
Magic, Monsters and Mysteries of Zario

There was a boy named Taksh, just enjoying his childhood, when one day, he encountered Magic for the first time, and his life became a lot more interesting. Come, join Taksh in his adventures as he rises from just a boy, to the only one who can challenge Gods. The world where this Lore unfolds is a Mysterious Planet, filled with Ancient Monsters, Captivating Magic and Untold secrets. But worry not, as I will guide you in this journey in such an entertaining way that you will be forced to wish to be Isekaied here. Spoiler Alert:- Even though this is not an Isekai story, it definitely is an Isekai story. Start reading if you want to understand what I mean.

VagueWorld · Fantasy
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12 Chs

When will the Baby be Here

Taksh was heartbroken. He was devastated, after learning that there are very minute chances that he would ever be able to awaken any affinity at all. Less than an hour ago, he was daydreaming of awakening space and time elements, the rarest elements and becoming the strongest mage, and now he doesn't know whether he would be able to awaken any affinity at all.

Since learning about his family's history from Lonwell, Taksh had asked everyone he knew if he would awaken affinities or not. That included his family members, all the maids, Liam, everyone.

Nobody wanted to break his heart even more, but they didn't want to lie to him either. That's why they said things like "You will become very strong in the future, even if you don't awaken any affinity." or "Mana wielding is technically magic too, you know?" or "Magic or not, you would always be our cute little young lord." But they did nothing except cement the fact that he would never be able to do things he dreamed of doing.

"That stupid bastard Lonwell, I'm going to kill him. How dare he say those horrible things to MY cute Grandson? I'm going to kill him first, then his wife, and wipe out his entire bloodline." Arvind was enraged after listening to everything that Lonwell said to Taksh. He was so enraged that Dhruv had to wield Mana with all his might to stop Arvind from running to Lonwell's doorstep, without listening about what they already did to him.

After learning about Lonwell's punishment, he was genuinely happy.

"BAHAHAHAHA… My son made the best decision of his life by marrying you. I'm proud of Isha. You gave the best punishment I could imagine. But I just wish it would have been me who cut his Limbs. But whatever. BAHAHAHAHA…."

Lonwell was punished well. Perhaps little more than what he deserved. But that punishment couldn't bring back that smile and that joy that was present there for the last couple of days.

Since that day, Taksh spent his day mostly alone. He would rarely come out of his room and would talk a lot less than usual. His appetite had decreased, and his face always looked gloomy.

This all continued for quite some time, but after about a month, Isha dropped a bombshell on everyone.

You see, for a few days, Isha had a shift in her food cravings, along with nausea and vomiting, which all returned even after multiple healing sessions with Lisley. The symptoms were familiar and a small trip to the specialist confirmed the suspicion. She was pregnant.

"Mother! What does it mean?" Taksh asked. He has probably heard this word once or twice till now, but never understood its meaning.

"It means you are getting a little brother or sister, dear. Just imagine having a baby on your lap, playing with the baby, and becoming a horse for him. How exciting, Right?"

Taksh didn't reply. He didn't say or ask anything after this. Everyone thought that he hadn't recovered from his heartbreak. But that was not the case. At least this time. In reality, just after hearing the words Little brother or sister, Taksh felt something weird inside him. But he could not put his finger on it. It felt like everything was right, but everything was wrong at the same time.

Taksh went to his bed with this weird feeling in his heart. And just like a few days ago, he saw a dream. The dream was weird but felt like the most realistic thing he ever saw at the same time.

In the dream, he was out on an empty patch of grass on a summer day. A boy a little shorter than him was waving his hands. Weird things were covering his hands. After a second, Taksh noticed that he too was wearing the same things as that boy.

Taksh knew that he had never met that boy before. But for some reason, that boy ahead seemed too familiar to be a stranger.

Taksh didn't know why, but he threw his ball towards that boy, and he caught it. Then that boy started coming towards him.

"Okay Big Bro, I'm pretty exhausted. Let's take a break."

"Of course. Want something to drink? Let me grab it for you." Taksh replied and started moving back. After a few minutes, he was back with two small cans filled with some liquid called coke. He extended one bottle towards the boy, and he accepted it.

"Thank you Big Bro." And both started drinking the coke. It was sweet and very refreshing. After a few minutes of break, they started playing again for some time. Those few minutes together with that stranger felt very normal, but very special at the same time.

Then everything fades away and Taksh finds himself sitting on the couch, crying. He didn't know why he was crying, but he knew that he was crying there for some time now. That's when a hand came and rested on his left shoulder. The person who was standing there was the same stranger he had been playing with earlier.

"Father can be rude at certain times, but you know he only wants good for us. I know he would come back to you and apologize any time now." The boy said this. But instead of leaving after providing some emotional support, he sat beside Taksh; put Taksh's shoulder over his shoulder and just stayed there for some time. That's when the door of the room started to open and everything fades away.

The next thing Taksh watches is being on a tourist boat in the middle of a lake with the boy. Suddenly, the boy fell into the water. Taksh just instantly jumped into the water beside the boy. Neither the boy nor he knew how to swim. Still, he tried to push the boy above the water, resulting in him being pushed down the water. This continued for a few minutes before the help arrived. Taksh for once asked himself did he cared for the stranger so much to die over. But a voice in his heart said he loved the boy enough to die thousands of times for him.

Then everything fades away and Taksh wakes up from his sleep. He immediately went to find his mother, a smile filled with excitation. There was a weird happiness in his heart, he felt like he just met someone he really REALLY wanted to meet.

When he found his mother, Isha, he asked her a question, a question with that cute, innocent face she hadn't seen for more than a month.

"When will the baby be here?"


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