From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
In Macau, at the Golden Daggers Club.
He leaned on the railing, shouting "Come on, Wong! Kick his ass!" The giant green monster looked up at him and roared, seemingly remembering Ace!
Ace rolled his eyes and said "Boooo!" waving his arms around as the crowd echoed, "Boooooooo!" Ace laughed and clapped as Wong continued fighting Abomination, who punched at Wong, but Wong made a portal and punched himself in the face, knocking himself out.
Ace raised his hands and laughed "WOOOOOOONG! YES! AHAHAHHA! Wong! Wong! Wong!" as the crowd cheered the same!
Wong threw his hands up and looked around him, saying "Yeah!" as Ace went to the betting counter, bumping into an asian guy. Ace looked at him and the woman next to him said "Excuse me!" Ace chuckled and said "You're excused." before ignoring them.
The woman glared at Ace, while another asian guy held her back, saying "Woah, woah, woah. Hold it, you don't wanna mess with him. I saw that dude beat up 3 Super Soldiers like they were babies."
Ace went to the betting counter and gave his ticket, grinning as he said in Mandarin "Pay up, Wong won." the person behind the counter paid him out and Ace fanned the money in his face, walking away as he smelled it.
He sighed out, "Ah… So nice. Gambling is really great." as he looked at the asian dude he just bumped into, walking into the ring.
He turned around and said in Mandarin, "I want all this on whoever is fighting that guy."
A few minutes later
Ace chuckled at the huge stack of cash in his hands, ordering a drink at the bar before going home, as he put his money away.
Just as he was drinking, there was an explosion and men in combat suits, kinda like raid gear, appeared. They were holding electric weapons. Ace tilted his head at them, he didn't really know what the weapons were called, but they were some chinese weapon…
He pulled out his phone and looked it up as several dozen of them flooded into the club, beating up people for no good reason.
Someone came to Ace and swung the weapon at him, but he waved his fist back, sending the guy flying as he turned invisible, saying "Aha! Fu Tao… Or just Hook Sword? That's lame…"
He turned around and leaned on the bar, drinking from his drink as he watched the people get beat up, none of them were dying and a little pain never hurt nobody.
Ace saw a dude with a sword for an arm and was stunned, he never saw anything like that before! Then he looked closer, squinting as he sipped on his drink, "That symbol… Isn't that…?"
Ace followed the group to a lower level as an asian man, walked up to another asian man, stopping him from murdering a ninja with magical bracelets.
Ace was stunned at the sequence of events. Ninjas and Magic Bracelets!
What has this world come to?
However, he found out who these people were. Ace followed a Helicopter into the sky while pulling his phone out, saying "Love?" he looked at the Symbol on the side of the Helicopter and curled his lips, "How about I get you Ten Rings for Christmas?"
A while later
Ace was walking around the Ten Rings compound, sucking on a straw. He stopped on the way for a drink.
Ace made slurping sounds as he walked around the facility, stumbling into a room full of scrolls. He shook his drink and sighed "Empty again?" before filling it back up as he pulled out scrolls, reading the Mandarin on them.
Ancient Chinese scrolls.
He wondered if there was any magic. There must be, right?
He spent hours in this place, looking for any sort of magic.
Until people walked in.
Ace put a scroll back and looked at them, it was the 4 people from the Golden Daggers club.
He stood by the side and listened to the older man speak, in English for some reason, "When you children ran away, I was so desperate to connect with your mother, I threw myself back into the studies of her village. The Legendary Ta Lo." as he flipped a book open.
Ace looked at the book as the man, continued "I wasn't able to find a secret path to the village entrance, but I did find what they are hiding. There's a gate deep in their mountains. Your mother is waiting for us there. I know this is a lot. I might not have believe it if she didn't tell me herself."
The girl who seemed to be the man's daughter, said "What are you talking about?" Ace looked at her, she was very cute! The other girl was also cute, but when she opened her mouth… yeesh…
The man looked at her and touched a chair as he replied "I was sitting right here in this seat, deep in my research… and she spoke to me. It was like she was standing in this room. I could feel her breath on my cheek and her hand on my back."
Ace looked at the bracelets on his arms and tilted his head at them, looking closer… He had never seen anything like them before, he got really itchy all over his body and wanted to take 'em for studying…
The man added, while hanging his head, "She told me she needs my help." the other man, who seemed to be the man's son, asked "To do what?" the man turned to him and replied "To save her from her people. After we fell in love, your mother wanted us to live in Ta Lo. She asked permission from the elders, and they refused. They said I wasn't worthy. She would still be with us. We would all be living there together. Ta Lo did this to us. They locked her behind that gate to punish her."
The man's boy looked at his sister before turning back to his father, who said "Don't you see? She's leaving clues for us. She wants us to find her and bring her home, so we can be a family again." the man's son shook his head, saying slowly "Dad… Mom's gone. She's not talking to you from behind a gate, and she's not leaving any clues for us."
The man scoffed and nodded before opening a box, pulling out two matching pendants, asking "Then what are these?" before walking out of the room.
