
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


Sister Lin quieted down. He looked at Wang Yao with shimmering eyes. In the end, she said, "I can agree to that for you! However, you must first give me a massage before you wish to massage Liling! Show me if you are truly capable of curing the condition!"

"No problem!" Wang Yao nodded. "The massage is charged by the hour. One hour is 5000RMB!"


Sister Lin thought that she had heard it wrong. She spoke in bewilderment, "How much for an hour?"

"5000RMB!" Wang Yao spoke calmly in an indifferent attitude.

Xiao Liling was without a doubt a wealthy woman. On the other hand,Wang Yao found Sister Lin's attitude toward him unpleasant. He was feeling angered in his heart so he made up his mind to express his stubbornness!

"You must be crazy!" Sister Lin was laughing from the rage. "Do you know that someone once offered the price of 100000RMB just so he could touch Liling's hand! Don't you mess around, you unappreciative prick!"

"That's someone else. This is my fixed price. I am doctor and I am curing her condition what do mean by touching her,"replied Wang Yao coolly.

"You! You…" Sister Lin pointed to Wang Yao with a trembling hand. She found that it was truly unacceptable that she would need to pay him when he was the only one taking advantage of her.

"Sister Lin, it's not an expensive price to pay if the treatment is effective." Xiao Liling behaved as if it was well justified.

"This little lady is sensible" Wang Yao thought.

"Sure! 5000RMB it is then. If the treatment is ineffective, don't blame me for suing you for fraud!" Sister Lin glared at Wang Yao . She spoke to Wang Yao through clenched teeth. She had already made up her mind that she would need to display her prowess at Wang Yao first regardless of whether Wang Yao massage was effective or not!.

"Lay on the bed. I'll be treating you now," said Wang Yao with carefree grace as he had completely disregarded Sister Lin's hostility.

"What? You want me to lie… lie on the bed?" Sister Lin was still Btu astonished.

"That's right. How am I going to perform Tui Na on you if you don't lie down?" Wang Yao answered in a well-justified manner.

"Yet… this is…" Sister Lin displayed a little woman-like behavior completely out of character as compared to her attitude earlier. She clenched her teeth. "If you're a conman, I'll never let you off!"

Wang Yao followed Sister Lin into a room. The entire room was tidy and everything was arranged in good order. There were not many things in the room. Only a bed, a wardrobe, and an office table with a laptop on it.

There was a scent in a room that was the same as the perfumed scent radiating from Sister Lin's body. There was no doubt that this was Sister Lin's room.

"Go ahead!" Sister Lin lay down and looked at Wang Yao with a fully cautious look in her eyes. She warned him, "Don't just simply touch me anywhere you like. Also, you must stop when I order you to!"

Wang Yao nodded and walked to the side of the bed.

Wang Yao had no choice but to admit that Sister Lin took good care of herself truthfully. There was utterly no way to tell her age.

It was only that she was nervous at this very moment.

'She's so nervous. It can't be that she is still unmarried right?'

Wang Yao pondered to himself. However, this was a highly possible scenario. It was not unusual for a successful woman like her to be wholeheartedly devoted to her job. She might have never been in a relationship, let alone being married.

A moment later, Wang Yao raised his hand and extended his left index finger to press onto the back of Sister Lin's neck first.

At this very moment, it was apparent that Sister Lin was extremely nervous and her body was slightly tensed.

Wang Yao disregarded her but he began to massage the point with a solemn expression.

A wave of electric current-like numbness was produced along the Tui Na point.

She felt awkward at the beginning and found it hard to relax. However, she could gradually feel Wang Yao's finger which seemed to be heating up. She felt as if the back of her neck was on fire. She felt a gush of warmness that drove away her excess coldness such that she shivered from the sensation.

"Another reason that causes spondylosis is the excess coldness inside the body. The excess coldness is hidden inside the human body and it is accumulated over a long time. One does not feel it on usual days but it will cause a lot of issues when too much has accumulated!" said Wang Yao while he was performing the massage.


