. Well, not happiness? Sakura laughed.

"And Rin is still a brilliant woman.

— Did you expect something different, Yuka?" Sakura asked menacingly.

— No, of course not.

"That's good.

* A car. Haruki and Takumi.*

— We arrived at the embankment. But why, Haruki?

— There's a meeting scheduled here.

- Can you tell me who you're meeting?

"With Kohey Ichimura, a member of the Blood Carnival, this organization is the enemy. They control almost all of this city. All goods through ports, airports and companies are controlled by them. They taxed almost everyone in this city. This is a multibillion-dollar organization.

— yeah. And why would you want to date any of them?

- Negotiate. Don't interfere with our conversation, not in any way! Do you understand that, Takumi?"

"That's right!

"Here he is.

- Hi, Haruki. Long time no see.

- Darova, Koha. How are things going?

"Koch?" Talk more respectfully.

— How can you show respect to someone who lost to you in the past?

"Shut up." What kind of boy did you bring to the meeting and what do you need?

"One, Committee boy, and two, we need to make arrangements with Blood Carnival for a peaceful time tomorrow night.

"Arrange a peaceful time for tomorrow night?" What is it? Did the committee's boss die? What happened that you need a break?

"The poison queens are going to attack the chemical plant tomorrow. At night. This will affect everyone in the city. Including the Carnival.

— How will this affect us? Kohei squeezed his eyes shut.

- Koch. According to Yukio's calculations, you will suffer $ 7 billion in damages from this terrorist attack.

"Don't talk nonsense. Haruki. I'll destroy you and the entire committee. MAGIC: Supersonic: Brain-killing waves.

From Kohei Ichimura's hand, sound waves went off, destroying the embankment tiles and completely erasing the fence. Haruki managed to push Takumi away.

- Koch. Don't start the battle.

— Why not?"

"You'll lose again, hehe.

"Well, let's see!