Ace slurped on his drink and followed along, a bit intrigued by this 'Ta Lo' place. It sounded very magical!
The man came to a wooden carving in a pagoda, placing the two pendants in the eyes of a wooden dragon before stepping back as everything started dripping water.
Ace was stunned as water exploded from the wood walls, creating a forest diagram on the ground, showing a route to Ta Lo! His eyes brightened and he nodded before returning to the scroll room and reading some more.
A while later
The man's two kids, the asian girl, and a guy with a creature drove out of the compound.
The man's son leaned on the back seat and sighed, he was just involved in a high stress situation.
Before him and his sister froze, turning to the middle seat, where Ace was sitting, sipping on his drink, asking "Are we going to Ta Lo?" The guy in the front seat, saying "Oh! Hello, new friend. The name's Trevor Slattery. Nice to meet you." Ace smiled and waved "I know you. I'm friends with Ironman."
Trevor pressed his chest, saying "My word! Terribly sorry! I had no idea that bloke was a terrorist. I really thought it was the gig of a lifetime!" Ace chuckled and sipped on his drink as the man's son shouted "Who are you?!"
Ace stopped and said "Ah, yes. The name's Cloak? I saw you at the Golden Daggers Club? I bet on your sister and made a lot of money." The man looked at the asian woman in the front, saying speechlessly "Everyone bet against me?"
The man's daughter held out a fist and said "You better start talki-" Ace pressed on her fist with a finger, saying "Oh… I wouldn't. You can beat him but you're too weak to beat me, that's for sure. Your name?"
The woman replied in Mandarin "Xu Xiaoling." Ace replied happily in Mandarin "Nice to meet you, Xu Xiaoling. Your club was a bit shit, but the Ten Rings compound is nice." The man was stunned and said "I'm Shang-Chi."
Ace nodded and sipped on his drink, looking at both of them, smiling "I heard they have magic at Ta Lo. So I'm tagging along." The girl in the front said in English "You're Ta Logging along?"
Ace nodded and Shang-Chi made a cutting gesture, shaking his head as the girl turned back to the road. Trevor pointed at her, saying "Ha! Ta Logging along! I got it, that was funny."
Xiaoling looked Ace up and down, asking in Mandarin "You're the Hero? The Avenger? What are you getting involved with the Ten Rings for?" Ace covered his mask with a fist, burping as he said "Excuse me." before replying in Mandarin "Well, I have a use for it besides Terrorism. The Mandarin as he was called, used the name for your father, but he was ignorant… obviously."
Ace raised a finger, adding "However~ The Ten Rings still existed in many places before this. The Fake Mandarin used them for terror and I'm looking to clean it up, turn it into something else, who knows." Shang-Chi asked "Is that, like, a hero thing? You go around fixing things?"
Ace shook his head and said "No, no.. That's my wife. The Ten Rings is a good present. Anyway, who would like to be an associate?" Xiaoling frowned and Shang-Chi was stunned speechless, but Xiaoling asked "Associate of whom?"
Ace glanced at her and replied "The Power Broker." as he slurped on the straw, looking at Xiaoling, who's eyes widened tremendously, saying in shock "The Power Broker wants to move onto the Ten Rings?!" Ace rolled his eyes and said "Not that serious. More like absorb the Ten Rings!"
Xiaoling was shocked into a cold sweat, leaning her head on the window as Shang-Chi raised his hand, saying "Hi! Yeah. Um, Power Broker?" Ace smiled at him, "Nothing really. Just a powerful underground king pin. You ever heard of Madripoor?" Shang-Chi nodded in confusion "The Pirate place." Ace nodded and said "The Power Broker owns that entire island."
Shang-Chi was stunned, leaning on the window, muttering "I don't even own a car…" Ace chuckled, looking ahead, saying "This is fun." Trevor turned and said "Mate, you look familiar? Are you an actor?" Ace's lips twitched and he asked "Is that a Hundun?" Trevor replied "Actually, it's Morris." Ace reached out and scratched Morris, saying "He's cute. However, usually the Hundun symbolizes Chaos and Peril. Though, they say these creatures are as innocent as children and like to sing and dance. I wonder if Qiong Qi is real too."
The woman in the front seat asked, "Qiong Qi?" Ace pet Morris, explaining "A Qiong Qi is a winger tiger with porcupine spikes, bull horns, and a barbed tail. They are vicious creatures that hunt people and devour them in the cruelest way possible. However, they apparently only eat kind and righteous people. They hunt food for evil people and are like spiky pets."
Everyone fell silent and the woman swallowed "Oh…" Ace waved and said "It's not as bad as a Tao Tie. That one will eat everything, the sky, the ground, the Earth, people, water, planets, etc. It has a sheep's body, human face and hands, with its eyes under its armpits. It's basically a symbol of greed. But if the Hundun exists, who's to say they're not real."
Everyone was horrified as Ace pat Morris, saying "Isn't that right, you're a cute little Chaos bringer, aren't you? Yes you are!"