
Magic, Monsters and Mysteries of Zario

There was a boy named Taksh, just enjoying his childhood, when one day, he encountered Magic for the first time, and his life became a lot more interesting. Come, join Taksh in his adventures as he rises from just a boy, to the only one who can challenge Gods. The world where this Lore unfolds is a Mysterious Planet, filled with Ancient Monsters, Captivating Magic and Untold secrets. But worry not, as I will guide you in this journey in such an entertaining way that you will be forced to wish to be Isekaied here. Spoiler Alert:- Even though this is not an Isekai story, it definitely is an Isekai story. Start reading if you want to understand what I mean.

VagueWorld · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Baby is Here

From that day onwards, Taksh didn't look much depressed. Don't get me wrong, he WAS sad because he would probably never be able to use Magic the way he wanted to. But he was happier that he was going to become an Elder Brother.

He would often ask questions like "What will be the name of the baby" or "If the baby starts crying, how can I make him stop crying" to sometimes questions like "How did the baby reach into your tummy?", in his usual cute and innocent voice.

The next few months were not very eventful, but a lot more busier for the entire family, as they were busy shopping for the baby. Wherever you look, you could find products for the baby.

During this time, Taksh even got a personal room. Even though his Grandpa was a big hurdle in getting his own room, he got it at the end of the day.

Arvind argued that Taksh would be afraid to go to the toilet all alone at night. In this argument, Arvind's motive was clear to everyone. He wanted to sleep together with Taksh. But Taksh would rather go to the toilet all alone on some rare nights than hear his Grandpa's annoying snores every night.

The next few months passed in a blur. About six months later, there was a big party to celebrate Taksh's fifth birthday. Fifth birthdays are a huge deal in Zario because most kids are not able to survive till the age of five. That's why the fifth birthday is celebrated, just like a festival in the family.

A lot of guests came to celebrate his birthday from all over the state. But the weird thing was that no one outside of the state of Eldir came to the party.

That was a busy day for the entire household. Even after being the centre of attention of the whole party, Taksh didn't seem tired even one bit, running around the mansion and playing with his newfound toys.

The next two months were quite eventless too, with everyone mainly preparing for the arrival of the baby.

Soon, the fated day arrived.

The due date was estimated to be today. In the morning, Isha's labour started. All the Maids were there with her, helping in her delivery. Because of the presence of Lisley, any doctor's presence was not necessary. She can handle most of the complications all alone, even better than most doctors.

As the sound of Isha's screams increased, it became more and more difficult to control Dhruv. He wanted to stay inside the room, along with Isha. But everyone knew that if Dhruv would be there, he would disturb the maids, rather than encourage Isha. Something similar to this happened at the time of Taksh.

At that time, Dhruv had to be pushed out of the room forcefully by Milia, because he was making a lot of commotion there.

Sometime later, some other crying sound came out of the room instead of Isha's. The sound was that of a baby. The baby was born.

Neru came out of the room to announce the good news to the family.

"Congratulations, it's a girl. You can go inside to visit Lady Isha now."

The first one to run inside was Dhruv, followed by Taksh. Arvind was pretty chill this entire time.

Isha, exhausted, was resting on a bed, and just near her was a crib, in which laid a small girl with smooth skin, tiny fingers and wisps of fine hair, all bathed in purest innocence. She was sleeping soundly, with her chest rising and falling periodically.

Dhruv went to Isha to confirm she was okay, whereas Taksh went towards the baby to look at his little sister. Arvind stayed some distance away and nodded with a smile, a little wider than usual.

Dhruv asked Isha "Are you okay? It hurt a lot, Right? Father and Liam didn't let me enter, even once. I'm so sorry.

Do you need something? Should I bring you water or something? No, I should bring something to eat, along with some water. Wait a minute here." To this, Isha griped Dhruv's hand and said

"Anybody could bring me water. The thing I need the most right now is you. Just stay here and talk to me.

Did you see our daughter? Tell me how is she? I'm too exhausted to look at her while she is in the crib."

To this, Taksh sat there, on the bed beside Isha and said "She is cute, she is beautiful, she seems to be an Angel sent by Goddess Nirintia herself. Her skin is pink and soft, just like a delicate flower petal. Her fingers and arms and everything are small just like how Taksh's were the day he was born. She has some small hair on her head, which looks golden bronze to me, just like your beautiful hair.

Wait a minute; let me bring her to you." Then, Dhruv picked their baby girl up, with the utmost care possible, and brought her beside Isha.

Taksh was watching this, standing fixed at where he was standing. He wanted to touch his sister, caress her, pick her up to his lap and play with her. But god knows why his body was not moving. He was just transfixed at his position.

Fortunately, Isha saw him, and raised her left hand wide open, inviting Taksh for a hug. Taksh didn't wait any moment and jumped into her arms and hugged it, tears falling from his cheeks.

Watching this, Dhruv hugged Isha from the other side, thus transforming it into a family hug, with Isha and the baby in the middle. Arvind still watched this from the sidelines, with a wide smile on his face, and both arms crossed.

After the hug ended, Isha asked Dhruv "It's a girl. We decided that if it's a girl, you will name her. Have you thought of any?"

To this, Dhruv nodded slightly and replied "Yes, how about Priya? Priya means beloved, just like she is to us."

"Priya Arora, a very amazing name. I love it. From now on, her name would be Priya Arora."

Between this sweet conversation, Arvind suddenly commented "Priya is a good name. But if I had to come up with a name, I would have thought of way better names. BAHAHAHAHA…"


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