
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

100000RMB cheque

"Grandfather…" Lin Ruoyu stared at her grandfather and called out softly.

"Ruoyu?" The old man sat up and sized the place up and down.

"Grandfather!" Lin Ruoyu cried tears of joy as she pounced into the old man's arms right away. "You scared me to death. I thought that I will never see you again, grandfather. Hoo-hoo-hoo…"

"Oh great, Dr. Ye is here!" Meanwhile, the door to the operation theatre opened. A nurse called out aloud and the sound of footsteps was heard.

Wand Yao placed the mask and long coat back in the original locations and left the area .

A young woman was gazing after Wang Yao's departing silhouette from a room inside the hall. She suddenly spoke, "Sister Lin did you see that doctor , he just cured that old man with only massage. Sister Lin, please help me to go over and ask for his phone number."

"Miss, he is already gone " Sister Lin said .

"What , he was just here . I didn't expected him to be so young, I got dazed for moment and he is gone . But we know how he looks we will find him, we are still here for week " The young woman said .

At present, Dr. Ye was engaged in the process of admitting the old man and the young maiden.

"A younger-looking doctor?" Dr . Ye frowned ever so slightly. "I don't think that there is a doctor that fits your description in our hospital."

"That's impossible." Lin Ruoyu immediately chimed in, "He was dressed in your hospital's uniform. How can you say that he's not from a doctor from your hospital? Call him over to see us now!"

"I can bring you our hospital's doctor list to show you that there is no such doctor here." Dr. Ye shook his head with a bitter smile on his face. "Moreover, he was fully using traditional medicine's treatment technique according to your description. Our hospital has never employed any Oriental doctor before, let alone someone with such superb medical skills."

"I had examined your grandfather as well earlier. I didn't manage to determine the cause of the condition, let alone treating the condition. Had it not been the treatment of the unknown doctor earlier, I wouldn't be able to help in treating your grandfather at all if I was in his place."

Lin Ruoyu had a chagrined look on her expression. She had already realized that Wang Yao was no ordinary person. "So is your hospital equipped with a surveillance system? Look him up for me!"

"A small hospital like ours has yet to be equipped with surveillance systems." Dr Ye shook his head.

"How can a hospital not be equipped with a surveillance system!" Lin Ruoyu was enraged. It was a long time before she found a tiny strand of hope yet she did not expect that it would vanish in the blink of an eye.

"That's alright, Ruoyu." The old man standing behind her spoke, "It's already my good fortune to survive this time. We shouldn't be too greedy. A master like this person may come with luck but not for by searching. Let's go back now."

"But…" Lin Ruoyu was still slightly recalcitrant.

The old man waved his hand and procured a cheque that was placed onto the table. "All thanks to your excellent hospital this time. This is a 100000RMB cheque. Take it as the payment of my medical charges."

"Dear sir, this is utterly not a treatment from our hospital. Moreover, there is no need to pay so much money either." Dr. Ye expression changed ever so slightly as he hastily refused it.

"I received the treatment in your hospital. Also, I hope that your hospital will take the trouble to pay more attention to the young doctor. Please thank him on behalf of me," said the old man with a smile.

Dr.Ye hesitated for a long time before he managed to speak, "Sure. Our hospital shall safeguard the money temporarily. We shall pass it to the doctor on behalf of you if we do encounter him."

The old man and young maiden walked out of the hospital and got into a Mercedes Benz MPV. They left without looking back

Lin Ruoyu pouted her lips. "He said that he could cure your condition !"

"Did he really say that?" The old man looked at Lin Ruoyu in astonishment.

"I heard it with my ears! Moreover, he had only simply massaged your body for twenty minutes and you got better." continued Lin Ruoyu.

"The world is so big that nothing is too strange! I've always thought that traditional medicine is useless and Yet, I didn't expect that it can be so miraculous. I've underestimated our ancestor's art of medicine!" The old man said.

"Grandfather, why don't we turn around and look for him now. I'm willing to beg him to treat you even if that's what I have to do," suggested Lin Ruoyu.

"Since the young doctor doesn't want to revel himself he must be having his own difficulties." old man sighed softy.

"Sigh. It's all my fault. I failed to pay attention to everything else when all I did was celebrating in joy." Lin Ruoyu was deeply troubled. She attempted to recall continuously yet she could only remember the doctor's gaze when he glared at her…