
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Luna, appears to have been standing silently this whole time while Lady Alicia gave Max all of her ideas. However, at the mention of the training, she speaks up and says, "Hmm... That sounds like a good idea... but why would you do this for us?"

She seems to be a bit suspicious of Lady Alicia's intentions at this point, as she seems to be quite surprised at this offer from Lady Alicia's side.

"Yeah... Why do you want to do this?" Max add on.

Lady Alicia then seems to give him a bit of a mischievous smile on her face, as she speaks up and says, "Why not?"

She seems to be trying to make it seem like her offer for the training was all altruistic and that she had no other motivation for this offer. Max would be very hard pressed to believe the authenticity of that statement however, as she is a devil-like monster and probably had her own motivations.

She then adds to her statement with a wink, "Now... does that sound like a good enough reason? ;) "

Luna thinks for a moment, as she seems to be hesitant at first, but then starts to speak and says, "Yeah... I guess it does sound like a pretty good offer. I suppose I should at least try."

She then starts to speak again and says, "Yeah... I guess I agree."

A sly smile appears on Lady Alicia's face at this point, as she seems to be pretty happy when she hears Luna agree to her offer.

She then starts to say, "Awesome, then this should be fun!"

Miss Piah then responds, "I guess we can set up camp for the night here, but then we need to continue our mission tomorrow."

They start to make camp as the sun starts to set, and the moon starts to rise. They all manage to set up camp just in time before the night settles in. The fire is burning nice and bright, with a big pile of dried wood burning.

Once they have finished settling in for the night they have enough time to get a few hours of sleep to get them prepared for the adventure that lies ahead.

Max wakes up to hear a girl humming a beautiful song to herself, and he sees Alicia standing next to the river, as she is quietly cleaning her sword and humming to herself. She seems quite pleased with herself as she is cleaning her sword, and is moving rather gracefully with her movements as she is doing it. It's quite nice to see.

She then stops for a moment to notice that Max is awake, and starts to speak and say, "Oh! You're already up! Did you have a good sleep?"

"It's still midnight you know... I'm still sleepy..."

Alicia suddenly seems to get a bit flustered when Max points this out, as she seems to be a bit embarrassed. She then starts to speak to try and recover from this flub of hers, and says, "I just wanted to get an early start! You know, for that training I talked about yesterday!" She is trying to say this in a light hearted way, hoping that it will come across as more cute than it does awkwardly.

"Oh right! the training... I totally forgot about that!" Max said, as he just came to realization.

Alicia nods to her head as she says, "Yep! Well... I guess we'll see if she can even hold a sword straight, heh!" Lady Alicia laughed a bit at her own joke, as if it was some sort of high class comedy.

After she says this, she gives Max a wink, and says, "I'm sure you won't mind sticking around and watching me show her a good time..."

She then starts to get a bit more serious, and says, "That is unless you have some other plans?"

Max points up at the sky and says, "The three moons... it is quite pretty."

Alicia looks up at the sky as well for a moment before she speaks, as she seems to be taking in the sight for a bit.

After a moment she then speaks up and says, "You know, I'm surprised there aren't more stories about them. They're definitely something that should get more attention."

She then gives Max a bit of a sly smile and adds, "Maybe I should start writing some songs about the three moons! What do you reckon?"

"Yeah... I hope I can still see this beautiful sight now that the Demon Lord is back..."

Alicia immediately seems to freeze up when Max says this. It seems like she wasn't expecting any sort of mention of the demon lord right now.

However, after a moment, she starts to speak again and says, "The demon lord? Psh, that's just a myth! Why are you even concerned about that?"

Max can't help but feel as if Alicia isn't being sincere right now.

"It's not a myth... its history, my father used to always tell me the stories about the Great Wizards War and how the Demon Lord got defeated. Have you ever heard about that history?"

Alicia then starts to speak up, getting a bit more serious now that this seems to be becoming a bit heavy of a topic, "I have not. Tell me more..."

She then seems to be listening very intently, as she moves closer to Max, as if Max had captured her full attention now.

She then asks, "Was this war fought with wizards?"

"Yes it was... the history always says that the Demon Lord got defeated by a certain wizard."

Alicia then nods her head, as this bit of information seems to intrigue her, "What happened after the demon lord was apparently destroyed though? You say this war was the great wizard war, so I would assume that the wizards won, right? So then did the wizard who apparently killed the demon lord take over or something?"

She takes a moment to think about this, and says, "The wizard who killed the demon lord would have been quite strong after all wouldn't he?"

"That wizard disappears after he defeats the Demon Lord... no one knows where he is."

Alicia then starts to speak, "Oh? How strange... He defeated the Demon Lord, but then he just disappears and doesn't do anything, and no one really knows what he did or where he went?"

She seems to be speaking in a bit of a puzzled tone as she wonders this.

She then adds on to her statement, "Weird... you know he could have done anything if you really think about it..."

She then starts to speak again, "Do you have any ideas? Or is it still just a mystery to this day?"

"It's still a mystery till this day."

She then starts to speak again, "Hmm... interesting... Yeah... so the Wizard just disappeared, and no one really has any clue where he went, eh?"

She then gives Max a bit of a sly smile and adds, "Who knows, maybe he's still around out there somewhere!"

Max looks at the sky and sees that the sun is starting to shine, he quickly climbs up the tree. As he gets up to the top of the tree, he sees a stunning sight. The sun is just starting to rise from over the horizon.

Max can see the early morning rays hit parts of some of the nearby hills, and hit the clouds up above in a bright pinkish hue. He can see the sun breaking through the clouds slowly, as the sky starts to light up with a beautiful view.

"This sight is beautiful!" Max shouts as he smiles warmly.

Alicia smiles and nods her head as she says, "Yeah... it's beautiful isn't it?"

She appears to be quite enraptured by the scene, as she is staring off in the direction of the sun, and watching it light up the sky. The sun continues to climb up higher in the sky, and they can now feel some of the morning warmth on their skin.

Soon the sun is completely up, and the sun's rays start to fill the entire forest, as the dawn gives way to a beautiful summer's day in the forest.

Cain wakes up just as the sun is fully in the sky, and walks over to the river and starts to wash his face. He takes a minute to just admire the scene of the sun just over the horizon, as it fills the forest with warm light.

Cain looks up when he speaks and says, "Ah yeah... Sure..."

He then heads towards the other tent, and heads inside to where Miss Piah and Luna are. He wakes them up and says, "Aah! Good morning! The day has just started!"

Miss Piah starts to wake up from her slumber, and says, "Oh... good morning."

She seems to be a bit groggy from last night, but she is starting to wake up.

Luna is just waking up as well, and she sits up with a yawn.

Max jumps down from the tree and starts walking towards Alicia, who is still just standing there and admiring the beauty of the morning. Lady Alicia looks over at Max and gives him a wide smile, she starts to say, "Good morning! How about that sunrise, huh? It's simply magnificent!"

She then gestures with her hand towards the rising sun as she says, "Just look at it! It's truly awe inspiring!"

Max looks at Alicia who is looking at the sun and says, "Yeah... it's beautiful..."

Max can see Alicia nods her head as she says, "Absolutely! I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Oh right... Luna... I can see that she has a large potential in terms of using magic."

She then starts to speak again and says, "She's got so much potential... I can just feel it, you know? It seems like she's going to make quite the formidable mage!"

Alicia seem really excited about being able to teach Luna so much, and help make sure her future is as bright as the sun itself.