
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Medical practitioners must be as compassionate as the patient's parents

Sister Lin fled the scene in disorder, leaving behind only Wang Yao and Xiao Liling. The young man and woman gazed into the eyes of one another awkwardly.

The atmosphere in the room originally felt slightly cozy. At present, it was filled with a more intimate feeling.

"Be… be gentle when you're performing the Tui Na manipulation. I can't stand the pain…" said Xiao Liling as she looked at Wang Yao with her blushing face.

"Sure." Wang Yao nodded.

'She really is a captivating and extraordinarily beautiful girl,' Wang Yao thought. Even considering the demanding eyesight he had in his last life, he couldn't help but admit that the charm of Xiao Liling his heart to slightly stir.

Wang Yao forced calmness had also begun to melt away. Even though Sister Lin was beautiful, Wang Yao acknowledged that he was still capable of suppressing his desires. Xiao Liling was already beyond what was describable as beautiful.

Snow-white teeth biting red lips, beautiful eyes roaming around… looking both resentful and pitiful, Xiao Liling slowly slipped out of the bedsheet, and her beautiful, jade-like figure appeared.

There was only a tube top on her upper body, and her fair, smooth skin was like the highest grade of jade, exuding an entrancing luster. She wore Tight leggings on her lower , outline of two long, straight legs could be seen . They were neither too plump nor too thin, rather, they could be considered perfect, causing one's heartbeat to speed up.

Seeing roaming eyes, she couldn't help feeling embarrassed. Her beautiful, jade-like face blushed, adding on to her allure.

Looking so enchanting that even Wang Yao sage temperament from his last life was slightly disturbed, causing him to want to devour this captivating little demon.

There was only the sound of their breathing in that quiet room.

'Medical practitioners must be as compassionate as the patient's parents. I must control myself!'

Wang Yao had to remind himself of that constantly. He inhaled a deep breath. 'A person capable of marrying a woman like this is definitely a winner in life!' He exclaimed emotionally in his heart while he began to massage her cautiously.

"Mmm…" Xiao Liling's body was much more sensitive as compared to Sister Lin's. She would moan aloud every once in a while.

Veins were popping out on Wang Yao forehead. His face flushed scarlet as if his brain was swelling up.

"Lady Xiao, please control yourself. Try not to make any sounds as best as you can." Wang Yao kindly reminded her to ensure the safety of both parties.

Xiao Liling shrank back a little and said in embarrassment, "Yet, I really can't stand it anymore."


Wang Yao's hands trembled for a moment. He rubbed his nose hastily to check if he was having a nosebleed.

One hour later, Wang Yao hurriedly departed from the room. This little demon was really too enchanting. He seemed to have overestimated his own willpower. If things continued in the same way, he very possibly would end up taking advantage of and pushing down this entrancing beauty.

He patted his flushed burning cheeks. It was a high-risk job. This was absolutely a high-risk job!

Fortunately, he had a shocking amount of self-control. He was a gentleman of honor. Otherwise, something would surely happen.


His phone vibrated. Xiao Liling transferred another 5000RMB to him with an attached message, [Thank you. I feel much better. I'll make another appointment later! (joyous emoticon)]

The 5000RMB from this session combined with the 5000RMB deposit from earlier was equal to 10000RMB. He made 10000RMB in two hours. Even though it was a torturous process, the returns were quite impressive.

Wang Yao cracked into a smile. 'It's a profitable session. I'll take it again if you make another appointment later! I'm not afraid of you!'

'So what if it's a high-risk job? I have no choice because I'm a doctor. Treating patients and saving people's lives are my duties.

After coming out of room Wang Yao walked toward parking area , he checked is phone there were many phone call and messages from his mother telling him to go home quickly. Wang thought that something had happened so he drove his bike toward his home as fast as possible.

"Mom, I'm back," called Wang Yao as he stepped through the door.

"You went to city again ?" asked Fu Shuya. She stopped what she was doing as soon as she heard her son's voice.

"Yes," replied Wang Yao.

"Did you bring medicine to Tong Wei mother ?" asked Fu Shuya.

"Yes, how did you know?" Wang Yao suddenly found the way his mother looked at him was strange.

"Tong Wei mother called me today to tell me that the medicine you brought was very effective. She feels much better now. She also mentioned that you want to be a Oriental doctor ," said Fu Shuya.

"Yes , I want to become Oriental doctor " Wang Yao said .

"So it's true , why didn't you tell us" she asked.

" I was going to tell , I just didn't find the right time "he said.

"Where did you get the medicine, have you made that medicine"his mother asked .

"Not me, it was the old Medicine practitioner. He prescribed a formula and made a decoction out of it , he is also teaching me medicine, I got interested and want to study medicine." Wang Yao simply made up some old Medical practitioner and hoped to fool his mother.

"What is the name of the practitioner? How old is he? Where does he live?" Fu Shuya was not easy to be fooled. She immediately asked Wang Yao a number of questions, as if she was checking someone's residential status.

"Mom, I promised him not to disclose him to anyone, even you and dad," said Wang Yao.

"Just two of us are here. You can't tell me quietly?" Fu Shuya looked around and said with a smile.

"Hey, Mom—I must keep my word!" said Wang Yao.

"Silly, you can't even tell me?" Fu Shuya was annoyed.

"No. I'm sorry. You just need to know I'm not doing anything bad. Please come in and sit down!" said Wang Yao.

"You are not lying to me?" Fu Shuya didn't seem to believe what Wang Yao said.

"Okay, make sure you learn properly," said Fu Shuya.

"What?!" Wang Yao was surprised to hear what his mother said.

"I mean you should make a good effort to learn well from that practitioner, Tong Wei mother told me that he his great master. She has visited many doctor but her condition was not improved and the medicine you gave her cured her condition completely." said Fu Shuya.

"Sure." Wang Yao didn't expect his mother would leave him alone so easily. He even did a few rehearsals of what to say. But it was good he didn't need to explain much to his mother.