
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

A Town

Max estimates the journey to the Ace Kingdom to be about seven days in length. They all set out in the early morning, deciding that traveling through the day is better. They travel at a good pace, making their way slowly down the forested paths.

It is only mid-day, but the path has been rather uneventful so far.

"So our first stop is the demi human town, ugh what a pain..." Max said, he sighs and continues to walk.

"Do you think that it will help to stop there?" Cain asks back.

"It could be wise in order to replenish our supplies," Miss Piah pipes up in response.

She then continues to speak up and say, "We should be careful though. The town is a mixture of Demi-Humans and Humans."

She then continues to explain and says, "Though there are some Human residents who are against Demi-Humans."

Max walks up towards Luna and asks her if she's okay with the decision that they make. Luna responded towards Max after a little bit of hesitation, as she nodded her head towards him and said, "I am willing to try my best."

She then continues to speak up and say, "I will work hard, and promise to continue training for as long as I need to in order to be the hero you need me to be."

"We're not forcing you to fight, you can always back out if you want." Max said.

She then decides to respond towards Max, as she nods her head once and says, "I will continue... I believe that this is the right thing to do."

She then starts to speak a bit more and says, "I would rather be a person who tries, instead of just a person who gives up before anything even begins."

They keep walking for a few more hours of the journey, as they slowly make their way down the wooded pathway.

Eventually they come across a big town, that has a lot of demi-human inhabitants. The town's residents look towards them with suspicion. They keep their distance and their hand on the hilts of their weapons, as they glare at them.

Max looks around and saw many demi humans looking at him, he turns his head and looks at Miss Piah to ask, "Is it true that they hate humans?"

Miss Piah seems to nod her head and looks somewhat worried, as she says, "That is usually the case between the two races... But I think that we should be fine." She then adds on a bit and says, "They would not dare attack us... Just watch out for any potential pickpockets."

She then decides to get closer to Max and the others, as she speaks in a much more quiet tone.

She says with a much more serious tone, "Let me do the talking from here... Just look menacing in case things go in a bad direction."

"Anyways... why did you decide to come with us?" Max asked Miss Piah, she looked surprised by this question.

Max see Miss Piah's face turn red, as she realizes that she has been asked a very personal question.

She seems to contemplate how she can respond to Max, before she starts to speak.

She says to Max, "I suppose that I am very curious. I wish to see where you all end up, and to see why you have made this decision."

She then adds on a bit and says, "To be honest though, I also hope that I can help guide you down the correct path."

"I see... well it's not my thing to ask many questions so I'll leave you at that. Let's split up, you guys will find inn and I'm going to explore for a bit." Max said, he leaves the groups and starts walking on his own.

After they all split and go to different parts of the town, they manage to make their way down the town.

As Max get closer to the center of the town, the streets start to get more crowded and people are slowly beginning to crowd, as they seem to be getting off work.

Max then hears a small child run up next to him, as they are almost knocked over after bumping into his leg. Max then hears them speak up, as they ask him in a very cute voice.

They start to speak to Max and ask, "Why are you so tall?"

"Me? oh... no.. I'm not tall you kids are just short."

The child starts to think a bit in response to his answer, and seems to just shrug its shoulders, as Max then start to hear a female voice call out to the small child.

He then see a young demi-human wearing glasses, as they call out to the child and start to say, "Caro, let's go home now."

Max then hear the child sigh and respond back towards the female demi-human. They start to say, "Aw... But Sister I want to see that tall human again."

The female demi-human starts to glare towards Max, as she seems to hold a look of disgust and suspicion towards him.

She also looks like a fairly skilled fighter, as she seems to have some sort of sword at her waist. Max can also see some sort of pendant that she is wearing. After a few moments of her glaring towards Max, she turns her head and starts to walk off towards another building in the distance.

Max notices that when he speak, the nearby crowd seems to look in his direction. After a few seconds, they all go back to their own conversations.

He noticed a couple of people looking towards him with disdain, as he hear them mutter something about the Human race being savage.

Max starts making his way through the town in a hurry, as he travel down the street. He then finally end up at the town's inn, which is full of people.

He then noticed a couple of things. He notice that some of the people that are staying at the inn are demi-humans.

He also notice a demi-human with a very high-grade sword, sitting near the counter and drinking some sort of booze. He also starts to notice Max, as he turns towards his direction and starts to glare at Max.

He then notices Max looking away, as he starts to snicker a little bit.

He then starts to say to Max, "Hah... Seems like you can't even stand a single look of defiance without looking away."

Max then hear him say in a low voice, "Humans, just the weakest species out there."

He then turns his head back towards his cup of booze and starts to slowly sip away at it, as he starts to hum a song under his breath.

Max gets angry at what he heard and starts walking up towards the man. He starts to seem a bit worried about Max's approach towards him, as he stops drinking his booze.

He then starts to say, "Oh my, is someone else trying to be brave?"

He then suddenly grabs the hilt of his sword, as he seems to be ready to draw his sword.

He then starts to say to Max, "Now... Now... How about you start to explain yourself or I will end you right here."

"Explain myself?! how about I make that face of you look like a goblin?!!"

He laughs at Max's notion, as he says to Max, "Ah... A human, thinking that they can win a fight? Now that is funny."

He then continues to laugh and says, "Okay... Go ahead."

He then seems to brace himself, as he starts to lean towards Max, preparing for a fight. Max notices that the man seems to be a warrior mage of a rather high level, as he feel a high grade magic start to swirl around him.

He was about to punch the man when Miss Piah suddenly stopped his hands and held it tightly.

Miss Piah look at Max with a very stern look and starts to say, "Now... Now... No need to prove your animalistic nature to the rest of this town."

After she says that, the warrior-mage's confidence seems to grow a little larger, as he starts to laugh and boast to Max.

He then starts to say to Max, "So... Just how 'strong' are you exactly human?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I asked you to," the warrior-mage then starts to speak a bit louder, as he seems to be trying to instigate a fight.

"Or are you too scared to face me?" He starts to grin more aggressively towards Max, as he starts to walk towards him a little bit more.

Max feels like the man is trying to provoke him into action, Max didn't hesitate to hit the man, he freed his hands from Miss Piah and punched the man directly at the face. Miss Piah looks at Max with a rather surprised look, as he punch the warrior-mage directly in the face.

Max sees the man stagger back a bit, as he seems to rub his jaw, as he spits out a bit of blood, he then starts to look a little bit less confident, he then regains himself, as he suddenly gets very angry towards Max, with his face turning red with rage.

The girl in red armor seems to stop the fight, as she puts down her sword in front of the two. She then starts to raise her voice and say to the two, "Hey, stop this fighting right now!"

She then continues to speak and says, "One more move and someone is getting sent to jail."

She then waits to see if the warrior-mage or Max do anything, as she keeps one eye on Max while keeping one eye on the warrior-mage.

Miss Piah suddenly covers Max's mouth before he can get a chance to say anything, as she seems to hold a finger up in order for Max to wait. Max then hear her speak up and say to the warrior-mage, "How about you stop bothering us."

She then takes her hand off of Max's mouth and seems to wait for the warrior-mage's response. He then seems to be getting ready to say something back to Miss Piah, as he starts to get even more angry.

The warrior-mage seems to back off as the girl in red armor points her sword in his direction.

The warrior-mage then decides to throw his weapon down on the ground, as he starts to say, "Fine... I will stop."

Mx then notice him walk out of the inn with his hands in the air, as the girl in red armor follows him in order to make sure that he does not try to attack anyone again.