
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Cain slowly start to wake up, as he opens his eyes and stares at the light that is coming from the window.

It seems that Cain is still very tired, as he rubs his eyes and yawns as he slowly opens them.

He then slowly stretches out his arms by lifting them up and then quickly dropping them back down. His whole body slowly stretches out as he seems to be trying to reawaken himself from a very deep sleep.

Cain takes another few moments of stretching and yawning in order to fully wake up.

He then eventually gets up and stands up. He takes a moment to stand still, and then decides to go for a stretch.

He stretches his arms in the air, trying to do a full-body stretch as he starts to reawaken himself.

Cain then notices that he is being watched, as he starts to turn his head towards the direction of the voice that spoke to him.

He sees that Max is awake and is a bit surprised at this fact.

He seems to be a bit surprised by someone else being awake, as he was starting to think that Max might have been still asleep.

"Hey... I'm going to buy some bread, want to come?"

Cain then looks a bit awkward after Max says this, as he doesn't know how to respond towards him.

He then slowly nods his head and replies towards you, "You want me to come with you?"

He seems to be asking if Max wants him to join him, as he is unsure what he should do in this situation.

"That's what I just said right? put your cloak on before we leave since that tattoo of yours will catch some attention."

Cain nods his head to Max, as he quickly starts to do as he say.

He then puts on his cloak, and starts to make sure that it is properly on, as he is very aware that his tattoos are a bit too unique to wear around people.

After he is done getting ready, he looks towards Max a bit, expecting him to lead the way.

"Alright follow me."

Cain nods his head towards Max, as he quickly follows behind.

He then remains pretty silent behind, as he decides to join Max without saying too much.

Max does notice that Cain starts to pay attention to the stores, as he starts to pay attention to each shop's name and purpose.

Max see him look at a store that is full of knives, axes, and other hunting-type items.

"Alright, If my memory serves me right, this is the bakery shop."

Cain nods his head a bit, as he follows Max to the front of the bakery store.

After a moment, they notice that there are several people in line waiting for their order, as it seems that there are a couple that are ahead of them.

He seems a bit interested in the types of food that are being sold within the bakery store. Mac see him look at the signs of several of the foods and seem to read a bit about the ingredients that go inside of some of the cakes and pastries.

After a moment of waiting, they finally reach the front of the queue as it's now their turn to make an order.

Max then tells the man behind the counter that he would like a single loaf of bread and a cinnamon roll, whereas Cain just decides to order himself some bread.

The man then starts to slice up the bread for them, as they get to choose the type of bread that you end up getting.

They eventually select a loaf of bread which ends up tasting really nice with the cinnamon roll.

"Oh! and please add some pancakes,"

The man behind the counter adds a couple of pancakes to Max order, as he then packages up the food and takes some money from them.

He then hands the package back towards them, as they see that there are now three packages that are packed up.

Max can also tell that there are several more people in line behind Cain and himself, as it looks like the store is a popular place for many people to buy their breakfasts, and the line is only growing longer by the second.

Max and Cain quickly head on back towards the house.

Once they get back inside of the house, they set down the food. they end up laying all of the food down on the table.

As they lay all of the food down on the table, they can tell that it smells really good, especially the pancakes.

They also notice that Luna has woken up from her sleep and is also standing at the table, staring down at the food that has just been brought in.

Luna quickly snaps out of her thoughts, as Max notice that she was staring down at the food that was placed on the table.

She then turns towards Max, and a bright smile appears on her face once she realizes that there are pancakes for her to eat.

She then quickly opens up the package that has the pancakes, as she decides to immediately start eating some of them.

Luna quickly begins to eat her food, as Max decides that it's now time for him to head out of the house.

He gives a quick goodbye to Cain and Luna, before he get up and start heading towards the door.

As he walked out the door, he notice that the sunshine is still up in the sky. He then makes his way out of the house, and walk down the street of the town.

After a moment, he arrive at the gates of the Academy. It's a very elaborate building, with several statues lining the front of the entrance. He then goes through a set of huge golden-colored wooden doors, as he is now inside of the Academy.

He walks around the Academy for a moment and is overwhelmed by the elaborate statue and decor all around him.

He see several students wandering around in their student uniforms. He then notice that there are a couple of people that look like faculty members roaming around as well.

One of them spots him and notices that his clothing is not of the Academy.

He then approaches Max and asks, "Do you need any help navigating around the Academy?"

"Actually yes, is Miss Piah still here?"

The man nods his head a bit, and then responds towards Max by saying, "Yes, she is still here. Do you need to speak with her?"

He then takes a moment to wait for Max response, and Max notice that this man is a bit old, as he has a couple of wrinkles, as well as a bit of white hair on the sides of his head. He seems to be a pretty nice guy, as his smile is very warm and friendly.

"Can you lead the way?"

The man nods his head a bit and then starts to lead Max towards the middle part of the building.

After a moment, Mac can then see a beautiful young woman standing inside of a large hall, giving a lecture to a whole class of students.

The woman seems to be very well dressed, with the finest of clothes on. He can also tell that she is an elf, as she has an average skin tone, as well as a pair of pointy ears that stick up from the top of her head.

"More beautiful than ever!" Max said, he is fantasizing about many things. He then shouts, "Miss Piah!"

Miss Piah stops in the middle of her lecture, when she hears her name being mentioned.

She then looks around the room a bit, and finally spots Max and starts to smile a bit.

She then decides to stop her lecture for a moment and approaches Max. Max can tell that Piah is very happy to see him.

She then quickly pulls him into a hug. After a moment, she quickly breaks off and says, "I'm so glad to see you again!"