
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Journey Start

One of the goblins that was flung into the air by the scythe, the goblin lands right in front of Max. It falls to the ground in a bloody mess, due to the damage it took from the scythe.

It tries to get back up and yell at Max, before suddenly collapsing to the ground due to its injuries.

In the distance, he can hear the noise of the scythe still cutting down various monsters, goblins and other creatures.

Cain, Miss Piah and Luna then happen to show up next to Max.

Mac can vaguely make out Cain who is covered in blood and is visibly exhausted, while he also seems to be holding a goblin by the neck, strangling it. His face shows no emotion, as he stares down into the goblin's eyes and continues to strangle it.

Max looked towards the sky and saw a person in a dark red cloak and wearing a mask standing in the air, Cain and the others turn towards Max, while they look out towards the sky as well.

The person with the dark red cloak seems to notice this and immediately disappears into thin air, seemingly teleporting away.

The scythe also cuts down the last of the monsters, as the village are now left with a completely silent, monster-free village.

"Who the hell is that person?!"

"I'm not exactly sure," Cain says in a low tone.

He then decides to stop strangling the goblin and just decides to cut its head off instead.

He then turns his head towards Max and says, "But whoever that person is, it helped save this whole village."

Max is still looking at the sky, after that he turns towards the three and says, "Let's not worry about that person, we need to worry about the Demon Lord."

"The Demon Lord is quite the figure," Miss Piah remarks.

She then adds on a bit and says, "The Demon Lord is widely thought of as the most powerful creature to ever roam this realm."

She then seems to ponder for a bit, before adding on a bit and saying, "In theory the Demon Lord could kill every God in the realm if it so desired."

She then chuckles to herself and says, "Though I doubt he would care for God's squabbles in the first place."

"Maybe the goblin is lying, I mean the Demon Lord died at the Great Wizards War."

"According to official records that is correct," Miss Piah responds to Max.

She then seems to ponder for a bit before adding on a bit and says, "But the demons say that the Demon Lord never died, rather he just got thrown into an alternate realm of some kind. They claim that he eventually got strong enough to escape from it and now he is back for revenge."

"Then if he truly comesback... who will beat him again? the one who defeated him in the previous war is already dead."

"Not us normal people that's for sure," Miss Piah responds with a small chuckle.

She then gets more serious again and says, "In all honesty, I would assume that a new crop of wizards would eventually be born and would defeat the Demon Lord once more."

She then adds on a bit of her own speculation, and says, "The problem is knowing how long it would take. It could take a week, it could take a decade. It might even take a century."

"What about the heroes? they already found three of them... only one remains." Max said.

"Are they willing to wait until a new generation of heroes is born?" Cain pipes in.

He thinks for a second before he responds and says, "I think it is better to prevent a demon lord than to hope that a hero is available when one rises up."

He then gets a bit quiet and responds in a much more gloomy tone, as he continues to say, "Besides... there is no guarantee that a hero will be strong enough to deal with a demon lord either."

Max goes silent and thinks for a moment... he then comes up with an idea, "What if Luna is a hero?"

Miss Piah's eyes light up at the idea, as she immediately starts to respond towards you.

She says, "Oh my... That is a possibility."

She then starts to think for a bit and says, "She might not even be able to cast at all. In fact..."

She starts to explain towards you, as she goes into quite a bit of detail, "A high-tier fighter would potentially be more dangerous then a high-tier caster."

Cain seems to start to nod a bit after hearing Miss Piah say this.

Miss Piah seems to start to nod towards you after you bring up this idea.

"Maybe if you can train her enough to defeat a high tier monster, and then we can send her to the Ace Kingdom." Max said, he looks serious.

Miss Piah then replies towards Max and says, "That is a good point."

She then starts to think for a bit and says, "Though the problem with trying to teach her casting with her eyes is that it might not quite work. You see most people can cast both by speaking and using their hands."

She then decides to explain a little bit more and says, "The reason that most people can do this is due to their magic being connected through their central nervous system."

"What about you Luna? do you want to learn magic?" Max ask.

Luna seems to look a little bit towards the side and seems to consider the idea for a second.

She seems to hesitate for a moment, before she seems to nod and says, "I am willing to try." Max then notice Luna's eyes start to glow a bit yellow as she seems to accept the idea.

Max hears Miss Piah respond towards him, as she seems to turn her head towards the village center. She then seems to agree and says, "The Queen of the Ace Kingdom is definitely the most qualified of anyone to train Luna."

She then seems to add on a bit and says, "And she would also most likely be willing to help if this Demon Lord ever rears its ugly head again in the future."

"The only problem is... I'm a wanted criminal in that kingdom... I don't know if she will help us... well I'm sure that she will help Luna... but me... I think she will have me arrested."

Miss Piah seems to nod towards Max, acknowledging this fact in her own way. Miss Piah looks like she's contemplating the situation very carefully, while Cain seems to sigh and seems to resign himself to whatever happens.

Miss Piah seems to finally say to you in a calm tone, "Is there not any way to clear your name?"

Max then looks down and thinks for a moment, "Maybe if I surrender... that will clear my name... let's just hope that they will not execute me..."

Cain then seems to pipe up and says, "I think that it is worth a try to surrender."

Miss Piah seems to then add on a bit and says, "They are unlikely to kill or torture you directly. Instead, they will most likely put you on trial to either execute you or lock you up."

She doesn't seem to say this in a very optimistic tone.

Miss Piah seems to nod towards Cain, as she agrees to the notion. She then decides to speak up towards Max, as she starts to say, "Let's travel light."

She then seems to add on a bit and says, "We travel fast when we travel light. There shouldn't be too many dangers on the road either, as long as we take a small path through the forests"