From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Ace was standing on bleachers, watching Harry and Cedric run into the Maze behind the school. He had his arms crossed as he smoked, looking at Moody from above. He was told by Dumbledore to pay attention to him.
Ace didn't know why, but Dumbledore specifically asked Moody to place the Triwizard cup in the maze for some reason. Therefore, Ace was suspicious. If something happened it was Moody's doing 100%!
All there was left to do was wait.
As the time passed, Fleur was brought out of the maze. As was Krum.
There was a gap in time as everyone waited and Ace slowly started to frown.
Harry fell to the ground out of thin air, along with Cedric and the Triwizard cup!
Ace let out a breath of relief and clapped happily before his smile slowly faded… He rushed down the bleachers and said "Move!" a he came to Harry's side, looking at Cedric.
Ace covered his mouth and got on one knee, touching Cedric's neck. He frowned as Harry cried, "He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back!" Dumbledore was sullen as he looked at Cedric in silence.
Ace sighed and closed Cedric's eyes as Amos ran down, shouting "No! That's my son! That's my boy!" falling to his knees and crying as he held Cedric's face, tears dripping from Amos' face onto Cedric's cold cheeks…
Ace stood up and frowned in sadness, he should've done something. He knew it was suspicious, why didn't he just take action?
Moody grabbed Harry and said "Alright, Potter. Come on, I gotcha. Come on now." as he hobbled away.
Dumbledore looked up at Ace and jerked his head, Ace turned to look at Moody's back before following him secretly. In the cover on shadow, he morphed into his cat form and chased after Moody, all the way to Moody's office.
Moody closed the door behind him and locked it, leaving Ace outside.
Ace transformed back into his human form, frowning as he leaned against it, listening in. Although, the door was quite thick, so it was a bit hard for him to hear. However!
He could hear the screaming!
He stepped back and pointed his wand at the door, shouting "Bombarda!" the door blasted open as Ace pointed his wand at Moody, adding "Expelliarmus!" sending him flying across the room into a chair.
Dumbledore, Snape, and Minerva all rushed in, passing Ace, who pointed his wand at Moody. Ace looked at Harry, jerking his head towards him. Harry ran over and stood behind Ace as he turned back to Moody, who was morphing into a different person.
Snape frowned and Dumbledore said "We know who's been stealing your potion materials, Severus." Snape looked at Harry before turning back to the man. Dumbledore muttered "Barty Crouch Jr." after seeing the man's face clearly.
Ace was still confused and looked at Harry, who said "A Death Eater." Ace was stunned and said "It all makes sense!" but then he muttered "I drank with a Death Eater?" Minerva glared at him and Barty Jr chuckled, licking his lips strangely "Bored playing with you fools, had some fun~ Hehe!"
Ace frowned and looked at him, asking "You are…" before shutting his mouth. Barty Jr. licked his lips and Ace curled his saying "You didn't escape after all." Dumbledore looked at him and turned to Harry, saying "Show me your arm, Harry."
He saw the cut and his expression turned grim as Barty Jr laughed maniacally "You know what this means! The Dark Lord, Voldemort, has returned! Hahahahah!" Dumbledore grabbed him, saying "Where is Alastor Moody!?"
Barty Jr. looked at the chest and Minerva went to open it, revealing Moody sitting at the bottom of a very deep chest!
Ace held his wand at Barty Jr's neck along with Snape as Dumbledore took Harry away, saying "Minerva, send an owl to Azkaban, I think they're missing a prisoner." Barty Jr shouted "I'll be a hero!"
Ace frowned, "You don't deserve that title." Barty Jr licked his lips and looked at Ace, grinning as he chuckled madly. Snape said "Let's take him out of here." as Minerva went to help Alastor out of the chest.
Ace and Snape brought Barty Jr to the dungeons and locked him up, waiting for the Ministry to take him away. Snape was silent and Ace asked "So… Eventful year, eh?" Snape ignored him and Ace cleared his throat as Barty Jr laughed behind them.
Snape waved his hand as a piece of cloth wrapped around Barty Jr's mouth, silencing him.
The next day
Everyone was in the Great Hall as Dumbledore said "Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, an exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think, therefore, you all have the right to know exactly how he died."
He stepped to the podium, grabbing onto it as he continued "You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort! The Ministry of Magic does not wish for me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory!"
He looked around the room, going on, "Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, and reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship you have made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was honest and kind and brave and true, right to the very end."
Ace listened and frowned to himself, Minerva patted his shoulder and sighed. Ace patted her hand, slowly. She looked at him and whispered "You shouldn't blame yourself, Ace."
Ace looked at her as she added gently "I understand how you're feeling. However, how could you possibly know? Take this experience and try to grow. I believe you can truly make a difference."
Ace's lower lip trembled and he turned back, gripping Minerva's hand, his eyes watering as he sniffed "I understand…"
"I will be better."