
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Miss Piah smiles at him a bit, as she nods her head a bit and responds towards Max, "I have missed you very much as well."

Max can tell that Miss Piah has changed quite a bit, as she now is no longer the young girl that he used to know.

She is even a teacher now, and seems to be very talented with magic as well.

"Do you remember the times when you always teach me how to use magic and I always fail?"

Miss Piah responds towards Max, "Yes I do, although that was a very long time ago."

She then nods her head a bit and then responds, "What brings you back here? I wasn't expecting to see you for many more years."

She then decides to add a little bit more, "Although I'm very happy to see you again."

"Actually what brings me here is, I have a friend who needs your teaching, I feel a large amount of magic coursing through her eyes, her name is Luna"

Miss Piah seems surprised by this statement, but quickly nods her head once and responds towards Max, "I would love to train her. I'm sure she will be a very talented mage."

Miss Piah then smiles a bit towards Max, as she seems to be very happy about the idea that Luna will learn directly from herself.

"that's great then, I'll wait for you to finish teaching and then we'll go to my house"

Miss Piah nods her head a bit and then starts to head back towards the podium.

After a moment, she decides to pause and turns back towards Max.

She then responds towards Max by saying, "You know, it really is rare for someone to learn directly from me, but I really do like teaching others."

She then smiles a bit towards Max, before heading back towards the podium and deciding to continue her lecture with the class.

"Yeah... But you're a very good teacher, without you I wouldn't be able to use magic..." Max whispers to himself.

Max decides to wait outside of the classroom, as he continues to wait for the class to finish.

A couple moments pass and he sees that the class is finally letting out. His ears start to pick up on the fact that the students are chattering with each other, as they discuss what Miss Piah was teaching today.

He hears the students mention things such as elemental properties, spell tiers, the difference between magic vs. warrior abilities, and how to utilize magic in an efficient and effective way.

Piah walks out of the classroom, as she starts to head towards the door. She notices that it is about to be nightfall, as the darkness has filled the sky and the light from the sun has started to slowly dwindle from the sky.

"Let's go."

Miss Piah nods her head a bit and then starts to lead you out of the Academy. As the two of you leave the Academy, you start to hear the quiet sounds of the wildlife from the nearby forest.

She then seems to get a bit more silent, as she starts to think more about how to explain certain concepts and principles to Luna.

She also wonders if she should teach Luna with more fundamental concepts, and then work her way up to some more advanced concepts. She also wonders if she should start off with the fundamentals of each element or if she should start off with other concepts as well.

"Did you get shorter or did I get taller?" Max asks, he then tries to measure the height of Piah and him.

Miss Piah nods her head a bit towards you, as she responds towards Max by saying, "I think you have grown a bit."

She then starts to chuckle a bit, as she adds in a bit more, "You have probably also gotten a bit stronger too."

"You betcha!" Max said.

Miss Piah nods her head a bit, as she starts to smile a bit towards Max. She then starts to get quiet again, as she starts to consider whether she should teach Luna from the lowest tier to the highest tier, or if she should do it in a more free form.

After some time, she then decides to try out a bit of a mix. She will teach Luna about the fundamentals of each element first, before trying to teach her about a couple of the more basic tier spells for each element.

After a moment, the two of them finally arrive at Max's house. Miss Piah starts to notice Max's house a bit and decides to compliment him by saying, "You have a nice house."

Max leads Miss Piah to the living room, they see Cain sitting on the couch. Max then notices that Luna is not there, as he starts to turn around to look for her. He then finds Luna sitting on a chair at the opposite side of the room.

She seems to be completely preoccupied with looking at the bookshelf. She notices them and stops reading the book, she stands up and asks Piah if she is the one who teaches Max how to use magic.

Miss Piah starts to chuckle a bit, as she responds towards Luna by saying, "Yes I am the one who originally taught Max how to use magic."

She then decides to continue, "So I take it then that you came here in order to learn how to use magic yourself?"

Luna smiles a bit and says, "Yes I'm very interested in learning magic, I'm also interested in what Max said to me, he said that there's a lot of mana coursing through my eyes."

Piah suddenly stops and responds towards Luna and says, "There is a chance that you are a 'Hero'. Heroes are a type of rare person who can use magic without having to use a chant."

She then starts to chuckle a bit, as she continues to respond towards Luna and says, "Although your mana is also very unusually colored as well, which I usually do not see in many heroes."

Max then gets in the middle of the conversation and says, "Maybe she can cast magic using her eyes."

Miss Piah thinks for a moment and responds towards Max by saying, "Well, if that is the case, then it may be possible that she's a more unique type of 'Hero' with a completely different method of casting."

She then starts to chuckle a bit, as she adds in. "Normally all magic users have to know and memorize various types of chants, but it seems that you might have a completely unique way of casting magic."

She then decides to add on a bit, "Normally, people's mana will flow through their arm, but never their eyeballs."

"Let's eat dinner first." Max said.

Miss Piah seems to agree with Max, as she nods her head a bit. She starts to chuckle a bit, as she says to Luna, "This should be an interesting experience."

She then decides to ask Luna, "So, what magic do you want to learn first? How to harness mana? How to increase your mana reserves? Or how to use basic magic?"

"I'll have Cain help me cook dinner." Max said, he leaves the room head to the living room and asks Cain to help him cook dinner.

"Maybe you can teach me tomorrow." Luna said, she stands up.

Miss Piah starts to grin a bit, as she responds towards Luna by saying, "That sounds like a good plan. Let us talk more after dinner."

She then starts to chuckle a bit and says, "I'm also excited to find out what your magic will be. It should be interesting."

She then also decides to add in a little bit, "Hopefully your magic won't be as violent as some of Max's abilities."

Miss Piah laughs at Max's remark a bit, as she nods her head a bit.

Luna laughs and says, "Yes I see him use his magic on some wolves."

She then responds towards Luna and says, "That's good to hear then. You know, I've always thought that Max's magic was a bit... brutal."

She then seems to think for a moment, and adds in a bit, "I just can't seem to get why he would do some of the things he did with his magic. I think it's mostly to annoy people, but some of the things he did would get him instantly expelled from the Academy."