
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Orc Attacks

Luna starts to come towards them followed by Cain and Miss Piah. She has a slightly sleepy look in her eyes, and seems a bit groggy still from having only just woken up.

She then says, "Good morning! I guess it's time to get to work?"

She makes a slight laugh to herself when she says this, as if it's going to be quite the challenge teaching Luna, but also a rewarding one. She then adds on to the end of her statement, "How was everybody's sleep?"

"We're good! we just need to find a perfect spot to start training and we can start!" Max said.

Lady Alicia then starts to speak up, "Of course! Let's go! I've actually got the perfect spot just around here!"

She then gestures with her arm for everyone to follow, and starts to lead the way as she says, "Come on guys! We can't waste time when there's training to be done!"

She then gives them all a smile, before starting to speak again, "If it's all right, can I walk alongside Luna? I'd love to talk to her and help her come up with the best training plan?"

Max starts to walk towards the plains that Lady Alicia is directing them towards, and after a minute of walking he can see the plains come into sight. It's a wide, open, grassy plain. It's quite a beautiful place, and he can see that it's the perfect place for training. It has a few nearby trees, but a wide open area to maneuver, and no rocks or other obstacles in the ground. It's quite a nice place. He has a feeling that this is the place that Lady Alicia was talking about.

"What a perfect place to train!"

Lady Alicia responds by saying, "Yeah... it really is! This is the perfect spot, isn't it? It's flat, there's plenty of space, it just has everything we need!"

She gives Max a warm smile as she says this, as it seems that she was really looking forward to training Luna here, and showing the potential she sees in her.

Lady Alicia then gestures to the plains, saying, "Let's get this started! How does everyone feel about doing some basic stretching first?"

Cain then speaks up and says, "I'm good... I don't want to train..."

Lady Alicia seems to giggle and nod her head as she says, "Alright then, suit yourself... Well I'm gonna get started at least!"

With that, she gets straight to work, starting to stretch and warm up as she starts to go through her stretches.

Max can see a slight sweat starting to appear on Alicia's head, as she makes sure to get a good workout in, and a light up in her eyes, as if she is really looking forward to showing Luna the power of a proper physical workout before diving into the magic training.

Max looks around and finds a comfortable tree, he walks towards it and sits. Miss Piah walks over and sits down next to him, and looks to be trying to figure something in her head out.

After a moment, she says, "I'm still not too sure about that succubus, honestly... She may look fine, but there are all sorts of stories about a succubus. It might be better just to not have anything to do with her."

She then starts to speak again, "You know, I'm just saying it doesn't seem like the best path for Luna to go down, you know? She could get mixed up in all sorts of danger and such..."

"Yeah... but I still think that she's just trying to help us and not harm us."

Lady Alicia is spending quite a bit of time with Luna, showing her some basic sword techniques and working on making sure Luna is able to hold her sword properly while she moves.

Luna is learning quite fast, but it is still obvious that she's quite new to this and has a lot to work on. Max is confident that with some proper training, Luna could become quite the formidable warrior.

Max continues to chat with Miss Piah about various things as they watch Lady Alicia work with Luna, they start to see the sun get higher and higher in the sky. After an hour of training they finally stop and then head to the nearest rock to sit and rest, Miss Piah comes close to them and sits beside them.

Max and Cain on the other hand are resting under the tree, Max woke up by a loud thud, the ground is shaking, Cain stands up and quickly grabs his sword.

Miss Piah and Alicia get ready, Luna is struggling to stand up straight, "Whoa-a-a! what's happening?!"

Max quickly uses his magic to boost his jump, he jumps through the sky and sees many orcs marching in their direction, he shouts to the other as he is falling, "Orcs!!"

Miss Piah, Cain, Alicia, and Luna get alerted, Luna's face is full of fear while Cain is relaxed, it seems like he fought orcs before. Alicia and Miss Piah stand in front of Luna to protect her while Cain charges in the direction of the orcs.

"Sh*t! I'm falling!" Max shouts, he can't use teleportation magic here, there's a chance that he will get separated from the group. Alicia notices this, she quickly jumps to the sky and a fair of wings appears on her back. She quickly flew in the direction of Max and caught him.

She looks at Max who is shocked by her wings, she then asks, "Are you okay?"

Max is still shocked by the scene and can't process what's happening until he remembers that Succubus has wings but Alicia's wings are different, it's way bigger than a normal succubus wings.

"I--Im okay..." Max replied.

Cain swings his sword towards the orc and slashes its arm, the orc roars in pain but quickly recovers and tries to smash Cain with its club.

Cain dodge it and jump on it to slash the orc head, the other orcs notice this and try to smash Cain with their clubs, Cain jumps in the sky to dodge all the clubs of the orcs. The orcs smash the orc that Cain is fighting, Cain is falling from the sky, his cloak was blown upwards revealing his spiral tattoo.

"Aghhh! D*mn it! I need to cover this!" The tattoo is burning, he quickly covers it by grabbing his cloak, he accidentally drops his sword.

He is now falling, he aimed his one hand at the orc's head, a magic circle appears on its head, he steps on the magic circle and jumps to the ground, the magic circle explodes on the orc's head. Cain is breathing hard.

Max and Alicia finally land on the ground, Max runs towards Cain and asks what's happening, "Hey! What's happening?!"

Cain answers, "My... tattoo... it can't be exposed to the sun!"