Sister Lin scoffed dully. There was no way to tell if her scoff was due to disdain or approval. It was only that her current voice had completely lost its prior powerfulness. On the contrary, she sounded as if she was a spoiled child.

Meanwhile, Wang Yao changed his technique. He began to massage along the cervical vertebrae on the back of her neck slowly. His right hand was raised as well to perform Tui Na from bottom to top.

Sister Lin appeared to be even more nervous now. It felt as if Wang Yao's hands carried a form of peculiar magic power. She felt like her entire body was electrocuted where he massaged. It felt incomparably numb to the point that she was rendered incapable of exerting the slightest ounce of strength. Moreover, the pressure points of the massage were exceedingly accurate. He was capable of pressing onto her blocked blood vessels at all times. The cells inside her entire body trembled and she could not stop it even if she wanted to.

"Be gentle…"

By the time Wang Yao pressed onto the center of her spine, Sister Lin could not help exclaiming about feeling a piercing pain over that area.

"You spend a lot of time on the computer on usual days. The blood vessels in this area are severely blocked. If this continues, you'll be feeling dizzy as well. Please try to hold on," said Wang Yao. He continued to massage that area without listening to her protests.

Spondylosis was already a commonly seen condition in this world. It could be said that everyone had it at some point in their lives. Sister Lin's situation was only slightly better than Xiao Liling.


Sister Lin held back with great effort.

"Sister Lin, how do you feel?" Xiao Liling could not help feeling concerned for her. She had no idea what was the significance of Sister Lin's symptoms.

"It's nothing much. This is not that different from the spa treatment that we do. It's numb and ticklish. Pretty much the same," said Sister Lin stubbornly. She would not admit that Wang Yao's massage was effective.

Wang Yao raised his eyebrows ever so slightly and cracked into a cunning smile. He began exerting more strength in his hands.

Sister Lin was stubborn and reluctant to admit her mistakes. He wanted to make her yield this time. Otherwise, she could pose a threat to him in the future!

A few minutes later, Sister Lin felt that the pain around that area had begun to reduce gradually and replaced by an exceedingly comfortable sensation.

The feeling was ineffable. It felt as if the meridians in that area were moving in such a way that she felt like her body was about to convulse. Theoretically, the feeling should be unpleasant but instead, she felt that it was extremely comfortable. She did not want it to end at all.

The feeling grew stronger and stronger as Wang Yao continued to massage further down. Moreover, it had spread to her entire body such that even her spirit and soul were shivering along.

"You can make a sound if you can't stand it anymore. It will be even more effective that way," reminded Wang Yao 'kindly'.

Sister Lin clenched her teeth and refused to reply.

'I can't lose. I'll never yield to him.'

Wang Yao disregarded her response but he focused on the task at hand to move her blocked blood vessels.


At a certain moment, Sister Lin finally could not refrain herself anymore but she moaned from the depths of her throat…

'The chickens have come home to roost, the chickens have come home to roost!'

'It's just a massage, does it need to go so far as this?'

Xiao Liling had begun to grow restless as she sat at the side. Sister Lin's voice echoed into her ears and made her blush in embarrassment. She found that situation to be slightly uncomfortable for her.

She had never seen Sister Lin behave in such manner. She was not the same cold and arrogant woman she was on the usual days.

Xiao Liling cautiously took a glance at Wang Yao . She could not help lowering her head. Nervousness crept onto her heart involuntarily as she became reminded that it was her turn next.

'Should I reject the service, yet I find that I kind of look forward to it too. What should I do?"

"Ooo!" All of a sudden, Sister Lin's body stiffened abruptly.

"The treatment has ended," said Wang Yao.

"Sister Lin, how do you feel?" asked Xiao Liling with a blushing face.

"Fine… I'm fine." Sister Lin avoided Liling's gaze. Her body was almost slumping limply on the bed. She got up shakily. "I'm… I'm going to take a shower…"

She dared not even look toward Wang Yao. She was supposed to put Wang Yao on the spot yet she did not expect that she would embarrass herself in such manner.