
Magic Man

From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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189 Chs

Trick 145: Just another step of life~!


Ace was floating in endless darkness once again, suddenly an extremely bright orange glow surrounded him as he was pulled in a direction before stopping as a white light shone on him, but almost immediately after that a black inky substance latched onto him.

Ace laid there as he heard Odin's voice "He belongs to me!" then a beautiful, sweet, and gentle voice sounded all around him "I've marked him, Odin. He will come to me." Odin shouted "No! He is MY warrior. He will join my pantheon in Valhalla!"

The gentle voice echoed, "Do not force my hand, Odin… Last time didn't end well for you." in response, the white light pulled Ace violently upwards, there was a sigh and Ace was jerked downwards extremely fast.

The orange light covered Ace and pulled him to the side, but the sweet voice snorted.

The orange light fractured and the black ink covered Ace, devouring him as Odin said slowly "You will pay for this, Death." The sweet voice replied softly "To whom?" Odin snorted and the white light disappeared.

Ace fell for a long time before landing on the ground, he managed to flip and land on his feet in a grand hall. His cloak was draped over his shoulders like a cape and he held his staff as he looked around in confusion.

He saw a bunch of people everywhere, a woman was sitting on a throne with a few ghosts around her, Ace only recognized Vanessa, who waved at him happily. Around him, there was a red skinned demon, a good looking guy with black wings, and Hela!

On the side, the Ancient One was sitting at a table, smiling gently along with some other people Ace didn't recognize.

Hela looked at him with her arms crossed, saying "Oh great, you." Ace looked at her and rubbed his nose, smiling "You're dead too? I didn't know Death Gods could die. It's a shame, you're so hot." before sighing.

Hela froze and Yao coughed violently.

The man with black wings grinned, "I like him." the red skinned demon sneered "A child. You brought him here for what, Mistress?"

The woman on the throne was indifferent, however her voice was extremely beautiful and soft as she said "He has collected the relics of death from a Minor Death God, therefore he has the opportunity to fight for a position." The red skinned demon guy snorted, muttering "They truly let just about anyone fight…"

The handsome guy looked at him, smiling "Come now, Mephisto. They allowed you!" Mephisto glared at him, saying "Watch yourself, Lucifer. Wouldn't want your father to mourn, would you?"

Lucifer narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, grinning dangerously "Oh? He wouldn't mourn over you, surely." Mephisto cackled and the outrageously beautiful woman on the throne looked over at them gently, the duo froze and stopped immediately.

Ace scratched his head and said "Um… Sorry, you are… Mistress Death?" the woman turned to him, saying nothing. Ace dusted his palms as his staff turned to vambraces, "Okay… I'll fuck myself then… Anyway! What position is it? Is it like a job? Do I get paid?"

Lucifer laughed and Hela muttered "Stupid fool." Death didn't say anything, just staring at him. Ace raised a brow, "Yes? No? Hello?" Death turned to Hela and went on, "You have died and thus, your position is gone along with it. Seeing as Asgard is no longer a factor, you can reside here or take the trial to return to Hel as Asgard's God of Death."

Hela looked at her indifferently, "The first time was so easy, let's do it again. This place is boring." Mephisto cackled, "So bold." Hela glared at him, saying "You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you, Mephisto."

Ace hummed to himself, looking around, muttering "I wonder where everyone else is." before waving at Yao, who sighed, smiling gently.

Death nodded and replied "Then you shall take the trial with the one marked for death." Hela froze and looked at her, asking "You mean together???" Death nodded gently, her face eternally indifferent.

Hela was stunned, asking "Can I not?" Death just looked at her and Hela sighed.

Lucifer hooked his arm around Ace's shoulder, grinning "Hey friend! You got balls! I like that, wanna go for some fun?" Ace looked at him strangely and said "Uh… You have to work on your wording, dude… My bones are rattling." Lucifer looked confused before saying "What?" Then he realized and said angrily "I meant going to the club! I'm not- Damn you!"

Ace was stunned and asked "There's a club here!?" Lucifer forgot about what just happened, smirking "Here? Of course not. I own a club in the human world, wanna come?"

Ace was confused and asked "But I just died, right? I can go back just like that?" Lucifer looked over his shoulder at Death, who looked at him, he swallowed and turned back, replying "Well, give it some time… If you pass the trial, you can come back to life."

Ace was stunned and Lucifer nodded, dragging Ace off, explaining "You see when my father cast me out of Heaven after my revolt, I died due to some unforeseen circumstances, then I came here and won the Death God trial, now I'm in charge of Heaven's version of Hell."

Ace was shocked and asked "Didn't you-" Lucifer cut him off, waving "Books, who reads 'em! They're all inaccurate anyway! You see, I'm actually a freedom fighter…" Hela frowned deeply, watching Ace leave before going after him.

Mephisto had a few twinkles in his eye but he heard a cough and looked over to see Yao looking at him with a smile, "Afternoon, Mephisto. Planning nefariously, I see." Mephisto frowned grimly, "What do you want, Yao." Yao sipped on her drink, smiling "Nothing. If you touch him… I will eradicate you."

Mephisto grinned and said "Is that so?" he looked over at Death, who didn't seem to care at all. He frowned and Yao added, "Perhaps, the Splinter Realms will have a vacancy…" Mephisto sneered and fizzled out of existence with a snort, not bothering to talk to Yao.

After all, she definitely wasn't chilling in the Realm of Death doing nothing. How could Mistress Death let go of such a precious soul? No, she was basically number 2 now, competent in all forms of magic, even death magic!

She had been here for a long time, time passed differently in the Realm of the Dead. A few days on Earth felt like years here, there was a reason Yao was relaxing instead of working…

Vanessa looked at Death, who ignored her, she tiptoed away and Death glanced at her before looking away. Vanessa froze before running away, cheering "Yippie! I'm free!" Yao chuckled and rested her chin on the back of her hand, watching Vanessa run in the direction of Ace.

Death said suddenly "You believe him to be capable? He has not sent a single soul to me." Yao smiled gently and replied "He wouldn't accept anything else. The boy does not take lightly to bondage, he requires freedom. Plus, you saw what he did to Thanos."

Death looked at an image of Thanos now, his right arm rotting and his chest flesh missing strips as though they were peeled off.

Yao waved her hand and the image disappeared as she smiled "He's stronger than he knows." Death replied indifferently "He wouldn't have died if that was the case." Yao replied "We will see."